KDA Today

KDA Today

For Immediate Release

Date: Apr 24th, 2014
Contact: Dr. William J. Moorhead

Dare to Dream!

Wow, what a year!  I can't begin to thank all of you enough for the opportunity to serve as your President this past year.  It has been an incredible, awesome experience that has taken me places and given me opportunities that I would have never dreamed.

As I look back at this past year serving as your President, I am humbled for the trust you’ve placed in me, and I am very thankful for the fantastic experiences I’ve enjoyed.  It’s ironic that just about the time you learn the job, it’s time to pass the torch on.  Now, I admit that I’ve enjoyed myself so much this past year that it was difficult to step aside, but it’s also a great feeling to know that as I have passed on that torch, there are so many very capable leaders that are ready to continue our much needed work.

In ending my term as your President, I'm extremely optimistic about the future of Our Profession and Our Association.  Over just the past couple of years, my outlook on life has changed quite a bit.  I’ve lived most of my life in the mold of many dentists:  someone who described themselves as a "realist" but was often cynical and negative.  And as life's events have shaped my perception of reality, I discovered that with a new mode of thinking, things became much easier.

At the President’s reception on Thursday night at our annual meeting, I had the pleasure of presenting a 30 minute piano and vocal concert.   I ended with a song from the famous philosopher Kermit, the Frog.  The lyrics ended with:

         I've heard it too many times to ignore it.

            It's something that I'm supposed to be.

Someday we'll find it the rainbow connection,

            The lovers, the dreamers and me.

And so, in leaving office, I'm here to challenge you, our KDA members, to become dreamers. 

Now, that may sound like a pretty different suggestion, plus please hear me out.  Let’s consider a couple of perspectives:

On one side, let’s think about the song I’ll call the “Reality Chorus.”  It’s goes something like this: 

We just have to face reality.  There’s so much apathy out there.  Nobody really cares any more, there are only a few of us that will volunteer, and we can’t get it all done.  And we’re just going to see fewer and fewer members.

Now on the other side, let’s listen to the “Rainbow Connection” version:

I love my profession, and I know deep down, most of my colleagues do as well.  And the issues at stake are just too important to ignore.  It will take some effort, but if we take time to educate our members, and expose them to what we really can do, what’s really possible, we’ll see things turn around.  We’ll see attitudes change, we’ll slowly get buy in, and in the end, we’ll really make a difference.

Now, if you care about your profession, which song would you rather be singing?   As I was talking this out with a friend, I heard a really fabulous perspective that just sticks with me:  Our dreams CREATE our realities.  So don’t ever stop dreaming.

I had the opportunity back in the late 90’s to attend a CE course called Dental Boot Kamp.  Many of you may remember Walter Hailey coming to speak to us at the Galt House a few years before that.  I’ve always been a task-oriented guy and I literally had to learn people skills, and I gave Walter Hailey credit for getting me started on that track.  There is one very important lesson I learned from Walter, who passed away about five years ago.  He said “It’s better to copy genius than create mediocrity.” 

With that in mind, I have to say that one of the most notable highlights of my year was the opportunity to host the Mid-States Dental Leaders Conference in Louisville last August.  What made this meeting so spectacular was the opportunity to openly share new ideas and approaches to the problems that we all mutually face. 

One of the many ideas that came from this meeting that we’ve placed into action is a one-year pilot project that will double the number of members on our state Executive Board.  Each Society will send a non-voting New Dentist member to our Executive Board meetings.  Our goal is to be exposed to new and fresh ideas.  Tripartite dentistry – the power of three – has so much to offer us as we move forward.  As we face the challenges in our path, we can accomplish so much more by working together.   So, with this final President’s message, I want to challenge your way of thinking in some areas that I believe can help us improve the way we work together.

In my years on the KDA Executive Board, I’ve seen specialists oppose GPs and vice versa trying to protect their turf.  I’ve occasionally seen dental societies displaying attitudes of “us vs. them,” feeling they aren’t getting just representation or their fair share.  This infighting only tears us down and makes us weaker.  If we can only step back and see the big picture, there is more than enough for all of us.

I also see a similar attitude from those of us that are in private practice toward large group practices (sometimes called “corporate dental offices”) and dentists that work for them.  Many private practice dentists make the assumption that these large groups are all negative and view them as unfair competition.  Are there actually large group practices that practice ethically and also accomplish much more efficient operations that we often do in private practice?  Of course, you know there are. Just as you have seen private practitioners you felt did not always put the patient first, the same is true with corporate dental offices.  So why do we make broad generalizations?  Most likely, we react that way out fear of “competition.”  I believe dentists working in large group practices care as much for their patients as those of us in private practice.  And with trends showing that new dentists don’t always want to deal with the practice management side of dentistry, large group practices are growing substantially.  What’s my point?  For organized dentistry to prosper, we can do so much more if we open up our attitudes and work together.  If we continue to be territorial, our membership percentages will dwindle and the advocacy that we will value will disappear.  And I don’t believe there is anyone reading this that wants that to happen.

In another example of copying genius, I’m pleased to announce that your Executive Board in March made a commitment to regularly send our representatives to the ADA Membership Recruitment and Retention Conference, to the ADA Lobbyist’s Conference, and to the Mid-States Leadership Conference.

I’ve had the opportunity this year to study what larger states are doing with membership initiatives.  One thing that I’ve seen is that the ADA is more likely to award grants to work on membership efforts to constituents and components that show that they are actively pursuing these efforts.  During the first weekend of April, at least seven representatives from the KDA and our local Societies will be attending the ADA Recruitment and Retention Conference in Chicago.  We will be learning what’s working best elsewhere, and we will also be sharing information on a couple of exciting meetings that were held in Louisville during our Annual Meeting.

Another two notable developments in our membership efforts are the development of mentorship programs for Kentucky dental students and new dentists.  The mentorship program for dental students is already active, and our membership committee will be developing the mentorship for new dentists very soon.  Please consider participating in one or both of these programs.

On Friday and Saturday, March 14th and 15th, we met with the national CEOs of Heartland Dental and Mortenson Dental, and also met with the state CEO of Aspen Dental.  Our goal is to get dentists that work for these larger group practices to join the KDA.  The dialogue at these two lunches was quite interesting and insightful.  And as our conversations with these dental service organizations (DSOs) progress, I am certain that Dr. Garth Bobrowski will keep you informed.

Your Executive Board has made commitments to continue working on two ADA initiatives that help position our profession in a positive light to the public and to our legislators.  Workgroups will continue helping improve access for dental care to residents of Long Term (Nursing Home) Care facilities and to help divert dental patients away from hospital Emergency Departments.  I want to extend a special thanks to Dr. Pam Stein who attended a one-half week symposium in Minnesota last fall on behalf of the KDA and who presented a lecture at our annual meeting to ____ dentists interested in expanding their practices in the area of Long Term Care residents.  I also want to thank Dr. Sue Feeley for chairing the workgroup on Emergency Room Initiatives.  This ER Divergence workgroup is already making positive inroads at helping solve a serious waste of taxpayer money in emergency rooms.  Please watch in coming months for interesting developments on this project.

In closing, I want to offer some specific thanks.  I want to thank my team, Alicia Hurst, Cathy Miller, Victoria Gallenstein, Devin Doyle and Dalton Tune.  I know everyone reading this knows they have had to put up with many interruptions during my term as your President.  They have been fabulously supportive and understanding, and I owe them and will show them my eternal gratitude.  I must also thank a close friend, a dentist in Southern California that I met 18 months ago that has helped me tremendously in allowing me to bounce off ideas and brainstorm.  Thank you, Dr. Anette Masters, for your continued encouragement.

I cannot begin to express my thanks enough to our KDA Staff.  I’ve really put them through a lot this year.  If they are honest with you, they’ll admit that I’m kind of like dealing with the Energizer Bunny that never stops.  So, Janet, Todd, Melissa, thank you so much for always being there for me.  I especially want to extend my best wishes to our retiring Executive Director, Mr. Mike Porter.  We appreciate the many years that Mike has led us and for all of the things we accomplished during his 21 years at the helm. 

Thanks are also extended to Dr. Terry Norris, our Immediate Past President, Dr. John Creech who first involved me in our leadership as Executive Board Chair four years ago, and our existing Executive Committee including Dr. Garth Bobrowski, Dr. Dennis Price, Dr. Ted Logan and Dr. Fred Howard.  These men have worked tirelessly for your association and have never said no when I’ve made a request.  Thank you, gentlemen.

As we move forward, I know we will accomplish great things if we are only willing to keep our eyes wide open to the many possibilities that are available to us.  And as I end my year as your President, my challenge to each of you is this:  In your personal lives, with your families, and with your profession, dare to CREATE your realities.  Dare to dream.

Press Releases

Click on any title below to read the press release. The release will open up in a new browser window with no menus or images, so that you may print or copy the press release without extraneous graphics.

Aug 14th, 2015First, Do No Harm?
Aug 14th, 2015Can You Hear Me, Now?
Aug 14th, 2015Calling ALL Members and Non-Members: We Need Organized Dentistry!
Aug 14th, 2015A Plan for Our Future, and a New Mission Statement…Helping Member Dentists Succeed and Serve
Jun 23rd, 2015Our new KDA Mission: Helping Member Dentists Succeed and Serve
Jun 23rd, 2015We’ve got a Plan!
Jun 23rd, 2015Irrelevance
Jun 23rd, 2015My Introduction: A Smidge of Trepidation, Overwhelmingly Full of Pride and Anticipation
Jun 23rd, 2015Part II: The KDA’s Dental Access Summit – A Report
Jun 18th, 2015Medicare Part D: Q&A; - American Dental Association - May 29, 2015
Apr 28th, 2015Thank You for the Opportunity
Apr 28th, 2015Ask not What Your KDA Can Do for you…
Apr 28th, 2015The View from “No Man’s Land”
Apr 28th, 2015KDA’S Dental Access Summit Saturday, January 31, 2015 Report to KDA Part I
Feb 20th, 2015Into the Belly of the Beast
Feb 20th, 2015For the Record
Feb 20th, 2015It’s all about the membership in 2015!
Feb 20th, 2015Think Big!
Dec 29th, 2014Things are Moving Faster than Fast!
Dec 29th, 2014Who Wouldn’t Want to Be a Part of This?
Dec 29th, 2014When Is the Right Time?
Oct 24th, 2014Dental Insurance Direct Deposit Through A Virtual Credit Card; What Does It Cost Me?
Oct 21st, 2014Who Can I Hire for $100 a Month?
Oct 21st, 2014Last Call
Oct 21st, 2014I’m here to Help
Oct 21st, 2014Get passionate! This is Our Profession!
Oct 21st, 2014Postscript for an Editor’s Passing
Oct 21st, 2014“…and he did what?!”: Giving a Professional Second Opinion
Aug 21st, 2014Synergy
Aug 21st, 2014Nobody Goes Into Dentistry Because They Love Molars!
Aug 21st, 2014Your KDA is Working Hard for You!
Jun 16th, 2014Think Big. Think Positively. Think Proactively.
Jun 16th, 2014Denigration
Jun 16th, 2014YOU HAD TO BE THERE!
Jun 16th, 2014New Friendships and Lasting Connections Creating a Stronger Interest in Organized Dentistry
Jun 16th, 2014New Friendships and Lasting Connections Creating a Stronger Interest in Organized Dentistry
Apr 24th, 2014I Only Have A Loose Screw!
Apr 24th, 2014Dare to Dream!
Apr 24th, 2014I am the KDA! You are the KDA! WE are the KDA!
Apr 24th, 2014The Dentist’s Guide to Social Media Marketing
Feb 20th, 2014Where Do We Go From Here?
Feb 20th, 2014Medicaid: An Example of Missing the Goals for Oral Health in Kentucky
Feb 20th, 2014UKCD’s First Regional Dental Program: The First Ten Years
Feb 20th, 2014UofL Brightening the Smiles of Children
Feb 20th, 2014Go Tell It on the Mountains
Dec 23rd, 2013It Is What They Left Behind
Dec 23rd, 2013Letting the Secret Out
Dec 23rd, 2013Dr. John Thompson Awarded Distinguished Editor Award
Dec 23rd, 2013Teamwork Creates Champions: the Kentucky Meeting: March 13-16, 2014
Dec 23rd, 2013Listen to Interviews with our Speakers!
Dec 23rd, 2013Welcome Dental Students and New Dentists!
Dec 23rd, 20132014 Kentucky Meeting Details
Oct 17th, 2013I Still Like Maps!
Oct 17th, 2013Ground Game
Oct 17th, 2013Kentucky Department of Insurance, HB 497 and Non-covered Services
Oct 17th, 2013Dr. Janet Faraci Lee’s Legacy
Oct 17th, 2013Dr. Janet Faraci Lee Leadership Development Award
Aug 12th, 2013The Affordable Care Act: What does it mean for Our Members?
Aug 12th, 2013All Membership Is Local
Aug 12th, 2013White Crosses
Aug 12th, 2013KDA Membership…Where Do We Go from Here?
Aug 12th, 2013Thoughts from a New Dentist: the Top Three Reasons that I am Involved with Organized Dentistry
Aug 12th, 2013How can KDAIS Benefit You, as a KDA member?
Aug 12th, 2013Beyond the Website: Marketing on the Modern Web
Aug 12th, 2013Delinquent Accounts….Collections…..YUCK!
Aug 12th, 2013Every Patient Matters. So Does Every Transaction.
Jun 13th, 2013The Foundation of the Kentucky Dental Association: Positioned to Make a Powerful Statement
Jun 13th, 2013Something I Wish I Didn't Know!
Jun 13th, 2013Preaching to the Choir
Apr 15th, 2013United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Apr 15th, 2013So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu
Apr 15th, 2013Exchange What?
Apr 15th, 2013The Pediatric Dental Benefit: Must Offer, May Purchase…
Apr 15th, 2013Participate in Your KDPAC! Contribute and Deliver
Feb 12th, 2013It’s a Dentist Thing
Feb 12th, 2013A Profession in Flux
Feb 12th, 2013Living Is What You Do When Life Gets In the Way
Feb 12th, 2013The Tip of the Iceberg: Actions by the Kentucky Department for Medicaid Services Which May Sink KMAP
Oct 19th, 2012House Bill 1 and What It Means to You
Oct 19th, 2012Membership Matters
Oct 19th, 2012Self-Regulation
Aug 21st, 2012Sarrell Dental: Beyond the Operatory
Aug 21st, 2012The Perception of Dentistry
Jun 18th, 2012What Part of the “Affordable Care Act” Has Been Affordable?
Jun 18th, 2012Leadership or Politics?
Jun 18th, 2012I Had an Uncle…
Apr 6th, 2012The "New Old" Still have Teeth
Apr 6th, 2012What a Year, so far!
Apr 6th, 2012Many Thanks for a Great and Memorable Year
Feb 21st, 2012Happy New Normal
Feb 21st, 2012All for One and One for All!
Dec 19th, 2011The Wide World of Sports
Dec 19th, 2011Access to Care?
Oct 28th, 2011To the KDA Executive Board and the entire KDA
Oct 28th, 2011Report of the Sixth District Trustee
Oct 18th, 2011Managed Care and Dentistry in Kentucky: a Dentist’s Dilemma
Oct 18th, 2011Word-of-Mouth on Steroids!
Oct 18th, 2011Why We Shouldn't Lose Sight of Our Purpose...
Aug 4th, 2011Mentor a Young Dentist and Change a Life
Aug 4th, 2011OMG, what is EBD?
Aug 4th, 2011CAPWIZ: Legislative Advocacy Made Easy
Jun 13th, 2011Outside Our Line
Jun 13th, 2011I Might Soon Be Coming to a Town Near You...
Apr 18th, 2011Let Me Ask For a Minute of Your Time
Apr 18th, 2011I Pledge to Be your Humble Servant…
Apr 18th, 2011Blindsided
Apr 18th, 2011On Your Side, Not Your List
Feb 17th, 2011Dr. Andy Elliott for President-elect of the American Dental Association
Feb 4th, 2011Adjusting Attitudes
Feb 4th, 2011A Little Planning Really Helps
Jan 4th, 2011Dental Management of Patients Taking Antiplatelet Medications
Nov 30th, 2010Dental Education Found Worthy
Nov 30th, 2010Delegates Report from the 2010 American Dental Association House of Delegates, Orlando, Florida
Nov 30th, 2010Holiday Greetings to All
Oct 25th, 2010Delegates Report from the 2010 American Dental Association House of Delegates, Orlando, Florida
Oct 7th, 2010What If …?
Oct 7th, 2010What Happens in Alaska, doesn’t Stay in Alaska
Oct 7th, 2010We Need To Do a Better Job of Communicating
Oct 7th, 2010I’m in a Hurry!
Oct 7th, 2010Who Will Speak for Me?
Aug 6th, 2010Kentucky's Dental Practice Act: The Passing of an Old Friend
Aug 6th, 2010The Times They Are Changing
Jun 10th, 2010How a Star was Born
Jun 10th, 2010I Need Your Help…
Apr 20th, 2010President's Message MA 2010
Apr 20th, 2010KDA and Louisville Water Company Share 150th Birthday and Public Health Vision
Apr 20th, 2010Getting It Right!
Feb 25th, 2010Please Join Us for an Exciting, Event-Filled Year Ahead!
Feb 25th, 2010What is a Legacy?
Dec 14th, 2009There is Hope: Suicide Awareness and Prevention in Kentucky
Dec 14th, 2009Challenging the Myth of the Suicide-Prone Dentist
Dec 14th, 2009Holiday Reflections…
Nov 6th, 2009Don’t Balance Health Care Books by Shortchanging Physicians
Nov 6th, 2009Break your Right Arm and Suddenly You have Time to Study Economics.
Jun 26th, 2009Making the World a Better Place, One Village at a Time!
Apr 13th, 2009Breaking Glass
Feb 20th, 2009At the Heart of any Worthy Project is a Committed Volunteer