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Shaun Slifer

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

Shaun Slifer is a multidisciplinary artist and self-taught historian currently working in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His work investigates dominant historical narratives in relation to the current state of civilization. Shaun regularly works in collaboration with other artists, scientists, historians, and engineers. and in collectively structured groups including the now-disbanded Street Art Workers and Howling Mob Society, and currently with Justseeds Artists' Cooperative and the West Virginia Mine Wars Museum. His projects have appeared internationally in a variety of museums, galleries, and nonprofit spaces, as well as in non-authorized public settings. He has presented his work at numerous universities and at conferences focusing on grassroots media, history, and creative practice. He received a BFA with a concentration in sculpture from Watkins College of Art in Nashville, Tennessee in 2003.


Other Media



October 29, 2014

Burgettstown, PA, USA – story here. (Thanks, Becca!) DIYDPW is a (semi)weekly blog post highlighting global examples of Do It Yourself Department of Public Works projects. These are defined as…



October 22, 2014

Pittsburgh, PA, USA These are known as “sharrows”, a type of lane-sharing marking that cities often use on streets where bike lanes won’t fit (or for other mysterious municipal reasons)….



October 15, 2014

Campbell Hall, NY (Thanks to Kevin, who says this sign was “Installed on a newly tar and chipped road upstate. Super dangerous conditions for motorcycle riding, I was thankful someone…

What Happened in Grenada in 1983?

What Happened in Grenada in 1983?

October 23, 2013

Bill Bigelow, co-director of the Zinn Education Project, has another quick and lucid history lesson up. This week, identifying yet another sore gap in our popular history textbooks, he’s illustrating…



September 4, 2013

Jersey St, New York, NY, USA (Thanks again, Kevin!)   DIYDPW is a weekly blog post highlighting global examples of Do It Yourself Department of Public Works projects. These are defined…



August 28, 2013

Hudson Valley, NY, USA (Thanks, Kevin!) DIYDPW is a weekly blog post highlighting global examples of Do It Yourself Department of Public Works projects. These are defined as any examples…



August 21, 2013

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA (Not exactly citizen-spawned infrastructure, but too ridiculous not to share anyway… thanks, Pete!) DIYDPW is a weekly blog post highlighting global examples of Do It Yourself Department…



August 14, 2013

Brooklyn, New York, USA (couple blocks from the Interference Archive!) DIYDPW is a weekly blog post highlighting global examples of Do It Yourself Department of Public Works projects. These are…



July 31, 2013

Petaluma, CA, USA (full image below, thanks Kevin!) DIYDPW is a weekly blog post highlighting global examples of Do It Yourself Department of Public Works projects. These are defined as any…