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Top Stories Worldwide | 2016-01-27

Long-Range N. Korean Missile Test On Horizon: Japanese Government Official

The rogue government of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un could be preparing to launch a long-range missileL in as soon as a week just weeks after the... | 2016-01-27

Wal-Mart Closings To Create 'Food Deserts' In 3 States

The closing of 154 Wal-Mart stores across the country will create what the U.S. Department of Agriculture calls three new “food deserts,” The Associated Press...

Open Minds Worldwide

Creators Syndicate | 2016-01-28

A Manifesto of My Own

WASHINGTON — In reading Paul Johnson's masterful "Art: A New History," I came across a...

Creators Syndicate | 2016-01-28

Hillary's Past Meets the Present

WASHINGTON — Did any of the political cognoscenti consult Real Clear Politics last Thursday?...

Alternet | 2016-01-27

As Court Shields Drone War, Will Obama's 'Kill List' Ever See Daylight?

The drone war just got a major boost in federal court. A federal court just gave a major boost to...

Alternet | 2016-01-27

Republicans' Grasp of National Security Is at Child's Level

Former defense secretary says level of dialogue among candidates "would embarrass a middle...

Alternet | 2016-01-27

Six Cops Who Shot 137 Rounds at Unarmed Couple Fired, But Can Still Work as Cops

Neither of the victims was armed or suspected of anything more serious than traffic violations. Six...