Socialist Worker

Greece's royal coup - lessons of the July Days

The current battle against unelected institutions in Greece isn’t the first. Dave Sewell looks at the July Days in 1965—and how that movement could have won

Hillsborough inquests - could victims put in a mortuary have been saved?

Victims of the 1989 Hillsborough disaster may have been put with dead bodies in a temporary mortuary while they were still alive, inquests have heard.

Go Set A Watchman finds limits to some people's anti-racism

Fifty years after anti-racist classic To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee’s characters reappear in the unsettling Go Set A Watchman, writes Sarah Ensor


Cameron fights for his brutish values - more Islamophobia and war

David Cameron is on a war footing at home and abroad. He wants parliament to send British planes to bomb Isis forces in Syria and he has launched a new offensive against Muslims in Britain.   

Failure of reformism led to Greek tragedy

The agreement in Greece has been widely described as a coup—and in some ways it is.

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