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The Independent | 2016-02-07

Taiwan earthquake: Building toppled by quake was known for its 'poor construction'

Rescuers have painstakingly pulled more survivors from the remains of a high-rise block of flats that collapsed on Saturday in a powerful earthquake, as...

The Associated Press | 2016-02-07

Afghanistan hopes for talks with Taliban this month

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- Afghanistan expects to hold direct talks with the Taliban by the end of this month, an official said Sunday. Foreign Ministry...

BBC News | 2016-02-07

Rise in rape claims linked to online dating

The number of people reporting being raped by someone they met on a dating app or website has risen six-fold in five years, official figures show. There were...

Voa News | 2016-02-07

Jihadists Release Elderly Woman Kidnapped in Burkina Faso

VOA News Niger has gained the release of an elderly Australian woman kidnapped last month along with her husband by jihadists in neighboring Burkina Faso. Niger...

Open Minds Worldwide

Creators Syndicate | 2016-02-08

The Clinton Curse Returns

WASHINGTON — In the many decades I have had the pleasure of covering the Clintons, I have...

Alternet | 2016-02-07

Why the Angriest White Voters Will Not Leave His Side

Trump may have finished second in Iowa, but he's far from finished. His base is as fearful as ever....

Alternet | 2016-02-07

Ted Cruz Is America’s ‘God Squad’ Bully-Boy Goon

Two Canadian-born brutes were in the news this week. We found ourselves this week talking about two...