African Renaissance


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Se unió en diciembre de 2011

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  1. What about if someone is genuinely interested in ancient Egypt or those positive aspects of our culture that we call "hotep"...?

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  2. Question in last RT is important.

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  3. retwitteó

    I often wonder how people who genuinely associate themselves with the positive aspects of that term/way of life feel about it

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  4. retwitteó

    main reason I don't label myself because from that point forward people come with expectations to how you're supposed to act

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  5. "Tutankhamen wasn't the only African King" 😂😂😂

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  6. You lot would probably call Cheik Anta Diop hotep if he was on Twitter. "Why you only research ancient Egypt?"

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  7. retwitteó

    It is sad but I see plenty "hoteps" doing the same thing to others on the daily. Definitely goes both ways.

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  8. You lot would call Kings and Queens of Comedy hotep ....? "Why Kings and Queens?" 😂😂😭😭😭

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  9. "Why is it set in ancient Egypt?" "Ancient Egypt isn't the only Black civilisation" "Not this Kings and Queen shit"

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  10. retwitteó

    Lol yes.

  11. retwitteó

    💯 they all fit under the hotel umbrella.

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  12. You lot would call Michael Jackson - Remember The Times, hotep if it was released today as a YouTube video.

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  13. retwitteó


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  14. Black Star, Dead Pres, Common, Queen Latifah, Lauryn Hill, Wu Tang, NAS, I mean...

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  15. retwitteó

    And black people did it...

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  16. The mad thing is, a lot of the artists we grew up on we would call "hotep" if they were coming out with their stuff now.

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  17. it was banter at first but yo, now it's like if you have an ankh or talk about African history you get put there.

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  18. It's mad the way "hotep" thing has been come another black stereotype. Like, people look for markers to put you in that box ...

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  19. retwitteó

    I AM CONGO - Another Congo

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  20. But tomorrow is a new day

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