Hungary: Orbán cynically takes advantage of refugee crisis to suppress democratic rights

Written by Our correspondent in Budapest Wednesday, 09 September 2015

viktor-orban-thCurrently Hungary is in the limelight, hardly a news report anywhere in the world goes by without images of thousands of refugees entering the country, trying to board trains out of the country, suffering ill treatment at the hands of the Hungarian authorities. Contrastingly, there are also pictures of volunteers helping or trying to help desperate families camping out in railways stations, walking on the sides of motorways or along railway lines.


Refugee crisis: Cameron's policy fudge will be fatal for thousands

Written by Owen Walsh Wednesday, 09 September 2015

David-CameronAfter weeks of participating in the despicable, racist bile being thrown at the thousands of desperate Asian and African refugees making their way to Europe, David Cameron has announced that he would allow 20,000 people to find refuge in Britain over the next five years. This announcement is the very definition of a political fudge, but it is one which will have fatal consequences for many innocent people.


Pakistan: Factory fire kills 11, burns dozens

Written by Umar Shahid Wednesday, 09 September 2015

IMG-20150905-WA0002On Saturday 5 September, whilst the Pakistani ruling class celebrated a war and praised its general, the  workers in the Badar 313 factory near Gujranwala were suffering the hellish conditions of capitalism


Lest we forget - when it was Europeans who were the migrants

Written by Fred Weston Tuesday, 08 September 2015

fleeing refugees from cassino“The immigrants get all the jobs and houses, while the Italians - or British, or French… - get nothing! The government should think of Italians first - or British, or French first!” How many times do we hear this kind of thinking being hyped up by the TV and press, especially the gutter press, and right-wing demagogues?


The Zimmerwald Conference – the turning of the tide

Written by Alan Woods Monday, 07 September 2015

luxemburg-lenin100 years ago, on 5th September 1915, a small group of international socialists gathered in the tiny Swiss village of Zimmerwald. This was the first attempt to unite those socialists who were opposed to the War.


Refugees welcome: make the bosses pay!

Written by International Marxist Tendency Friday, 04 September 2015

refugees-welcome-footballfansThe current refugee crisis has brought out some of the horrors of capitalist society, as well as the contrast between the basic human solidarity of ordinary working people and the cold calculation and callousness of capitalist rulers in Europe and elsewhere.


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Declaración: ¿Cerrar la frontera o expropiar a la oligarquía?

Written by Corriente Marxista del PSUV - Lucha de Clases Tuesday, 08 September 2015

Declaración de la Corriente Marxista del PSUV - Lucha de Clases, sobre el cierre de la frontera y las medidas tomadas para combatir el bachaqueo y el paramilitarismo en la frontera. Consideramos que, hasta tanto no se ataque a la ologarquía que está detrás de la guerra económica y el financiamiento del paramilitarismo, cualquier otra medida no podrá solucionar nada en el fondo.


Crisis humanitaria en la UE y el plan de acogida de Merkel ¿Una alternativa?

Written by Miguel Jiménez Monday, 07 September 2015

refugees-welcomeHorror sin fin. Mujeres y niños que mueren de asfixia dentro de un camión en el corazón de Europa; niños arrojados muertos a las playas del Mediterráneo; hombres y mujeres golpeados como animales por la policía en toda Europa o marcados con números, como en los campos de concentración nazis.


Movimientos sociales brasileños repudian represión policial en México

Written by Esquerda Marxista - Brazil Thursday, 03 September 2015

mexico2En la tarde del miércoles 2 de setiembre, se realizaron actos simultáneos de protesta en los consulados mexicanos de Sao Paulo y Rio de Janeiro.