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  1. dammit. i'm going to bed to dream about what i day dream about. sleep well, loves.
  2. @BabylonXCory my people.
  3. there's this feeling floating freely from one spot inside of me to another. i'm trying to decide what to do with it.
  4. lips are sealed, though.
  5. i can always tell.
  6. the muslim women is philly are super pretty. honestly. you ladies are lovely.
  7. my birthday is on friday. tiara shopping commences tomorrow.
  8. we were tempted to walk around naked in the rain. we couldn't do it, though. modesty wouldn't allow us to. lol.
  9. daydreaming in the night.
  10. twirling wild hair around my index finger and sniffing cinnamon sticks.
  11. this rain is sorta kinda cold. looking for an excuse to make hot tea in june.
  12. @manima27 you're at an event?
  13. @NaaishaMalikab it's super awkward. but you know how i do. i make it work. lol.
  14. @BeeTrue09 super weird. lol. i can't get loose in the restroom like i usually do.
  15. @k_ducketts raise the roof. i got to see my twitter friend. WOO.
  16. @Wadia27 so you ARE going? if you are maybe i will. hm.
  17. @DaSoFlyQueen on a date with my new boo. making out at the dinber table. lol.
  18. @for_thelovers I did! Lol. I left right after ya'll performed. Decent, indeed.