Frequently Asked Questions


Q. Does New Matilda have a comments policy?

A. Yes. We welcome comments of all kinds - supportive, dissenting, critical or otherwise. However, we reserve the right to delete or edit comments that:

• Are defamatory, abusive or offensive
• Promote hatred of any kind
• Attack the writer (or a fellow commenter) rather than the argument
• Are blatantly off-topic (in particular comments which promote conspiracy theories).
• Do not contribute to the discussion (in particular comments which promote conspiracy theories).
• Mislead through impersonation
• Don't make sense

Repeat offenders will be blocked from using the comments function on the site.

Comments which promote Holocaust denial, or which seek to debate the Holocaust are not tolerated on New Matilda, and will result in an immediate ban of the user without notice. 

We ask readers to comment responsibly. If you see a comment that violates our comments policy, please let us know.
Readers may edit their own comments, however if a reader seeks to edit an 'Ed's Note' it will result in an immediate and permanent ban from the site.
Q. How do I become a financial supporter of New Matilda?

A. To fund New Matilda, click here.

If you have any questions about becoming a New Matilda supporter or any problems with the payment system, contact us.


Q. Do I have to use a credit card or can I fund New Matilda in another way?

A. We also accept direct transfer and cheques.

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Account name: At Large Media Pty Ltd
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If you pay by one of these methods, make sure you send us an email with your full name, postal address and preferred email and we will update your account as soon as possible.

See below for subscription rates.


Q. How much does it cost to become a financial supporter of New Matilda?

Our Stalwart supporter package costs $90 a year, which works out to $7.50 per month. Bargain!

Other rates are as follows: Concession $70 per year ($5.85 a month). Keen Supporter $180 per year ($15 per month). Organisation $330 per year ($27.50 per month). Big Love $1000 per year ($83.33 per month).


Q. Why should I become a financial supporter of the site?

A. There's never been a more important time for independent media in Australia. With shrinking media diversity on the one hand and a transformation of media delivery on the other, there are fewer and fewer outlets publishing well researched analysis and independent-minded journalism like that found at New Matilda.

This kind of journalism doesn't come for free. We're asking readers to recognise the value of independent media and become financial supporters of the site. You'll be supporting the editors and journalists who make New Matilda happen - and helping to provide new perspectives on the big stories of the moment, as well as breaking new ones.


Q. I signed up as a financial supporter through PayPal and I want to stop my recurring monthly payments. How do I do that?

A. To unsubscribe from your recurring PayPal payments you will first need to log in to your PayPal account. Once you are logged in, navigate to My Account -> Profile (heading) -> My Money -> My preapproved payments, click on "Update". Click on Cordell Media Pty Ltd, then Cancel.

PLEASE NOTE: Unsubscribing from the New Matilda email digest will NOT unsubscribe you from your recurring PayPal payment. This can be done via PayPal only.


Q. Does New Matilda collect or store financial information?

A. No. Please read our Terms and Conditions here.


Q. Even if I'm not a supporter, do I need to register to access articles on New Matilda?

A. You don't, but we encourage readers to do so. Registering as a user allows you to comment on New Matilda articles and is the best way to stay up to date with new stories on the site. You'll receive a tri-weekly email digest of our latest stories. We hope that if you like what you read, you'll give some thought to becoming a financial supporter of the site.

Register here.


Q. Does New Matilda have an RSS feed?

A. Yes. You can grab it here:


Q. How does email notification work?

A. All registered users and financial supporters receive a bi-weekly email digest with links to our most recent stories. You can unsubscribe from the email digest by clicking the Unsubscribe link at the end of each email.

If you post a comment on a New Matilda article, you can subscribe to get email notifications of further comments on that article.

You can change your subscription settings, or unsubscribe, by editing your subscription in your account preferences when you are logged in.


Q. Can I change my email address, password or contact details?

A. Yes. You can update your user account details at any time by logging into the site. Sign in here or via the link in the top right hand corner of the homepage. When you're logged in, select preferences, change your settings and hit submit.


Q. What do I do if I've forgotten my password or my username?

A. Click on Sign In (here) and click on the 'request new password' tab. Enter your registered email address. (Your registered email is the one we send the NM email digest to.) A new password will be sent to you - follow the instructions in the email and reset your password. Please try these steps before emailing us! Thank you.


Q. How do I search for my favourite author, topic or article?

A. Each page on the site includes a search field. Enter a contributor's name, subject, topic or article title for a list of search results. By selecting search > advanced search, you can nominate specific words or phrases as well as topic categories or file types such as Images or Standard Articles.

By clicking an author's bio at the right hand side of any New Matilda story, you will be able to access their entire New Matilda archive.

Q. Does New Matilda publish unsolicited contributions?

A. Yes. We regularly publish unsolicited articles and we welcome contact from new writers. Our submission guidelines can be found here.

Q. I have a tip for a story. Can I contact New Matilda?

A. Yes. If you've got information about a story that you think New Matilda should cover, send us an email and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.


Q. Does New Matilda protect sources?

A. Yes.


Q. How do I advertise on New Matilda?

A. There's preliminary information about advertising on New Matilda on this page. Contact us for more.


Q. What makes New Matilda 'independent'?

A. New Matilda is owned by At Large Media Pty Ltd, which has no formal association with any political party or major media organisation, including financial support or funding.

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New Matilda is a trading name of At Large Media Pty Ltd.