On America, part 4: I hate my job

When it comes to problems on the job, we're generally given few options: quit, vote, join a union. Here's why that's not good enough.

The final part in a series challenging some of the underlying assumptions of American political thought, earlier parts here, here, and here.

Housing for All: The Tenants Movement Takes the Streets [VIDEO]

Video from the Housing for All March, uniting Pacific Northwest tenant organizers against no-cause eviction, houselessness, rising rents, and landlord control.

Confronting vigilante responses in accountability work: the need for accountability in everything we do - Romina Akemi

An article by Romina Akemi about accountability processes and some of the ways they can be badly handled.

On America, part 3: Solidarity

Part 3 of a now 4 part series looking at some of the 'common sense' too often taken for granted. This section looks at the ways we already support each other at work and how we can build on that. Parts 1 and 2 can be found here and here.

“Nameless in the crowd of nameless ones…” : Some thoughts on The Story of A Proletarian Life, by Bartolomeo Vanzetti, 1923

Ninety-one years on and Vanzetti still has much to offer me. I am thankful I have had the chance to read him and I am thankful to him for his words that have always encouraged me to think, question and act.

Reflections on "Straight Outta Compton"

I just saw Straight Outta Compton near my home, in a tiny theater that dates back to the silent era (1913) and which has miraculously survived the wrecking ball. It brought up so many vivid memories and thoughts since N.W.A.'s music was kinda the soundtrack of my life as I grew into adulthood and was politicized by events depicted in the film.

On America, part 2: Of myths and markets

The second in a three part series examining to some of the underlying assumptions of American political thought. Part 2 looks at the market and explores why, despite what we're told by politicians and bosses, the market fails to meet our needs as workers and consumers.

Legal status of thousands of immigrants put in jeopardy due to despicable lawsuit filed by CWA affiliate

Due to a lawsuit filed by the Washington Alliance of Technology Workers (WATW), an affiliate of the Communications Workers Alliance (CWA), the Department of Homeland Security has invalidated the 17 month extension of the Optional Practical Training program (OPT).

On America, part 1: Making millionaires

The first in a three part series examining to some of the underlying assumptions of American political thought. Part 1 focuses on our working lives, the contradictions of the economy, and why too many of us struggle to get by.

Beyond Procedural Justice: Finding Our Foundations in the Worst Case Scenario

When organizing around housing, there are almost always extenuating circumstances like bank fraud and illegal actions by property managers and landlords. But what about when there isn't? Do we no longer organize against evictions and foreclosures, or does this reveal the real goal of housing justice work?