Saturday, July 12 2014 Umm al-Ara’is, Susya, Bi’r al-‘Id, Ma’asara by David Shulman   Business as usual in the South Hebron hills. There’s a war on in Gaza, but that too is business as usual, the meaningless biannual ritual in which both sides gleefully smash one another before reverting to the status quo ante. The Israeli media are drowning us in words, a vast and raucous flood, and the government is putting out its familiar, mendacious statements; perhaps in recent days only Abu Mazen has spoken the truth. The only solution, he said, is a political one, and Netanyahu is no partner. Meanwhile, […]

Friday, January 4 2013 ‘Isawiyya protest by David Shulman — I meet the drummers on the city bus to French Hill. They ask me: “Are you going there?” Yes. Smiles. I tell them I’m happy to see the big drum again; it brings up good memories of Sheikh Jarrah, the demonstrations two years ago and more. There the drums made all the difference. They say to me: “You’re an honorary drummer.” Now that’s worth putting on my CV. — The Border Police are, of course, waiting for us at the gas station at the edge of the village. Quite […]

Friday, June 22 2012 Demonstration in Susiya – by David Shulman I doubt if Palestinian Susya has ever seen so many people. Some 500, maybe more, have arrived from Jerusalem (including a large Palestinian delegation from East Jerusalem), Tel Aviv, Beer Sheva, and various sites in the occupied territories:  Beit Umar, Mufagara, and the khirbehs close to Susya. It’s a mixed Palestinian-Israel crowd. I see many veterans of the early years of Ta’ayush, some of them returning to Susya after a long time. We know the Susya people well:  we have stood by them in the face of many violent attacks […]

Saturday, July 24 2010 drawing water in Tawamin and demonstration in Hebron The village of Khirbet a-Tawamin lies south-west of the settlement of Susya. In 2001 the settlers, assisted by the army, expelled the residents of the village, which to this day was not rehabilitated. Some of the caves which served as homes for the villagers were destroyed by the settlers, others are used by them as targets for shooting practice. Last Saturday we returned to Tawamin to draw water from one of the cisterns which used to serve the destroyed village and bring it to the neighboring village of Bir el-‘Id, […]

Saturday, July 17 2010 Water Collection in Tawamin for the Residents of Bir El-Eid, Accompanying Shepherds in Mufkarah and the Demonstration in Hebron On Saturday we went to the cisterns in Tawamin to meet with the residents of Bir El-Eid and to continue collecting water and transporting them to cisterns the access to which is less disturbed by the settlers, a task in which we have been engaged for a month (you can read more about this in earlier posts). As expected, a few minutes after we arrived at the cisterns a few military and police jeeps arrived.  Unexpectedly, this time the soldiers did not come in order to prevent the activity and to […]

Saturday, June 19 2010 grazing in Sussya Early in the morning we went out to graze. Members of the family were already prepared, but they were not the only ones who awaited us there. An army jeep parked by the hill stood quietly, but within it the soldiers were already calling for reinforcements in order to control the children, the activists and the goats grazing peacefully in the area allowed by the law-court and the Civil Administration. The land is almost adjacent to the family’s houses, between the hill and the army observation post and the jeep. […]

Saturday, April 24 2010 Escorting shepherds, Planting and Demonstrating in Hebron Escorting shepherds in the area of Mufakkara, and on the land of Abu Kbita in the area of Yatir was successful.  Other groups of activists escorted farmers in a number of places around Susya.  We returned to plant on the land of the Moor family, where settlers plowed a while ago, and where settlers had uprooted the trees we planted last week (April 17). Three other groups assisted in the harvest work near the Susya junction, where there are neighboring settlements and the road that serves the “Mitzpeh Yair” outpost. […]

Sunday, March 28 2010 Passover and Easter procession in Bethlehem Sunday 28.3.2010 During the afternoon some 300 Palestinians, Israelis and international activists held a procession on the eve of Easter and Passover during which they marched from Bethlehem to Jerusalem through the Rachel’s Tomb crossing in the separation wall. The demonstrators, among them the mayor of Bethlehem and members of the Palestinian parliament, wished to reach Jerusalem in order to realize their right to worship in the city which is holy to the three religions. Border policemen and the Jerusalem police blocked the marchers on the Jerusalem side of the […]