Pregnancy week by week

Congratulations, you've just uttered the words, "I am pregnant!" Find out what changes are happening to your body and see how your baby is developing each week of your pregnancy.


The First Trimester



The first trimester is a period of major development for your foetus and of profound physical and emotional changes for you. You may realise that you are pregnant straight away, however many women will not realise they are pregnant until at least week four or five. This is one of the reasons why women are encouraged to plan for pregnancy.


During the first trimester of your pregnancy, your body is undergoing dramatic changes. Physically you may experience symptoms during the first trimester such as fatigue, nausea, frequency of urination and breast changes. Find out more about these symptoms, antenatal care, which foods to avoid and travelling precautions during The First Trimester.


6 weeks pregnant


4 weeks pregnant
5 weeks pregnant
6 weeks pregnant
7 weeks pregnant
8 weeks pregnant
9 weeks pregnant
10 weeks pregnant
11 weeks pregnant
12 weeks pregnant




The Second Trimester



The second trimester is often considered to be the best period of pregnancy. You will probably find that many of the side effects of the first trimester have begun to disappear and you should begin to experience a general feeling of contentment and well-being. Also, you do not yet have the full weight of a maturing baby placing stress on your body.


You will notice a number of changes during the second trimester such as changes to your digestive system, your body shape and breathing, and you will feel your baby beginning to move. Now is a good time to prepare for baby. Find out more about The Second Trimester.


13 weeks pregnant


13 weeks pregnant
14 weeks pregnant
15 weeks pregnant
16 weeks pregnant
17 weeks pregnant
18 weeks pregnant
19 weeks pregnant
20 weeks pregnant
21 weeks pregnant
22 weeks pregnant
23 weeks pregnant
24 weeks pregnant
25 weeks pregnant
26 weeks pregnant
27 weeks pregnant



The Third Trimester



In the third trimester you will probably be feeling a combination of excitement as the birth approaches, mixed with an increasing desire to hurry things along. As you are now carrying a large weight around, you will experience a number of symptoms related specifically to your increasing size. By now your uterus, which used to weigh about 50grams, will be carrying your baby, the placenta and up to about a litre of amniotic fluid, so it is little wonder that you will be feeling a bit uncomfortable.


Find out about preparing for labour, preparing your home for the baby and the physical changes you're undergoing during The Third Trimester.


35 weeks pregnant


28 weeks pregnant
29 weeks pregnant
30 weeks pregnant
31 weeks pregnant
32 weeks pregnant
33 weeks pregnant
34 weeks pregnant
35 weeks pregnant
36 weeks pregnant
37 weeks pregnant
38 weeks pregnant
39 weeks pregnant
40 weeks pregnant

Don't know your due date? Essential Baby's Due Date Calculator will help you determine when your baby is due.

Am I pregnant? Some women may feel pregnant soon after conception, while others may not experience any symptoms for some time into their pregnancy. Everybody is different, and you may suspect you are pregnant based a range of symptoms. Find out common pregnancy symptoms here.

Who can I talk to? Join a pregnancy buddy group in the Essential Baby Forums. Get support from other mums-to-be due in the same month as you, and seek advice from mums-to-be who are ahead of you in their pregnancies. Join a pregnancy buddy group.

NEW! You can now get the Weekly Guide to Pregnancy on your iPhone! Download the free app

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Yellow rubber duck: <a href=Image"/>

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See Pinky McKay live!

Get your free ticket to the Essential Baby & Toddler Show (Brisbane 4-6 March, Melbourne 1-3 April) and save $20 - register online now!