@lostgirlseries está bloqueado

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  1. Show off your love! Rock some of our official gear. Use code: LUCKYFAE for 15% off:

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  2. ha retwitteado

    The Android is back in action tonight! Watch the 2-hour season finale! 9e/8c

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  3. ha retwitteado

    Calling all Toronto-based Fae! Join us for an exclusive fan video!

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  4. What's that? Oh, just our cast looking gorgeous.

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  5. ha retwitteado

    Happy to all! Girl Check out the new cover photo.

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  6. ha retwitteado

    Who else wants another auction? & I would be happy to oblige! What piece would you like to see next?

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  7. ha retwitteado

    Were you blown away by last night's episode? Tell us!

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  8. Celebrate FaeDay every day with official Lost Girl gear. Use code: LUCKYFAE for 15% off:

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  9. ha retwitteado

    You have all made it a privilege to be your Wolfman for all these years. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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  10. ha retwitteado

    It's on! Watch the premiere pre-release episodes of & now:

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  11. ha retwitteado

    The final Faewell. From our hearts to yours...

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  12. ha retwitteado

    1st read thru/final season xox

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  13. ha retwitteado

    My heart just skipped a beat, I'll never believe that it's almost over, let alone when it truly is

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  14. ha retwitteado

    I now have my own radio station! @moosefm_cjcd

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  15. ha retwitteado

    How these two 's & I feel about the end of .

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  16. ha retwitteado

    Thank You Lost Girl Song - I wrote this song to thank the cast for a wonderful 5 years

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