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The Legend Of 1900 Duel Scene HD
American Experience: AMERICA 1900: (Parts 1-2)
American Experience: AMERICA 1900: (Parts 3-4)
The Legend of 1900 Piano Duel HD
Britain in 1900
Berlin 1900 in colour!!!!
Legend of 1900 - Playing Love [HQ]
Early Traffic Scenes (1890-1900)
The Legend of 1900 FULL MOVIE
San Francisco 1900
الشروق أونلاين | صور نادرة للجزائر سنة 1900 تم جمعها من مكتبة الكونغرس
Легенда о Пианисте ( англ. Legend of 1900 )
Cómo veían el año 2000 en 1900
Tim Roth Piano Cigarette.
Part 1: Spirit of the Age Part 2: Change Is In the Air
Part 3: A Great Civilized Power Part 4: Fall, Anything Seemed Possible
O filme faz uma retrospectiva histórica da Itália desde o início do século XX até o término da Segunda Guerra Mundial, com base na vida de Olmo, filho bastardo de camponeses, e Alfredo, herdeiro de uma rica família de latifundiários. Apesar da amizade desde a infância, a origem social fala mais alto e os coloca em pólos política e ideologicamente antagônicos. Através da vida de Olmo e Alfredo, o fime retrata o intenso cenário político que marcou a Itália e o mundo nas primeiras décadas desse século, representado pelo fortalecimento das lutas trabalhistas ligadas ao socialismo em oposição à ascensão do fascismo. "Novecento" tornou-se um épico aclamado no mundo inteiro, sendo considerado pela crítica internacional como uma das principais obras do grande cineasta italiano Bernardo Bertolucci. CONTEXTO HISTÓRIC0 A primeira metade do século XX foi avassaladora para a história da humanidade. Em menos de 50 anos o mundo viveu a Primeira Guerra Mundial, a Crise de 1929, a criação do primeiro Estado socialista, o totalitarismo nazifascista, além da Segunda Guerra Mundial que deixou um saldo de 50 milhões de mortos entre 1939 e 1945. Os primeiros anosdo século XX ainda eram marcados pelo neocolonialismo, que dividindo o mundo afro-asiático entre as nações industriais, gerou uma ferrenha disputa de mercados, acirrando as divergências nacionalistas, que culminaram na Primeira Guerra Mundial em 1914. Com o término do conflito em 1918, a Europa, principal palco da guerra, estava parcialmente destruída e as democracias liberais fragilizadas pela crise econômica generalizada. Esse cenário acabou criando condições historicamente favoráveis para a propagação de ideologias, que apesar de terem em comum o anti-liberalismo, se antagonizavam em seus objetivos finais. Por um lado, o socialismo começava emergir como força política em vários países europeus, principalmente após o êxito inicial da Revolução Russa em 1917. Na Itália, a crise da monarquia parlamentar se agravava com as lutas políticas entre católicos e socialistas que impediam a formação de um governo de coalizão. As agitações sociais eram cada vez mais constantes e a alta burguesia, temerosa de um levante comunista, não hesitou em apoiar um grupo nacionalista ainda inexpressivo, mas decidido a manter a ordem, mesmo que pela força. Nessa conjuntura surgia o Partido Fascista, fundado em março de 1919 na cidade de Milão por Benito Mussolini, um ex-combatente socialista. Dirigindo o jornal, "Popolo D’ Itália", Mussolini organizou as milícias fascistas (camisas negras), na luta contra socialistas e comunistas. Diante de pressões e ameaças, a monarquia italiana resolveu ceder e os fascistas fizeram sua triunfal "Marcha sobre Roma". Assumindo o ministério, Mussolini, o "Duce" (chefe), através de ações criminosas foi aniquilando seus adversários, como aconteceu em 1924, com o assassinato do deputado socialista Matteoti. Alguns meses depois quase toda oposição estava esmagada. A proposta final de Mussolini era a formação da "Grande Itália", através de uma política militarista e expansionista, que faria ressuscitara geopolítica do antigo Império Romano. Com uma organização política monopartidária e alimentando um nacionalismo histérico na defesa de um Estado corporativo e intervencionista, o fascismo definia-se como um regime totalitário de extrema direita refletindo uma reação extremada da burguesia mais reacionária, frente a crise das democracias liberais e principalmente ao avanço das organizações partidárias de esquerda. Esse mesmo cenário de apreensões e incertezas, agravado pelo "crack" na bolsa de N. Y. favoreceu o fortalecimento do fascismo em outras nações. Na Alemanha, com base nos mesmos princípios do fascismo italiano, acrescidos do anti-semitismo, o nazismo recuperava a economia e o orgulho nacional da nação germânica, humilhada pelas imposições, notadamente francesas, estabelecidas pelo Tratado de Versalhes após o término da Primeira Guerra. Com investimentos maciços na indústria bélica, Hitler alimentou o militarismo expansionista para formação do III Reich e no dia 1 de setembro de 1939, invadiu a Polônia, iniciando a Segunda Guerra Mundial. A vitória dos aliados (EUA, França, Inglaterra e URSS) contra o eixo (Itália, Alemanha e Japão), deu-se somente em agosto de 1945, após o ataque atômico dos EUA sobre as cidades japonesas de Hiroshima e Nagasaki. Com a derrocada do nazifascismo, o cenário internacional do "pós-guerra" favoreceu tanto os governos liberais de caráter capitalista, como as repúblicas populares socialistas. As lutas de libertação nacional e a corrida armamentista nuclear entre os blocos capitalista (EUA) e socialista (URSS), estendeu-se até os anos 80, caracterizando o contexto da "guerra fria".
"Jelly Roll" Morton (Clarence Williams III)- the man who claims to have invented jazz- has challenged Danny Boodmann T.D. Lemon Nineteen Hundred- aka 1900- (Tim Roth) to a duel on piano because he heard rumors that 1900 can play better than he can. 1900's friend Max Tooney (Pruitt Taylor Vince) takes bets on who will win. A fantastic performance by both actors. One of the best duels ever in movie history. The proof that you don't need a gun to utterly destroy someone. Cuts off at the best line, "You smoke it, I don't know how." Great music, great scene. 1 - Big Fat Ham 2 - The Crave 3 - Fingerbreaker by Jelly Roll Morton
A documentary which displays and explores the lives and environment of our immediate ancestors a little over a hundred years ago. There is some excellent foo...
this is a video showing berlin, the german capital around the year 1900, although the last scenes are from 1914. ENJOY! P.S I´m sick of repeating it time after time, so here is the following: i just wanted to keep the title as short as possible, so i didn´t want to write " Berlin and germany in the years of 1890-1920" . therfore, i chose the year 1900 to give the viewer a general idea of about what year the footage he is watching is from. So yes, some scenes are from munich,(2) although the very most, 98% or so is indeed Berlin footage. If you own some of that footage or and want credit for it or want it removed, please send me a message and I will delete it immidiatley! Thank you.
Unused / unissued material - dates unclear or unknown. Sunderland Bridge (1896) - Poor pedestrian, horse drawn carts, wagons and bus travel across bridge at ...
Shortly after the Second World War, Max, a transplanted American, visits an English pawn shop to sell his trumpet. The shopkeeper recognizes the tune Max pla...
Music by Will Taylor For a limited time subscribe to my channel and get a FREE Song delivered to your inbox! 1) Click here now:
للمشاركة في خدمة "مصورون" أرسلوا مقاطع الفيديو عبر البريد الإلكتروني التالي:
Фильм снят по книге Алессандро Барикко «Новеченто» («Двадцатый век», «Девятисотые» ). Это фильм-эпопея, ибо на одном-единственном корабле уместилась целая эп...
Es un video bastante breve sobre cómo las personas de la época de 1900 veían al año 2000. Espero les guste y nos vemos en el siguiente video :) PULGAR ARRIBA :D. Ira H. Gallen Video Resources 220 West 71st Street NYC 10023 (212) 724 - 7055 http://www.v...
–American police killed more people in March than UK police have since 1900 –On the Bonus Show: Stolen Uber accounts, the White House takes on drug-resistant superbugs, IKEA refugee shelters, more... Website: Become a Member: Be our Patron on Patreon: Discuss This on Reddit: Facebook: TDPS Twitter: David's Twitter: TDPS Gear: 24/7 Voicemail Line: (219)-2DAVIDP Subscribe to The David Pakman Show for more: Support TDPS by clicking (bookmark it too!) this link before shopping on Amazon: Broadcast on April 2, 2015
The deadliest hurricane in U.S. history struck Galveston in September 1900. Six thousand people died. (1994)
La leyenda del pianista en el océano 1998 Idioma: Ingles subtitulos Español Latino GÉNERO Drama | Música. SINOPSIS Desde principios del siglo XX, se producen emigraciones masivas a los Estados Unidos. A bordo de lujosos trasatlánticos, además de elegantes burgueses, viajan también emigrantes. Danny, el maquinista del Virginia, encuentra a un niño abandonado sobre un piano, lo adopta y le impone el nombre de Novecento ("siglo XX" en italiano). El barco es el hogar del niño, y los pasajeros, sus ventanas al mundo. Tras la muerte de Danny, alguien descubre por azar el talento innato del niño para el piano. A través de la música, este insólito personaje muestra lo que siente dentro del limitado mundo de un barco que no se atreve a abandonar.
This extraordinary living experiment in understanding science and technology's transformation of family life begins with locating, restoring, decorating, and appointing the house in which a family will recreate the rigours of life in 1900. Once found, every trace of modernisation installed over time is painstakingly removed: all electrical wiring, the indoor lavatories, kitchen improvements, plasterboard covering old fireplaces -- the works! As the project proceeds, special pains are taken, down to the smallest detail, such as recreating original wallpapers when samples are unearthed, and combing the countryside for nuances of décor. After scenes of a nationwide search for the right family, we meet the Bowlers. The hour chronicles their introduction to period practices at Shugborough Hall, and joins series curator Daru Rooke on a final home inspection before the family moves in.
This is part 2 of my series showing berlin at AROUND 1900. I know that some parts are from around 1910 rather than 1900...... PLEASE DO NOT POST NAZI COMMENT...
She looked back on some of the most remarkable moments of the show.
This video has been dramatically enhanced in quality, using modern video editing tools. The film has been motion stabilized and the speed has been slowed dow...
Regia: Jean Georgescu | Actori: Iurie Darie, Grigore Vasiliu Birlic, Ion Lucian, Alexandru Giugaru, Mircea Crisan, Ion Dichiseanu, Geo Barton, Vasile Tomazia...
1900 Efsanesi Türkçe Dublaj Tek Part YouTubede bir çok filmin Türkçe Dublajı eksik biliyorsunuz. Eklenmesini istediğiniz filmleri yorum olarak yazmanız yeterli. En kısa zamanda istenen filmler upload edilecektir. İyi Seyirler...
This episode is about the events of the world at the turn of the century up until the start of World War 1 or as it was known at the time The Great War I do ...
APENSAR ES UN JUEGO PARA ANDROID Y IPRONES ASI QUE ESTE VIDEO ES UN MANERA ENSEÑA AL PUBLICO QUE ESTAS ESTANCADO CON LOS NIVELES DEL JUEGO. Link de todos los video del juego Apensar del 1 al 40 apensar del 36 al 100 101 al 200 201 al 300 301 al 400 201 al 300 301 al 400 401 al 500 501 al 600 601 al 700 701 al 800 801 al 900 901 al 1000 1001 al 1100 1101 al 1200 1201 al 1300 ultimo nivel 1 al 100 1 al 200 1 al 36 1 al 500 201 al 300 400 a 700 500 al 1300 1 al 1300
Las 2 tendencias económicas mundiales (el dirigismo socialista y la económia de libre mercado)
Fabian entwickelt nach wie vor keine Vatergefühle. Für ihn ist das mit dem Baby einfach abstrakt. Das ändert sich auch nicht, als Nathalie doch in die OP einwilligt. Nach einem Gespräch mit Erika kommt er ins Grübeln und geht ins Krankenhaus, wo er nicht nur erleichtert erfährt, dass die OP gut verlaufen ist, sondern plötzlich auch unverhofft einem Monitorbild seines Babys gegenübersteht. Und Fabian trifft es mit Wucht. Jetzt ist es gar nicht mehr abstrakt, jetzt ist es seine Tochter! Der Shitstorm gegen Gunter nimmt kein Ende. Noch nicht mal dann, als die Polizei Gunters Unschuld ballistisch nachweisen kann. Gunter will die Hetzjagd gegen sich aussitzen. Doch die Zeit läuft ihm davon: Die Bank kündigt ihm bereits den Kredit für den Umbau des Jagdschlosses. Eliane ist überglücklich, bald nach Rio zu ihrer Familie reisen zu können. Doch dafür muss sie auch ihre Aufenthaltsgenehmigung verlängern lassen. Eliane sieht darin kein Problem – sie baut auf ihren "Noch-Ehemann".
Η ταινία ποταμός του Μπερτολούτσι (έχει διάρκεια πάνω από πέντε ώρες) αφηγείται την πορεία, μέσα από τις πρώτες πέντε δεκαετίες του αιώνα μας, της ιταλικής α...
We take a look at the massive Antec 1900 gaming case - can its massive size mean masses of features and an epic product?
After more than a week of funky hair, corsets that restrict their breathing, relentless cleaning, and laundry days so long and arduous that the girls must st...
After more than a week of funky hair, corsets that restrict their breathing, relentless cleaning, and laundry days so long and arduous that the girls must st...
เจอทีม MMR 2000 เข้าไปเตรียมตัวไม่ถูกเลย พยายามเล่นอย่างตั้งใจ Parasite สามารถดูสเตปวิธีฟามครีบป่า ลากครีบออกมาฟามให้ครีบเกิดตลอด ได้นะครับ ไอเท็มออกเป็น แก้...
Vi firar 1900 subs med denna lilla specialvlog =) TACK till alla som prenumererar!! Intromusik: © 2008 Kevin MacLeod Mod:
hard to drive Stream - Twitter - Facebook - Instagram - - -- Watch live at
Подробный обзор и мой реальный отзыв здесь:; Конструктор Sluban 38-1900 Детские товары/Конструкторы Возраст от: 6 лет; Материал: пластик
Подробный обзор и мой реальный отзыв здесь:; Электропила DeFort DMS-1900 Инструменты/Электропилы Тип: торцовочная пила; Конструкция: настольная; Мощность: 1900 Вт; Диаметр диска: 254 мм; Диаметр посадочного отверстия: 30 мм; Скорость вращения: 5000 об/мин;=28 Title: 1900 CUSTOM For Sale Category: Flat
very calm and sad fpv hope you will enjoy....
Watch The Legend of 1900 F.U.L.L. M.O.V.I.E. 1998 at [The Legend of 1900 1998 Movie Story: The story of a virtuoso piano player who lives his entire life aboard an ocean liner. Born and raised on the ship, 1900 (Tim Roth) learned about the outside world through interactions with passengers, never setting foot on land, even for the love of his life. Years later, the ship may be destroyed, and a former band member fears that 1900 may still be aboard, willing to go down with the ship.] Enjoy The Legend of 1900 'F.U.L.L. M.O.V.I.E.'!
Joan Fehrenbach - RE/MAX Results 3 beds 3 baths Published on: April 7, 2015
Click ⇉ The Legend of 1900 (1998) ⇉
Enjoy The Legend of 1900 (1998) Full Movie Just simple step for click this link ► : Instructions to Download Full Movie : 1. Click the link. 2. Create you free account & you will be redirected to your movie!! Enjoy Your Free Full HD Movies!!! Complete Subtitle ------------------------------------------------------- Movie Synopsis: Genre : Drama, Music, Romance Released : 1998-10-28 A baby boy, discovered in 1900 on an ocean liner, grows into a musical prodigy, never setting foot on land. This is a Wagner static electricity generator from the begining of the 20th century. This example resides in Tiffin, Ohio at the Seneca County Museum and will be restored to full working order by Casey from in 2009. It is used to power early X-ray tubes and for killer parlor tricks. This is an example of a Voss machine and is similar to a Wimshurst machine. It has the potential to throw foot long lightning bolts.
Watch Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank (1900) Full Movie HD : Enjoy Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank Full Movie! Instructions to Download Full Movie: 1. Click the blue link. 2. Sign up for your account. It's is tottally free. 3. Fill out your account information. This is 100% save. All of your data are not public. Enjoy your Free Full HD movies! !!----------------------------------------------------!! Genre: Director: Sheila Canavan , Michael Chandler Writer: N/A Stars: Runtime: 0 min Storyline: An intimate portrait of recently retired Congressman Barney Frank, one of our most well-known and least understood political figures, this documentary alternates between deeply personal moments and the inner workings of our political process. Rare archival material and interviews reveal the emotional pain and harmful effects of a closeted life, the relief of coming out and the triumph of love through the Congressman's historic same-sex marriage. Frank's journey is our country's journey, a classic American story about a dedicated public servant who never loses hope. The Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank mp3 song, pankhida re udi, watch Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank , watch Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank online, Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank releasing date, The Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank, download Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank , watch Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank online, watch Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank online, watch The Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank online, Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank full hd, Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank torrent download, Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank mp3 songs free download, FULL Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank torrent, Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank hd, watch Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank online, Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank release date,(3D) online film complet entierement en francais regarder film en entier telecharger Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank (3D) gratuitement regarder Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank (3D) gratuit, Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank hd, watch Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank online, Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank online, full Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank online, watch Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank full hd, jajo america re, The Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank full, (3D) film en entier telecharger, The Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank hd, download The Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank full hd, Keywords: Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank Full Movie Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank Full Movie english subtitles Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank trailer review Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank trailer review Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank trailer Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank trailer Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank trailer review Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank Full Movie english subtitles Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank Full Movie english subtitles Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank trailer #sosigenes47
Программа «Сегодня» в 1900 (07.04.2015) 07 апреля 2015 © «НТВ» Все Новые Новости: Самые НОВЫЕ и Интересные фильмы, Премьеры на канале:
Full review here(Полный обзор здесь): 1900 Antique Vintage Edison light Bulb 40W/60W 220V/110v Large Squirrel cage Tungsten,G95 E27 edison bulb 1900 Antique Vintage Edison light Bulb 40W/60W 220V/110v Large Squirrel cage Tungsten,G95 E27 edison bulb Lighting Bulbs & Tubes - Incandescent Bulbs, Color , Gender , Size , Brand starry ji Latest instalment featuring Class 101, Clayton, English electric type 4 and Sulzer diesels plus an Ivatt 4mt on a stopping train. Evening parcel shunts from and to Scotwalter Branch. Filmed on Abbotsford 4mm loft layout representing the Waverley route and Borders Branch lines
Rosemount $400-$550 1 and 2 Bedroom Apartments with 1 Bath. 1 BR $400, 1BR2ND with Deck $415. All 2BR units $495 Range, Refrigerator, Washer/Dryer Connections, Ceiling Fan (LR) Central Heat/AC, Water & Sewer Included. Pet Allowed with $350 Non-Refundable Pet Fee Per Pet. (Non-Aggressive Breeds). Building 1815,1817,1819,1821,1823 Rosemont Drive. Located off of Arlington Blvd. Just down from the intersection of Arlington & Fire Tower
4 Bilder 1 Wort - Lösung Level 1900-1924 by Lotum GmbH Kanal All Level Level 1-200 Level 201-400 401-600 601-800 801-1000 1001-1200 1201-1400 1401-1600 1601-1800 1801-2000 2001-2200 2201-2400 2401-2600 2601-2800 2801-3000 3001-3200 3201-3400 3401-3600 3601-3800 3801-4000 4001-4200 4201-4400 4401-4600 4601-4800 4801-5000
Maquetas, esculturas, cuadros, muebles y planos son objetos exhibidos en la Sala de Exposiciones Temporales
4 Bilder 1 Wort - Lösung Level 1900 by Lotum GmbH Kanal All Level Facebook: 1-200 201-400 401-600 601-800 801-1000 1001-1200 1201-1400 1401-1600 1601-1800 1801-2000 2001-2200 2201-2400 2401-2600 2601-2800 2801-3000 3001-3200 3201-3400 3401-3600 3601-3800 3801-4000 4001-4200 4201-4400 4401-4600 4601-4800 4801-5000
416-808-1900 ... Anyone with information is asked to contact police at 416-808-1900, Crime Stoppers ...
noodls 2015-04-07416-808-1900 ... Anyone with information is asked to contact police at 416-808-1900, Crime Stoppers ...
noodls 2015-04-07Borussia VfL 1900 Mönchengladbach GmbH ) ... This content was issued by Borussia VfL 1900 ...
noodls 2015-04-07Borussia VfL 1900 Mönchengladbach GmbH ) ... This content was issued by Borussia VfL 1900 ...
noodls 2015-04-07... After Hours is set for Thursday, April 16, 2015 at Country Inn & Suites at 1900 22nd Ave SW.
noodls 2015-04-07Manlius , N. Y. -- The L. & J. G. Stickley furniture company was founded in 1900 at Fayetteville, N. Y.
Syracuse 2015-04-07Rocco Marinaro, 57, was seen walking from a restaurant to his home in the 1900 block of Allen Street ...
Lehigh Valley 2015-04-07... alive on the planet with birth records showing they were born before 1900, according to the group.
Canoe 2015-04-07The Gerontology Research Group used 1900 census records, which listed Weaver as 2 years old, and a ...
ABC News 2015-04-07... alive on the planet with birth records showing they were born before 1900, according to the group.
Toronto Sun 2015-04-07... alive on the planet with birth records showing they were born before 1900, according to the group.
RTE 2015-04-07... alive on the planet with birth records showing they were born before 1900, according to the group.
The Irish Times 2015-04-07(Source: China ITS (Holdings) Co Ltd ) E150892A_China ITS 1.1 ... China ITS (Holdings) Co. , Ltd ... (Stock code: 1900) ... , Ltd ... , Ltd ... :03
noodls 2015-04-071900 (Italian: Novecento, "Twentieth Century") is a 1976 Italian epic film directed by Bernardo Bertolucci, starring Robert De Niro, Gérard Depardieu, Dominique Sanda, Donald Sutherland, Alida Valli, and Burt Lancaster. Set in Bertolucci's ancestral region of Emilia, the film chronicles the lives of two men during the political turmoils that took place in Italy in the first half of the 20th century. The film was screened at the 1976 Cannes Film Festival, but was not entered into the main competition.
Born the same day at the start of the 20th century, 1 January 1900, Alfredo Berlinghieri (Robert De Niro) and Olmo Dalcò (Gérard Depardieu) come from opposite ends of the social spectrum. Alfredo is from a family of landowners led by his abusive but populist grandfather (Burt Lancaster), while Olmo is an illegitimate peasant son off the estate whose grandfather (Sterling Hayden) is the foreman and peasants strong man who verbally and spiritually carries a duel of wits but without reaching violence ever with Alfredo's. As Alfredo is somewhat rebellious and despises the falseness of his family, in particular his weak but cynical father, he befriends Olmo, who was raised as a socialist.
C'est la nuit, accoudée au bar
C'est la nuit qui descend du bout des comptoirs
Si je t'aime comme je t'aime dans nos bras scellés
C'est l'amour par la grâce des baisers
Si je t'aime, si tu m'aimes contre un bracelet
C'est décidé...
C'est la nuit qui descend autour
C'est la nuit de septembre, des hautes tours
Et on tourne et on tourne sur les boulevards et l'amour...
Qui revient tôt ou tard
C'est la vie qui tourne quand les feux sont noirs et qu'on se meurt
Chaque jour, chaque matin
On avance on se tient et la main dans la main
Et on tourne et on tourne on s'attache à nos cou
Et on tourne tout au tour de nos joues
C'est la vie qui tourne, elle va et elle vient
On le sait bien
Ce n'est que la fin d'un jour ou est-ce qu'on rentre mon amour
Est-ce qu'on sera ensemble toujours... toujours
La tempête nous fait frisonner
C'est le vent, c'est le vent qui nous fait marcher
Et la nuit, et la nuit n'en finit donc jamais
Comme elle tourne, continue à se moquer