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Let's move beyond ATARs: UNSW Vice-Chancellor Ian Jacobs


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Universities ignore ATAR scores

Up to 99% of applicants for some NSW university degrees have been admitted despite failing to meet the minimum ATAR score advertised for the course. Eryk Bagshaw reports.

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The Vice-Chancellor of the University of New South Wales has called for an end to the ATAR university admissions system as it currently stands, after a Fairfax Media investigation revealed that the practice of admitting students with low marks was rampant across the sector.

UNSW's Vice-Chancellor Ian Jacobs said NSW should move away from the ATAR as the only measurement of academic success as quickly as possible.

Ian Jacobs, Vice-Chancellor of the University of NSW.

Ian Jacobs, Vice-Chancellor of the University of NSW.

"We need a set of criteria that identifies the most talented students from all backgrounds, not ATAR alone," he said.

On Tuesday, an analysis of confidential data from the University of Sydney, Macquarie, Western Sydney University and UNSW revealed that students with ATARs as low as 30 were being offered places in business, teaching and engineering degrees.

An ATAR [Australia Tertiary Admissions Rank] is given to more than 50,000 NSW high school students in December each year. It has become the uniform four-digit rank to measure a student's ability against what universities believe is the minimum academic standard required to complete a course, as well as supply and demand for the degree.

In an opinion piece for Fairfax Media, Professor Jacobs' deputy, Iain Martin, argues there should be radical changes to the admissions process.

"Reducing six years of education to a single ranking is simplistic, let's have a constructive debate about what could replace the ATAR alone as a fairer, more comprehensive and contextual measure of academic potential". The measures could include secondary school performance in specific subjects beyond the HSC relevant to a particular degree and taking a students background into account before final marks are generated.

Richard Hill, a researcher in university management at Griffith University, said that the admission of students who were barely capable of completing an essay was a "chronic" problem throughout the tertiary education industry.

"If you have a pulse you can get in," said Professor Hill. "It's a very serious issue at the coalface for academics who often have to teach students who are semi-literate, if you ask any academic that has become a massive concern".

"We've known about diminishing standards, pressures on academics, and letting people into courses with ATARs of 30, how on earth are they getting away with this without a public inquiry?"

He said the the low quality of candidates entering universities put the future of the Australian workforce at risk, particularly in key industries such as nursing and engineering.

"Employer organisations have been saying for a long time that a lot of graduates coming out of universities aren't equipped to go into the workforce".

The fallout comes as Federal Education Minister Simon Birmingham announced on Wednesday that record numbers of students had enrolled in higher education in 2016, with 1.2 million students now undertaking tertiary courses.

The 3 per cent increase in student numbers since 2014 has brought the total cost to taxpayers up to $16 billion this year on the back of un-capped student places. Since 2012 universities have been able to enrol as many students as they want.

Mr Birmingham said that although the demand-driven system has provided unprecedented access and must be protected it has come at a significantly higher cost to the taxpayer.

"Recent attrition rates show that almost 15 per cent of these Australians do not progress to their second year. Universities must take responsibility for those students they choose to enrol and ensure they have the capabilities and support to succeed" .

The president of the NSW Board of Studies, Tom Alegounarias said the university admission system needed an overhaul to provide greater clarity on the academic ability of students.

"If universities use measurements other than the ATAR then those have to be transparent and reliable. It is crucial that students know what the rules are and what the bar they have to get over is," he said.

"If the bar changes without the students' knowledge then those who are most disadvantaged will suffer".

20 comments so far

  • If Universities were funded appropriately by the Federal Government they wouldn't need to accept every individual that comes along. I know that this is a contentious debate but I prefer this model than having Universities being legislated to have uncapped fee systems to go with their legislated uncapped student numbers...we are just setting ourselves up for one University system for the rich and one University system for the poor.....ala America. Please can we get rid of this neo-liberal free market rubbish out of our education system and adopt something closer to Nth Europe's......Strong Apprenticeship and TAFE systems with free University based on a variety of Merit based appplication systems...not just a final year ranking???

    Date and time
    January 27, 2016, 7:32PM
    • G'day Brett.
      Eryk - thank you.
      To date, universities have used ATAR scores as an 'objective' measure - to determine which student will be selected for a particular course.
      In trying to be 'fair' and 'impartial' - the ATAR is the selection criteria to determine entrance to various courses.
      It's an imperfect measure of ultimate 'success' - but can be applied broadly and the 'rules' are understood by everyone.
      Of course
      There are many other things the ATAR score can't measure - factors that play a significant part in the long term outcome and 'success' (whatever that means) of the student and their participation in the occupation for which the university course is supposed to prepare them.
      Think of this when wondering which 17 year old will be doing well in their career at 40 (just for starters):
      The considerable variations in the degree of maturity of a 17 year old;
      Actually 'knowing' what you want to do with your life;
      Capacity for discipline and application;
      Stage of evolution of personality style;
      The degree of psychological resilience;
      Dealing with a 'work situation' compared to being a student - it often requires a quite different skill set;
      Their broader life and capacity to negotiate other areas in their world - which will intrude into their work capacity and success.
      At the age of 17, who can 'objectively' measure (or even identify) the issues and their level of importance and relevance - the myriad factors that combine to determine the course of our life and degree of 'work' success.
      In summary
      The ATAR is currently the best single measure to determine who is given entry to a university course - however, it is absolutely no guarantee of the eventual outcome and success of each individual.

      Howe Synnott
      Date and time
      January 27, 2016, 8:30PM
  • Yep - scrap the ATAR & let unis run their own entrance 'testing' for students wishing to go. Remove all links between HSC & uni.

    Date and time
    January 27, 2016, 7:40PM
    • My wife went through this model in Brazil and it sounds terrible. Different exams for each university and for the type of course you go into. Imagine doing your HSC and then having to spend another 6 months preparing for another round of exams.

      The HSC should be sufficient just measured in different manner than one final exam sitting.

      Date and time
      January 27, 2016, 8:03PM
    • We are getting to where Universities and the LNP want - degrees to the highest bidder. Uni's can make more money and the plebs stay as plebs

      Date and time
      January 27, 2016, 8:03PM
  • Let's get rid of the vocational focus in secondary schools, fix TAFE (no just make it like it was), make the last two years of secondary school focus on academic curriculum, allow the non-academic students to do vocational courses in a functioning TAFE sector and give the highest 10% of academically achieving secondary students scholarships to university. Anyone outside this group can fill any places left by paying for their degrees up front or with a loan. Oh sorry this all takes funding from our taxes like once happened and would require the government to stop syphoning off our taxes to the private sector. Too simplistic? No it’s not but that’s what government will say.

    Date and time
    January 27, 2016, 7:47PM
    • Whether the universities admit students based on ATAR or something else. the key issue here is that all the universities are falsifying their "high" standard by setting high ATAR cut-off for each course and then admitting students with low ATAR. Universities were getting away with this practice because the actual cut-off ATARs were never published. The actual ATAR cut-off is driven by demand and supply similar to how the prices are set in a market. The price of an item has to fall if the demand is less than the supply, ATAR is no different. It has nothing to do with "falling standards", it is simply that the "price" is set too high.

      Date and time
      January 27, 2016, 7:48PM
      • +1

        Date and time
        January 27, 2016, 8:36PM
      • Yes, courses are so expensive these days that many students who are capable, are not applying to go to uni because they just can't afford it. For example, country students or students who live too far away from uni also have to pay rent, work almost full time and study. It's too much. A terrible shame and scandal that young people are not being given the opportunity to complete their education. Unis therefore have to scoop deeper into the pool to fill up their classes with less capable but wealthier students. It's not about standards dropping, it's about affordability.

        Date and time
        January 27, 2016, 8:52PM
    • What a mess the LNP Govt inherited from the incompetent ALP/Greens. The Rudd/Gillard Education revolution was a sick joke on the Australian voter. The University system was to be revolutionalised by Abbott because he knew it was an unsustainable mess.

      enough is enough
      Date and time
      January 27, 2016, 7:49PM

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