Monday, June 8 2015 Stand with Susiya – No to Demolition 1939719_774484202563808_1183977242_o SAVE SUSYA: DEMAND PALESTINIANS THEIR RIGHT TO PLAN THEIR OWN COMMUNITIES! SUSYA UNDER IMMEDIATE DEMOLITION THREAT The entire village of Susya may soon be demolished due to the refusal of High Court Justice Noam Solberg to grant a temporary restraining order preventing the razing of the village. A highly unusual move, this comes despite the fact that Susya is currently waiting for the High Court to hear its petition on August 3rd challenging the Civil Administration’s rejection of its master plan, which, if accepted, would authorize the village. WATCH: Short […]

Monday, October 6 2014 Join The Olive Harvest in The Occupied Territories 12 Rabbis for Human Rights is pleased to invite you to join us as we begin this year’s OLIVE HARVEST   Every fall, Rabbis for Human Rights brings hundreds of volunteers to work side-by-side with Palestinian farmers during our Olive Harvest campaign. Our presence provides protection against possible settler intimidation, enables farmers to pick within the limited number of days that they can safely do so, and has also become an act of solidarity between Israeli Jews and Palestinians. If you would like to join us for a day of harvesting in the territories, please […]

Thursday, September 11 2014 Another Expulsion of Palestinians from Their Privately Owned Land Last Saturday, near the outpost of “Havat Mor”, a Palestinian shepherd was expelled from his land, without a warrant or a legal cause, and against the Israeli High court’s decision and the Attorney General’s orders. Watch the video.

Saturday, August 30 2014 Wadi Simsim, Tequ’a by David Shulman 1978295_10152679866352138_8781112893773182976_o There is innocence, and there is the smug delusion of innocence. It’s not hard to tell them apart. I saw a lot of both today. Suhail was born in the tents of Wadi Simsim and has lived his whole life here, in the wadi, with the goats and the sheep. This is his world. He knows every rock. He never studied. He speaks only Arabic (the lush, musical dialect of the south). Yet he is a man of the world, and he knows right from wrong. He’s holding in a […]

Sunday, August 17 2014 A False Accusation, Allegedly, by a Soldier Against Ta’ayush Activist 1759384-18 Read Shabti Bendt’s Article (In Hebrew)

Saturday, August 2 2014 Tequ’a and Umm al-Ara’is by David Shulman   Dizzy from the dissonance. In the felafel shop off the main street in Tequ’a, the TV is perched high on the wall in the corner. News from Gaza in Arabic. A mother lies on a hospital cot, her face pocked with a hundred tiny, and some not-so-tiny, red wounds, probably from shrapnel. She cannot speak, keeps fading off into sleep (let us hope it’s not death). Beside her, a two-year-old child is crying, hopeless, holding her hand, looking at her face. The young owner of the shop scoops balls […]

Wednesday, January 22 2014 Read “Ha’aretz” article about the Taboun in Umm el Kheir Read the article by Amira Hess    

Saturday, January 18 2014 Umm al-Ara’is, Khushiyya and Twaneh by David Shulman It’s not a good time to walk through the fields. The first, tentative green shoots are pushing up from soft soil irrigated by last month’s fierce snowfall. At Umm al-Khair, the huge field we cleared of rocks and thorns last summer is now a miracle of Irish green, wildly at odds with the browns and purples of the desert. The light is wintry, crisp, more than sufficient to highlight the gap between good and evil.   Still, we find ourselves moving rapidly through fields, stepping as lightly as we can […]