HomeThird Sector. Towards a collaborative Public Service

Third Sector. Towards a collaborative Public Service

Tiers secteur. Vers un service public collaboratif

XIVth edition of the International Public Management Symposium

XIVe édition des Rencontres internationales de la gestion publique (RIGP)

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Published on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 by João Fernandes


There is a trend for governments to try developping partnerships with the Third Sector (non-profit associations, foundations, social enterprises and cooperatives...) which is being recognized as one of the main economical and social actor. We may quote, as an example, the governmental project of Big Society in the United-Kingdom. This international symposium will gather researchers and practitioners to debate the place of the Third Sector in the process of creating a collaborative Public Service. Many questions will be at stake: How to define the Third Sector? What is the impact of cultural characteritics on its development? How does it imply the participation of civil society to the co-production of Public Services? Is it a "miracle cure" in this time of pressure on the public purse?



8:30 am - Welcome Coffee

Welcoming address by Mylène ORANGE-LOUBOUTIN, IGPDE Director General

9:00 am - Opening address by the Secretary of State for Trade, Handicraft, Consumption, Social and Solidarity-based Economy

  • 9:20 am - Jean-Louis LAVILLE, Sociologist and Economist researcher at the CNRS, Professor at the CNAM: What is the Third Sector?
  • 9:40 am - Françoise WAINTROP, Head of mission at the General Secretariat for the Modernization of Public Action, (SGMAP): Building together a public action?
  • 9:55 am - Caroline SLOCOCK, President of the think tank Civil Exchange: What conclusion can we draw from the “Big Society”?

10:15 am - Questions from the participants to the speakers

10:30 am – Break 

  • 10:45 am - Jean-Claude BARBIER, Director of Research at the CNRS: Assessing social action as an investment?
  • 11:05 am - Victor PESTOFF, Researcher at the Institute for Civil Society Studies, University of Stockholm: Coproduction as social innovation in public services.
  • 11:25 am - Antonella NOYA, Senior Policy Analyst in Local Economic and Employment Development at OECD: Formal relations between the State and the Third Sector.

11:45 am - Questions from the participants to the speakers

12:00 am - Cocktail

1:15 pm – ROUNDTABLE N° 1

The impact of the cultural characteristics on the development of the third sector

Facilitator: Jean-Luc DELPEUCH, President of the Clunisois Community of Communes.

  • Torben FRIDBERG, Researcher in Social Policy at the University of Copenhagen: The Third Sector and the volunteering culture in Denmark.
  • Thomas BAUWENS, Visiting Research Fellow at Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford: The Third Sector and the energetic transition: the case of cooperative wind farms in Belgium.
  • Ana Marie ARGILAGOS, Senior Advisor at the Ford Foundation: Philanthropy in the United States: the case of foundations.
  • Sergueï EFREMOV, Researcher in Economics: The Third Sector in Russia or the emergence of a social society.

2:45 pm - Questions from the participants to the speakers

3:15 pm - Break 

3:00 pm – ROUNDTABLE N° 2

The third sector or the participation of the civil society in the building of public policies

Facilitator: Nicole ALIX, Administrator of Confrontations Europe and of the Mont-Blanc Meetings, International Forum of the Social and Solidarity Economy Entrepreneurs.

  • Yves VAILLANCOURT, Professor at the Social Work School, University of Quebec, Regular member of the CRISES and of the LAREPPS: The Third Sector in the co-construction of Canadian public policies.
  • Davy LORANS, Professor at the University of Lyon: The Scientific Third Sector, a collective creation of knowledge in the Netherlands.
  • Pierre THOMÉ, Researcher in Social Sciences: The French Third Sector and the creation of common goods by the Civil Society.
  • Isabel VIDAL MARTINÈZ, Professor at the University of Barcelona: Third Sector, local democracy and Welfare State.

5:00 pm - Questions from the participants to the speakers 

5:30 pm - Conference closing session by Elisabeth GROSDHOMME, General Director of Paradigmes et Caetera: When the public service is co-produced by the citizens: what practices, what challenges?


  • Centre de conférence Pierre-Mendès-France - 139, rue de Bercy
    Paris, France (75012)


  • Wednesday, June 17, 2015


  • tiers secteur, économie sociale, associations, service public


  • Marie Coanet
    courriel : marie [dot] coanet [at] finances [dot] gouv [dot] fr

Information source

  • Marie Coanet
    courriel : marie [dot] coanet [at] finances [dot] gouv [dot] fr

To cite this announcement

« Third Sector. Towards a collaborative Public Service », Colloquium, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, April 29, 2015, http://calenda.org/326816