Refugees at sea, April 2015

In less than two weeks time hundreds of neo-Nazis and racists will descend on the coastal town of Dover calling for Britain to “close the border”. It is vital that anti-fascists and anti-racists...

UK, fascism, migration

Feminist Fightback take a class-based look at intersectionality and identity politics.

When it comes to problems on the job, we're generally given few options: quit, vote, join a union. Here's why that's not good enough.

The final part in a series challenging some of the...

Dauvé argues that all crises are crises of social reproduction, and analyses in detail the similarities and differences between the current crisis and previous crises.


William 'Preacherman' Fesperman, Young Patriots leader.

A brief history of the collaboration between the Black Panthers and its white counterpart Young Patriot Organisation in Chicago.


A 2013 interview with an anti-capitalist and anti-borders activist based in Asturias in Spain, published here for its relevance to ongoing struggles against borders and to facilitate the sharing...

migration, Spain