Hands Off Corbyn! Defend Labour leader against Tory media attacks!

Written by In Defence of Marxism Wednesday, 16 September 2015

corbynthreat2In the days following Jeremy Corbyn's inspirational landslide victory in the Labour leadership election, the Tories, the right-wing press, and the Blairites within the Labour Party have stepped up their campaign of hysteria and attacks against the new Labour leader. We call on all our readers to get organised in defence of Corbyn. Hands Off Corbyn!


Ruling class hysteria grows in the wake of Corbyn's victory

Written by Jorge Martín Wednesday, 16 September 2015

corbynthreat“The Labour Party is now a threat to our national security, our economic security and your family's security.” This was the way in which David Cameron greeted Jeremy Corbyn’s victory on twitter. None of the usual parliamentary niceties, straight onto scare-mongering. In case the message had been lost, Cameron’s tweet was followed by a video produced by Conservative Party HQ full of images of gun touting ISIS terrorists running around in tanks and jeeps waving black flags.


Moldova: Mass protests erupt in Chișinău

Written by Ivan LOH Tuesday, 15 September 2015

mass-rallyMass protests are continuing in Moldova, one of the poorest countries in Europe. On 6th September, around 100,000 protesters [in a country 0f 3.5 million] took to the streets of the capital Chișinău [a town of less than 700,000 people]. Workers, civil servants, students, and pensioners have been protesting against the hike in prices and tariffs for utilities, and against corruption and poverty. The protesters, engaged in clashes with the police, are attempting to storm administrative buildings and have already set up a tent camp in the centre of the capital.


Blacklisting: conspiracy and corruption at the heart of British industry

Written by Frank Cooper Monday, 14 September 2015

blacklistIn March 2009, the Information Commissioner’s Office (a public body set up to investigate the misuse of individuals’ private information) exposed the existence of a ‘blacklist’ containing the names of 3,213 individuals, largely construction workers. The “Consulting Association”, as it was known, had operated from 1993, systematically compiling a database of workers’ personal details as well as substantive entries regarding their conduct, political affiliations and trade union activities.


Britain: Corbyn's victory and the tasks ahead for Young Labour

Written by Ben Gliniecki Monday, 14 September 2015

Corbyn-Victory-smallJeremy Corbyn’s stunning victory in the Labour leadership election has dealt a decisive blow to the right-wing of the party. It has exposed as false the empty Blairite rhetoric about the importance of the “middle ground” and is a denunciation of the abandonment of Labour’s socialist policies in the New Labour years.


NEWSFLASH: CORBYN wins an Outstanding Victory! Political Earthquake shakes British Establishment as Left Winger becomes Labour Leader

Written by Rob Sewell - Editor of Socialist Appeal Britain Saturday, 12 September 2015

corbyn-victoryThis astonishing victory of Jeremy Corbyn becoming leader of the Labour Party represents a political earthquake of monumental proportions. It has turned the political map of Britain upside down. Hundreds of thousands of workers and youth, desperate for change, are celebrating this victory all over the country. Michael Meacher has correctly described the Corbyn campaign as “the biggest non-revolutionary upturning of the social order.”


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Featured articles

Corbyn consigue una victoria excepcional - Un terremoto político sacude al Establishment británico al ver cómo un izquierdista se convierte en el líder del Laborismo

Written by Rob Sewell Tuesday, 15 September 2015

corbyn-victoryEsta asombrosa victoria de Jeremy Corbyn, que lo convierte en el líder del Partido Laborista, representa un terremoto político de proporciones monumentales. Ha transformado el mapa político británico de arriba abajo. Cientos de miles de trabajadores y jóvenes, desesperados por la situación, están celebrando esta victoria en todo el país. Michael Meacher ha descrito correctamente la campaña de Corbyn como "el mayor vuelco no revolucionario del orden social".


La Unidad Popular como medio, el socialismo como objetivo

Written by Lucha de Clases - Spain Monday, 14 September 2015

podemos-human-waveLas elecciones del 24 de mayo dieron la victoria a candidaturas situadas a la izquierda de la socialdemocracia en las tres ciudades más pobladas del estado español por primera vez en nuestra historia contemporánea. Este hecho, que es un reflejo político de las extraordinarias movilizaciones sociales que se han dado en años anteriores, abrió la posibilidad de lograr en el conjunto del estado una alianza electoral de las fuerzas que se han opuesto a los recortes sociales de los últimos gobiernos del PSOE y del PP.


Declaración: ¿Cerrar la frontera o expropiar a la oligarquía?

Written by Corriente Marxista del PSUV - Lucha de Clases Tuesday, 08 September 2015

Declaración de la Corriente Marxista del PSUV - Lucha de Clases, sobre el cierre de la frontera y las medidas tomadas para combatir el bachaqueo y el paramilitarismo en la frontera. Consideramos que, hasta tanto no se ataque a la ologarquía que está detrás de la guerra económica y el financiamiento del paramilitarismo, cualquier otra medida no podrá solucionar nada en el fondo.