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  1. Retweeted

    Win an Official Costume Jacket from SyFy's worn by in the OIF Strong Bones Auction

  2. Retweeted

    of . Bid now to own the original La Shoshain Jacket worn by

  3. So, how are we doing, Faenatics? Everyone okay?

  4. Things we will still do now that is over: 1. Wait for the eps to air in the US. 2. Troll fans. 3. Obsess over .

  5. Retweeted

    So....hope you all had Kleenex:)

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    is soooooo nice to me! Thanks for introducing this kind gentile hearted person to me

  7. Retweeted

    What amazing performances from all:). Congrats to cast and crew and we LOVE all the fans for your love of our show:).

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    Such a pleasure and an honour to be apart of an amazing show with so many talented people!

  9. Retweeted

    I'll never ever ever forget... any of you. Faemily forever!

  10. We have too many words to say to you than we can put into 150 characters, Faenatics. Live the lives you choose. Regret is fo suckaz.

  11. Retweeted

    A giant "we'll miss you!" to every person that worked on over the years! And a bigger thank you to the fans!

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    The End.

  13. Retweeted

    "Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end"

  14. Wait... what do we do now?

  15. We'll be ready.

  16. Retweeted

    Last ever shot on set the set of

  17. God, you're beautiful.

  18. Retweeted

    Indeed "I do"

  19. Not in this colony.

  20. Retweeted


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