Reclaiming Our Futures is an alliance of grass roots groups and disabled peoples’ organisations (DPOs) across the UK who have come together to defend disabled people’s rights and fight for an inclusive society.

ROFA fights for a equality for Deaf and disabled people in the UK in the tradition of the international disability movement. We base our work on the social model of disability, human and civil rights in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). We oppose the discriminatory and disproportionate attacks on our rights by this Coalition Government. Alliance member organisations have been at the forefront of campaigning against austerity and welfare reform.

ROFA members are Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC), Inclusion London, Equal Lives, Alliance for Inclusive Education (Allfie), People First, Sisters of Frida

The Black Triangle is a silent film in memory of those we have lost due to savage sanctions imposed by the British government on poor and disabled people across the UK.

Protestors took to the streets to show their anger that a Norwich disability assessment centre with no wheelchair access is still being used.

Reclaiming Our Futures Alliance conference 2015.


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Pictures taken at the #ROFAevent2015 held in Sheffield - if anyone need to use any of theses images for their own social media, please help...

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Read Jenny Morris blog on the ROFA Conference 2015   Yesterday, 14th July 2015, I spoke at the Reclaiming Our Futures Alliance conference in Sheffield.  The...