
Legal status of thousands of immigrants put in jeopardy due to despicable lawsuit filed by CWA affiliate

Due to a lawsuit filed by the Washington Alliance of Technology Workers (WATW), an affiliate of the Communications Workers Alliance (CWA), the Department of Homeland Security has invalidated the 17 month extension of the Optional Practical Training program (OPT).

"Hands Up, Don't Ship!" Minneapolis UPS workers protest shipments to Missouri police

A dozen part-time UPS workers in Minneapolis took protest action on the job August 22, after discovering ties between Missouri law enforcement and a company, Law Enforcement Targets, whose shipments we handle each day.

Unions woo capital's bike couriers: Rival groups are competing for the organisation of dispatch riders in an effort to improve pay and conditions

Article from The Guardian April 9, 1990 about the libertarian direct action union the Despatch Industry Workers Union.

[Video] Greece: 3.000 anarchists march in solidarity to Athens Indymedia & 98 FM

Raise your voice - Fight against state censorship

3.000 anarchists march in solidarity to Athens Indymedia & 98 FM

Review of "The Couriers are revolting"

A review of The Couriers are revolting! The Despatch Industry Workers Union, 1989-92 (Kate Sharpley Library, £1.50) from the Australian publication Rebel Worker Vol.19 No.5 (167) Oct.-Nov. 2000.

Understanding the circuit of Fora do Eixo

This is an article that analyzes critically the Fora do Eixo network as a capitalist endeavor that uses anarchist, horizontal and solidary rhetoric in order to mobilize social movements and activists-employees to be exploited in order to increase their rate of profit and power. The Fora do Eixo circuit was born in Brazil and is now present in more than 30 countries, thus turning this matter increasingly relevant as they are clearly in the vanguard of relativa surplus value exploitation.

Goodbye, Il Manifesto

After over four decades of activity, the Communist newspaper Il manifesto closes, highlighting the general crisis of the Italian Marxist press.

Boycotting Amazon is boycotting UKUncut! - Or why a thin understanding of post-Fordist capitalism fails

An excellent, friendly critique of UK Uncut's call to boycott Amazon, from By Strategy.

Economic crisis hits Berlusconi’s television empire

Berlusconi's media conglomerate Mediaset is heavily struck by economic crisis. Workers react by a 4-hour strike against proposed outsourcing.

Freedom must be saved

The potential closure of an iconic publication such as ‘Freedom’ is an absolute travesty, and would be in whatever circumstances that it may have arisen. However, the reasons for which it found itself in such a perilous financial state makes me feel sick to the pit of my stomach.