

  1. Real money maker

    Real Madrid's expansion into internet broadcasting and business education is emblematic of how the world's richest teams are taking over sporting profits.

  2. Impact of TPP

    Consumer advocates say Australians could be disadvantaged by the proposed TPP, as trade ministers meet in Hawaii to try to finalise the deal.

  3. A sign of the times

    The ABC faces the harsh reality of the digital disruption that continues to rattle not just traditional broadcasting and retail but business and society worldwide.

  4. The last option standing

    Australians are being told the only solution to our budget problems is a higher GST. But that's only because we've taken all the better and fairer options off the table.

  5. India's young entrepreneurs

    India is home to a rapidly growing number of new rich, many of them young, which is helping fuel a booming luxury goods and services industry.

  6. Space mining

    A US company recently launched a small spacecraft, marking a major step in its quest to mine asteroids.

ASX Quotes

Table showing ASX index quotes for today (as of Fri Jul 24 2015 16:11:00 GMT+1000 (AEST))
Index Opening Closing Change
5581.30 5556.80 -0.4%
5590.30 5566.10 -0.4%
1891.90 1874.60 -0.9%
10584.20 10604.00 0.2%
6555.70 6523.10 -0.5%
19045.60 18962.30 -0.4%
808.50 805.10 -0.4%
8441.30 8388.80 -0.6%
4804.10 4790.00 -0.3%
8840.10 8784.70 -0.6%
2245.70 2248.50 0.1%
6427.60 6456.30 0.4%
2105.70 2084.20 -1%

Last updated

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