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Archive for the ‘Direct Action’ Category

Prague: Network of Revolutionary Cells take responsibility for incendiary attack against police vehicles in solidarity with imprisoned vegan anarchist Martin Ignačák (Czech Republic)

Monday, February 29th, 2016

Communique: Police cars set on fire with solidarity with anarchist Martin Ignačák.

A fire of two police cars took place on 14th February 2016 right by the police office at Nad Úpadem street. The fire itself was initiated by time flammable device. The Network of Revolutionary Cells (SRB) – Solidarity Subversion Cell, is responsible for this sabotage. The cars were set on fire in solidarity with anarchist Martin Ignačák. He is being held in Prague – Pankrác prison, where he is being tortured.

Martin, as a fighter against capitalism is facing attacks from those, who want to keep the continuity of capitalism exploitation. Imprisonment is one of those attacks. The other one then is refusing to give him the food he needs. Martin is vegan and he has good reasons for being so. He doesn’t want to eat bodies of unnecessarily killed animals. He also doesn’t want to eat eggs, milk and other products from which the animals suffered. Before he was taken into custody he was eating only plant based food, that means vegan food. And the prison administration doesn’t respect it. They’re refusing to give him vegan food, although vegan food is a part of the prison administration’s rules, not to mention that the other imprisoned vegans are being given vegan food with no problem at all. Martin is in no doubt being tortured, and it can lead to a very serious health problems or death.

These torturing methods that are used against Martin Ignačák are unacceptable. We don’t believe that it will help if we just ask the institutions of the state, because they’re part of the problem. So anarchists are rather choosing direct action. Solidarity expressed in subversive activity against structures, that torture our comrade and makes sure that capitalism continues. Police is a part of these structures. That’s why the sabotage was on their cars, because the cars are technologies that help with oppression.

Martin Ignačák is now waiting in prison for the official court process. A spectacle where the society will be scared away by terrorism and extremism – the words, that the state’s servants like to use when they speak about anarchism so that the substance of emancipation would be hidden from people that otherwise have a lot of reasons to rage alongside us.

The official court process will for sure be a big demonstration of power. Theater scene in which the main character will be a big monster that everyone is afraid of. This role will be played by the states and their servants. There are no doubts, that the verdict was already said a long time ago. Martin Ignačák was sentenced to die. And it’s starting off by not giving him the food he needs to survive. The Network of Revolutionary Cells will not tolerate this. Our subversion will be present as long as we don’t get what we want. In the short term horizon, we want dignity for Martin Ignačák. In the long time horizon, we want to destroy the system that makes us and Martin lose our dignity.

Solidarity with Martin Ignačák!

Solidarity with everyone who is facing oppression from the state!

Solidarity Subversion Cell / Network of Revolutionary Cells (SRB) – 14. 2. 2016


Links: 1, 2.

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Comunicado – Acciones panfletarias en Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Sunday, February 28th, 2016

El día 9/2 a las 3:15 am, dejamos una botella que hizo implosión, logrando que vuelen unos panfletos que se encontraban anexados a la botella. El lugar que elegimos fue una escuela de polícia de la zona sur del conurbano bonarense, fábrica de bastardos uniformados, pilar fundamental de este sistema de opresión.

Odiamos la autoridad y despreciamos este mundo de reproducción de miseria constante. La opresión continua que sentimos entre la rutina del laburo y el control social, es algo que no podemos tolerar si anhelamos recuperar nuestras vidas y enlazarlas con la intensidad de momentos de libertad. Es por eso mismo que decidimos dar un golpe a la seguridad y a la tranquilidad de una noche llena de vigilantes y golpear en su casa. (more…)

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La Cisterna: Reivindicación de ataque incendiario/explosivo contra Banco Santander (Chile)

Saturday, February 27th, 2016

Reivindicación de ataque incendiario/explosivo contra Banco Santander. La Cisterna. Chile, 2016.

A lxs insurrectxs, a lxs revolucionarxs, a compañerxs afines y cómplices: asumimos la absoluta responsabilidad del ataque destructivo llevado a cabo durante la madrugada del día jueves 25 de febrero de 2016 con un artefacto incendiario/explosivo contra la sucursal del Banco Santander ubicada en Avenida José Miguel Carrera casi esquina Avenida Fernández Albano.

Con una mezcla incendiaria compuesta por napalm y bencina dentro de un bidón plástico, y adosados a él cinco cartuchos de gas butano-propano, todo detonado gracias a un doble sistema de relojería configurado para manejar el tiempo necesario que nos permitió retirarnos del lugar y entorno sin contratiempos ni sorpresas pese a ser una noche particularmente asediada por contingentes policiales bajo la burda estrategia del control preventivo masivo. Ante éste contexto, caracterizadxs y decididxs logramos nuevamente avanzar y ridiculizar sus medidas represivas concretando así la destrucción anteriormente planificada.

Saliendo al paso del aparecido subrogante de turno, jamás hemos pretendido iniciar o contribuir a un debate “democrático” ni dictatorial ni popular eso deben tenerlo más que claro, la historia así lo ha demostrado y nuestro presente aporta y nutre la continuidad de la guerra contra el Estado-Capital. Transitando en éste permanente conflicto hemos decidido responder al llamado solidario con Francisco Solar y Mónica Caballero, prisionerxs en España desde el año 2013 y prontos a iniciar el juicio en su contra que ansía la sepultura de lxs compañerxs con varias décadas de cárcel. (more…)

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9 cars burnt in Mulheim by Wildfire Cell – ALF/ELF/FAI (Germany)

Thursday, February 25th, 2016

In the early hours of February 14th, we set fire to the urban-cemetary of Mulheim An Der Ruhr, burning nine cars by placing home made incendiary devices on the tires. To us all cars are equally disgusting and toxic machines of the techno-industrial system, so we burn them indiscriminately, choosing not to limit ourselves to targeting some abstract definition of “luxury” cars.

This attack was an act of vengeance for all the nonhuman comrades crushed on the roads of human “progress”, and whose lives and homes are destroyed every day to produce cars for the smooth functioning of society and the accumulation of power to the hands of the corporations destroying our home, the natural environment.

We chose to act one day before the original date of the court case for the attempted escape of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Imprisoned Members Cell, to stand with them until all prisons are ashes and ruins, and all human and nonhuman comrades are free.

We also send our greetings, love and rage to Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar, whose court trial has been set for the 8th, 9th and 10th of March for the bombing of two churches in Spain.

This is a gesture of complicity in the war for total liberation.

Onward with the violent rejection of civilization and its values.

Until all are free!

Wildfire Cell – ALF/ELF/FAI

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‘Circle of Individualists for Anarky’ & ‘Grupo Kapibara FAI-FRI’ claim responsibility for arson of Andrés Bello University in Santiago (Chile)

Monday, February 22nd, 2016

Translated from Spanish by Palmer Amaranth

“Civilization is the war that some humans have unleashed against nature a few thousand years ago in order to increase their own power. This war continues today. A system of domination increasingly powerful and invasive, thanks to the support of its technological control devices, but which has failed to eliminate from the face of the earth the resistance of certain individuals, of some not yet civilized communities, of the wild which is reborn in every place abandoned by humans. All is not yet domesticated, wrought, alienated. Tangible signs of this are the countless attacks against authority and civilization that happen every day in different parts of the world, keeping in mind that we come to know only a small part of these attacks.”

People look at cell phones, other people look at more cell phones, it is an agreeable atmosphere for our intent. Meanwhile, someone delivers letters and documents, no one makes eye contact, access to the building was pretty easy, our previous observations give us the assurance. The first floor is at our mercy, the first barrier has fallen and there is only 10 meters to go. Scan the place and leave partly hidden the plastic bottle filled with gasoline and oil attached to an incendiary mixture of potassium nitrate and a timing device we hope will do its work in the morning. (more…)

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Communique by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Urban Guerilla Cell (Greece)

Thursday, February 18th, 2016

The plan.

To the anarchist “space”.

i. The call.

Every call for action, like “Black December“, is an attempt to coordinate our forces. It is an effort to interrupt the normal flow of reality. It is a plan to invade it with our own characteristics and subvert it. It is a poll of our desire for anarchy here and now, and of our ability to confront the forces of order. It is an occasion for people acquainted or not, to meet in the field of action and try to raid the palaces of the state, organized and abruptly. It is an international signal of complicity to all the comrades within and outside the walls that strengthens our solidarity. It is an anarchist agreement which confirms that there are people in all corners of the earth, that without speaking the same language, they coordinate the pulse of their hearts, align their gaze facing the enemy, clench their fists, wear a hood and attack against the social engine of authority, its structures and its relations.

The call of “Black December” had such moments …

And now what? Back to normality?

Each call for action may be just a snapshot of revolt repeating itself, waiting for the next anniversary, the next opportunity, the next “Call” or it might turn into an appointment with history…

To all those for whom anarchy means “I burn behind me the bridges of capitulation and of social peace”, the anarchist action has not any date of beginning or end…

Thus, the bet of “Black December” actually unlocks a larger bet. A bet for those whose calendar of attack is constantly stuck in today, here and now. The challenge of creating an autonomous anarchist pole for the organization of the anarchist urban guerrilla. (more…)

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FAI-IRF claim responsibility for the bomb left at the gendarmerie center in Santiago (Chile)

Thursday, February 18th, 2016

Santiago, Chile, February 11, 2016

On February 11, we headed for the intersection of Pedro Lagos and Arturo Prat, where the Chilean gendarmerie have their Center for Social Reintegration, and there we proceeded to place a powerful time-delayed bomb. This was a conscious and libertarian act which, far from wishing to harm passersby, sought to directly attack not only the premises’ facilities but also to in a single blow possibly take away the life of some guards, without regard to their rank or status. For us, putting an end to any of these miserables will always be a pleasure.

It is worth mentioning that the device failed, and that this clearly happened because of our mistake in its placement, and not the effective work of the police, as they are saying in the press. (more…)

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Second communique of ITS – 2016 (Mexico)

Sunday, February 14th, 2016

Crescent Moon of February

“Individualists Tending Toward the Wild” (ITS) claims responsibility for the following:

January 28th, 2016
-A timer-activated explosive device against the “National Water Commission” (Conagua) located on Avenida Insurgentes Sur, Delegación Tlalpan, Mexico City.
This device led to police mobilization.

-Homemade explosive detonated at the “Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fishing, and Nutrition” (Sagarpa) on Avenida Presidente Juárez de Tlalnepantla de Baz, Mexico State.
The explosive was left in front of the Secretariat in the city center of Tlalnepantla, around 9 o’clock in the evening. The device exploded successfully leaving two people wounded. The blast and shrapnel damaged several nearby cars and generated substantial police and military

February 3rd, 2016
-We detonated an explosive package in front of the conglomerate of the apartments known as “Tec Siuts” where students of the Tec of Monterrey inhabit, located on the highway Lago de Guadalupe in Atizapán, Mexico State.
– A homemade explosive device was detonated at one of the entrances of the Tec of Monterrey in similar manner on the Lago de Guadalupe highway in the same municipality.
With these two acts we remind those associated with that academic institution that we continue the War against all who promote and develop Scientific and Technological Progress, and who hide behind the walls of that abhorrent university (as well as others).

February 8th, 2016
-A fuze-activated package-bomb composed of dynamite was abandoned at the central offices of the Sagarpa in the Tabachines neighborhood in the municipality of Zapopan, Jalisco. The package was destined for the head of that federal institution.

-Another fuze-activated package bomb composed this time of a hard cardboard tube filled with gunpowder was abandoned at the “National Science and Technology Council” (Conacyt), destined for the head of that institution, in the Vallarta San Jorge neighborhood in Guadalajara, Jalisco.
Even though both explosives did not reach their respective targets (according to the press), and failed to wound or kill them, they caused great police and military mobilization in both municipalities. The press stated the following concerning this matter: “a police explosives
specialist commented that even if the devices did not contain a large amount of explosives, they could have caused fatal harm to those who were within a close radius of their explosion.”

Let it be known that ITS is also in Jalisco. This was only a test, and we continue to be committed to terrorizing, wounding, mutilating, and even killing those cynical people who, while hiding behind an institution that claims to be “concerned” about nature, are nevertheless directly responsible
for its devastation and domestication.
This isn’t over. The War continues!
Axkan Kema, Tehuatl, Nehuatl!!

Individualists Tending Toward the Wild:
-Feral-Criminal Band (Jalisco)
-Clandestine Group “Fury of the Lynx” (Mexico City)
-Ouroboros Silvestre (Mexico State)

Postscript for federal security forces:
Are you nervous because the groups that attack and commit terrorism against civilization are multiplying?
Are you nervous that the abhorrent and sickening visit of the Pope is just around the corner, because we are still out on the street, and you haven’t caught us yet?
You have lots of reasons to be nervous.



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Berlin: Burning cars and broken windows after police raid against Rigaer 94 (Germany)

Saturday, February 13th, 2016

Attack on police riot van in Friedrichshain during demo of Feb 6 2015

“R94 Lives!” read the fresh graffiti. Daubed in red paint across an office of Berlin’s ruling SPD scum, which lost its windows too, the slogan (since scrubbed off) referred to a massive police raid on an East Berlin squat on January 13, one of the largest and most controversial in Berlin’s recent history.

Following an attack of a police officer nearby, a 500-strong anti-riot team backed up by special forces, dogs and helicopters stormed into the so-called “occupied house” at 94, Rigaer Strasse (or “R94”) on Wednesday night. Police raided the two houses next door the following day and kept up a heavy stop-and-search presence till now.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5Zth5-uiV8

Taking place at one of Berlin’s best-known anarchist project, the raid has sent shockwaves through the city, sparking a heated debate on whether it was a case of necessary public safety or unlawful police overreach. For the police and their defenders, the raid was an inevitable consequence of continuing disorder and antagonism coming from the squat. For their critics, the assault on the officer was an excuse used by the police to launch an only quasi-lawful attack on people who they disliked. (more…)

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Saronno: Rotodyne headquarters attacked (Italy)

Tuesday, February 9th, 2016

In the night between 28 and 29 January the headquarters of Rotodyne offices in Saronno was hit by a Molotov cocktail. Rotodyne develops equipment for the maintenance and construction of helicopters and warplanes (EH 101, NH-90, EuroFighter Typhoon), including the Lockheed F35 Lightning, designed and used by the Marines, the aeronautic and the US navy, as well as by many other NATO countries, including Italy.

The distributors of its products, and the companies with which it collaborates, are Alenia-Airmacchi, Augusta Westland (Finmeccanica group), Aereotech, Patria Helicopters.

Its products have been adopted by the Danish, Irish, Greek, Oman and Italian armed forces; by the Dutch, Swedish and Italian police; by the army, coast guards and the Italian navy.

It’s impossible to remain passive in the face of those for whom war is a business.

It is right to attack them before their products can contribute to causing death and devastation.

To stand by without acting would have made us accomplices.


via actforfree, informa-azione.

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