New Age Mind Control, Our Children are at Risk

Probably the greatest tragedy of human evolution and development is the application of mind control systems and practices by human societies over times past and present. Society has deliberately limited the ability to think of the individual, especially individuals from the working class masses. Brute force (soldiers and police) or passive violence (starvation and deprivation of the masses) are still used but superseded by religious indoctrination methods and institutions; mass media indoctrination and manipulation now enhanced with cleverly and evilly contrived computerised gadgets with games designed to totally consume the minds of our young people; designed to stop them from thinking about the realities of life. The evidence is clear and that is that young people are becoming far less aware of the real world around them; they are becoming absorbed into the plastic human world which has no relevance to Nature or the Planet we live and rely on for our existence. Most of our young people are politically unaware, socially isolated and have no philosophical values; they are the victims of broken families, many from parents already de-brained by television programs designed to stop the processes of thinking. One simple example is how people are conditioned to watching sport live or on television whilst having a beer or wine thus avoiding the need to think about real life, and another key mind control method come from reality TV shows based around who is sleeping with who (sex). During my recent university studies I was appalled to find discussions among young students were not about study subjects, philosophy or politics but about the brainless reality shows; this is mind control by stealth! I have watched my own grandchildren being affected by the use of DSs and computer games noting they develop behavioural problems and social detachment if not limited or stoped from using these devices. These are not fun games and devices developed for our beneficial amusement, they are dangerous new systems to control the free thinking of people; the masses. Placing human minds into boxes with sharply defined corners and walls limits our evolution or at least the evolution of the average citizens preventing humanity from achieving its greatest potentials. Remove yourself and your children and grandchildren from the sinister electronic Matrix; break away from the mind controlling grids and begin to truly think for yourself. Seek evolution through revolution in thinking!

Australia’s Shrinking Food Bowl

The massive sale of Australian agricultural lands, water and resources to foreign ownership including China, India, Indonesia and Korea is ludicrous. Not only will our ability to feed our own population be diminished, so will the ability of our young Australians to enjoy a good lifestyle and to purchase their own land and homes into the future. We may well end up buying most of our food and water from China and the likes; they will produce high quality low pollution food grown in Australia and send it to China to feed their people (the good stuff) while we eat highly polluted foods from overseas at inflated prices. As average Australians lose control of our lands, water and resources we will become exploited second rate world citizens. With continuing outrageous migration levels in particular from Asian countries real estate prices will become out of reach for average Australian young people, encouraged by greedy developers, real estate agents and wealthy global entrepreneurs, elite professionals and of course our wealthy politicians both Liberal and Labor. It is time for the average Australian citizen to wake up and realize what is going on or our children and grandchildren will suffer the consequences of our ignorance and apathy, while the children and grandchildren of the wealthy and elite professional groups do very very well. When the mining boom ends or all the mines belong to overseas; when our lands and waters are sold off, what will be left for the average citizens; the children and grandchildren of the ANZACS? Even our parliaments may become dominated by overseas Nationalities. In reality this is all about human greed and we must stop it by placing limits on personal wealth, but to do that we must change the way we think and vote before it’s all too late!

Evolving Humanity

Evolving Humanity

We need to firstly identify our greatest weaknesses and worst characteristics that lead us to failure and place ourselves at risk. To list them all in a single letter would be too much, however the big picture items are more easily identifiable and easy to explain. Offering solutions is more contentious but must be attempted. Human Greed is by far our worst characteristic, a disease that infects almost everyone on Earth; a disease that drives us to murder both through direct acts or acts by stealth to gain materialistic wealth and power. In the past the evolution of human societies has been a result of conquest of one over another with the strongest and fittest winning the day in the quest for survival, now superseded by the most devious, tricky, manipulative and ruthless of humans methods, using insidious intelligence that employs sinister weaponry and technologies to protect and expand their never ending quest for increased wealth and not necessarily survival. Billions of fellow human beings often pay in blood suffering great cruelty at the hands of the greediest of humans with their appalling and totally immoral behaviour. With just 0.1% of the worlds human population controlling and owning 90% of all wealth no additional explanation about greed should be required, noting 90% of humans now live in hardship and destitution, that’s 6.3 billion out of 7.0 billion. How does a social system control and suppress such a massive proportion of its people’s into accepting such terrible disparity, avoiding social disorder, unrest and anarchy? Some of the answers are religious indoctrination systems, well contrived legal systems aimed at protecting the wealthy, suppressing and controlling the masses; government propaganda campaigns and heavily controlled media; institutions that control the human mind by limiting the ability to think and question. Why is it so? By keeping the masses basically uneducated and simple, poor and desperate simply trying to survive on a daily bases ensures power and control remain with the super greedy. To elucidate this picture most Australians fit into the top 1% of humans wallowing in relative wealth although well behind the 0.1 % at the top, the billionaires and aspiring trillionaires. And yet in our so called well educated Australian society, human brainwashing and mind control strategies are still heavily employed to ensure we don’t question the great capitalist system; most of us live in ignorance of the big picture unable to comprehend its reality and therefore are non compassionate towards its tragic outcomes for the vast majority of fellow humans, with many of us average Australians striving to become super greedy and wealthy ourselves. The cures are simple but violently opposed; a cap on wealth for any individual, and the evolution and practicing of true spirituality moving away from corrupt, trumped up ancient scrolls and mind control practices of the past; removing the built in biases from our legal system favouring the wealthy and legislating a truly honest and democratic media making monopoly ownerships illegal. The answers lie in building a society seeking honesty, integrity, love caring and sharing protecting this beautiful planet we live on. Such thinking is and will be adamantly opposed by the selfish and super greedy, branded revolutionary and dangerous to society, communistic, but must occur if humanity is to truly evolve to a higher level species living in harmony with each other and the universe we live in; a virtual paradise surely worth consideration.

Alan Lappin

Goals for the Future of Australia

 1. We need to insist on immediate action to minimise the possible impacts of climate change and fix our environment for the sake of our children and future generations and limit our population to 25 million people

2. It is imperative that we insist on the best possible health and education facilities for all Australians based on fairness and equity.

3. Re-define our economies and social values using an Environmental Dollar Scheme to achieve total recyclable systems and products and link our economies to the health of our planet.

4. We need to build a cohesive culture that achieves national unity and human compassion.

5. Act to reduce water consumption by 50 – 75% by imposing permanent restrictions and minimising irrigation but provide financial assistance for up to 5 years to help farmers moving away from intensive irrigation or unsustainable farming supporting restructure.

6. Re-invest in research and development, in agriculture and industry to take advantage of new products, native food potential and other crops suited to Australian conditions. We should support and protect Australian farming with subsidised incomes.

7. Reintroduce trade tariffs to protect Australian businesses and farming.

8. I believe small to medium business should be tax exempt for the first year of starting a business and one in every five years of running.

9. Introduce a private members bill to make foreign ownership of Australian soils, minerals, natural resources including our water, illegal by 2030 – 2050.

10. Initiate a private members bill to buy back water rights pre 2000 at the original purchase price and develop a new water market aimed at preventing the extortion of the Australian public.

11. Re-build ‘Fair Go Mate’ based on honesty and integrity.

Authorised by Alan Lappin, Independent Member for Indi

PO Box 1234 Wangaratta VIC 3676

Big Buffalo a Bath Tub Dream Based on a Rare Event!

This project will involve the destruction of thousands of hectares of beautiful river valleys, forest and ecologically dependent habitat for wildlife. Forests are known to play a major role in biologically seeding clouds by releasing aero bacteria, resulting in rain. Since European occupation almost 80% of forest has been destroyed. Our rainfall is reducing across the Murray Darling Basin due to human impacts on the Murray Darling hydrological and ecological systems. From 2000 to 2009 annual rainfall decreased by an alarming 100mm according to data from the Bureau of Meteorology. Apart from a one in twenty year event there is no longer enough rain to fill our existing large dams, in fact if trends continue they will run dry in the not too distant future. The average temperature for our region increased at an alarming rate of around 1⁰C from 1999-2009. If that trend continues in our region the results by 2020-2050 will be catastrophic. We may not be here! None of us! Our businesses, properties and homes will be worthless. So if we build Big Buffalo over the next 10 to 15 years, will it ever fill, will it help anyone and who will it help? Certainly not the dying Murray Darling Basin that we all depend upon or the environment of the Ovens River flood plains. It is scientific fact that large man made dams have extremely detrimental effects on aquatic organism and flood plain biota as well as nutrient replacement across flood plains. To build Big Buffalo at this stage would be to invest millions of dollars of public money into a scheme based on political grandstanding, arrogance, ignorance, selfishness and greed for the short term gains of a few. Filling Big Buffalo would take at least 5 years (being very optimistic under current trends) meanwhile denying the natural environment and those living down stream of water for years which in turn may even deny South Australians of drinking water. To ignore scientific evidence and advice on major environmental impacts and climatological warnings is an act of stupidity and complete irresponsibility, particularly if you occupy a public position as important as a member of parliament in my opinion. The responsible way is to encourage people at all levels to live with less water; change our farming practices away from intensive irrigation. The window of opportunity to turn climate trends around is closing at a frightening rate. For the sake of long term prosperity in our region, our children, grandchildren and our future generations please help me put an end to this dangerous rubbish. Dear Ken, fill up your bath tub, put a rubber duck in it and label it Big Buffalo, this may help you sleep at night.

Alan J Lappin

Your Future Member of Parliament for Indi

191 Colvin Road


Greens betray our troops in Afghanistan

 In my opinion Bob Brown and the Greens have decided to pull the rug on our troops in Afghanistan, undermine the last two elected governments and our allies by politicising the deaths of our very brave soldiers. Grabbing for votes in this way at this point in time just before an election is politically motivated and disgusting. When a team of sportsmen run out onto a field to compete and one player gets hurt, does the coach or the supporters yell out: come off and give in before anyone else gets hurt? Does this mean as soon as the going gets tough we become scared and quit; of course not, we fight on and try harder to win. I suggest Side Show Bob and the Greens ask our troops do they want to quit. Our media should conduct a poll with our troops to give Bob Brown his answer. We must stand by the Afghanistan people and work with them until a long term peaceful solution is achieved. I believe to pull out now or start a process of dividing Australians over our national interest should be perceived as cowardly and an act of betrayal to our troops and allies and indeed ourselves. It would be an absolute insult to the fallen troops, comrades and in particular their families to pull out now. It is also highly likely that genocide would occur if we withdraw too early.  I don’t agree with this or any other war, I believe there must be other solutions and I become distressed when we lose any of our brave men and women, I wish they weren’t there. But I will support our government’s actions and our troops ashore all the way, once a bipartisan decision has been made including with our allies. Prospering on the deaths of our troops and the sadness of a nation by hoping to gain votes stinks. In my opinion this is political opportunism and cowardice of the worst kind.  We must all stand in unity and say no to Side Show Bob and the Greens on this issue.

Asylum Seekers

Asylum seekers are victims of governments and greedy corporates.  Advanced economies are exploiting third world countries by trading arms for their mineral resources such as diamonds, metals, oil, coal and so on; in doing so creating corrupt warlord driven governments that grab 99% of the wealth, leaving almost nothing for the average citizens. This situation creates the refugee,s and western governments play a major role. There are fair and decent solutions which could include an international ban on weapons trading and further intervention by the United Nations policing unethical behaviour of irresponsible governments and global corporates. Planned immigration should be cut by 50% to begin the process of population control demonstrating to the rest of the world we are willing to do our bit in reducing pressures on our natural resources, in particular water, as well as stopping the growing greenhouse gasses that emanate from population increase. Australia is arguably the driest continent on Earth and we must be fair dinkum about long term sustainability. Limiting Australia’s immigration program is an option that should be used to control the total numbers of migrants entering Australia instead of turning away desperate people. We could focus limits on those countries where refugees are coming from by restricting planned immigration from these countries until they act in a more humane manner towards their people. Isolating and condemning desperate human beings to offshore prisons no matter where they are is morally wrong. We should not allow our politicians to promote racism and bigotry and to divide community attitudes where compassion and unity is essential.  Until we fix the dirty side of humanity we must show compassion to those who are in greatest need, allow and help desperate people as best we can, but restrict planned migration to control population overall.

Authorised by Alan Lappin, PO Box 1234 Wangaratta VIC 3676

Tough Times Require Unity

When Australians unite they form a great nation; history tells us so and yet now, when we are facing our greatest challenges including the current economic crisis; global warming and climate change, we stand divided.  We have been deliberately divided by those without vision; without truth; those who are only interested in their own wealth and personal gain. We should be proud and very happy for the fact that we have suffered little compared to overseas countries because of the world’s financial collapse.

Our governments over the past decades; since World War 2 have done a pretty good job on economics, including the Rudd Government. A hostile and divisive senate; a hostile and divisive opposition generating negativity does Australia no good at all. This is a time to think positively and to develop solutions; to unite and set new goals.

There is no doubt we have made our planet (our home) sick. I think we can fix our planet and build a better, cleaner and smarter economic system based on true sustainability.  Human beings are nature’s greatest evolutionary achievement and we can achieve anything, as long as we have the will to do so, but only if we unite.

Why do we need wars to unite us? Surely saving our planet for our children, grandchildren and future generations is worth uniting for. We need to redefine our values and base them on honesty, integrity, love, caring and sharing.

Authorised by Alan Lappin, PO Box 1234 Wangaratta VIC 3676

The Burning of Victoria

The Federal and State Governments, and Oppositions have accepted scientific evidence of global warming, warning of catastrophic effects if we don’t dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 

                Massive fires, mainly lit by humans, have taken a terrible toll, including human life in a cruel and ghastly manner. These fires also added countless millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere at a point in history when we are threatened with extinction from these types of gasses.

                People have been allowed to build in the forest or on its edges against all common sense, putting themselves at high risk and destroying the environment at the same time. Even after the cruel lesson of black Saturday, we have apparently failed to learn, and people are being allowed to return to the same situation. This is a result of planning incompetence and gutless governance.

                In Victoria the call by both the Government, including the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE), and the Victorian Liberal/National opposition is to burn and clear more forest. The putrid smoke we see and breath is evidence. Back burning to create forest regeneration makes sense! however incinerating thousands of native animals and plants to protect human stupidity makes no sense at all, especially in the light of global warming.

                Has the Government and the Opposition suddenly and conveniently forgotten that we are facing a potential extinction event, or is the reality that they simply don’t believe in scientific evidence. Political imbeciles and arsonist have no bounds.

                Burning farm stubble and clearing more forest means more greenhouse gasses, reducing rainfall in our area and adding to dry forest conditions, drought and more wild fires. This is what is called a positive feedback loop and if we continue with this medieval behaviour things will continue to get worse, not better.

Authorised  by Alan Lappin, PO Box 1234 Wangaratta VIC 3676

The Big Buffalo Dam Fiasco

We must all learn to treasure our environment. Humans are destroying the remainder of the natural environment at frightening speed. Five years ago a football field of natural forest was being cleared every 30 minutes, now it is every 5 seconds. This is contributing to droughts, wildfires, death and destruction. Black Saturday in Victoria must surely act as a message that we are doing things very wrong. Big Buffalo Dam will not only cost countless of millions of dollars and take 25 years to build, but the destruction to the environment would be enormous including the death of the Ovens River system; the beneficiaries being a handful of wealthy irrigators. To fill the dam would take many more years and it may never happen (think about Lake Eildon), and remember scientific prediction is for less rain in our area.

People are being asked by political community leaders to support Big Buffalo against all common sense and scientific advice. The Big Buffalo Fiasco is about playing childish and deceitful politics. Ask yourself, would you invest your superannuation into Big Buffalo and wait 25 years before you get to see if the investment will work or not?  It’s time to get rid of irresponsible politicians who choose to ignore the deadly warning signs Mother Nature is sending to humanity. Big Buffalo is politically motivated, nonsensical emotional rubbish.

Find out what is going on, read ‘The Weather Makers’ by Tim Flannery and ‘Climate Code Red’ by David Spratt and Philip Sutton.

Authorised by Alan Lappin, PO Box 1234 Wangaratta VIC 3676