October 23, 2015

Shocking News! DOJ Declines to Charge Anyone For IRS Targeting Conservative Groups

I for one am shocked! I mean shocked to the bone that no laws were broken

So see next time the Republicans get to appoint the Atty General we should use the IRS to tax those Democrat MFs into oblivion.

After all it wouldn't break any laws the Dems have set that precedent.

By Howie at 03:24 PM | Comments |

Where's Rusty? Darth Lenin Edition

Know the powah of the WIFI!

You got to hand it to the Russian not only are they drunk, they are very cool.

By Howie at 01:08 PM | Comments |

October 22, 2015

The Mother of All Bad Ideas!

Pakistan, the terrorist state with a nuclear deterrent.

JACKIE NORTHAM, BYLINE: The meeting with Pakistan's prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, comes just one week after President Obama scrapped plans to pull all U.S. troops out of Afghanistan by the time he leaves office. The White House believes Pakistan is key to a negotiated peace settlement with the Taliban in Afghanistan. Still, Christine Fair, a South Asia specialist at Georgetown University, says the administration has deep-seated concerns about Pakistan's relationship with the Taliban.

CHRISTINE FAIR: Pakistan continues to provide sanctuary, military assistance, military training. They embed trainers from the Pakistan army with the Taliban.

NORTHAM: But Fair says if there is going to be some sort of political settlement in Afghanistan, Pakistan is going to have to be involved.

FAIR: And as we are trying to find a way out of Afghanistan, you know, the irony is we're turning to Pakistan for help, which is really a bad idea.....

Bad idea? Its The Mother of All Bad Ideas!

Seriously the longer the civilized world fails to deal with Pakistan the more innocents die.

First strike anyone?

Update: Great news we're giving Pakistan 8 more F-16s.... as Rusty says, "Awesome!"

If the State Department were serious about its State Sponsors of Terrorism designation, the list would have more than three names on it: Iran, Sudan, and Syria. The most prominent missing name? Pakistan.

....And now, with Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif visiting Washington, the administration is leaking word that Pakistan will be allowed to buy eight more F-16s — aircraft that are likely to be prepared for a future war against democratic and pro-Western India rather than for fighting jihadist terrorists.

By Howie at 03:32 PM | Comments |

Special Forces Liberate 70 ISIS Prisoners

We lost a man rescuing these people from ISIS.

One U.S. soldier was killed in an operation that freed more than 70 ISIS hostages in Iraq, military sources confirm to Fox News.

The Arab hostages were freed from an ISIS prison in northern Iraq near Tikrit. "People were chained to walls," one well-placed military source said.

"A mass atrocity was averted," a senior U.S. defense source tells Fox News. Rescue forces moved in when it was apparent that ISIS hostage takers were planning to kill the hostages.

According to a senior U.S. defense official, Kurdish Special Operations forces known as Peshmerga were in the lead during the operation.

May the Lord accept him and well done.

By Howie at 10:15 AM | Comments |

War Porn: Tag Team Against DAESH


In those cases Allahu Ackbar can be translated as I'm still alive?

By Howie at 09:17 AM | Comments |

With Achievements Like Libya Hillary Won't Need Failures


4. Focus on how the U.S. dropped the ball. Where was the plan for the aftermath of the Libyan civil war? Is former defense secretary Robert Gates correct that they were “playing it by ear“? Why did Clinton not focus on the spread of al-Qaeda into North Africa? Were she and her advisers aware it was devolving into a failed state? Is it a failed state now? Whose is responsible for that? (As Daily Beast put it, “The country is an epicenter of the refugee crisis sweeping the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe. Part of Libya is under the control of the self-proclaimed Islamic State. And the Russians use the U.S.-NATO intervention in Libya to justify their own military incursions in places like Syria. But to Clinton, Libya was—and still remains—a major achievement.”)
So now we know what Dems call an achievement when they inspire popular culture.


Results in cool stuff like this....

And this.....

I mean maybe Gaddafi was a terrorist, maybe he deserved it but I for one was ashamed that my country was so in with a group of savages.

Bush captured Saddam and he was given a fair trial, the Gaddafi family for the most part has never had the opportunity of even an unfair trail. And they were not killed in an airstrike or another act of war, they were captured and then murdered in cold blood.

I thought we were better than that? So that's a Democrat Achievement? That is what America stands for, murder and failed states?

I'm not sure how much of Hillary's terrible performance as Secretary of State was her fault and how much was her Boss Obama's fault.

Either way, I would not vote for her if she were the last candidate on Earth, at least Bill was likable and didn't turn everything he touched into a steaming heap of crap.

More here at Her Royal Clintoness.

By Howie at 08:51 AM | Comments |

October 21, 2015

Nooooooooo! Not Cory Wells!

Yeah so I was raised by hippies and WWII vets I can do Porter Wagoner or 3 Dog Night. I'm cool like that.

Three Dog Night co-founder and vocalist Cory Wells died Tuesday, according to the band's website. He was 74.

"It is with deep sadness and disbelief that I must report the passing of Cory Wells, my beloved band mate for over 45 years," Three Dog Night's Danny Hutton wrote in a press release. "Cory was an incredible singer – a great performer, he could sing anything."

I sang 3 Dog Night in Sunday school, giving away the fact my Parents had Easy Rider on 8-Track.


Hat Tip: el Chapo.

By Howie at 08:55 PM | Comments |

Obligatory Back to the Future Post

Where are the flying cars? I was promised flying cars?

By Howie at 02:42 PM | Comments |

Little Philistine Girls Have Dreams Too!

You Islamophobic racist bigots!

Exit question: If the West Bank was part of Jordan why does Jordan reject the citizenship of Palestinians?

By Howie at 02:34 PM | Comments |

Colorado Town Says No! To Boobies?

OK so I can buy weed but boobies are banned? I'm confused.

The city council voted unanimously Tuesday evening to reject changes to a law that prohibits the display of female breasts.

The hometown of Colorado State University did amend its indecency code to allow public breastfeeding. But otherwise it remains a $250 fine for a woman over the age of 10 to display her breast "below the top of the nipple."

"It just doesn't seem right" to allow female toplessness, said Councilman Ray Martinez. "People are going to say, we go to Fort Collins and run around topless. And I don't want that."


Well that depends. There are good topless activists and there are bad topless activists.

How could you regulate the good and still stop the bad.

Fortunately we at Jawa will never have that problem. Like I said never.

By Howie at 01:01 PM | Comments |

Joe Biden Drops Out

Don't get me wrong, I like Joe Biden as a person, his politics are too liberal, way left for a Middle of the Road Democrat.

But at least Joe is honest about it. In fact if not for Joe being there the Obama Administration wouldn't have one brain if you added them all together.

So I would have liked to seen Joe get in before the Debate, but it was clear after the debate his absence was a killer. Pat Buchanan was spot on.

It is telling though how far left the Dems have moved with all the Classical Democrats, Webb and now Biden, gone....

As for Hillary she's intentionally moving left abandoning the Bill Clinton coalition of moderates and labor.

Its all left to the Commiecrats now.


By Howie at 12:41 PM | Comments |

Controversy! Did Muslim Implore Hitler to Burn the Jews or Just Condone Hitler Burning the Jews?

Critics of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu call his accusation against that Haj Amin al-Husseini suggested to Hitler he kill all the Jews rather than expell them a dangerous historical distortion.

When most historians believe its clear that rather than suggest the Holocaust, he wholly condoned and supported as Hitler's best idea ever!.

Seems like a weak defense to me.

But see how tolerant the Grand Mufti was, he was willing to snuggle up even with Hitler. Friendly guy.

By Howie at 11:14 AM | Comments |

The List

Rooster and John Ryan are banned.

Even I can only take so much.

Update: Also comments spoofing, mentioning, trolling as or to either will be deleted. I'm looking at you there in RCA. (Update: OK Achmed Smells Like a PigRat in the cooler)

By Howie at 09:08 AM | Comments |

Sandcrawler PSA: Do It Yourself Porn Worse Idea That Your Last Ex

Do it yourself porn, just don't. It can't possibly end well.

U.K. man Gary Whicker, 22, split with his girlfriend at the end of August, according to the Liverpool Echo.

Angry over the split, he sent a video of the woman naked and masturbating to her young brother, Mirror reports.

*** “I knew what kind of person [Whicker] was but I never thought my daughter was such a whore.” the victim’s mother said in a court statement, according to Mirror.

See what I mean. Some things are better left to the professionals.

Read More "Sandcrawler PSA: Do It Yourself Porn Worse Idea That Your Last Ex "
By Howie at 08:32 AM | Comments |

Shocking! Frenchman Surrenders

But Kitteh is saved.

Published on Oct 20, 2015
A Frenchman with a cat in his clothes jumped from his sailboat onto a second vessel south of Alaska. A nearby Coast Guard airplane monitored the rescue and videotaped it. (Oct. 21)

*Anyway, an American would have made a new rudder and fashioned sail from that cat's hide.

Read More "Shocking! Frenchman Surrenders "
By Howie at 08:03 AM | Comments |

October 20, 2015

Sandcrawler PSA: Know The Powah!

By Howie at 08:11 AM | Comments |

October 19, 2015

The Littlest Shahids

Never make any judgments about anything based on dead Arab babies. Because that's why Muslims send their babies to die, because you care about those dead babies and they can use them to manipulate you.

No they don't care about anything except manipulating you, the babies were sacrificed.

alestinian Arabs are killing their children because they make effective delivery systems for killing Israelis. They also sacrifice them because wounded or dead children paint Israelis as heartless and cruel in the eyes of the world and the Israelis themselves.

This so-called success encouraged Palestinians to enlarge the role of their children by using them as human shields, direct combatants and suicide bombers - glorifying, rather than mourning their deaths.

The death of Arab children on the front lines - extolled as shahids or martyrs - has become a cynical weapon in the arsenal of Arab leaders. They have learned that when their children are killed, they gain world sympathy, especially in Europe and North America - where the death of any child is viewed as a tragedy and portrayed as such in the media, regardless of circumstance.

While Palestinian leaders exhort the public into volunteering their children for suicide missions, they make sure their own children are not among the volunteers.

True and you'll never see an ald creaky Imam who preaches suicide bombing put his money where his mouth is, it is always a young person, what old Arab Imams can't drive or push a button?

By Howie at 03:52 PM | Comments |

Blog Sabbath Caption Contest: Obamafication Edition


Some pontiffs have been beatified or canonized, but Pope Francis is receiving a far more dubious honor.

He's being "Obamified."


Whatever, caption this, Fatwas will be issued.

Update: Fatwas Issued!

The I Will Cut Ur Neck Fatwa issued against Mike for

ne is a world leader, whose devoted followers religiously cling to his every word.
The other is the Pope.
The Why U Insult Holly Koran Fatwa issued against Shadescale for
Obama: And then I said, "If you want to practice your religion, you can keep your religion."
The Devil Will Do Meetballs From UR Body Fatwa issued against The Realist of Old for
Yeah, stroke it, stroke it.....
I told you I'd get to this eventually....

By Howie at 09:14 AM | Comments |

October 18, 2015

Palestinian's Selective History

A few days I wrote a post about Israel in where I described Muslim obsession with the Temple Mount.

Jeffrey Goldberg does a much better job here.

Many of the leaders of Palestine’s Muslims believed—or claimed to believe—that Jews had manufactured a set of historical and theological connections to the Western Wall and to the Mount, the site of the al-Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock, in order to advance the Zionist project. This belief defied Muslim history—the Dome of the Rock was built by Jerusalem’s Arab conquerors on the site of the Second Jewish Temple in order to venerate its memory...

..The exact location of the Holy of Holies is not known, and Muslim authorities have prevented archeologists from conducting any excavations on the Mount, in part out of fear that such explorations will uncover further evidence of a pre-Islamic Jewish presence...

One of the tragedies of the settlement movement is that it obscures what might be the actual root cause of the Middle East conflict: the unwillingness of many Muslim Palestinians to accept the notion that Jews are a people who are indigenous to the land Palestinians believe to be exclusively their own, and that the third-holiest site in Islam is also the holiest site of another religion, one whose adherents reject the notion of Muslim supersessionism.....

Read the rest as they say.

So all the Palestinians have to do is erase Roman, Jewish and alter Islamic history, they so hate the Jews they are willing to make themselves, Takfir, which is what Muslims call Muslims who would do such an thing as deny history,

My previous post.

By Howie at 10:01 PM | Comments |

October 16, 2015

Dumbass of the Day: Dustin Brown

The old man has still got it!

A 75-year-old Army veteran is recovering from stab wounds after saving 16 terrified children from a knife-wielding teen who had reportedly planned a mass murder.

James Vernon was leading a chess club meeting with children at a public library in Morton, Illinois, Tuesday afternoon when Dustin Brown, 19, burst into the room wielding two knives and threatening the children, Fox News reported.


Mr. Vernon was able to keep the teen pinned down until police and paramedics arrived.

“I failed my mission to kill everyone,” Mr. Brown later told police, according to an affidavit.

Vernon is going to be just fine


By Howie at 10:46 PM | Comments |

Seal Has Very Bad Day

I hear the seal was called Bilal Ahmad.

Yeah I have more Bilal saved up for a rainy day.

(video copied because autoplay)

By Howie at 08:10 PM | Comments |

MSNBC Reporter Busted For Lying About "Unarmed" Palestinian

This time, his lie so was blatant and egregious, MSNBC's own anchor had to correct him on-air. What really makes his lie galling is that his own crew had filmed the Palestinian, with a knife, just moments before this on-air lie.

Previously, Mohyeldin advocated for a ban on mocking Islam and described Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle as a "racist" on a "killing spree."

PS: Those of you who mirror videos might need to save and upload this one. MSNBC might claim copyright infringement just to get it taken down. I have mirrored it at LiveLeak, just in case.

Update: Backup here.

By DMartyr at 03:29 PM | Comments |