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Wayne Allensworth

Wayne Allensworth is the author of The Russian Question: Nationalism, Modernization, and Post-Communist Russia (Rowman & Littlefield).

  Disconnected: Our Virtual Unreality
  Playing the Trump Card
  Manual Control
  A Long Time Gone
  An American Tragedy
  Obama’s Manufactured Border Crisis
  Silver or Lead: The Reverse Assimilation of the Southwest
  The Con Man
  The Brothers Tsarnaev: Assimilating Terrorists
  Welcoming Terrorists, Locking Down Citizens
  Giving Up, Giving In
  It Will Be Sudden, It May Be Soon
  Ray Bradbury, R.I.P.
  More Human and More Tragic
  The Best Are Not the Brightest
  Unspoken Questions
  A Gentleman and a Scholar
  Breivik: No Patriot, No Christian
  Osama in Pakistan
  Libya and Putin
  Not Necessarily Muslim
  Russian Migrants
  The Bookman
  Reaganism and the External Threat
  Who Won the Cold War?
  Child Abuse, the State, and the Russian Family
  Anatomy of a Murder
  Is Putin Returning?
  Obama Goes to Moscow
  Unnatural Causes
  What “Terrible Lesson” Can Russia Teach Us?
  Change is in the Air
  The Journeys of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
  Stumbling Into (Another) War
  A Case of Russophobia
  Anarcho-Tyranny in Action
  Something Big
  Georgians In Londonistan
  A Crackdown On Christians
  The Day of Conception
  Children of a Lesser God?
  Well Into Spring, Even With Snow
  Our Terror Sanctuary
  The Yuma Amnesty Files
  No Country for Honorable Men: The Prosecution of the “Border Patrol Two”
  Iraq as “Intelligence Failure”: We Told You So
  Goodbye, Mr. Bond
  Islam, Immigration, and the Alienists Among Us
  A Broad Path to Destruction
  Influx of Illegal Aliens
  Russia’s Demographic Crisis
  The Fire Next Time (A Message to Culture Warriors)
  "October Surprise"
  Christians in Iraq
  An Adversarial Culture
  War Images
  Losing the “War on Terror” at the Border
  Downing Street Memo
  A Place to Stand
  Why Russia Does Not Fear an Iranian Bomb
  Becoming Extinct
  A Rumor of War
  War on the Home Front
  Everything Dies
  Key Proposals
  Remembering the Alamo
  The Bush Clan at the “Oligarchs’ Ball”
  The League of Frightened Gentlemen: U.S. Occupation and Iraqi “Sovereignty”
  Strange Bedfellows
  Firing the Government
  Managed Democracy
  Johnny Cash, R.I.P.
  The Real War
  Palestinianization and the Iraq War
  Murder in Politics
  Hardened Line
  Avoiding a Crisis
  A Place Called Home
  A Surprising Threat of Veto
  Memorial Day
  Paying the Price
  Giving Up Saddam
  Cancelling a Contract
  Hard Bargaining
  Living With the Questions
  Little Goodbyes
  You Can’t Get There From Here
  Remembering Tender Mercies
  All the Time in the World
  The Next Sound You Hear
  Christmas, Texas
  The Trees of Autumn
  Mighty Seer, in Days of Old
  Chief Target
  The Season of Rain and Death
  Been There, Done That
  The Problem With Religious Secular Zealots
  What's Wrong With "Compassionate Conservatism"?
  Apocalypse Now