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12 of 18 people found the following review helpful
on December 13, 2010
My daughter used this book in her Senior religion class in H.S. I consider myself a political moderate but this book was painful to read.

Among some of the highlights:
--The moral equivalence of the US and Soviet Union who "competed to dominate the world through military might."
--A complete acceptance of man-made (read US-made) global warming including "the rise between one to four feet of ocean levels over the next century."
--"Private property must be fairly distributed and used responsibly for the good of all."
--"Thrival rights" include the "right to immigrate."

And in the section on Karl Marx "modern-day communist states--none of which has been quite the ideal society Marx envisioned." A rather mild understatement considering close to 100 million people were killed by communists in the 20th century
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on July 11, 2014
In private schools, the parents are responsible for buying the textbooks. So, where did I think of first to start my exhaustive and dreaded search? Amazon, of course! My expectation was that I would possibly find a book or two on my list in the price range I had hoped for. But to my delight, I found everything on Amazon with options for my budget. And when the school year is over, I know that I can sell the books back to Amazon easily and quickly with their convenient buyback feature. It's a win-win for parent and student.
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on January 16, 2014
I had to buy this book for my religion class. The price was great, compared to other prices I had seen this book on. I got a used one, and the quality and conditions of the book, was still pretty good and decent. The shipping time was as described, and the packaging in which it came was very well, protecting the book from any damages through the shipment. If you need this book or want it. Don't hesitate and get it from here. Great Price!
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15 of 24 people found the following review helpful
on October 29, 2008
I am in the process of trying to get this book removed from our Catholic High School. This book loves militant leftist/Marxist ideology, has an entire section on Liberation Theology, and overtly criticizes the US while praising socialism/communism. It doesn't mention great Catholic social justice saints like Vincent de Paul, Kolbe, or Francis of Assisi and barely mentions Mother Theresa. It is filled with moral relativism equating the Soviet Unioin to the USA stating directly they both wanted to militarily control the world in the cold war. This book is wrong historically, it fails to promote Catholicism, and is more aligned with the ideology of Reverend Jeremiah Wright than Benedict XVI. Did I mention the book doesn't even mention the Compendium of Catholic Social Justice Teaching? A Catholic school would be negligent to have this book in its curriculum.
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on August 10, 2014
excellent quality and price. fast shipment.
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on August 3, 2014
Great Product
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on August 25, 2014
good value
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on May 17, 2015
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on November 15, 2014
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1 of 3 people found the following review helpful
on November 9, 2012
I read this book during high school and it really opened my mind about the injustices of society and the world. This book provided inspiration for me to initiate helping others work towards the greater good for all. Absolutely a great book that teaches peace, solidarity, and justice.
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