Ad for drone pilots to refuse runs in Air Force Times

drones-250By Courage to Resist. September 23, 2015

On Monday, September 14, the Air Force Times, a weekly newspaper with a circulation of over 65,000 subscribers who include active, reserve and retired U.S. Air Force, Air National Guard and general military personnel and their families, published the advertisement below (select “read more”), carrying a message from 54 veterans urging US drone pilots to refuse to follow orders to fly surveillance and attack missions, citing international law. Courage to Resist is proud to have contributed to this historic effort, which was organized by Iraq Veterans Against the War,, Veterans for Peace, and World Can’t Wait. Continue reading

Robert Weilbacher – Free at Last!

weilbacher-250dBy Bob Meola, Courage to Resist. September 17, 2015

“Moral injury is a real thing. I was being forced to participate in an organization that I had a moral and ethical dilemma against … Yet the Army was hell-bent on sending a statement to other potential objectors that you should not apply for this as it will cost you a lot mentally and physically. I want to tell you to stand up against this system of injustice and immorality. If we are silent, we are complicit.”

Robert Weilbacher is a free man, enjoying his new life as a civilian peace activist. He, the ACLU, and Courage to Resist have declared a victory for the cause of Conscientious Objection. Robert received an Administrative Honorable Discharge from the Army, rather than the discharge as a Conscientious Objector that he applied for, was granted, and had rescinded by the Army, earlier this year [see here and here]. Continue reading

Human rights award for AWOL war resister Andre Shepherd


By PRO ASYL (Germany). September 1, 2015

On September 12, 2015, in Frankfurt/Main the foundation, PRO ASYL will present its this year’s human rights award to the U.S. AWOL soldier and asylum candidate in Germany, André Shepherd. The international conscientious objector network, Connection e.V., salutes this decision.

“A tremendous amount of courage is required to oppose the Iraq War as André Shepherd did”, declared Rudi Friedrich today for Connection e.V.  “Until today, André Shepherd has still unsuccessfully tendered hopes of receiving a positive ruling concerning his asylum case. With his refusal to participate in crimes against humanity, he clearly not only questions the legality of the Iraq War, but also shows that this legally legitimate decision against participation in war should be supported through a granting of asylum.” Continue reading

Chelsea Manning: Solitary for her books and toothpaste?!

contraband250UPDATE. August 18, 2015

Just heard from Chelsea following her hearing: “I was found guilty of all 4 charges @ today’s board; I am receiving 21 days of restrictions on recreation–no gym, library or outdoors.”

So while she was convicted of all four crimes (yes, even the expired toothpaste!), she did not receive any time in solitary confinement. We believe that had everything to do with the outpouring of support for Chelsea, and the attention focused on the Fort Leavenworth board.

Chelsea added, “Now these convictions will follow me thru to any parole/clemency hearing forever. Was expecting to be in min custody in Feb, now years added.” So, this is good news, but not without significant ramifications.

By the Chelsea Manning Support Network. August 13, 2015

Aside from her 35-year prison sentence, Chelsea Manning is now facing indefinite solitary confinement to be determined in a closed hearing August 18th. Donate today to Chelsea’s legal defense fund, to beat back this attack and to help her challenge her unjust 35-year prison sentence.
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August 2015 newsletter and appeal

aug15-newsletter-250By Courage to Resist. July 24, 2015

Please donate today to support the troops who refuse to fight!

The Courage to Resist August 2015 national newsletter (PDF) is arriving in mailboxes across the country in the next few days. In this issue you can read about active duty Army medic Robert Weilbacher’s fight to win a Conscientious Objector discharge from the US Army, the new call from military veterans for drone pilots to refuse to fly, an op-ed by Chelsea Manning describing her five years in prison so far, and more.

We also enclosed a challenge to our supporters to help pay for Chelsea Manning’s upcoming legal appeal before the US Army Court of Criminal Appeals. Continue reading

Can we pay Chelsea Manning’s legal fees? Yes, we can!

fpf-tiNew crowd-funding campaign for Chelsea Manning’s legal fees now underway!

Trevor Timm, Freedom of the Press Foundation. July 15, 2015

Today we’re proud to announce a major new crowd-funding campaign in support of whistleblower Chelsea Manning to help pay for her important legal appeal. Chelsea is currently in the process challenging of her unjust Espionage Act conviction and draconian 35-year jail sentence at the Army Court of Appeals.

First Look Media, publisher of The Intercept, will match donations up made to Chelsea up to $50,000, and journalist Glenn Greenwald, a founding editor of First Look and co-founder of Freedom of the Press Foundation, will also personally match up an additional $10,000—for a total of $60,000 in matching funds! We hope this will give everyone even more incentive to donate, knowing that any contribution you make will automatically be doubled.

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Interview with Spc. Weilbacher by Chris Hedges

hedgessoldier_590Chris Hedges, reposted from TruthDig.
June 7, 2015

“If I’m forced to remain in the Army, I expect to eventually receive an order that I—as an objector—will be unable to comply with, resulting in a court-martial.”
-Spc. Robert Weilbacher

The military in the United States portrays itself as endowed with the highest virtues—honor, duty, self-sacrifice, courage and patriotism. Politicians, entertainers, sports stars, the media, clerics and academics slavishly bow before the military machine, ignoring its colossal pillaging of state resources, the egregious war crimes it has normalized across the globe, its abject service not to democracy or freedom but corporate profit, and the blind, mind-numbing obedience it inculcates among its members. A lone soldier or Marine who rises up inside the system to denounce the hypermasculinity that glorifies violence and war, who exposes the false morality of the military, who refuses to kill in the service of imperial power, unmasks the military for what it is. And he or she, as Chelsea Manning has learned, swiftly pays a very, very heavy price. Continue reading

Free Robert Weilbacher!

weilbacher-250dBy Bob Meola, Courage to Resist. May 19, 2015

“There are some noncombatant Conscientious Objector Medics, such as Desmond Doss, who continued service in the military. That worked for their consciences and beliefs. I believe that any type of participation in the military directly perpetuates the cycle of warfare. Ultimately, it keeps the machine rolling. I believe that to truly stand by my objection to all war, I must be out of this organization entirely.”

Robert Weilbacher is a Conscientious Objector. He was classified as a Conscientious Objector (1-0) by the Department of the Army Conscientious Objector Review Board [DACORB] and awaited an Honorable Discharge from the Army as a CO. DACORB, according to Army regulations is the body charged with the ultimate decision-making power in CO cases. Robert should be a civilian now. Yet, contrary to Army Regulations, he is being held against his will by the Army. Courage to Resist and the ACLU need your help to free Robert Weilbacher. Continue reading