Tag Archives: environment

The Big Buffalo Dam Fiasco

We must all learn to treasure our environment. Humans are destroying the remainder of the natural environment at frightening speed. Five years ago a football field of natural forest was being cleared every 30 minutes, now it is every 5 seconds. This is contributing to droughts, wildfires, death and destruction. Black Saturday in Victoria must surely act as a message that we are doing things very wrong. Big Buffalo Dam will not only cost countless of millions of dollars and take 25 years to build, but the destruction to the environment would be enormous including the death of the Ovens River system; the beneficiaries being a handful of wealthy irrigators. To fill the dam would take many more years and it may never happen (think about Lake Eildon), and remember scientific prediction is for less rain in our area.

People are being asked by political community leaders to support Big Buffalo against all common sense and scientific advice. The Big Buffalo Fiasco is about playing childish and deceitful politics. Ask yourself, would you invest your superannuation into Big Buffalo and wait 25 years before you get to see if the investment will work or not?  It’s time to get rid of irresponsible politicians who choose to ignore the deadly warning signs Mother Nature is sending to humanity. Big Buffalo is politically motivated, nonsensical emotional rubbish.

Find out what is going on, read ‘The Weather Makers’ by Tim Flannery and ‘Climate Code Red’ by David Spratt and Philip Sutton.

Authorised by Alan Lappin, PO Box 1234 Wangaratta VIC 3676

Environmental Dollar

 Solutions to Save The Environment

This concept for the first time in history directly links human activities to the environment. It is an extension of the failed Carbon Trading Scheme or Emissions Trading Scheme concept with some big differences.  

The concept requires the creation of two currencies: the “normal dollar” and the “Environmental dollar”. These two currencies run together effectively.  The creation of the ENVIRO Dollar ($E.00) is achieved by quantifying everything we do that has a negative impact on the environment to an $E.00 value.

Example 1. If you want to take an air flight and the impact is 1 tonne of Carbon Dioxide emissions the required amount of $E.00s will need to be purchased before the flight can be taken. At the airport you simply pay your $E.00 plus any additional standard $0.00 cost.

Example 2. The purchase of energy (petrol, gas, electricity etc) will have both an $E.00 component and a standard $0.00 component and the amount for either currency will depend on how non-environmentally damaging the energy is and how much you consume.

$E.00 can be earned directly by performing environmental tasks such as tree planting, environmental restoration tasks etc or indirectly by funding environmental programs. $E.00s can be converted to the corresponding normal currency, dollar for dollar. That is $E1.00 equals $1.00.  Both $E.00s and normal $s would be available in shops, banks etc. Meaning if you want to purchase an item that has no $E.00 component regardless $E.00 or ‘normal’ $0.00 currency can be used, however, if an item has an $E.00 component then that component will have to be paid for in $E.00s.

Wages and salary earners will have part of their income paid in $E.00s. and the remainder in normal $0.00.

Credit cards can also be set up for dual currency working.

In consideration of the environmental impact a home building above 20 squares will be affected by high $E.00s. This principle will also be applied across all simular purchasers.

Unlike the Carbon Trading scheme this is not a system of permits; it is an actual trading currency. There must be no free Environmental dollars. Existing initiative schemes can be used to assist with the transition or introductory periods of the $E.00 scheme.

Private ownership of the coal powered electricity generation plants has demonstrated a significant unwillingness to accept responsibility to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. These industries are the highest emitters by far and yet by actively opposing this scheme they have destroyed the effectiveness by now being practically exempt.

The only way to effectively reduce carbon dioxide emissions is for the Federal Government to purchase or buy back these essential services, such as power generation systems using fossil fuels. There would be a need to legislate such buy backs to ensure the Australian public was not exploited during this process by ensuring that the buy back is comparative to the original purchase price.

This system could be applied to any economic system in the world. Countries that do not adopt the scheme would be subject to environmental tariffs.

The system will have to be regulated by the Federal Government.

Environmental revenues received by the Government can only be spent on environmental projects.

The Federal and State governments will create and administer $E.00 programs that will be controlled effectively the same as treasury currency. These programs would be passed onto local government or private enterprise business to provide employment opportunities. Councils and private companies will be able to compete in this new market place. Federal and State governments will generate taxes as per current arrangements.

Citizens will apply for jobs as per normal in this new market place, only this time society’s direction and emphasis on employment will be on saving and restoring our planet to good health. This approach will absorb unemployment completely while at the same time maintain business opportunity and economic viability for governments during the rapid transition period of moving away from our current extreme capitalist consumption and expansionist society.

The emphasis and drive for all people must be to accept less in terms of profits, wages and materialistic life styles; learning to live with what we need and not with what we want. Build a society seeking quality of life instead of keep up with Jones’ quantity of life. We must all adopt the ideals of sharing our wealth and caring for each other.

To not move away from our current economic and social values will lead to certain environmental collapse as we are already witnessing followed by inevitable economic and social collapse across the world. To not change our direction with hast and determination will lead to anarchy within cultures and potentially world wars.

 The simple hard fact is that our materialistic way of life driven by human greed has brought us to the cross roads of humanity. We can build a beautiful new world based on love caring and sharing, honesty and integrity by removing the great dividing lines of inequality in wealth, and divisions within our spiritual belief systems. Or we go extinct! Surely our children, grandchildren and future generations deserve a chance, a small sacrifice on our part.

Authorised by Alan Lappin, PO Box 1234 Wangaratta VIC 3676

Political Launch Statement

'Big Al' with his grandson, Kaleb

‘Big Al’ with his grandson, Kaleb

We must protect our children’s future; we must protect our future generations. The futures of middle income and lower income children are at high risk. What we are seeing around the world, including Australia is a push by the rich and greedy to take all. Ask yourself, where have all the billions of dollars gone throughout the global crisis? Did all this money suddenly evaporate? The answer is no, somebody took it. Almost 95% of the world’s wealth is owned by about 5% of the world’s people; this equates to five people in one hundred owning $95 and ninety five people having to share $5. So the only way the world’s economies can collapse is for the rich and greedy to withdraw their money from the money markets; they took it. No matter what the ninety five people do with their $5 it won’t make any difference. Are we repeating simular history that caused the Great Depression and World War 2. This appalling inequality of wealth must change.

As our current practices of unchecked capitalism continue, so does the risk of mass extinction. Science has painstakingly built a mountain of evidence showing that we have made our beautiful planet ill, possibly terminally ill. The proof of climate change has been seen and talked about for the past 30 years, we all talk about how the seasons have changed and how the sun burns us so easily compared to when we were young. For all of the people around my age group, we have never experienced such terrible climatic conditions, and nor did our parents. We don’t always need scientific evidence to provide proof; all we need to do is open our eyes and minds. We all know the planet is sick and we made it sick, now we have to fix it.

And yet we continue to clear forest at an alarming rate around the world. Five years ago the forest clearing was estimated to a football field every thirty minutes, now it is said to be every five seconds. Who is doing this? Mainly large, rich and greedy corporations using slave labour in poor countries so that they can increase their endless wealth. In Australia we continue to destroy our farmlands by irrigating in areas of our continent that should never have been irrigated. The Murray Darling River system is dying from over consumption of water. High profit crops such as rice, cotton and the massive over production of wine must be stopped. Irrigation must be reduced to an absolute minimum.

Politicians who deny scientific reality and ignore scientific advice are either, greed motivated, totally incompetent or completely irresponsible. Politicians have become masters of lies and deceit, self indulgent, self protecting of their own. As a society we have become conditioned to accept that lies and deceit are simply politics. It does not and should not be this way. We must put an end to wealthy people dominating the corridors of our parliaments, protecting and enhancing their wealth. The economic and environmental mess we are in is a result of wealthy people in parliament looking after wealthy people, taxes and laws that protect the rich. We all know about this, we all complain about this; we need to stop this; we need to put non wealthy, non greedy, responsible people into our parliaments.

If we continue to lust for wealth, especially the top 5%; then with absolute certainty, our children and grandchildren will face unimaginable hardship and our future children will have been aborted before they are conceived, along with most life on Earth. Remember Extinction is final.

Help save the children and stop the insanity: Send Big Al (Alan Lappin) to Canberra at the next Federal Election.

You can show your support for Big Al and the Future Generations Movement by subscribing to this blog, and / or emailing ‘Big Al’.


Authorised by Alan Lappin, PO Box 1234 Wangaratta VIC 3676