
Australia you're standing in it part 1: the pulse rate of accumulation

Part 1 of a series on the current conjuncture of capital accumulation and class struggle in Australia

Concrete examples of non-Labour Relations Board unions (Part II) - Phinneas Gage

The second part of a series of concrete examples and very brief summaries of organizations that have some component of direct action and a form of collective bargaining that operate outside the labour relations framework.

Artificial intelligence, tech workers, and universal income: An interview

What are the possibilities for artificial intelligence to free us from the drudgery of work? How about the class outlook of those developing those technologies? Read and find out.

Drop out - Tune in! - AngryWorkersWorld hot autumn/winter plans

Leninists? Maoists? Muppets?

We're back from our tour and want to invite you to come out to Greenford, West-London or a similarly remote corner of the internet to hatch some wicked plans. The ideas we came up with so far move in concentric circles and you can drop in wherever.

Breaks - Scott Nappalos & Monica Kostas

A short account about breaks at work and life under capitalism.

The Other Cultural Revolution

Wu Yiching's book "The Cultural Revolution at the Margins. Chinese Socialism in Crisis" gives a fascinating account of a period that was decisive for the end of Maoism and the rise of a capitalist China.

Grace Lee Boggs R.I.P.

Grace Lee & Jimmy Boggs

Grace Lee Boggs, founding member of the Johnson-Forest Tendency (where her party name was Ria Stone), has died at the age of 100 in Detroit. She was born on June 27, 1915 and passed away today, October 5, 2015

Back of an envelope: Trident and jobs

As Labour has decided the prospect of spending vast sums on Trident renewal wasn't worth debating, I thought I'd do a quick back-of-the-envelope thing on the numbers being bandied about. Obviously Trident is, in terms of defence, a non-starter, as reasonably well outlined by Diane Abbott in her recent Guardian column. But people do like to go on about how many jobs it provides, so I thought I'd take a look at that.

The real movement we need

Some thoughts on building mass movements and organising, in relation to the Labour Party

Chicago, Illinois rail conference report-back

Chicago rail infrastructure

On 19 September 2015, at least a dozen rank-and-file railroad workers gathered at the United Electrical Hall in Chicago, Illinois for a conference of 80 people with the purpose of building bridges with ecologists, especially given the recent spate of oil train derailments and explosions.

Language workers got Tallents!

The Angry Language Brigade and the London IWW have officially ended their dispute with the Leicester Square School of English and its wage-stealing owner, Craig Tallents.

Seeing past the luxury label part II: H&M in Hamburg, Germany and their suppliers in Delhi, India

Interesting look at the working conditions and workers' resistance in H&M warehouses in Germany and factories in India.

Happy birthday to Recomposition!

A short article by John O’Reilly & Monica Kostas, celebrating five years of Recomposition.

China crash: the faltering of economic transition

Chai - destruction of housing in Beijing

The stock market crash happens at a time when the Chinese development model has reached a turning point, and the financial turmoil reflects underlying structural problems of the economy.

Concrete examples of non-Labor Relations Board union: part 1 - Phinneas Gage

A piece by Phinneas Gage detailing some examples of labour struggles that happened outside of state labour board strategies.

The experiences of Kamunist Kranti and Faridabad Majdoor Samachar

The comrades in Faridabad (an industrial area on the outskirts of Delhi) reflected critically on their former Marxist-Leninist trajectories, e.g. the trade union question, in light of both practical experiences in their industrial area and theoretical efforts to re-read Marx and to familiarise themselves with the international left communist debate since Lenin.

5 reasons to steer clear of the Labour Party bandwagon

After a campaign that seemed to drag on endlessly in the wake of the general election, Jeremy Corbyn has won the Labour Party leadership by a landslide. The most immediate consequence of this has been a surge in membership. Here are some reasons not to get caught up in the tide.

The schoolchildren's strikes, 1889 - Steven Johns

Contemporary engraving depiction of the 1889 schoolchildren's strike

A brief history of walkouts of schoolchildren across the UK in October 1889 against corporal punishment and excessive workloads.

Rail safety conference #3, Chicago Illinois, 19 September 2015

Chicago Rail Yard map

After two well-attended Rail Safety Conferences, the first on Saturday, March 14, 2015 in Richmond, California and the second on Saturday, March 21 in Olympia, Washington, a third -- titled "Railroad Safety: Workers, Community & the Environment" -- will be held on September 19, 2015 in Chicago, Illinois.

Necessary steps in tough economic times: New York students take to the streets in the wake of Occupy

A piece by Marianne LeNabat that takes us through an overview of how students in recent decades have become saddled with debt, how a student movement rose up in NY during the height of Occupy Wall Street, some of the lessons we can draw from organized resistance, and the ripples that student fights caused spreading solidarity throughout various sectors of society.