KDA Today

KDA Today

For Immediate Release

Date: Feb 20th, 2015
Contact: Dr. Garth Bobrowski
Phone: 800-292-1855
Email: info@kyda.org

Think Big!

OK. THIS IS A TEST. In the last issue of the KDA TODAY, page 8, there was an article on how to get your insurance plan participation analyzed (hopefully, before you signed up). On more occasions than I can remember, I have had many dentists complain to me about their insurance reimbursements (mine included). The test is how many of you read that piece, and better yet, how many of you had at least one of your insurance plans analyzed? Last year I was talking with a state legislator about Medicaid and Insurance companies: poor reimbursements, non-covered services clauses, unnecessary paperwork issues, etc. I laid out a bunch of papers to prove my point to him; after a few comments, he asked, “Did you sign their contract to be a participating provider?” Well, my answer was, “Yes”. (As many of us have done.) He pretty much shot me down when he said, “Well, you have signed with ‘THE WOLF’” - pretty much saying that I did not have much recourse. The insurance companies and managed care organizations have rooms full of lawyers, legal analysts and statistical analysts. How many do you have in your office? Participation in any insurance plan is a choice I have to individually decide on to see if it will fit my business model and can I make any business profit to continue my services to my community. I know dentists around the state who have not “signed up” with any insurance plans for decades and THEY CONTROL THEIR DENTAL PRACTICE - not the insurance company. My point in all this is to say, “Yes, you do have help.” Let your membership in the KDA/ADA work for you. Call the KDA/ADA help phone numbers. A Facebook friend sent out this quote from Dr. Steve Maraboli about RELATIONSHIPS and it can be applied to our personal relationships as well as our business relationships: “If you put up with it, you’re going to end up with it. Set the standard you want and don’t settle for less.”

We need your help and ideas in running this great organization called the KENTUCKY DENTAL ASSOCIATION. I was on the phone tonight talking with a young dentist in another county. I understand that it is creepy and scary to think about being a leader in any organization. I told him that he would be surprised at how much care and concern is given to our younger colleagues. We do want you involved and understanding the issues that affect your ability to practice dentistry. Please don’t stick your “head in the sand” and think that someone else will take care of you. Just like prepping that first cavity on your first live patient, you have to start somewhere and learn the process, the ropes and the expectations. You can be a helper just by being a legislative contact person, being willing to take a check to a legislator, being on a committee within your society or at the KDA level. I understand that when we get off work, we don’t really want another job when we get home. But, honestly, a lot of these efforts or committees do not take up a lot of time. So, I want to encourage each and every one of you to do something. Do something to improve or help in your dental association.

Why would insurance companies want to be a part of Medicaid? Anthem and Humana are now part of the managed care organization (MCO) dental mix. Aetna and others are in the medical mix. Here is a tidbit of information for inquisitive minds; did you know that the Medicaid managed care organization (MCO) plans made $235 million in EBITDA in Kentucky in just the 3rd quarter of 2014 (profits)? Now, these MCOs cover medical, dental, vision in the state of Kentucky. So, they made that much money in one quarter…HMMMMMM. Taxpayer money leaving the state. I don’t know all the contractual deals the MCOs have with the state of Kentucky, but I believe it is in their contract with the state that they are allowed a 10% profit. Anything over 10% they are to return to the state. What bothers me is that the dentists are out there working for Medicaid, taking care of Medicaid patients in their communities and most are operating at a loss with no guarantees of gaining any profitability. Please look back at Dr. John Thompson’s editorial comments in the last KDA TODAY VOLUME 66, NUMBER 6 for further information and a better understanding of the Medicaid issue within the state. Also, I am getting this information from Citigroup, INC. Managed Care Weekend Update, week ending November 29, 2014. I am NOT a financial guru, but this is a 24-page report on the web from Citigroup discussing the MCOs’ profitability. I do not understand all their language and abbreviations. So, I hope someone who does understand all this can respond to the editor and me in the next KDA TODAY. PLEASE, do not get me wrong, I am enough of a businessman that I realize a business has to make a profit to be viable, but I STRONGLY feel the dentist has been left out. The Medicaid dentist has not had a fee adjustment since 2002 and two of the MCOs (Coventry Cares and WellCare) have cut their reimbursements to the Medicaid dentist another 10% to improve their bottom line. I, personally, and with the KDA, will continue to work through the great leadership provided by Dr. Susie Riley, Chairperson of the Dental Medicaid Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and through the KDA Medicaid Workgroup to make things better for the dentist providing the care.

I applaud the Governor for his efforts and acknowledgement of oral health issues in our state. In his State of the Commonwealth Address on January 7, 2015, he mentions several initiatives that are improving the lives of Kentuckians. He asks all to join with him to improve our health, our workforce, our families and our economy. We know that dentistry is about 1% of the total healthcare budget. Not much, but hey, we are in there. And I believe we have a great opportunity to work with the Governor, the policy makers in Frankfort, the legislators and our dentists across the state to come up with ideas to set a goal for better oral health for all Kentuckians.

Years ago there was a workforce preparedness initiative that helped fund dental care. It was limited to fixing only the front teeth for people to help them be workforce ready. Medicaid has gone much further than that nowadays, but it seems like there is a worsening situation of getting Medicaid patients to keep their appointments. I am also a member on the Medicaid TAC and one item that has been pushed for has now come available. There is now a code number for cancelled appointments (D9987) and a code number for missed appointments (D9986). You cannot get reimbursed for filing this code, but I want Medicaid dentists to use these codes to better track these missed or broken appointments. This may provide a help when and if we get dental health care coordinators in our state or in communicating with the MCOs. I have mentioned to policy folks in Frankfort that we really need to see behavioral changes/attitudinal changes with our patients, in that they will be responsible to keep appointments, to get their teeth fixed at the basic level, to present a SMILE that boosts their confidence and self-esteem. I truly believe this ties in with the Governor’s ideas for improving oral health and general health. I really believe we need to work more with the stakeholders (patients to policy makers to anyone who cares) to see what dentistry can do to help change the attitude of fixing a tooth at a time (even though that is what we have to do) to a broader venue of building that personal confidence and self-esteem. It just seems that we do the same-ol’ same-ol’. THINK BIG. If you have ideas, please let me know.

Press Releases

Click on any title below to read the press release. The release will open up in a new browser window with no menus or images, so that you may print or copy the press release without extraneous graphics.

Aug 14th, 2015First, Do No Harm?
Aug 14th, 2015Can You Hear Me, Now?
Aug 14th, 2015Calling ALL Members and Non-Members: We Need Organized Dentistry!
Aug 14th, 2015A Plan for Our Future, and a New Mission Statement…Helping Member Dentists Succeed and Serve
Jun 23rd, 2015Our new KDA Mission: Helping Member Dentists Succeed and Serve
Jun 23rd, 2015We’ve got a Plan!
Jun 23rd, 2015Irrelevance
Jun 23rd, 2015My Introduction: A Smidge of Trepidation, Overwhelmingly Full of Pride and Anticipation
Jun 23rd, 2015Part II: The KDA’s Dental Access Summit – A Report
Jun 18th, 2015Medicare Part D: Q&A; - American Dental Association - May 29, 2015
Apr 28th, 2015Thank You for the Opportunity
Apr 28th, 2015Ask not What Your KDA Can Do for you…
Apr 28th, 2015The View from “No Man’s Land”
Apr 28th, 2015KDA’S Dental Access Summit Saturday, January 31, 2015 Report to KDA Part I
Feb 20th, 2015Into the Belly of the Beast
Feb 20th, 2015For the Record
Feb 20th, 2015It’s all about the membership in 2015!
Feb 20th, 2015Think Big!
Dec 29th, 2014Things are Moving Faster than Fast!
Dec 29th, 2014Who Wouldn’t Want to Be a Part of This?
Dec 29th, 2014When Is the Right Time?
Oct 24th, 2014Dental Insurance Direct Deposit Through A Virtual Credit Card; What Does It Cost Me?
Oct 21st, 2014Who Can I Hire for $100 a Month?
Oct 21st, 2014Last Call
Oct 21st, 2014I’m here to Help
Oct 21st, 2014Get passionate! This is Our Profession!
Oct 21st, 2014Postscript for an Editor’s Passing
Oct 21st, 2014“…and he did what?!”: Giving a Professional Second Opinion
Aug 21st, 2014Synergy
Aug 21st, 2014Nobody Goes Into Dentistry Because They Love Molars!
Aug 21st, 2014Your KDA is Working Hard for You!
Jun 16th, 2014Think Big. Think Positively. Think Proactively.
Jun 16th, 2014Denigration
Jun 16th, 2014YOU HAD TO BE THERE!
Jun 16th, 2014New Friendships and Lasting Connections Creating a Stronger Interest in Organized Dentistry
Jun 16th, 2014New Friendships and Lasting Connections Creating a Stronger Interest in Organized Dentistry
Apr 24th, 2014I Only Have A Loose Screw!
Apr 24th, 2014Dare to Dream!
Apr 24th, 2014I am the KDA! You are the KDA! WE are the KDA!
Apr 24th, 2014The Dentist’s Guide to Social Media Marketing
Feb 20th, 2014Where Do We Go From Here?
Feb 20th, 2014Medicaid: An Example of Missing the Goals for Oral Health in Kentucky
Feb 20th, 2014UKCD’s First Regional Dental Program: The First Ten Years
Feb 20th, 2014UofL Brightening the Smiles of Children
Feb 20th, 2014Go Tell It on the Mountains
Dec 23rd, 2013It Is What They Left Behind
Dec 23rd, 2013Letting the Secret Out
Dec 23rd, 2013Dr. John Thompson Awarded Distinguished Editor Award
Dec 23rd, 2013Teamwork Creates Champions: the Kentucky Meeting: March 13-16, 2014
Dec 23rd, 2013Listen to Interviews with our Speakers!
Dec 23rd, 2013Welcome Dental Students and New Dentists!
Dec 23rd, 20132014 Kentucky Meeting Details
Oct 17th, 2013I Still Like Maps!
Oct 17th, 2013Ground Game
Oct 17th, 2013Kentucky Department of Insurance, HB 497 and Non-covered Services
Oct 17th, 2013Dr. Janet Faraci Lee’s Legacy
Oct 17th, 2013Dr. Janet Faraci Lee Leadership Development Award
Aug 12th, 2013The Affordable Care Act: What does it mean for Our Members?
Aug 12th, 2013All Membership Is Local
Aug 12th, 2013White Crosses
Aug 12th, 2013KDA Membership…Where Do We Go from Here?
Aug 12th, 2013Thoughts from a New Dentist: the Top Three Reasons that I am Involved with Organized Dentistry
Aug 12th, 2013How can KDAIS Benefit You, as a KDA member?
Aug 12th, 2013Beyond the Website: Marketing on the Modern Web
Aug 12th, 2013Delinquent Accounts….Collections…..YUCK!
Aug 12th, 2013Every Patient Matters. So Does Every Transaction.
Jun 13th, 2013The Foundation of the Kentucky Dental Association: Positioned to Make a Powerful Statement
Jun 13th, 2013Something I Wish I Didn't Know!
Jun 13th, 2013Preaching to the Choir
Apr 15th, 2013United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Apr 15th, 2013So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu
Apr 15th, 2013Exchange What?
Apr 15th, 2013The Pediatric Dental Benefit: Must Offer, May Purchase…
Apr 15th, 2013Participate in Your KDPAC! Contribute and Deliver
Feb 12th, 2013It’s a Dentist Thing
Feb 12th, 2013A Profession in Flux
Feb 12th, 2013Living Is What You Do When Life Gets In the Way
Feb 12th, 2013The Tip of the Iceberg: Actions by the Kentucky Department for Medicaid Services Which May Sink KMAP
Oct 19th, 2012House Bill 1 and What It Means to You
Oct 19th, 2012Membership Matters
Oct 19th, 2012Self-Regulation
Aug 21st, 2012Sarrell Dental: Beyond the Operatory
Aug 21st, 2012The Perception of Dentistry
Jun 18th, 2012What Part of the “Affordable Care Act” Has Been Affordable?
Jun 18th, 2012Leadership or Politics?
Jun 18th, 2012I Had an Uncle…
Apr 6th, 2012The "New Old" Still have Teeth
Apr 6th, 2012What a Year, so far!
Apr 6th, 2012Many Thanks for a Great and Memorable Year
Feb 21st, 2012Happy New Normal
Feb 21st, 2012All for One and One for All!
Dec 19th, 2011The Wide World of Sports
Dec 19th, 2011Access to Care?
Oct 28th, 2011To the KDA Executive Board and the entire KDA
Oct 28th, 2011Report of the Sixth District Trustee
Oct 18th, 2011Managed Care and Dentistry in Kentucky: a Dentist’s Dilemma
Oct 18th, 2011Word-of-Mouth on Steroids!
Oct 18th, 2011Why We Shouldn't Lose Sight of Our Purpose...
Aug 4th, 2011Mentor a Young Dentist and Change a Life
Aug 4th, 2011OMG, what is EBD?
Aug 4th, 2011CAPWIZ: Legislative Advocacy Made Easy
Jun 13th, 2011Outside Our Line
Jun 13th, 2011I Might Soon Be Coming to a Town Near You...
Apr 18th, 2011Let Me Ask For a Minute of Your Time
Apr 18th, 2011I Pledge to Be your Humble Servant…
Apr 18th, 2011Blindsided
Apr 18th, 2011On Your Side, Not Your List
Feb 17th, 2011Dr. Andy Elliott for President-elect of the American Dental Association
Feb 4th, 2011Adjusting Attitudes
Feb 4th, 2011A Little Planning Really Helps
Jan 4th, 2011Dental Management of Patients Taking Antiplatelet Medications
Nov 30th, 2010Dental Education Found Worthy
Nov 30th, 2010Delegates Report from the 2010 American Dental Association House of Delegates, Orlando, Florida
Nov 30th, 2010Holiday Greetings to All
Oct 25th, 2010Delegates Report from the 2010 American Dental Association House of Delegates, Orlando, Florida
Oct 7th, 2010What If …?
Oct 7th, 2010What Happens in Alaska, doesn’t Stay in Alaska
Oct 7th, 2010We Need To Do a Better Job of Communicating
Oct 7th, 2010I’m in a Hurry!
Oct 7th, 2010Who Will Speak for Me?
Aug 6th, 2010Kentucky's Dental Practice Act: The Passing of an Old Friend
Aug 6th, 2010The Times They Are Changing
Jun 10th, 2010How a Star was Born
Jun 10th, 2010I Need Your Help…
Apr 20th, 2010President's Message MA 2010
Apr 20th, 2010KDA and Louisville Water Company Share 150th Birthday and Public Health Vision
Apr 20th, 2010Getting It Right!
Feb 25th, 2010Please Join Us for an Exciting, Event-Filled Year Ahead!
Feb 25th, 2010What is a Legacy?
Dec 14th, 2009There is Hope: Suicide Awareness and Prevention in Kentucky
Dec 14th, 2009Challenging the Myth of the Suicide-Prone Dentist
Dec 14th, 2009Holiday Reflections…
Nov 6th, 2009Don’t Balance Health Care Books by Shortchanging Physicians
Nov 6th, 2009Break your Right Arm and Suddenly You have Time to Study Economics.
Jun 26th, 2009Making the World a Better Place, One Village at a Time!
Apr 13th, 2009Breaking Glass
Feb 20th, 2009At the Heart of any Worthy Project is a Committed Volunteer