Socialist Worker

A Reich royal racism runs deep in the Windsor family

Published Tue 21 Jul 2015
Issue No. 2463

The queens uncle Edward and his wife Wallis Simpson met Hitler in 1937

The queen's uncle Edward and his wife Wallis Simpson met Hitler in 1937

The nation rallied behind the queen as she was rocked by cruel Nazi smears. Newly released footage from 1933 shows her and other royals doing Nazi salutes.

No better man to explain than Tory MP Boris Johnson, “The two little girls are plainly fooling around, and so is their mother, and so—probably—is their uncle Edward.” 

The “probably” is there for a reason. Uncle Edward,  or King Edward VIII, was a friend of Adolf Hitler.

The story of Edward and Wallis Simpson is often sold as a heartwarming romance. 

The best man at their wedding was Edward “Fruity” Metcalfe, who had been photographed in fascist regalia at a British Union of Fascists (BUF) dinner. Sort of like our own dear Prince Harry but with feeling.

The bride’s closest friend was Diana Mosley, who married BUF founder Sir Oswald Mosley at Nazi minister Joseph Goebbels’s home, with Hitler as guest of honour.

The establishment made Edward abdicate because of the couple’s open sympathy for Germany in the run-up to war.

The queen mother once sent a copy of Hitler’s book Mein Kampf to a friend, saying, “Even a skip through gives you a good idea of his obvious sincerity.”

Her confidant Woodrow Wyatt put it, “She clearly has some reservations about Jews in her old-fashioned English way.”

All four of Prince Philip’s elder sisters were married off to various posh Nazis in the 1930s. Two had sons called Adolf.

And the queen’s sister once stormed out of a showing of Schindlers List, saying, “I don’t want to hear another word about Jews or the Holocaust. Not one more word. I heard enough during the war. I never want to hear about it again. Ever.”

And as one biography put it, “One of her German cousins had run a concentration camp, for which he later stood trial as a war criminal.”

Plainly fooling around.

Taking a break from tax

David Cameron is taking his family on three summer holidays. Cornwall will be followed by a break in Portugal.

The third family holiday is on the Scottish island of Jura. Cameron shoots stags there. His father-in-law Lord Astor has an estate.

Though technically it is owned by a holding company in a tax haven.

Which is nice.

'Try to sound normal,' MPs told

MPs have been issued with an guide to using Twitter. Pearls of wisdom include telling the truth and not tweeting while drunk.

It adds “Tweet about things normal people are interested in like music, sport, films and TV. But make it genuine, don’t fake an interest in your local football team or Coronation Street if that’s not your thing.”

Tory takes the p in expenses

Tory MP Rob Wilson, member for Reading East, has put in more than 160 travel claims of less than £1 since 2010.

Last year Wilson claimed 9p to cover the 0.2 mile journey he made for a “constituency engagement”.

In November last year he claimed 60p for riding his bicycle to work.


May turns the taps off on Boris’s cannon 

Poor Boris Johnson saw his dreams of blasting protesters off the streets lie in tatters last week. Tory home secretary Theresa May ruled out letting police use water cannons in London.

Unfortunately Johnson had already splashed £218,000 on three second-hand cannons. That cost went up to £329,000 after maintenance, transport and officer training.

Johnson knew that the models were being phased out in Germany after blinding a 66 year old man.

The vehicles carrying them were too polluting to be allowed into most of London. But he drove ahead regardless.

May didn’t rule them out for noble reasons. She worried about making the cops’ reputation even worse. She said they may be “counterproductive” and could undermine the “legitimacy” of the police.

Top Merseyside cop Sir Jon Murphy warned that water cannon are “closely associated with the suppression of political protest in Egypt”. Using them in London wouldn’t look good.

Racist cops face Facebook probe 

The Met has launched yet another investigation into itself after its officers used a “secret” Facebook group to air racist views. 

Cops used a closed group on the social network to post racist comments about Gypsies and Travellers. 

Named “I’ve Met the Met”, it has around 3,000 participants, and serves as an unofficial and invite only online forum.

According to a complaint sent by the Traveller Movement charity the comments suggest a “canteen culture of racism towards Gypsies and Travellers”.

The terror threat is in tents

Project Fawn is aimed at preparing nursery and school staff for the possibility that London could be hit by terrorist attacks.

It comes with slides referring to domestic extremism, student protests, the Occupy movement, and climate issues and urban explorers.

Arms sales to Israel back on

Last year the government brought in arms export restrictions on Israel.

Last week, Sajid Javid took time off from attacking unions and pronounced, “In August 2014 the government announced that it had identified 12 export licences it would suspend. ... As a result of the most recent review this additional measure has now been lifted.”

Figure it out - benefits

  • £2.3 billion
    Jobseekers’ Allowance not claimed in 2014 
  • £2.8 billion
    pension credit not claimed in 2014
  • £3.6 billion
    Housing benefit not claimed in 2014
  • £2.8 billion
    Income Support and Employment and Support Allowance not claimed in 2014
  • £13 billion
    total amount unclaimed by people entitled to benefits. That’s ten times the amount lost to benefit fraud


Article information

The Troublemaker
Tue 21 Jul 2015, 17:53 BST
Issue No. 2463
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