African Renaissance


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Global, Local.
Csatlakozott 2011. december

@JJ_Bola felhasználó letiltva

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  1. You're getting better at this tea thing, America. Keep it up.

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  2. "Just wanna hold you...(and drink you. mostly drink you tbh)"

    angol nyelvről fordította a

    Közvetlen hivatkozás a képhez
  3. retweetelte

    the best lines remain unwritten

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  4. No one notices.

  5. Pulls out notepad and pen to and looks around victorious to remind everyone else that I am superior to your technology.

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  6. Forgot my laptop charger. Can't write. Sitting in this cafe awkwardly on my phone not able to fulfil writer/poet aesthetic, what is life?

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  7. For those interested, here are the Nguzo Saba/The Seven Principles of Kwanzaa.

    angol nyelvről fordította a

    Közvetlen hivatkozás a képhez
  8. The Kwanzaa event in Chicago at the Museum was so packed, they couldn't let any more people in. I love that.

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  9. Celebrate Blackness. Celebrate Africanness. They'll erase you and say that you never did.

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  10. retweetelte

    the idea of not comprehensively equipping any children I have terrifies me

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  11. retweetelte

    b'cos if ppl truly wake up, it'll be the end of the unfair world as we know it‼️

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  12. Unless the stereotypes and miseducation is systematic,why are we still facing the same ignorance that our parents and grandparents did?

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  13. How the fuck are we still having conversations about Africa not being a country or 'do you speak African' in 2015...?

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  14. Why are people still as misinformed? As they were 10-15 years ago, even though we live in the age of information.

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  15. Why is it still as hard to access information about Black history as it was 10-15 years ago, regardless of smart technology?

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  16. Chances are, our children gonna go through the same thing. You really gonna let them go through life not ready like that?

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  17. We still face so many of the same issues they did; police brutality, racism, gentrification, high unemployment, incarceration, drugs...

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  18. Our parents didn't teach about organisation and resistance because they wanted to protect us so we don't go through what they did but...

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  19. Loving and celebrating your people's culture is resistance.

    angol nyelvről fordította a

  20. In a world that systematically attempts (and succeeds) to eradicate (white wash) Black/African culture....

    angol nyelvről fordította a

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