
How to intervene in the class struggle?

An article from the ICC/Internationalism USA about their participation in the 2011 Verizon strike. It investigates how to present a message critical of the unions role within capitalism, while not coming off as the right wing bourgeoisie.

General Strike in Portugal.

Portugal, General Strike, November 24th 2011

A 24-hour strike in Portugal against proposed austerity measures has grounded flights and halted public transport.

Hundreds of thousands of workers took part in the action, including air traffic controllers, metro workers, teachers and hospital staff.

Where has all my money gone you vile insidious woman?

The great privatisation swindle has meant that we are indirectly paying twice for some services. Successive governments has trousered trillions from the legalised thievery that was made popular by 'that woman'. Where has my money gone, and can I have it back please?

Verizon strike highlights need for new workers' movement

45,000 workers at US communications giant Verizon have been on strike for nearly two weeks. Adam Ford, of Infantile Disorder, examines the lengths the company and the state have gone to to undermine the strike.

HONGRIE 1956: «LE PROLETARIAT A L’ASSAUT DU CIEL» - Mouvement Communiste

Un orchestre de cuivres ouvrier, Budapest 1956

The original French version of the Mouvement Communiste pamphlet on Hungary 56.

Disgruntled bosses are attacking anarchist hosting - again

Since 19th of July, Russian (shorthand for "Anarchist Hosting")
has been targeted with a DDoS - attack. Since then, numerous activist
s have been unaccessible - including Indymedia-Siberia and various
anarchist groups (Autonomous Action of Kazan, Autonomous Action of
Irkutsk, Inter-Professional Union of Workers etc.). Main goal of the
attackers is - website, committed to defence of workers
against employers. This project includes popular feature "black list of
employers", where workers are
reporting problematic employers.

Wildcat strike at Royal Mail delivery office gets the goods

Staff at a London delivery office have taken unlawful strike action and won the reinstatement of a fellow worker.

The CNT in the IT Sector

An appeal by the Spanish anarcho-syndicalist union, CNT-AIT, to those in the IT sector.

Night of the living geeks - how I learned to start worrying and hate the cuties

Geeks are a nice species of creature. Cutely dressed, delicate, fragile, softly spoken to the point of mutism. Yet, they have managed to colonize the collective imagination of an entire generation. This generation. But who are the geeks? And how could this species of shy elves take over the innermost sanctums of the western cultural environment?

Sorting out the postal strike - Joe Jacobs

Joe Jacobs investigates the 1971 United Kingdom postal workers strike, which was the country's first national postal strike. Published as Solidarity pamphlet number 36.