LaToya Ferguson


/ / / / / / More! / I write. And talk. And watch. And joke. A lot. xoxo Gossip Fergs.

Los Angeles, CA
Joined July 2012

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  1. ALANNA YOUR BUZZFEED QUIZ IS BROKEN! "You’re Jeremy! You’re romantic to a fault..."

  2. retweeted

    When you talk about an experience as a POC and a white person says, “Are you sure? I don’t experience that."

  3. retweeted

    This is definitely .

  4. Bless the review assignment gods for me getting the episode on the rotash.

  5. About damn time.

    This Tweet is unavailable.
  6. Most reviews don't mention pro wrestling AND the Ashmore twins in the same sentence. What a world.

  7. She's like an encyclopedia of Housewives knowledge, and it's terrifying.

  8. There's something so surreal about watching while my mother comments on every single Housewives character it's parodying.

  9. You are the only person who cares about me.

  10. I can't believe I forgot all about this, the most late '90s movie ever. (The swing revival is part of the plot.)

  11. retweeted

    Skin was part teen soap, part adult drama, and all failure

  12. retweeted

    pushes the limits of dark comedy & Lillian almost has a hot dog!

  13. retweeted

    I saw the show name and knew it was a piece. His father is the district attorney!

  14. I love writing about .

  15. Oh hey, remember Skin? No, not Skins: "HIS FATHER IS THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY," not!The O.C., etc. I wrote about it.

  16. retweeted

    What's weird is that when I saw those retweets, I thought, "Oh, how cool of her to give this criticism a forum."

  17. Like clockwork, really. And over MTV's Scream reviews, which I don't even do anymore.

  18. Hey, I said that!

  19. retweeted

    There's no fucking way the Kings actually believe the reason viewers are upset is bc they can't tell the difference b/w reality and fiction.

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