Friday, March 6 2009 Planting in Wadi Humus Together with the residents of Beit Jala and Rabbis for Human Rights we went to plant in Wadi Humus, between Beit Jala and Gilo. However, access to the wadi is denied to all but a few of the Palestinians who have a special permit. Therefore most of our Palestinian partners remained outside the fence. The seedlings were passed under the fence into the restricted area, and only the Israeli activists and a handful of Palestinians with permits planted the seedlings for the group.

Thursday, October 30 2008 Protest march against the separation fence in Beit Jala Palestinian, international and Israeli activists took part in an event organised by the Lutheran church in Beit Jala. After a communal prayer for peace, reconciliation and justice by Christians, Jews and Muslims, the participants marched to the separation wall demanding removal of the walls from Palestinian land and from the hearts of all those involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.