Chalkboard babies

Chalkboard babies

3:58pm Photographer Anne Eftimie of Cute Moments Photography has created an incredibly cute photo service called “Blackboard Adventures.” Here's a few example photos of her sleeping baby son - and a friend - on some awesome adventures of their own. See the full series at the Cute Moments website.

Piano playing dad soothes son to sleep in moments

This dad's piano lullaby worked wonders on his baby son.

There's nothing more frustrating, or distressing to a parent than a sick child who can't  - or won't got to sleep. 

Creative sleeping baby photoshoots

Sleeping baby photoshoots

Some parents and photographers like to capture sleeping babies in unusual positions and using different props. Check out these creative shots, and some of the Photoshop tricks used to achieve them.

How to swaddle your baby


Step by step instructions to swaddle your baby. Swaddling helps baby sleep by preventing the startle reflex. It also aids in keeping baby sleeping on their back. Images provided by aden + anais wraps.


Funny sleep eCards

It's all fun and games until..

Had a hard night with the kids? Click through this gallery of sleep-related cards to remember you're not alone!


10 things I've learnt about babies and sleep


Karina Lane Collectively, my kids owe me about 2000 hours of lost sleep. I won't get that back, but I can hang on to the lessons I learnt over the years.

The amazing trick that sent a baby to sleep in less than 60 seconds


Adam Boult You'll be envious of this woman's apparently magical sleep-inducing powers.

A letter to my baby, an early riser


EVELYN LEWIN Dear daughter: we need to have a word about mornings.

A helping hand: our 'baby whisperer' experience


JO HARTLEY I should imagine that if I had opened the door that day to anyone other than this woman, I would have been embarrassed at the way I looked.

Toddler twins pretend to be asleep to fool mum

The twin girls.

Staff writers They say twins have a unique connection. If this cute clip is anything to go by, these toddler sisters like to use their special bond to try to fool their mother.

Swaddles to help your baby sleep soundly

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Swaddling helps your baby sleep as it helps prevent the startle reflex and keeps legs loose enough to rest in a natural position. Here are some great swaddles, wraps and sleep pouches to make bedtime more restful for everyone.

Coroner warns of 'dangerous' cot

Grace Joy Roseman: died during a nap.

A UK coroner has warned of the dangers of a bedside cot after the death of a newborn baby who choked to death this month.

Where to get help to help your baby sleep


PINKY MCKAY There is so much pressure about having a baby who sleeps 'all night' , it's no wonder you worry about your baby if she wakes in the night.


When should I give my baby pain relief?


Staff writers Over the weekend my four-month-old had a lasting high temperature. My problem is knowing when to administer pain relief and if I am doing it for the right reason - eg so she will sleep better at night.

10 natural enemies of the sleeping baby


Lauren Dubois Don't get me started on rescuing your arm from under that baby. How many of you have stood there, weighing up the pros and cons of wetting your pants versus waking the baby?

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6 ways to help your baby learn at bedtime


Josefa Pete Bedtime might not seem like the most natural choice for a baby to learn new things, but a new study suggests it's the best time for them to develop memories and retain new behaviours.

Does controlled crying really work?

cr: Getty Images
GW - controlled crying story, feb 21

Crying baby girl

Amanda Hooton Controlled-crying techniques may help some babies sleep through the night, but for many exhausted new parents, it's just a recipe for more tears all round.

Bonds Baby Search 2015: what you need to know

Some of the previous winners.

JO HARTLEY February 18 marks the start of one of the most prolific annual baby competitions in Australia: the Bonds Baby Search. And this year is going to be more special than ever.

Jetsetting model mum still relies on Bonds

Bonds ambassador Elyse Taylor and her daughter Lila.

LETITIA ROWLANDS She might live in New York, but when Australian model Elyse Taylor needs clothes for her baby daughter she relies on a well-known brand from home - Bonds.

Why dads should go to sleep school

When they're little, just being there with your kids is the best thing you can do for them.

Seamus Curtain-Magee If your family needs to go to sleep school, go with them. You are part of that family and you are part of the solution.


I'm so glad they told me

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The #sogladtheytoldme campaign sees mums sharing their motherhood truths to broaden the way we talk about parenting. Sometimes funny, sometimes sad, they are always honest.

Ruby shines as Bonds Baby

Ruby as she appears in the Bonds campaign.

LETITIA ROWLANDS Sarah Kiss has a word of advice for proud mums and dads who are keen to enter their babies in this year's Bonds Baby Search Competition - just have fun.

Alternative Valentine's Day cards

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Valentine's Day isn't all chocolates, flowers, and sweet nothings - check out these cards for a different view of February 14.

How napping helps your baby form memories

For babies, napping plays a key role in the formation of important 'how things work' memories.

Melissa Healy Babies are champion learners - and also champion nappers. And those two facts are probably related.

Managing bedtimes with a baby and a toddler

Getting a toddler to bed can be tricky enough without adding a baby into the mix.

PINKY MCKAY Getting a toddler to bed can be tricky enough without adding a baby into the mix. Here's how to cope with it all.

Grieving parents hope inquest will stop more deaths in childcare

Indianna and her brother Lachlan.

Nathan Paull The parents of a five-month-old who died while in family daycare hope an inquest will help prevent another family suffering the same heartbreak they've experienced.

Meet the baby whisperers who shun 'crying it out'


CATHERINE RODIE For parents with nocturnal babies, the advice of a "baby whisperer" or "sleep trainer" can be extremely divisive.

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The crying baby and The BabySleep Doctor

brian symon

Dr Brian Symon His methods may not be for everyone, but Dr Brian Symon is adamant that his sleep advice is safe for babies. Here is his method in his own words.

Expo cancels appearance of controversial 'Baby Sleep Doctor'

dr brian symon

Melanie Mahoney Melbourne’s Pregnancy Babies and Children’s Expo has cancelled its presentation by a controversial doctor after wide condemnation from parents and other parenting experts.


5 sleep school myths busted

sleep baby

KASEY EDWARDS There are few things that polarise a group of mothers like the two little words ‘sleep school’.

Comments 6

5 co-sleeping myths busted


PINKY MCKAY In case you are co-sleeping with your baby, and all the ‘helpful’ advice from others is sending you down the slippery slope of self-doubt, let’s bust a few myths on the topic.

Comments 4

Video of twins avoiding bedtime will put you off children forever

Two-year-old twins Nathaniel and Leon.

Amber Robinson Putting a child to bed can be frustrating enough if you have one wilful child, but add in a twin sibling and boom: there go any plans for a relaxing evening.

Comments 5

Broken sleep as bad as no sleep at all

Getting up to settle a restless baby several times a night plays havoc with our moods and alertness.

Mary Macvean New parents know getting up several times a night to settle a restless baby plays havoc with your life during daylight hours, now there is research to back them up.


Advice against co-sleeping 'too simplistic', says expert

baby sleep

Karen Garloch Doctors warn against co-sleeping, but their advice is too simplistic and not realistic for many families, says one expert.

Creative sleeping baby photoshoots

baby sleepClick for more photos

Some parents and photographers like to capture sleeping babies in unusual positions and using different props. Check out these creative shots, and some of the Photoshop tricks used to achieve them.

What you need to know about sleep regressions

sleeping baby

PINKY MCKAY The four-month sleep regression, the 12-month sleep regression, the 18-month sleep regression: what's happening to your baby? No, your child isn't going backwards - she's actually progressing.


Maya Rudolph and Chris Parnell's lullaby for a newborn

Maya Rudolph

Maya Rudolph and Chris Parnell have joined together to perform a funny yet very sweet lullaby for all newborns.

Baby's night time wakings are a ploy to prevent a sibling

happy baby

LETITIA ROWLANDS Can't figure out whether your baby is waking at night because they are hot, cold, hungry or unwell? It may just be because they don't want a brother or sister.

Is food keeping your baby (and you) awake?


PINKY MCKAY There are a number of reasons for babies to start waking more often during the night, but checking your child's diet for the naturally occurring chemical salicylate can have a big impact on everyone's sleep.

Funny sleep ecards

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Had a hard night with the kids? Click through this gallery of sleep-related cards to remember you're not alone!

Classic films drawn for kids' books

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Artist Josh Cooley illustrates scenes from classic films in the style of Little Golden Books. Buy individual prints or his book of complete works from his blog,

Angel gowns for Australian babies who have grown their wings

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More than 80 women around Australia, coordinated by a mum in Victoria, are doing what they can to comfort grieving parents by giving their babies a beautiful farewell in donated wedding dresses turned into 'angel gowns'.

Sleep schools and the science of settling

Jen and Gus

MIKI PERKINS Most parents who attend sleep schools with their babies are at their wit’s end. The centres help shell-shocked parents cope with the many confounding aspects of babies and toddlers, from unsettled nights to challenging behaviour.

Rescue dog Zoey and BFF Jasper star in adorable pics

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Photographer, self-professed "crazy dog lady" and mum Grace Chon takes photos of rescue dog Zoey and her 10-month-old son Jasper together. The results are just too cute. See more on Instagram @thegracechon.


Best swaddles and baby sleeping bags: Essential Baby Awards 2015

Parents review the best baby swaddles and sleeping bags on the market: find out which one was voted most popular in the Essential Baby Awards 2015.

Best cot: Essential Baby Awards 2015

Parents review the best cots on the market: find out which cot was voted most popular in the Essential Baby Awards 2015.


Birth to six months

Congratulations on your new baby! There are lots of useful tips and information to be found here, and it is a great place to ask those questions that crop up through these early months.

Six months to 12 months

First foods, crawling, words. This next six months includes plenty of new things - you will find advice, tips and questions answered in this forum.

Wondersuit heaven: Bonds & Disney launch exclusive collection

Bonds and Disney fans with babies to buy for will be celebrating this news. Bonds and Disney have just released collaboration Wondersuits.

Town welcomes first baby in 28 years

Since the 1980s, the Italian town of Ostana had not seen the birth of a single baby.

Great-great-grandma delivers great grandchild in her own home

''I've delivered calves, lambs, dogs and cats, but nothing like this.'' This 'Super Gran' calmly peeled the amniotic sac over her great-grandson's head before discovering the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck ... twice.

How to start teaching your kids road safety

It's something that can be taught as early as possible and reinforced as they get older and more mobile - even from toddlerhood.

Just announced: Bugaboo Cameleon³ Classic+ Collection update

Meet the brand new understated chic model from Bugaboo.

The emotional moment a mum hears her late son's heartbeat

It's been two and a half years since Heather Clark's seven-month-old son Lukas passed away.

Nine reasons why you have 'brain fog'

One minute your productivity is skyrocketing and the next you're sitting there trying to focus – just like that you draw blank, your brain, mush.

I had a caesarean and it was beautiful

Guess what? Despite not pushing him out, I cried, and my heart skipped, and I felt the rush of love and pride when I saw him for the first time.

Microcephaly still a mysterious condition around the world

For parents, having a child with microcephaly can mean a life of uncertainty.

7 baby firsts you won't see on milestone charts

Here are a few 'other' baby firsts you may not have been expecting, but you'll want to be ready for.

Why it's important to vaccinate on time

My son was born on the 1 July 2014. It's a fabulous birthday, don't you think? Not only does the first of July ring in a new financial year, but it also means we've hit the year's half way mark.

Naturopath treatment allegedly left baby "days from death"

A naturopath whose treatment of a baby boy allegedly led to the infant being severely ill has pleaded not guilty to charges against her. 

Andy Murray's emotional speech to pregnant wife after Australian Open

A teary-eyed Andy Murray promised pregnant wife Kim he'd be on the next plane home after his turbulent two weeks at the Australian Open came to an end.

This toddler and his duck BFF will melt your heart

A small boy in the US has struck up a quacking good friendship with an unlikely companion ... his pet duck. 

Great news for coffee drinkers - caffeine is good for your heart

Researchers have found that, contrary to prior belief, caffeine does not cause health-threatening heart palpitations.

I always wanted children - but I've found other ways to be maternal

I've always been one of the most maternal women I know.

When only one parent wants to know the gender

For some couples you either both want to know the gender of your unborn baby, or you don't. For others, it's not that simple.

'No jab no play' could hurt disadvantaged children, experts fear

Tough new "no jab no play" laws could hurt children who have not been immunised due to family dysfunction, poverty, or poor access to medical support, experts warn.

Zika virus: Airlines offer refunds to pregnant women

Airlines and cruise companies across the world are offering refunds or travel credits to pregnant women who are scheduled to visit countries struck by the devastating Zika virus.

#meditateonthis: Mums fight back against PND ignorance

Not all women will require medication, but many will. And there isn't and shouldn't be any shame in that.

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'The most hurtful argument in the marriage equality debate'

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Hair dye gives woman second-degree burns

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Apple recalls millions of power adapters

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Toddler's adorable alphabet goes viral

It's impossible not to share this little boy's excitement  about the alphabet.

Tot's nighttime waking saves family's life

Like all tired parents, Monique and Kyle Ruppel were looking forward to the day their 15-month-old daughter Celia would start sleeping through the night. 

Australian mum gives birth to quintuplets

An Australian mum who has shared the ups and downs of carrying quintuplets has welcomed her five babies into the world.

Dad of four girls faints at gender reveal for fifth baby

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The simple way you can help your baby's language development

The way parents respond to their child's babbling can shape how their infants communicate.


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