Carrie Raisler


The night is dark and full of tacos

Nashville, TN
Beigetreten Juni 2010

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  1. When Tommy was looking in that shed I kept expecting him to find a field of poinsettias.

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  2. retweetete

    I straight up thought that Dior ad was a trailer for a new Johnny Depp movie about a magician who buried something important in the desert.

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  3. My thoughts on tonight's format-breaking . I did not care for it.

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  4. Meg is scary!

  5. I really like this country cover of "The Promise" and that is a sentence I never imagined writing.

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  6. Me: "What is going on right now?" *2 seconds later* Tommy: "What's happening right now?" Heh.

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  7. is incredibly well directed this season but I cannot get into the story. Looks gorgeous, though.

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  8. "Fuck." - Me starting the last and realizing it is 90 minutes.

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  9. Catching up on the last two eps.

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  10. Somehow, Grace's story was the only good one in that entire episode.

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  11. Grace is so good this season!

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  12. Between the salary story and the abortion story, this is full of .

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  13. Demi Lovato's "Confident" was playing? I need to lie down.

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  14. It was the devil... in a therapist's office? I think?

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  15. I just watched a 15-second promo five times because I could not believe it existed.

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  16. Are Klaus and Cami going to make out soon? This is Important.

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  17. "DON'T YOU FUCKING HURT CAMI!" - Thing I yell at my TV at least once during every ep.

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  18. I still like but I do not understand the purpose of Davina or her storylines.

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  19. Evil Grin Elijah is the best Elijah.

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