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‘Anarchy – Civil or Subversive?’ : A Collection of Texts against Civil Anarchism (Dark Matter/ACN)

November 9th, 2015

Here’s a new link for our booklet about Civil Anarchism, due to a bug showing a 404 on the sidebar, which we can’t access right now. Beyond the ‘Movement’ – Anarchy!


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Posted in Library |

Video: ‘Nekuje’ – Children killed by the Turkish security forces + Informational PDFs (Kurdistan)

January 23rd, 2016

Video received from KJA – Congress of Free Women, ‘Nekuje’ (Don’t Kill).

PDF: KJA – ‘Nekuje’, Children killed by Turkish security forces

PDF: KJA – Destruction of our People’s Graveyards

PDF: KJA – Report on the conflict process, political situation and women in Kurdistan

Please spread & repost.

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Posted in Autonomy |

Korydallos Prison: Update on new repressions against CCF & Nikos Romanos (Greece)

January 22nd, 2016

Yesterday on the 20th of January another sudden search was once again conducted inside the cells housing imprisoned members of the anarchist organization Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF) as well as anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos at Section A of Korydallos Prison.

The search was coordinated by prison official Victoria Marsioni who had previously made threats against CCF members involving disciplinary transfers to other facilities after they hung a banner in solidarity with the hunger strike of anarchist Evi Statiri.

It is most certain that Marsioni is not acting independently but receives orders from above and this recent search is merely another addition to a systematic exercise of pressure against the imprisoned members of the CCF, which is orchestrated by high ranking officials of the ‘leftist’ Ministry of Justice and Counter-Terrorism Police.

(via Athens Indymedia, Insurrection News, translated by BlackCat)

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Prague: Network of Revolutionary Cells claim responsibility for several acts of sabotage against Řízkárna (Czech Republic)

January 22nd, 2016

Network of Revolutionary Cells (SRB) has sabotaged cars of the Řízkárna restaurant
in Prague four times this year. Space for reaction of the thief Vladimír Krulec was
given. He could have reacted in several different ways. For example, he could have
made some calculations and realized that paying his people for work would cost him
less than covering sabotage losses. He failed at these simple calculations though.

He used various tools against the SRB and other parts of the anarchistic movement.
He tried to ridicule, demonize and threaten us. His threats however cause exactly
what a reasonable person would expect. More resistance against his restaurant. Thief
and bully who likes to make himself look like a victim in the press is giving,
through this behaviour, massive amounts of energy to those who don’t want to see his crimes against the working class go unpunished. This very same energy started the second wave of the Řízkárna resistance. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Direct Action |

Artefacto incendiario desactivado al interior de un banco BCI en Maipu (Chile)

January 22nd, 2016

[Noticias de la Guerra Social]

A las 03:40 de la madrugada del 18 de enero del 2016, la cámara de
vigilancia del banco BCI ubicado en la comuna de Maipu en la avenida
pajaritos a la altura del paradero 17 capto a un encapuchado dejando un
artefacto sospechoso en el sector de los cajeros automáticos.
Finalmente el objeto resulto ser un artefacto incendiario compuesto
principalmente de un bidón de bencina, mas un sistema que no alcanzo a
ser ignición dejando lamentablemente los cajeros y la infraestructura
financiera intacta.
Al día siguiente, tras percatarse de este elemento rápidamente fueron
los bastardos del GOPE y demases policías especializadas a desactivar
aquel artefacto.
Ricardo Barriga, mayor de la 25 Comisaria de Maipú señalo: “Se logra
establecer que hay elementos que revisten alguna característica de
artefacto incendiario, con lo cual se efectúa el protocolo de rigor,
concurrencia del equipo del GOPE, estableciéndose la presencia de
algunos elementos que podrían hacer establecer científicamente respecto
a algún artefacto explosivo”,
Finalmente la investigación quedo en manos de la fiscalía sur,
autodenominada especialista en casos de atentados explosivos o
incendiarios, sin que hasta el momento existan reivindicaciones del
ataque al entramado financiero.

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Posted in Direct Action |

Solidarity actions against French consulate and VINCI owned companies (Australia)

January 22nd, 2016

Disruption of VINCI and French Consulate

To the defenders of the ZAD,
Solidarity from anarchists in so-called ‘Melbourne, Australia’- the never-ceded indigenous land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation, stolen and occupied by the genocidal settler-colonial state.

In response to recent threats of violent eviction by the French State, actions were taken at several locations in Melbourne, the city built on the stolen lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation, in colonised Australia. The actions targetted the French consulate and offices of companies of the VINCI corporate-family linked to the proposed destruction of land at the Zone-A-Defendre.

The French consulate was attacked with paint and its locks were stuffed and glued.
The Offices of Menard-Bachy and Fressynet (both companies owned by VINCI), had their windows broken and slogans in support of the ZAD painted on the facade.

The Melbourne office of Electrix (a company owned by VINCI) was redecorated with a number of slogans celebrating resistance to VINCI’s plans.

For information see http://zad.nadir.org

(photos and text)



(or clearnet links ):




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Posted in Direct Action |

Police raid Chūkaku-ha base over long-time Shibuya riot fugitive, arrest two (Japan)

January 22nd, 2016

via throwoutyourbooks:

On January 18th, police raided a small apartment in Kita ward in Tokyo, where they uncovered hints on the whereabouts of Masaaki Ōsaka. Now aged 66, Ōsaka was an activist in the far-left radical group Chūkaku-ha and is named as a suspect in the death of a police officer during a riot in Shibuya 45 years ago.

Police announced that the apartment was a Chūkaku-ha ajito, or secret base, and that they believe Ōsaka is had been living there until a few years ago. This is the first known raid on a place where he is suspected to have resided. Ōsaka has been on the lam the longest among the most-wanted fugitives in Japan. His image remains a common sight on wanted posters at police substations, especially in Tokyo.

Police perennially make announcements about Ōsaka as they find the crumbs left behind on his fugitive trail. In 2012, an ajito was exposed in Tachikawa City, west Tokyo, and items seized from it revealed possibilities that Ōsaka was hiding out somewhere in Kita ward. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Social Control |

Statement from Eco-Prisoner Marius Mason for the Trans Prisoner Day of Action and Solidarity January 22nd 2016 (USA)

January 21st, 2016

Happy New Year, Family and Friends! Many, many thanks for so much support and care over this year from both long-standing friends and new pen pals. I feel very grateful and am always humbled by the encouragement and resources sent my way by folks who are doing so much already to increase our collective chances for survival. The news has been full of stories about someone winning the big money pool that has accumulated for the US Lotto – but the most important “win” has nothing to do with money. I am betting on the movement to win big this year: in getting more control over their communities and defending against police brutality and racial inequality, in winning more victories for animal and in the defense of wild spaces, in creating social relations based on respect, dignity and compassion for all people… irregardless of their race, orientation, creed or gender presentation. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Vienna: Anarchist Black Cross Solidarity Festival, 28/4 – 01/5 2016 (Austria)

January 20th, 2016

The booking for the ABC FESTIVAL 2016 started and the date is set 28.04.-01.05.2016! We will keep you updated about the Lineup!


This year again it will be a cooperation with the diy fest in Nijmegen!


Spread the word!

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Radio Fragmata: Radio spot for Solidarity to Gabriel and Juankar (Spain, Greece)

January 20th, 2016

MP3 Download: Solidarity to Gabriel and Juankar

Pirate radio spot for Solidarity to Gabriel and Juankar by Radio Fragmata.


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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva wins his demands and stops hunger strike (Spain)

January 20th, 2016

Yesterday, 19 January, imprisoned anarchist Gabriel Pombo da Silva came off his hunger strike which he started on the 17 January with the demand to get a single cell. The comrade won his demand and stopped the hunger strike. Companion Juankar Santana Martín, who started a hunger strike in solidarity also stopped his hunger strike. The move by the prison lackies of Dueñas to mess around with Gabriel is a typical act to provoke him during his regular prison transfers.
The victory for his demand shows that each attempt by the authorities to harass our imprisoned comrades should be met with resistance and agitation. Solidarity to those who fight.

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Genesis P-Orridge “Esoterrorist” – Selected Essays 1980-1988 (UK)

January 20th, 2016

PDF: Genesis P-Orridge – Esoterrorist

It is always difficult to know what to say when one introduces new ideas to the public, particularly when such ideas run against the grain of established thought. The work and writings of Genesis P-Orridge are no exception to this rule.

The writings in this volume are by no means the collected output of one who has spent their entire adult life publicly questioning inherited values and thought patterns, rather, this is a representation of their work spanning the later Throbbing Gristle era (ca. 1980) through about 1988. No attempt has been made to collate the pieces either chronologically or by subject, it seems preferable to offer them in random order. Thus, it is not essential to read them sequentially – pick up the book, thumb through the pages until something arouses your interest, then read that article or passage.

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty |

‘Why We Must Ban Islam’ by Ex-Muslim Socialist Writer Serkan Engin (Turkey)

January 19th, 2016

Long running readers of 325 will understand that we need not add the unneeded disclaimer that as nihilists and anti-civilisation anarchists we do not respect the deceptive declarations of “Human Rights”, as they are simply a democratic lie used by power to rule. And similarly, that we do not agree with any ‘ban’ that is enforced by the state or otherwise. Yet, we add this note here as a rebuke to the idea that we have to answer or explain ourselves to anybody. “Ana ‘l-Ḥaqq” {I am the Truth} . Burn the Koran, burn the Mosques.

I think 3rd World War has already begun between civilization and the barbaric death cult of Islam. Yes, Samuel Huntington was right.

How can we describe a “religion”? By its followers number? If there were “one billion” (like the number of Muslims all over the world) believers in Satanism who support that they have the right to sacrifice children because of their belief, can you say “of course, we have freedom of belief”?

Islam cannot be reformed, if it was possible, it must have been reformed since 1400 years. Islam cannot be reformed because of internal structure of its theology. Islam theology raised from Quran and Hadiths have concrete orders about the daily life of the Muslims, for example the ratio of spoils that the Muslim army will take after a war with non-Muslims or the permission to enslave women and little girls as spoils of war, or how Muslims must kill homosexuals, apostates, non-Muslims, or how Muslims must cut hand of a thief, how Muslims must stone to death a woman for adultery, etc. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty |

Brief report about actions that happened in the past few years in Japan

January 19th, 2016

Here is a quick overview of some armed attacks and social turbulence in Japan over the past few years. There must be many things missing, but for the sake that this news below doesn’t make it through the translation and information void, and to spread black anarchy, the following could be interesting reading…

14 January 2016, Okinawa – 380 demonstrators blockade police outside the site of a proposed new U.S. military base. The United States aims to relocate Futenma U.S. base in Okinawa to Henoko Bay, Nago, which is bitterly contested by locals and environmentalists. 50,000 U.S. service personnel and their families are based in Japan. The United States have never ended their occupation since the horrific atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and subsequent invasion at the end of World War 2. Many people in Japan and especially Okinawa, where the bulk of U.S. troops are based, resent their presence and want them to leave. Many people in Japan are against the expansion of Japan’s Self-Defence forces and increasingly militarist and security-orientated policies. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Autonomy |

Gabriel Pombo da Silva on hunger strike against his conditions of imprisonment (Spain)

January 19th, 2016

Anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva who is held hostage by the Spanish state and has recently been ‘ghosted’ (transferred suddenly to another prison) from Topas, Salamanca, to Dueñas, Palencia, has started a hunger strike. The hunger strike is to demand a single cell, as the Spanish authorities always try to revenge Gabriel by putting him in cells with junkies, snitches and other scum, like rapists. By censoring, monitoring and interfering with his correspondence and visits in direct provocations and keeping placing him with the scum, the authorities want to make Gabriel pliant to the new incentives and privileges scheme that they are using across Spain to keep the prisoners heads down. Gabriel has already been forced to endure over 30 years of imprisonment at the hands of the Spanish State, in some of the worst conditions of annihilation. Gabriel started the hunger strike on 17th January, and he is joined by another companion, Juankar Santana Martín, also in the prison of Dueñas.

Solidarity to Gabriel and Juankar!

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

An Appeal For Support of Kevan Thakrar – Written by John Bowden (UK)

January 19th, 2016

Investigating division and conflict amongst the poorest and most oppressed as a means of control has always been a favoured strategy of the ruling class and within it’s prisons (the laboratories of oppression) where the most disempowered experience naked repression the weapon of divide and conquer is sometimes used with murderous effect.

Within the British prison system there exist prisons within prisons, places of concentrated repression where “troublemakers” and those who fight back are sent to be broken, and where those who inflict the repression encourage prisoners to take the rage created by that repression out on each other, thereby generating an unending cycle of violence, which is used to justify the use of even greater repression. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

‘Communique 1′ from the Anti Fascist Revolutionary Front

January 19th, 2016

325 receives and transmits:

Migrants assaulted, refugees’ houses burned, attacks on social revolutionaries,
anti-semitic attacks, Muslims (And ex-Muslims) having to fear when an attack is
coming, racist murders by police and fascists; increased presence of fascists in the
mainstream political arena, calls to “gas” and “shoot” migrants and non-white
people, Daesh waging their fascist war, Golden Dawn patrolling the streets looking
for migrants and social revolutionaries. This heinous cocktail of authority
resulting from the ever increasing crisis that is capitalism is growing, this
heinous cocktail is a declaration of war.
Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in Anti-Fascist |

London Anti-Fascist Prisoners (UK)

January 19th, 2016

From ABC London:

Two anti-fascist prisoners currently serving a custodial sentence in relation to a fight with the South East Alliance in London during the summer of 2014. If you would like to write to either K or D, address envelopes to one of them and send to Freedom Bookshop. They will then be forwarded on to them. Remember to include a name and address on the card/letter for the prison to accept it.


K or D,
c/o Freedom Bookshop,
Angel Alley,
84b Whitechapel High Street,
London, E1 7QX.

We at London Anti-Fascists believe history has taught us that anti-fascist action is ALWAYS self-defense. It’s in that radical tradition of confronting fascist’s and their ideas that we organise to create a space for working class organisation in order to realise a world without hunger or fear.

Posted in Anti-Fascist |

War against Turkey & ISIS/Daesh: Internationalist fighters in Rojava call on youth to join Bakur’s resistance (Kurdistan, Turkey, Syria)

January 15th, 2016

Thursday, January 14, 2016 4:10 PM

Internationalist combatants fighting in the ranks of YPG/YPJ (People’s/Women’s Defense Units) have released a statement saluting the self-rule resistance in Bakur (North) Kurdistan. Revolutionaries called upon the youths to join the resistance alongside the YPS (Civil Defense Units) and guerrilla forces.

The press conference by internationalist combatants was held at the border between Qamislo city of Rojava and Nusaybin town of Bakur Kurdistan. The statement in Kurdish, Spanish, German and English also called upon youths worldwide to support the Kurdistan revolution.

The press release by revolutionaries from Germany, France and Spain is as follows;

“We are revolutionaries from all over the world who have come to Kurdistan out of their own free will to join the struggle for liberation.

We are living in a time of constant emergency. While at the heart of the Leviathan the enemy continues to numb, stupefy and enslave the people in the most thorough and wicked way, the fringes are lost in war. Today the oppression of 500 years of capitalism lives on in countless forms.

The rulers know no limits when it comes to securing their wealth and pursuing their interests. If we look at all the news of a single day it is easy to simply drown in despair. And that is exactly the point. We are to believe that there is no alternative, that the system we live in is the only option. When the soviet union collapsed it was said that we are at “the end of history”. But now, 25 years later, we see once more that capitalism isn’t and never has been able to solve our problems. On the contrary, every so-called solution has only multiplied the existing problems.

The system thrives on oppression. The oppressors need us. They cannot exist without us, but we can without them. Slavery, war and sorrow, loneliness and despair are neither fate nor coincidence, they are inevitable characteristics of a capitalist society. It is therefore our most urgent duty to organize against it. As much as they try to overwhelm our conscience and plant their truth in our hearts – we will not be deceived any longer. The alternative exists, right in front of our eyes.

For more than 40 years the resistance of the PKK against the occupiers, most notably the Turkish state, has never faltered. The PKK fight for freedom and autonomy, not just for Kurds but for all peoples of the Middle East. 4 years ago the fire caught in the western part of Kurdistan called Rojava, which was then liberated from the Syrian occupation. Rojava’s people self-organized, leading to a full-scale social revolution. Everywhere they founded councils and communes for local administration, and cooperatives as basis for a new economy. The historical resistance that was put up to defend the revolution, the fight of the guerilla; liberation of women, radical democracy and ecology as foundation of an alternative society – these are our hopes in the 21st century. We draw courage and belief from the revolution in Kurdistan.

The situation right now is very critical. The war in Northern Kurdistan, the part occupied by Turkey, has been raging for half a year. The attack on the guerrilla-controlled territories by the Turkish occupation forces on 24th of July was answered by the people by declarations of Democratic Autonomy in many areas in Northern Kurdistan. They built up communes and local councils, just like in Rojava. Led by the YDGH and YDGK youth and young women’s movement the people organized their self-defense and erected barricades in their neighborhoods. The Turkish state saw this as a threat to its authority that had for the last years merely existed symbolically in the Kurdish regions and attacked with uninhibited brutality.

For months now the people, most notably the revolutionary youth, have been resisting against the second-biggest army of NATO. Heavy fighting continues in the cities of Cizîre, Silopya, Nisêbîn, Kerboran, Şirnex, Gever and the Sûr and Farqîn neighborhoods of Amed.

During the winter months the snow limits very much the movement of the guerrilla. This is why the enemy does everything in his power to break the will of the people before spring. In the 90ies the state burned down thousands of villages to separate the population from the guerrilla and force the people to become refugees. Today they attempt the very same, attacking civilians with tanks, helicopters and heavy artillery.

Everyday there is news of children, youths and whole families massacred by state forces. The state has send thousands of its best troops and heavy weaponry into the Kurdish regions to quell the revolutionary insurrection. The occupation forces have decreed curfews in all Kurdish cities, cut off water and electricity and keep spreading anti-Kurdish propaganda while heavily censoring all Turkish media outlets. But despite all this the people have stood up to all intimidation attempts and fight everyday with unwavering courage and conviction in the streets of north Kurdistan. Recently the civil defense units YPS, modeled after the Rojavan YPG, have been built up to support this resistance.

We congratulate the creation of the YPS and send our warmest greetings and respect to the YDGH. Many of our comrades have fallen in this struggle. Their memory gives us strength and their sacrifice will not have been in vain. We will carry on the flame of revolution with all our heart and mind. Our place is here, side by side with our comrades, fighting for a free Kurdistan and Middle East.

We call on all revolutionaries worldwide – join the resistance. This is not the time to sit at home and ponder what might be. We are building and defending the future now. We call for resistance and solidarity. Rise against the imperialist forces. Attack the institutions of the Turkish state all over the world. Come to Kurdistan and join the forces of YPJ, YPS and the guerrilla!”

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Posted in Autonomy |

War against ISIS/Daesh: Long live the Lions of Rojava – Photo of a few American fighters (Kurdistan, Syria)

January 15th, 2016

For dignity, solidarity, freedom – American fighters of Lions of Rojava.

Death to the terrorists of Islamic-fascism – Total liberation.

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Posted in Autonomy |

Brescia: Claim of the attack on the police training centre and communiqué of Cellula Anarchica Acca (Italy)

January 14th, 2016

During the night between 17th and 18th December we placed a device (8kg of gunpowder) at the police ‘training centre’ in Brescia. A symbolic action intended to cause material damage. We chose that time so as not to harm people indiscriminately.

With this action we began our projectuality of Anarchist attack as Cellula Anarchica Acca (C.A.A) in affinity with the black international, and add ourselves to the call for action for a BLACK DECEMBER.

We are joining this trajectory because:

We like the idea of an international coordination of anarchists for direct action.
Our idea of ‘complicity’ goes beyond groups and factions.
We are using the means we consider appropriate, seeking growth in the minimal details of the action. In that sense this action is nothing in terms of material damage, but it is important in arming our self-organization, especially at a time when we sense great resignation among anarchists in Italy.

We attacked one of the armed wings of the state. Cops from all over Italy and other states are trained at this ‘school’. This is also a little signal against war.

We are in solidarity with all those who struggle against all states and capital.
Our thoughts go to the many comrades who are repressed, locked up, tortured or killed at the present time and in the past. In solidarity with all prisoners in struggle.

This is a signal of complicity to those who are locked up: To Alfredo for shooting Adinolfi; to Chiara (NO TAV anarchist) for the attack on the construction site; to Nicola Gai, who with Alfredo kneecapped the Ansaldo managing director, which is the least he deserved; to Nico (NO TAV anarchist).

To Monica and Francisco, who are resisting in the Spanish prisons with simplicity and dignity.
To Tamara Sol, who showed us how to avenge our comrades.
To Nikos for his simple and humble contribution to a call for struggle.
To the comrades of the CCF.
To the comrades who struggle in prison and outside.


Reply to the text entitled ‘Under pressure’.
The main push to action is not pressure that makes us explode, but unlimited passion that liberates.
That is what pushed us to arm ourselves that night in Brescia: The passion of trying to free ourselves from exploitation, that of a life that deserves to be lived, the passion for freedom.
Passions are desires transformed into action, the most wonderful gestures of life in the face of the pervasive banality of the spectacle. It is this passion without limits that exploded that night in Brescia.

The questions we put to who wrote that text are:
Do actions not speak for themselves?
Why talk about actions now?

We didn’t like reading ‘this is the pressure that exploded that night in Brescia’, concerning that action, even it was written in ‘good faith’. We didn’t live it like that. Actions per se don’t always speak for themselves, and this is proof of it.

Anarchist Cell Acca


[Editors’ note: we assume that the text referred to is 'Sotto pressione' published by finimondo.org]

Translated by act for freedom now

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