Senator Penny Wong인증된 계정


Labor Senator for South Australia (All tweets by Penny unless otherwise indicated) RT≠endorsement

가입일: 2012년 3월

@SenatorWong 님이 차단되었습니다.

정말로 이 트윗을 보실 건가요? 트윗 보기는 @SenatorWong 님의 차단을 해제하지 않습니다.

  1. 님이 리트윗했습니다.

    Abt that Govt 'edict' to not reappoint Labor board appointees: heres what happened. My piece for Anne Summers Reports

    번역 제공: 영어 by

  2. Great reception at Parlt today. Next generation of players, , and the World Cup!

    번역 제공: 영어 by

  3. Thanks for steering to another World Cup win.

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  4. . and on time??

  5. Tony Abbott’s deal states: “There will be no requirement for labour market testing to enter into an IFA.”

    번역 제공: 영어 by

  6. . won’t commit to rolling out the in full and on time.

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  7. Sen Abetz tells none of his Cabinet colleagues leaked this week’s Cabinet agenda. Pretty gutless if he's now blaming officials.

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  8. . says Tony Abbott “could be a John Howard”. Not the most ringing endorsement.

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  9. Great to see the crew ahead of their screening at Parliament House tonight.

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  10. 님이 리트윗했습니다.


  11. Royal Commissions are part of the executive. That's why AG Brandis could handpick Mr Heydon for the job and write his terms of reference.

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  12. We’re on a unity ticket . Govt spending $25 m to spruik trade deal is news, despite calling it a rehash.

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  13. . tells the Senate ’s story on $25M FTA ad campaign is old news. Surely the wasn’t spun a line?

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  14. The world’s most invisible Treasurer has gone on a rant in the House. Is it because I didn’t give you a hug last week ?

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  15. George Brandis says Dyson Heydon’s salary as RC is “commercial in confidence”. But won't say why.

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  16. 님이 리트윗했습니다.

    Dyson Heydon slammed Rudd Government as 'non-substantive' in 2013 address to classically Liberal think-tank: via

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  17. 님이 리트윗했습니다.

    South Australia proud to be the first place in the world where women could both vote and stand for parliament

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  18. Congratulations to Ali Faraj of GWS. So many wonderful contributors recognised at the Migration & Settlement Awards.

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  19. 님이 리트윗했습니다.

    Congrats to Petro Georgiou on winning the Migration and Settlement Lifetime Achievement Award this evening.

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  20. Sen Brandis says his office"did take action” when he got an invitation to Mr Heydon’s speech at a Lib event.They sent an apology!

    번역 제공: 영어 by

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