Chewy, we're home.

Chewy, we're home. Photo: Lucasfilm


This is the sequel you're looking for.

Thank you, JJ Abrams. You have saved the collective childhood of that good portion of humanity that existed between 1983 and 1999.

Oh yes, 1999. The year we all died a little inside. The year of The Phantom Menace.

Star Wars takes pride of place in our collective psyche. That space that made kids think they could do anything, that spawned a near-religious movement that rears its head every time Australia holds a census.

But then, there was the great soiling of 1999, full of trade negotiations, dubious green screen effects and Jar-Jar Binks.

JJ. Those initials themselves are now a metaphor for The Force itself. There is the dark side, fished from the depths of Naboo, and there is the light.

The light, of course, is JJ Abrams.

While The Force Awakens isn't a perfect movie – there are plot holes you could ride an AT-AT through – it is, indisputably, a Star Wars film.

"Chewy," says Han Solo, "we're home."

Yes, we are. And that's the point.

George Lucas's prequels did have some strong points, but they just didn't feel like Star Wars.

Under Abrams, Star Wars has had a Vader-like redemption.

While Star Wars will always be Lucas's creation (and we all owe him that gratitude), the prequels and the terrible "special edition" re-imagination of the original trilogy showed Lucas was no custodian.

Abrams most certainly is. The Han Solo of The Force Awakens, for example, wouldn't let a Hutt lackey like Greedo get the first shot in.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens was everything we hoped the prequels would be, only better.

And it only leaves us wanting more.

With a set-up like the one we saw at the end of The Force Awakens, you can bet it'll be an even better ride next time around.

DISCLOSURE: The reporter travelled to the Australian premiere in Sydney as a guest of Disney.