KDPAC Contributions

Contribute to Kentucky Dental Political Action Committee

KDPAC Membership is ............................................$50.00
Century Club Membership is...................................$100.00
Millennium Club Membership is...............................$250.00
Diamond Club Membership is..................................above $250.00

Ways to Pay: 1) Personal Check 2) Lump sum Credit Card 3) Monthly Credit Card

All KDPAC contributors will recieve updated information from the KDA General Assembly during the Kentucky Legislative Session and throughout the year.

This is a voluntary contribution for dental political action and is not limited to the above amounts. No one will be favored or disadvantaged based upon the amount of, or failure to make a contribution. If your practice is incorporated, PAC contributions must be written on a personal check. Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Federal law requires political committees to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200.00 in a calendar year.

KDA Legislative Contact Form

Make your contribution payable to:

Kentucky Dental Political Action Committee
c/o Dr. Douglas H. McCall, Treasurer
4001 Kresge Way, Suite 120
Louisville, KY 40207

You can also contribute online securely through Paypal™

Or, if you would like to make a monthly donation, fill out KDPAC Form  and mail to:

KDPAC Monthly Contribution
c/o Todd Edwards
1920 Nelson Miller Parkway
Louisville, KY 40223-2164

Or, email the form to Todd@kyda.org

Or, fax the form to Todd at 502-489-9124