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CNN | 2016-02-08

What's in the $200,000 Oscars gift bag?

(CNN)Don't feel bad for the losers at this year's Academy Awards ceremony -- they won't be leaving empty-handed. According to The Daily Beast, this year's...

Graphic | 2016-02-08

Global action against FGM heats up

The International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation, observed on February 6, every year, is an awareness campaign to end a harmful practice...

CounterPunch | 2016-02-08

Organic Agriculture, Capitalism and the Parallel World of the Pro-GMO Evangelist

Consider that India had for generations sustained one of the highest densities of population on earth, without any chemical fertilisers, pesticides, exotic...

U.N. condemns North Korea rocket launch

SEOUL, South Korea - The U.N. Security Council condemned North Korea's launch of a long-range rocket that world leaders called a banned test of ballistic...

The Hindu | 2016-02-08

Two more Taiwan quake survivors found, toll could exceed 100

Rescuers pulled two survivors from the rubble of a Taiwan apartment block on Monday more than 48 hours after it was toppled by an earthquake, but the mayor of...

Open Minds Worldwide

Alternet | 2016-02-08

It Is Paul Krugman Who Lives in a Fantasy World, Not Bernie Supporters

Krugman wants people to be rational and pragmatic like he is. They aren't—and sometimes that is a...

Alternet | 2016-02-08

The Koch Brothers, Sheldon Adelson and the Right's Destructive Racket

Internal memos reveal the slimy tactics political donors use to hide their campaign contributions...

Alternet | 2016-02-08

This Election So Far Is an Insurrection Against a Rigged System

Sanders has ended the coronation and fired up the grass roots. Now Clinton's electability argument...