
The trial of Anthony Wedgwood Benn (information required)

I am currently writing a polemical book about Tony Benn - (The Trial of Anthony Wedgwood Benn)

Iran hysteria returns

A short article about the media encouraged frenzy over Iran.

Beating back the bureaucrats - Jonathan Payn

An article by Jonathan Payn that focuses mostly on a recent initiative called Bloque Sindical de Base in Argentina.

Dear Cheerleaders, we need to have a chat about imperialism

Wearing the flag of Ocalan

On the process of change in Northern Syria often called the Rojava revolution, the PYD as proponent of the process, and its alliance with Western imperialist powers.

Dagong Diary, Part 1: Job Hunting

Part 1 of a 7-part series recording a short excursion into the lives of migrant workers at the beginning of China’s working year, in an industrial district of Shenzhen.

Right and Left against the state: education without classes

Education reform, whether promoted by the Left or Right, often fails to deeply address the class-based issues driving the alleged "failure" of the educational system.

Is there a revolutionary method?

This is an article critiquing the idea of a single revolutionary method that leads to truth and revolutionary action drawing from dissonance between choosing how to act and the emergence of large scale forces in capitalism.

Taking Housing Justice Into the Future (Part I)

The first part of a speech given at the Howard Zinn Bookfair in 2014 on Take Back the Land, Occupy Our Home, and burgeoning housing movements after the financial crisis.

Unison activists vote to reopen 2015 pay dispute

Unison Special Local Government Conference, 24 March 2015

In an almost unprecedented move, rank-and-file Unison representatives in councils and schools voted in a special conference earlier today to tear up the 2014-16 pay deal which union leaders drew up with Labour Party officials and submit a new pay claim on top.

Richmond, California rail conference report-back

San Francisco Bay Area oil-rail infrastructure

On 14 March 2015, two dozen rank-and-file railroad workers, as well as nine refinery workers who had recently been on strike, gathered in Richmond, California for a conference with the purpose of building bridges with ecologists, especially given the recent spate of oil train derailments and explosions.

Unemployed? Low wages? Bad sex life?! 'The nation' won't help us!

Article on nationalism and its divisive effect between workers, with a focus on warehouse workers in West London.

Don't breakdown! Slow down!

Experiences from Sainsbury's/Wincanton distribution centre in Greenford

Elis died of slave-like life in agency center

Crowded "dormitory" provided by agency company in Hong Kong, with workers sleepi

An Indonesian migrant domestic worker recently died in a Hong Kong work agency hostel. We re-post an article from WKNews that examines the collusion between Hong Kong authorities, the Indonesian government and private agencies and the effect it has on the situation of Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong.

LSSE Wobblies send solidarity to the sacked A2Z staff

Support sacked A2Z staff

The IWW members at the Leicester Square School of English would like to send our fullest solidarity to the workers at the Dublin A2Z language school who, much like ourselves, have experienced the callous indifference of TEFL bosses.

Five reasons "red" Len won't break the law

“Red” Len McCluskey is once more rattling his sabre ahead of the General Election. But don’t expect it to ever be drawn. Here’s five reasons why.

Gender war and social stability in Xi’s China: Interview with a friend of the Women’s Day Five (1st half)

vagina monologues gz

Many friends and associates of the five feminists detained on March 7 are still in hiding, but one was willing to meet for an interview on March 16. The fact of their detainment has been widely reported in the international media, but so far little analysis has been offered, so this interview focuses on questions such as: what is unique about this case? Why were these individuals targeted? Why, in the Xi regime’s crackdown on civil society in general, does it seem especially afraid of feminism?

The Civil Service Rank & File – a belated post-mortem

An analysis of the Civil Service Rank & File Network, which emerged in late 2012, and its impact during its brief existence.

Militant reformism and the prospects for reforming capitalism

fair wages now

Article that appeared in the book The End of the World as We Know It?

Free the Women's Day Five! - Statements from Chinese workers and students

domestic violence awareness demo

Translation of a statement by the partner of "Da Tu" (Giant Rabbit), one of the feminists detained on March 7, focusing on mutual aid between feminists and workers, with solidarity photos workers have posted online. Followed by translation of a petition by students at Da Tu's alma mater, Sun Yat-sen University (one of many petitions circulating in China, despite censorship).

Anarchists occupy Syriza's headquarters

Anarchists have occupied Syriza's headquarters in Athens as an act of solidarity with an ongoing hunger strike.