28 February 2015

SUPERHAMMER (Ser) - Superhammer, EP 2013

Wow, cool shit heavy as f**k! I like a lot this serbian band! This EP kills on all levels, ultraheavy and greasy riffs in a perfect recording, plus an excellent vocal, seems like a perfect combination! I usually do not listen to stoner stuff, but this band kills. Recommended!!

20 January 2015

KGF (Cro) - Dio Nas , CD 2015

Finally, KGF (previously known as Kraykulla And The GypsyFuckers) from Cakovec, Croatia, released their new full lenght album at the very beginning of this year. This time we have a professional recording and brandnew songs, played in pure Punk Rock style, but this time the band speeded up and on this CD you can find 11 razors that will rip through your ears. This must be played LOUD!!!

21 December 2014

MISCONDUCTERS (Bra) - Hypnopaedia, cd 2014

Well, here I am after almost half a year. Yes, I admit I am lazy, but you who follow this blog know it very well...
Let`s go on with a band whose CD I received a few months ago, but well, I just found free time to post it right now.
Misconducters are a cool band hailing from Brazil (altough some infos says that they are originally from UK), and this should be their second full-lenght album. They play a kind of melodic Punk-Rock with a cool aggressive guitar sound, so they should satisfy the ones who love melody and controlled aggressivity in songs.

16 June 2014

HELLBACK (Cro) - Dvije Lubanje, demo 2013

Hellback comes from Pozega, and it is a band formed by former members of the bands Helldis and Fight Back. This is their first work, a very tight and dense Crust Hardcore with massive Metal and Punk elements. Recommended !!

31 May 2014

BONGLEY DEAD (Ita) - Demo 2 2013 + Demo 3 2014

Our friends from Italy are here again, this time with two demos respectively from 2013 and 2014. The fault is surely mine, because I received the 2013 demo at once, but me being sooooo lazy results in receiving the 2014 demo too, so I will put them here both, for all of you who liked their first demo already posted here. What we got here is a nice, almost perfect Indie Rock with loud guitars and strong pounding drum and great melodic vocals. I don`t want to compare BD with any other band, I want you to discover them. Because they surely deserve your attention.

03 May 2014

PARTLEKI (Cro) - Posto, Kume, Lonac , demo CD 2013

Partleki is something between a band and a project. They actually play parodies of old and less old children songs in Punk way. May be fun :) .

27 April 2014

FIGHT BACK (Cro) - Sva Vlast Narodu , CD 2013

Here we have the CD of my friend`s band. They are from Pozega, a city with a plenty of underground bands and a very healthy scene. This CD is a compilation of various works from this band: demos, live and rehearsal recordings. Crust as fuck.

01 April 2014

STVOR (Ser) - video clip "Kurac" 2014

Simple as that. I was kindly asked by the band if I can help them by promoting this video. And there you go. The title is serbian/croatian for "Dick". Nuff said.

09 February 2014

RECTAL DESTROYER (Cro) - Privreda I Drustvo, demo 2013

Rectal Destroyer is a funny new band from the city I live in, Varazdin, and this demo proves it completely. I am really not into this kind of stuff (this Aggro Core term is something actual in the croatian underground for several years, and the name itself says it all what is all about), but have seen them live, and all I can get from this is a lot of fun. And a great recording quality too.

31 January 2014

AMEN (Cro) - Alpha & Omega , cd 2013

Oh, well... here I am again.. I admit I really am lazy and I am sorry that I practicly forgot about this blog.. many things goin` on..
What we have here is the brand new album of the slavonian masters of Christian Thrash Metal, Amen. After many years of waiting we have a strong album offered. They also started with live shows again, so we may say that the band is fully active again. Of course, recommended !!

29 September 2013

NADIMAC (Ser) - Nejebanje Zive Sile , cd 2013

Wow, these guys make chaos every times they release a new album. Probably the best Crossover Thrash band from the Balkans, but I think even much wider. One thing I keep asking myself is how on earth this band is still not signed by a major label. I cannot swallow the fact that it may be because of the lack of english language, because a lot of Metal today has vocals that does not understand themselves, so I don`t see a difference.
To return to the band, again a great piece of album, and again a fantastic recording production, which was already heard on the advance track "Smrt Autoriteta". The tracks are all an up-and-down of tempos like a rollercoaster drive. Nadimac remains tight even with all those tempo changes. The lyrics are intelligent and pungent as always, and a try to write down some english possible translations in the booklet would be more than welcomed by non-serbian speaking people (a hint for the future!).
All in all, this might be the Crossover Thrash Metal release of the year. 

15 September 2013

KRAYKULLA AND THE GYPSYFUCKERS (Cro) - Ulicne Rapsodije, CD 2012

I love this stuff !!! Yes I do. Punk as it always meant to be. Raw, simple and in your face. Hymnic choruses, great riffs, and a charismatic vocalist: everything you need to love a band. Their live shows are endless fun, so if you get the chance to see them live, do not miss them for nothing in the world. Recommended!

24 August 2013

Re-Post: FULL METAL JACKET - compilation CD 1997

Now, for all those who think Croatia is not a Metal nation.. This CD is the only OFFICIAL Croatian Metal compilation ever released (I repeat, official, there is a recent one, but it is compiled as DIY so it is more unofficial), and contains part of the bands that were active then (except for B.Runner and D.Mortification, for example, there are Pula bands missing here!! Ok, it would be a triple cd, but still...), and it was made by Drinking Skull`s guitarist Marijan`s label. It is a nice try, even I still think that GDNHY should have left the place to a more Metal band, but they were probably Marijan`s friends, so.. anyway, from Drinking Skull, to the croatian COF clones Castrum to Firmament, all bands make a great compilation,  which should have been followed by a sequel..Obligatory for all the Cro-Metal lovers.

Bands featured:
Drinking Skull, Ashes You Leave, Swantears, Nezbit, Castrum, Amen, Gate, Swordsedge, Blockade Runner, GDNHY, Mental Effort, Venter Caret Auribus, Desinence Mortification, Firmament 

13 July 2013

WULFHOOK (U.S.A.) - Sacrifice, demo 2012

Now, this is a great band! Hailing from Detroit Rock City, this band mixes Speed Metal with traditional Heavy Metal, with great musicianship and an impressive lead vocalist. Surely a must !!
Thank you Wulfhook for sending me this pearl!

26 June 2013

A short note !

I receive a lot of reupload requests. they are all written in comments, and even if I might do that, I WILL NOT reupload past links in any way. That part of the blog is dead, it would be a suicide to reupload everything back, and even a double if I reupload some links and some not. So, if you are interested in some past stuff, I can reupload it as a one off reupload (just for you personally) and that is it. And I will not reupload requests made in comments. Only requests that comes to my e-mail adress. I am now focused on my other blog pularockcity.blogspot.com .

Cheers to you all. Write to leukkemiaa@gmail.com

18 May 2013

ALDUMAS (Cro) - Nadnicari, cd 2012

This comes from the ex-Hope gang, the Mikic brothers, which after a long time of old school Thrashing, they got old (hahaha) and started playing pure Slavonian Rock`n`Roll as ALDUMAS. Now, they are giving us their first full lenght CD with very nice tunes followed by a cool production. This will help you to get into the Slavonian way of life and drinking...

01 May 2013

A TRIBUTE TO DISCHARGE (Ex-Yu) - Why... again?, compilation CD 2009

As I am a long-time fan of Discharge and their 80s work (to be precise) here is a compilation of Discharge tunes played by a lot of bands from the Ex-Yu territory, all tracks played with huge balls and enormous respect to the masters. Enough said.

20 April 2013

KILLBITE (Ger) - EP 2012

These German guys sent me this little masterpiece of EP, an incredibly powerful metal recording, too Metal to be Hardcore, too Hardcore to be Metal. A great production, and an EP you will definitely like if you`re not closed into boundaries.

01 April 2013

BESTIAS (BiH) - Bestias, demo 2013

Well, here is a cool Raw Black/Thrash/Death Metal band sent to me from my friend Azer, member of the band. They come from Bosnia, Sarajevo exctly, and they exist since 2010. This is their brandnew second demo, and as a DIY band they are going to record a full lenght album as soon as possible. Meanwhile enjoy this piece of raw evilness !!

01 March 2013

AXEMAN TRIUMPH (Rus) - Demos 2008-2010

Now, here is stuff from my friends from Togliatti, Russia. This is probably the rawest metal you have ever heard (unfortunately, equally bad recorded). But I am sure there are noise lovers who will crave for this.. and it does not mean that it nust be that bad!!


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