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A teacher convicted of shaking his baby until his brain bled is allowed to continue his profession.

The man, who has name suppression to protect the privacy of his wife and child, was convicted of reckless disregard in December 2014 after his six-month-old son suffered a subdural bleed to the right side of his brain after being shaken "in frustration".

It was the teacher's first offence and a "one-off event", the Education Council's disciplinary tribunal decision, released on Tuesday, said.

He declared the offence when reapplying for his teaching certificate in May, a year after the incident occurred.

The father was at home at the school house where he lived with his family, looking after his three-year-old and six-month-old baby, while his wife was at work.

A disruption in routine due to returning from a holiday meant the baby boy was unsettled and refusing to sleep or drink from a bottle, causing the father "frustration and stress", the decision said.

"The defendant, out of frustration, lost his self-control.

"He picked the victim up with both hands, raising the victim above his head. He then began shaking the victim with enough force to cause the victim's body to stiffen before flopping into unconsciousness."

Realising what he had done, he unsuccessfully attempted CPR, then called his wife, who was teaching at the school nearby to where they lived.

After receiving urgent treatment, it was found the child suffered a brain bleed. He has since apparently made a full recovery.

Police charged the man, who pleaded guilty, and the court sentenced him to two months' home detention and ordered him to complete counselling and anger management courses.

The tribunal decided the teacher was not at risk of repeating the behaviour, saying it was a "tragic case" that did not reflect his ability as a teacher.

"A teacher with an unblemished record in a moment of madness shook his young son resulting in a nightmarish outcome for all concerned. It is a matter of extreme good fortune that his son appears to have emerged out of this unharmed."

He was ordered to declare the conviction to employers for the next three years and a note was made on his record