New England Primer
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90 of 91 people found the following review helpful
on August 14, 1998
David Barton has done this country a great service by reprinting the 1777 A.D. edition of this beginners' textbook that was used by American students up until the early 1900's. This was the beginning textbook for students in all types of American schools: public, private, semiprivate, home, dame, parochial, etc. The foreward states:
"The New England Primer was one of the greatest books ever published. It went through innumerable editions; it reflected in a marvelous way the spirit of the age that produced it, and contributed, perhaps more than any other book except the Bible, to the molding of those sturdy generations that gave to America its liberty and its institutions."
The Founding Fathers of this country and other Americans learned to read from this little treasure. There is much that we can learn about them and the way they thought by examining its contents. The true study of history should incorporate the study of what motivated people to do the things they did. This reprint makes for great classroom discussion. It makes for an excellent addition to any American History class at all grade levels and all ages. It is pocket-size, and kids and adults love it. I highly recommend it!
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66 of 72 people found the following review helpful
on May 8, 1999
For over one hundred years this book has been the basic textbook for new readers in America. Most of America's heros most likely learned to read using this book. Isn't it a shame that today it is against the law to use this textbook because of the quotes from the Bible. All parents should keep a copy of this book in their possession to remind them of the roots by which we have all come!
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52 of 56 people found the following review helpful
on May 9, 2007
We heard about this small book and have now bought more than 30 or them. When we show it to our friends, they all want one. People have bought them for their children, grandchildren, and as gifts. It is the perfect illustration of the religious and Christian roots of our nation. It is incredible to think that this was a public school text! Buy it, and share it with your family and friends.
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11 of 11 people found the following review helpful
on December 11, 2009
Amazing to me that this was the equivalent of a first grade textbook in it's day. It gives me the sense that our educational system has devolved significantly in certain respects. In first grade, I was barely scraping by with: 'See Sam run. Run Sam run.' These kids were learning vocabulary words like 'Edyfying, Formidably, Consolation, and Mortification. Oh how far the mighty have fallen. Considering it's only rival for best selling book durring the 1700's was the Bible, I can't understand why I never heard a thing about this book until -after- I'd graduated from college.

It's a quick read, once you can get past the 's' sometimes looking like an 'f' (something to do with the original old english font). And of course, adjust yourself to the sentence structuring of the day. For how little trouble it is to go through, it offers a lot of insight into the prevailing worldview durring the time of our nation's founding.
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10 of 11 people found the following review helpful
Wallbuilders did all parents and children a huge favor in reproducing the New England Primer. From the 1690's to about 1900 this text was used in schools in America. The utilization of this primer is one of the reasons America has been so successful: its children learned the basics and were taught about God.

Included in this work:
- rhyming alphabet
- Bible alphabet
- Bible questions
- WM Shorter Catechism
- fascinating illustrations
- and much more

This is a fun and necessary book to add to your young child's education. I highly recommend it.
By Mike A Robinson author of: "What is Truth? How Kids Can Prove God Exists" and other Christian books including:
God Does Exist!: Defending the faith using presuppositional apologetics, evidence, and the impossibility of the contrary
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13 of 15 people found the following review helpful
on November 22, 2009
This is a great little pocket book with attractive hard cover and original text. Would make a nice gift. It is something to be treasured.
Reading it gives you great insight into what schoolchildren were taught way back when our country was founded. I think it would be great for Christian homeschoolers.
It's a little hard to read because the text has "f" for "s" such as "fpeak" instead of "speak". Overall a great buy and a great find!
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15 of 18 people found the following review helpful
on May 30, 2007
Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God...the Lord's Prayer...the young Infant's or Child's morning and evening prayers...A Dialogue between CHRIST,Youth,and the Devil. The New England Primer, Improved for the more easy attaining the true reading of English. To which is added;The Assembly of Divines, and Mr. Cotton's Catechism.


This was foundational material in the educational training of the Founding Fathers.

This is the foundation that God blessed in our nation's history. A totally opposite worldview was instilled in the youth of the past, as compared to what is taught today. What an amazing treasure this little book is.
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18 of 22 people found the following review helpful
on December 2, 1998
This little book was a standard primer from the seventeenth through the eighteenth century in America. It teaches reading and vocabulary based on Biblical and theological facts. My children love it.
Its theology is reformed theology, with which I am often in disagreement, however it provides an excellent basis for imparting Biblical values while teaching children to read.
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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful
on January 30, 2010
i love this little book. every household should own one. this is the single most used text book when America was first born. a shame it's probably "expelled" from public schools today
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9 of 11 people found the following review helpful
on July 17, 2008
If you'd like your child to actually read this book it may prove difficult. It's a very small version of the book including old English fonts, The s looks like f etc.
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