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Siak Sri Indrapura was the centre of an Islamite Malayan kingdom, which enjoyed its golden age from the 18th through 20th century. Sultan Abdul Jalil Rakhmad...
Program dokumenter yang diangkat dari kisah-kisah pengalaman nyata para anak muda yang rela melepaskan peluang karir dan kemapanan kehidupan kota besar untuk menjadi guru dan mengajar di desa desa terpencil di seluruh pelosok negeri selama satu tahun. Program feature dokumenter yang tidak hanya menampilkan keindahan alam Indonesia tetapi juga keunikan kehidupan berbudayanya. Program ini menampilkan penduduk asli daerah tersebut sebagai narator sekaligus pembawa cerita.
The island of Batam, which lies within the central core group of islands (the Riau Archipelago), contains a majority of the province's population. Since beco...
LIVE Berita Terbaru di Indonesia dan Manca Negara Update: Jokowi Prabowo, Ahok, Berita Populer, DEBAT Baru Jangan Lupa Share & SUBSCRIBE/Langganan (Terima Kasih)
PEKANBARU - Polisi berhasil menangkap empat pelaku mutilasi tujuh korban di Riau. Para pelaku akan diancam dengan hukuman mati. "Para tersangka akan kita jer...
slide video pusat kota pekanbaru :)
Dua Dunia 8 April 2014 - Misteri Candi Muara Takus - Riau Twitter : @PangkalanTB FB :
Anggota TNI terpancing begitu mengetahui empat rekannya ditembak anggota kepolisian. Mereka pun secara serentak keluar barak. Beruntung tidak terjadi bentrokan. "Memang pengepungan ada setelah tahu 4 anggota ditembak. Tapi tidak terjadi bentrok," ujar Kapuspen TNI, Mayjen TNI Fuad Basya kepada, Senin (22/9). Menurut Fuad, Danrem setempat langsung turun tangan membubarkan anggota TNI. Dari pihak polisi, lanjut Fuad, kapoldanya juga turun menahan agar tidak terjadi keributan lebih parah. "Saat ini kapolda dan danrem sedang melakukan pertemuan," katanya. Seperti diketahui, anggota TNI jadi korban salah tangkap polisi gabungan yang sedang melakukan patroli masalah penimbunan bahan bakar. Namun bukannya dilepas para tentara justru ditembak. Minggu (21/9/2014) malam, Tembesi mencekam. Baku tembak terjadi antara sekelompok anggota TNI Batalyon Infanteri 134 Tuah Sakti dengan anggota Brimob di Markas Komando (Mako) Brimobda Kepri, di Tembesi, Batuaji, Batam, Kepulauan Riau (Kepri). Akibat saling tembak itu, empat anggota Yonif 134/TS terkena peluru dari anggota Brimob. Keempat anggota langsung dilarikan ke RSUD Embung Fatimah untuk dilakukan operasi pengeluaran proyektil peluru. Berdasarkan data yang diterima Tribun Batam ( Network), empat anggota yang terkena tembakan itu adalah Praka Eka Basri (anggota Kompi A), Pratu Eko (Kompi Markas), Pratu Ari (Kompi Markas), dan Pratu Ari (Kompi Bantuan) yang semuanya terkena tembakan pada paha sebelah kiri. Diperoleh keterangan dari sumber di Yonif 134/TS, sebelum baku tembak, juga sempat terjadi pemukulan yang dialami oleh Praka Eka Basri. Kini pihak Denpom telah mengamankan barang bukti gitar yang digunakan untuk pemukulan tersebut. Barang lain yang diamankan dari tempat kejadian perkara, satu unit sepeda motor Mio warna hitam BP 5523 FH, motor Honda Beat warna hitam BP 3574 JM, dan lain-lain. Belum diperoleh keterangan resmi mengenai latar belakang permasalahan hingga terjadi saling tembak di Mako Brimob tersebut. polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni , polisi vs tni ,tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbarutni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbarutni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru, tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru, tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru , tni vs polisi berkelahi terbaru
Tari Pembubung dibawakan oleh Delegasi Kesenian Riau dalam Parade Tari Nusantara 2006 di Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. Dari album Parade Tari Nusantara Vol. 2 produksi Gema Nada Pertiwi. Digital audio track available on iTunes : Amazon :
Membangkitkan Jejak Sejarah Sungai Carang TAHUKAH ANDA bahwa nama Riau yang dikenal sekarang dan digunakan sebagai nama salah satu propinsi di Indonesia, berasal dari sebuah hulu sungai yang membentang antara kota Tanjungpinang dan Senggarang sekarang? Dari hulu sungai itu jugalah sejarah pernah mencatat tentang kejayaan Melayu Riau sekitar dua abad silam.
Anyone can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person at the right time, and for the right purpose and in the right way - that is not within everyone’s power and that is not easy, Mohon untuk di Jempol Keatas dan di SUBSCRIBE yah gan. Terima Kasih
sekuat apapun ke kuatan mahluk tidak ada yang menandingin ke kuatan allah swt.
Rekaman Gubernur Riau Berkata Kotor Jadi Tertawaan Warga Ada-ada saja komentar Gubernur Riau Annas Maamun saat ditanya wartawan mengenai adanya dinasti polit...
Riau Rhythm Chambers indonesia performed "Dentang Denting Dentum" at Akademi Berbagi Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia #pku6 "Musik Kreasi Riau", 4 Januari 2014 by ...
Tari Batin Kemuning, tari kreasi yang dibawakan oleh Delegasi Riau pada Parade Tari Nusantara 2007 di Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. Dari VCD Parade Tari Nusantara Vol. 4 produksi Gema Nada Pertiwi....
Ratusan mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam Aliansi Mahasiswa Seluruh Riau melakukan aksi unjuk rasa mendesak Jokowi-JK turun dari jabatannya, di Gedung DPRD Riau, Pekanbaru, Rabu (1/4/2015). Dalam aksinya itu, mereka memaksa masuk ke dalam Gedung DPRD dengan menjebol pintu gerbang pagar. Setelah berhasil menjebol pagar, para mahasiswa itu pun kemudian menduduki Gedung DPRD Riau. Aksi mahasiswa itu sebagai bentuk protes atas kebijakan pemerintahan Jokowi-JK yang dinilai telah meresahkan rakyat. Presiden Jokowi dianggap tidak mampu memimpin dan dinilai ingkar janji. Laporan Reporter Tribunnews Video, David Tobing
ILK - Indonesia Lawak Klub - 24 Mar 2014 - Asap Riau [FULL] Full Version: part1 part2
Mancing Berburu Toman (Snake Head) Di Bendungan PLTA Kota Panjang Kampar Riau Mancing Berburu Toman (Snake Head) Di Bendungan PLTA Kota Panjang Kampar Riau Mancing Berburu Toman (Snake Head) Di Bendungan PLTA Kota Panjang Kampar Riau Mancing Berburu Toman (Snake Head) Di Bendungan PLTA Kota Panjang Kampar Riau Mancing Berburu Toman (Snake Head) Di Bendungan PLTA Kota Panjang Kampar Riau Mancing Berburu Toman (Snake Head) Di Bendungan PLTA Kota Panjang Kampar Riau Mancing Berburu Toman (Snake Head) Di Bendungan PLTA Kota Panjang Kampar Riau Mancing Berburu Toman (Snake Head) Di Bendungan PLTA Kota Panjang Kampar Riau Mancing Berburu Toman (Snake Head) Di Bendungan PLTA Kota Panjang Kampar Riau Mancing Berburu Toman (Snake Head) Di Bendungan PLTA Kota Panjang Kampar Riau 1000 meter, mancing, memancing, mancing air tawar, mancing toman, mancing snake head, mancing di danau, mancing di kali, toman, tiger head, bendungan, sungai, kali, air tawar, mancing gabus, gabus, riau, casting, trolling, video mancing
Riau Tourism Promotion Film.
Please Support University of Riau, Pekanbaru Tourism,Riau Tourism.
Riau Tourism - Colors of Pekanbaru : This video dedicated to all Pekanbaru Riau Citizen.
Danau Wisata Kayangan Lembah Sari Pekanbaru Riau
The Great Mosque of An-Nur (Mesjid Agung An-nur) PekanBaru, Sumatra, Indoensia is a favourite tourist spot among Halal tourists or Syariah based tourism oper...
Obyek Pariwisata Kepulauan Natuna Riau Obyek Pariwisata Kepulauan Natuna Riau Obyek Pariwisata Kepulauan Natuna Riau Kabupaten Natuna, adalah salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia. Natuna merupakan kepulauan paling utara di selat Karimata. Di sebelah utara, Natuna berbatasan dengan Vietnam dan Kamboja, di selatan berbatasan dengan Sumatera Selatan dan Jambi, di bagian barat dengan Singapura, Malaysia, Riau dan di bagian timur dengan Malaysia Timur dan Kalimantan Barat. Natuna berada pada jalur pelayaran internasional Hongkong, Jepang, Korea dan Taiwan. Kabupaten ini terkenal dengan penghasil minyak dan gas. Cadangan minyak bumi Natuna diperkirakan mencapai 1. 400.386.470 barel, sedangkan gas bumi 112.356.680.000. barel. wisata natuna, kepulauan riau, 2010 tourism, Obyek pariwisata, Tempat wisata, Wisata terindah, Wisata natuna, Wisata kepulauan, Wisata budaya, wisata gunung, wisata pantai, wisata kuliner, pulau natuna, kepri, Riau Islands Province (Indonesian Province), Trans TV (TV Network), 1000Kubah, Kompas tv, Hidden Paradise, Nadine chandrawinata, sausan, kepulauan NATUNA, kepuluan, indonesia, Natuna Islands (Location), beautiful indonesia, kecantikan, alam, indoensian beauty, keajaiban indonesia, dunia wisata, ditjen pajak, pajak, ranai, Pulau Natuna, Trans TV, Air (French Band), Atmosphere Of Earth, Air (visual Novel), unyil, fotografernet, nico wijaya, kristupa saragih, fotografi, sunrise, sunset, island, Beach, Ocean, Waves, travel, Liburan, perjalanan, Rekreasi, Wisata Murah, jalan-jalan, Tour, traveller, Murah, Objek, backpacker, wisata domestik, destination, Tourism (Industry), Indonesia, Travel, YouTube Editor, Nature, Tempat, Tourist Attraction (Building Function), Pariwisata, Wisata, murah, Adventure, wisata indonesia, Pulau Batam (City/Town/Village), Tours, musik natuna, lagu natuna, musik melayu, melayu natuna, musik melayu asli natuna, lagu asli natuna, lagu lagu natuna, lagu dendang pulau bunguran, Riau (Indonesian Province), lagu kepulauan riau,
Riau Province Investment and Tourism Profile.
Residents of Indonesia's haze-covered Riau province pray for rain, and protest against the local government for not preventing land clearing and forest fires...
Bono merupakan fenomena alam yang menakjubkan. Di mana, ketika pasang memudiki sungai, maka air sungai akan menggelombang, berombak besar. Tinggi gelombang t...
My friend Riyanni Djangkaru and I starred in this tourism video for Siak, located in the Riau province of Sumatra, Indonesia. An HD copy will be uploaded soo...
Created by: Tourism 012, Universitas Riau The footage you've been waiting for... When the first pulses of the tidal bore showed, Bruno Santos (BRA), Dean Brady (AUS), Tyler Larronde (FRA), Oney Anwar (IND) and original Searcher Tom Curren (USA) were there to greet the chocolate barrels of the Seven Ghosts. Witness the greatest river bore tubes ever surfed. Presented by: Rip Curl Music: Artist: Phoenix Song: Love Like A Sunset Music Director: Stephane Queme Surfers: Bruno Santos, Dean Brady, Oney Anwar, Tyler Larronde & Tom Curren. Filmed by: Jon Frank, JP Mothes, Lachlan McKinnon & Stepane Queme Directed by: JP Mothes. Edited by: JP Mothes & Stephane Queme Spotology: Antony "Yep" Colas Jetski Drivers: Michel Larronde & Vincent Lartizien Logistic Assistance: River Defender Association Many thanks for their support: Gilles Folin (Proximity), Marie Pelissier (Proximity), Berangere DANA (Proximity), Romain Chollet (Panasonic), Michael Ponamorenco (Panasonic), Darren Wright (Air Asia), Mr Yusrizal (Riau Tourism), Brad Sanders (April), H Syahrim, Unas Khairunnas, Eddy Bono, Hisham Setiawan, Akhwan Binawan, Mr Zen, Dian Novarina, Brad Sanders, Jono Chambers, Yoyon Mujiono, Acil Suryadi Natalis, Acep Suwandi, Ernawati & Aripin, Ms Azenita Kepolisian Daerah Riau, Pandra & all inhabitants of Teluk Meranti. This episode has been shot with LUMIX GH1 & GH2 and Panasonic camera pro P2. Live The Search Bruno Santos (BRA), Dean Brady (AUS), Tyler Larronde (FRA), Oney Anwar (IND) and Tom Curren (USA) take us through the moments... The rumors, the myth, the legend... the danger. When the Rip Curl Search crew showed up to surf what could be the greatest ri...
a ferry ride from singapore to batam island indonesia.
Indonesia Tourism Board commercial 2012 Film Director : Condro Wibowo DOP : Roni Arnold Producer : Heary Asst Dir : Leo DJ Prod Asst : Awe Wardrobe : Ajeng E...
Mid-term project of Introduction to Tourism and Event Management - 2nd semester Hotel Management Students BINUS University. This video tells about Bandung as...
Kampar is a long river that rushes down from the Bukit Barisan mountain range that forms the spine of the island of Sumatra along its west coast. The river t...
Greatsby and Teja Trip to "History Triangle Heritage in Senapelan". We Together Explore Many Historical Objects in Senapelan Area,Pekanbaru City Such as 1.Senapelan Village 2.Monument Pekanbaru Zero Point 3.The Sultan Siak Shelters 4.The Houses Perch Mr.Kadi Zakaria 5.Marhum Bukit and Marhum Pekan Complex Funeral and 6.Tourist Market Pasar Bawah. Greatsby and Teja are Student from Riau University Majoring Tourism Science, we hope will be many tourists are interested to visiting this history triangle heritage,thank you
Choking haze blankets Riau province as police say they have arrested 26 people suspected of starting the land clearing fires. Full Story: Thick haze continue...
The Lingga Islands are a group of islands in Indonesia, located south of Singapore, along both sides of the equator, off the eastern coast of Riau Island Province on Sumatra island. They are south of the populated Riau Archipelago, known for the industrial island of Batam and the tourist-frequented island of Bintan, although the Lingga Islands themselves are rarely visited due to the infrequent local transportation. The equator goes through the northern tip of Lingga, the name of the main island in the archipelago. Administratively they form a Regency of the Riau Islands Province with an area of 2,205.95 km² and a population of 86,150 people at the 2010 Census. The capital lies at Daik.
Bendera ISIS Terpajang Di Musala Hebohkan Warga Pekanbaru - Pekanbaru Bendera ISIS Terpajang Di Musala Hebohkan Warga Pekanbaru - Pekanbaru Video SlideShow pekanbaru pekanbaru airport pekanbaru...
Magnetic Band Bohemian Rhapsody~♡Magnetic Band Official Video(♥͡з♥͡) Website Support: Band Panggung Berkualitas Dari Tanjung Pinang tanjungpinang tanjungpinang news tanjungpinang map tanjungpinang kepulauan riau tanjungpinang travel guide hotel laguna tanjungpinang peta tanjungpinang tanjungpinang pos hari ini tanjungpinang pos online tanjung pinang tanjung pinang nightlife letak tanjung pinang tanjung pinang shopping tanjung pinang map tanjung pinang package tanjung pinang kelong tanjung pinang travel guide tanjung pinang ferry kepri kepri online kepri terkini kepri today kepri dalam angka haluan kepri lpse kepri kepri expeditions polda kepri band tanjungpinang band tanjung pinang bandara tanjung pinang letak tanjung pinang tanjung pinang ferry tanjung pinang nightlife tanjung pinang shopping tanjung pinang package wisata tanjung pinang tanjung pinang resort band kepri music tanjungpinang music tanjung pinang letak tanjung pinang tanjung pinang ferry tanjung pinang nightlife tanjung pinang shopping tanjung pinang package wisata tanjung pinang tanjung pinang resort bandara tanjung pinang musik tanjung pinang letak tanjung pinang tanjung pinang ferry tanjung pinang nightlife tanjung pinang shopping tanjung pinang package wisata tanjung pinang tanjung pinang resort bandara tanjung pinang musik tanjungpinang musik kepri alat musik tradisional kepri lagu kepri alat musik kepulauan riau alat musik tradisional provinsi riau alat musik tradisional lampung alat musik tradisional bangka belitung alat musik dari kepulauan riau alat musik daerah kepulauan riau music kepri bono ribet sahabat ribet magnetic indonesia magnetic band indonesia
Magnetic Band Sandiwara Cinta~♡Magnetic Band Official Video(♥͡з♥͡) Website Support: Band Panggung Berkualitas Dari Tanjung Pinang tanjungpinang tanjungpinang news tanjungpinang map tanjungpinang kepulauan riau tanjungpinang travel guide hotel laguna tanjungpinang peta tanjungpinang tanjungpinang pos hari ini tanjungpinang pos online tanjung pinang tanjung pinang nightlife letak tanjung pinang tanjung pinang shopping tanjung pinang map tanjung pinang package tanjung pinang kelong tanjung pinang travel guide tanjung pinang ferry kepri kepri online kepri terkini kepri today kepri dalam angka haluan kepri lpse kepri kepri expeditions polda kepri band tanjungpinang band tanjung pinang bandara tanjung pinang letak tanjung pinang tanjung pinang ferry tanjung pinang nightlife tanjung pinang shopping tanjung pinang package wisata tanjung pinang tanjung pinang resort band kepri music tanjungpinang music tanjung pinang letak tanjung pinang tanjung pinang ferry tanjung pinang nightlife tanjung pinang shopping tanjung pinang package wisata tanjung pinang tanjung pinang resort bandara tanjung pinang musik tanjung pinang letak tanjung pinang tanjung pinang ferry tanjung pinang nightlife tanjung pinang shopping tanjung pinang package wisata tanjung pinang tanjung pinang resort bandara tanjung pinang musik tanjungpinang musik kepri alat musik tradisional kepri lagu kepri alat musik kepulauan riau alat musik tradisional provinsi riau alat musik tradisional lampung alat musik tradisional bangka belitung alat musik dari kepulauan riau alat musik daerah kepulauan riau music kepri bono ribet sahabat ribet magnetic indonesia magnetic band indonesia
Percutian di Tg Balai, Karimun, Riau.
Kota Tanjungpinang , Bintan, Riau Island, Indonesia.
Dancer Dari Santo yusup.
Magnetic Band Long Shi Wei Zhe Ni La~♡Magnetic Band Official Video(♥͡з♥͡) Website Support: Band Panggung Berkualitas Dari Tanjung Pinang mag...
Lotek Bang Ujang, Di Simpang 3 Jl. Cempedak. Dumai. Ketegori Pasar Riau On-Line.
Retno Sukmawati Delegasi Parlemen Muda Indonesia Perwakilan dari Provinsi Riau. Dilahirkan di B.Lampung, 22 Agustus 1993. Saat ini sedang menempuh Program Sa...
Video Karnaval Tanjungpinang 8 November 2014 Keren Tanjungpinang - Kepri,Tanjung Pinang,Kepulauan Riau,Kepri,Tanjungpinang Kota,Kota Tanjungpinang,Karnaval,Party,Tanjungpinang,Tanjungpinang Tv,Tanjungpinang Band,Tanjungpinang Tempo Dulu,Tanjungpinang Tepi Laut,Tanjungpinang Kecelakaan,Tanjungpinang Race,Tanjung pinang,Tanjung pinang Prostitution,Tanjung pinang Indonesia,Tanjung pinang 20,Tanjung pinang Kepri,Tanjung pinang Fishing 20,Tanjung pinang Batu 6,Tanjung pinang Nightlife,Tanjung pinang Tv,Tanjung pinang Airport,Carnaval,Carnaval Maluma,Carnaval Celia Cruz,Carnaval 2014,Carnavalito ,Carnaval De Paris,Carnavalito Humahuaqueno,Carnaval Baby Rasta Y Gringo,Carnaval Toda La Vida Los Fabulosos Cadillacs,Carnaval Maluma Letra,Carnaval 20
Motion Bumper Design Theme: News Bumper.
Motion Bumper Design Theme: News Bumper.
HERA MUSIC BUKIT TIMAH DUMAI -hiburan dalam acara resepsi pernikahan evie andriani & agus prianto di perumahan tanjung palas dumai riau 22-03-2014
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve Singapore ( officially the Republic of Singapore, is a sovereign city-state and island country in Southeast Asia. It lies off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula and is 137 kilometres (85 mi) north of the equator. The country's territory consists of the diamond-shaped main island, commonly referred to as Singapore Island in English and Pulau Ujong in Malay, and more than 60 significantly smaller islets.[8] Singapore is separated from Peninsular Malaysia by the Straits of Johor to the north, and from Indonesia's Riau Islands by the Singapore Strait to the south. The country is highly urbanised, and little of the original vegetation remains. The country's territory has consistently expanded through land reclamation. The islands were settled in the second century AD and subsequently belonged to a series of local empires. Modern Singapore was founded in 1819 by Sir Stamford Raffles as a trading post of the East India Company with permission from the Johor Sultanate. The British obtained sovereignty over the island in 1824, and Singapore became one of the British Straits Settlements in 1826. Occupied by the Japanese during World War II, Singapore became independent from the United Kingdom in 1963 and united with other former British territories to form Malaysia, from which it was expelled two years later through a unanimous act of parliament. Since then, Singapore has developed rapidly, earning recognition as one of the Four Asian Tigers. More info: Sport/Highlight/Everytime ,travel breaking news, daily news, travel news, highlight news, Parks in Singapore, Visitor attractions in Singapore, Visionary environments, Orchard Towers,Singapore orchard towers, massage orchard towers, bars orchard, hotel Singapore, orchard towers, singapore nightlife, Prostitution Singapore, The Tembusu tree (Faraea fragrans) featured on the reverse of the Singaporean five-dollar bill at Lawn E Singapore Botanic Gardens Dendrobium Margaret Thatcher The Yuen-Peng McNeice Bromeliad Collection Dendrobium Bae Yong-joon, an orchid cultivar named after the South Korean actor Vanda Miss Joaquim, the national flower of Singapore Cygnus atratus in the Eco-Lake The Sun Garden (formerly known as the Sun Rockery) Flight of Swans sculpture installed in May 2006 at Swan Lake The Botany Centre Blocks, with a view of Calophyllum inophyllum and one of the wooden sculptures dotted around the complex Orchids Ginger Girl on a Swing (1984), a bronze statue by British sculptor Sydney Harpley 1859 establishments in the British Empire Botanical gardens in Singapore Parks in Singapore tanglin Visitor attractions in Singapore singapore botanic gardens singapore botanic gardens photos singapore botanic gardens marina bay singapore botanic gardens orchids buddha tooth relic temple and museum tiger sky tower changi museum escape theme park singapore marine life park singapore Orchard Towers Singapore orchard towers massage orchard towers bars orchard hotel singapore orchard towers singapore nightlife Prostitution Singapore Virtual Tourist Singapore and Hongkong Comparing Orchard Towers Girls and Bars Girl Secrets and Tips Orchard Tower is not only for guys Shopping malls in Singapore Orchard Road Orchard Singapore Sex is on sale in Singapore's Orchard Towers Peyton Place Orchard Tower Welcome to Singapore YourSingapore Visit Singapore Tourist & Travel Guide Official Singapore Tourism Things to do in Singapore Singapore Capitals in Asia Chinese-speaking countries and territories City-states, Commonwealth republics English-speaking countries and territories, Former British colonies Island countries Malay-speaking countries and territories Member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Member states of the Commonwealth of Nations Member states of the United Nations Populated coastal places Population Republics Southeast Asian countries States and territories established in 1965 Tamil-speaking countries and territories World population Sport/Highlight/Everytime travel breaking news daily news travel news highlight news Parks in Singapore Visitor attractions in Singapore Visionary environments
Sesuai dengan janji yang mereka buat di bukit Moko, Jebraw dan Naya akhirnya memutuskan untuk memulai petualangan mencari harta karun Indonesia. Tujuan perta...
Couples massage can be presented as a gift on Mother's Day, birthday, Friendship Day will stay the recall of your loved forever. Please Visit http://batammas...
Singapore Amazing Water Dance Show Singapore ( officially the Republic of Singapore, is a sovereign city-state and island country in Southeast Asia. It lies off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula and is 137 kilometres (85 mi) north of the equator. The country's territory consists of the diamond-shaped main island, commonly referred to as Singapore Island in English and Pulau Ujong in Malay, and more than 60 significantly smaller islets.[8] Singapore is separated from Peninsular Malaysia by the Straits of Johor to the north, and from Indonesia's Riau Islands by the Singapore Strait to the south. The country is highly urbanised, and little of the original vegetation remains. The country's territory has consistently expanded through land reclamation. The islands were settled in the second century AD and subsequently belonged to a series of local empires. Modern Singapore was founded in 1819 by Sir Stamford Raffles as a trading post of the East India Company with permission from the Johor Sultanate. The British obtained sovereignty over the island in 1824, and Singapore became one of the British Straits Settlements in 1826. Occupied by the Japanese during World War II, Singapore became independent from the United Kingdom in 1963 and united with other former British territories to form Malaysia, from which it was expelled two years later through a unanimous act of parliament. Since then, Singapore has developed rapidly, earning recognition as one of the Four Asian Tigers. More info: Orchard Towers Singapore orchard towers massage orchard towers bars orchard hotel singapore orchard towers singapore nightlife Prostitution Singapore Virtual Tourist Singapore and Hongkong Comparing Orchard Towers Girls and Bars Girl Secrets and Tips Orchard Tower is not only for guys Shopping malls in Singapore Orchard Road Orchard Singapore Sex is on sale in Singapore's Orchard Towers Peyton Place Orchard Tower Welcome to Singapore YourSingapore Visit Singapore Tourist & Travel Guide Official Singapore Tourism Things to do in Singapore Singapore Capitals in Asia Chinese-speaking countries and territories City-states, Commonwealth republics English-speaking countries and territories, Former British colonies Island countries Malay-speaking countries and territories Member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Member states of the Commonwealth of Nations Member states of the United Nations Populated coastal places Population Republics Southeast Asian countries States and territories established in 1965 Tamil-speaking countries and territories World population Sport/Highlight/Everytime travel breaking news daily news travel news highlight news Parks in Singapore Visitor attractions in Singapore Visionary environments
Singapore Hotel Raffles' Long Bar Hotel Raffles' Long Bar in Singapore Singapore ( officially the Republic of Singapore, is a sovereign city-state and island country in Southeast Asia. It lies off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula and is 137 kilometres (85 mi) north of the equator. The country's territory consists of the diamond-shaped main island, commonly referred to as Singapore Island in English and Pulau Ujong in Malay, and more than 60 significantly smaller islets.[8] Singapore is separated from Peninsular Malaysia by the Straits of Johor to the north, and from Indonesia's Riau Islands by the Singapore Strait to the south. The country is highly urbanised, and little of the original vegetation remains. The country's territory has consistently expanded through land reclamation. The islands were settled in the second century AD and subsequently belonged to a series of local empires. Modern Singapore was founded in 1819 by Sir Stamford Raffles as a trading post of the East India Company with permission from the Johor Sultanate. The British obtained sovereignty over the island in 1824, and Singapore became one of the British Straits Settlements in 1826. Occupied by the Japanese during World War II, Singapore became independent from the United Kingdom in 1963 and united with other former British territories to form Malaysia, from which it was expelled two years later through a unanimous act of parliament. Since then, Singapore has developed rapidly, earning recognition as one of the Four Asian Tigers. More info: Orchard Towers Singapore orchard towers massage orchard towers bars orchard hotel singapore orchard towers singapore nightlife Prostitution Singapore Virtual Tourist Singapore and Hongkong Comparing Orchard Towers Girls and Bars Girl Secrets and Tips Orchard Tower is not only for guys Shopping malls in Singapore Orchard Road Orchard Singapore Sex is on sale in Singapore's Orchard Towers Peyton Place Orchard Tower Welcome to Singapore YourSingapore Visit Singapore Tourist & Travel Guide Official Singapore Tourism Things to do in Singapore Singapore Capitals in Asia Chinese-speaking countries and territories City-states, Commonwealth republics English-speaking countries and territories, Former British colonies Island countries Malay-speaking countries and territories Member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Member states of the Commonwealth of Nations Member states of the United Nations Populated coastal places Population Republics Southeast Asian countries States and territories established in 1965 Tamil-speaking countries and territories World population Sport/Highlight/Everytime travel breaking news daily news travel news highlight news Parks in Singapore Visitor attractions in Singapore Visionary environments
Singapore Smart parrot in park Smart parrot in Singapore park Singapore ( officially the Republic of Singapore, is a sovereign city-state and island country in Southeast Asia. It lies off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula and is 137 kilometres (85 mi) north of the equator. The country's territory consists of the diamond-shaped main island, commonly referred to as Singapore Island in English and Pulau Ujong in Malay, and more than 60 significantly smaller islets.[8] Singapore is separated from Peninsular Malaysia by the Straits of Johor to the north, and from Indonesia's Riau Islands by the Singapore Strait to the south. The country is highly urbanised, and little of the original vegetation remains. The country's territory has consistently expanded through land reclamation. The islands were settled in the second century AD and subsequently belonged to a series of local empires. Modern Singapore was founded in 1819 by Sir Stamford Raffles as a trading post of the East India Company with permission from the Johor Sultanate. The British obtained sovereignty over the island in 1824, and Singapore became one of the British Straits Settlements in 1826. Occupied by the Japanese during World War II, Singapore became independent from the United Kingdom in 1963 and united with other former British territories to form Malaysia, from which it was expelled two years later through a unanimous act of parliament. Since then, Singapore has developed rapidly, earning recognition as one of the Four Asian Tigers. More info: singapore botanic gardens singapore botanic gardens photos singapore botanic gardens marina bay singapore botanic gardens orchids buddha tooth relic temple and museum tiger sky tower changi museum escape theme park singapore marine life park singapore Orchard Towers Singapore orchard towers massage orchard towers bars orchard hotel singapore orchard towers singapore nightlife Prostitution Singapore Virtual Tourist Singapore and Hongkong Comparing Orchard Towers Girls and Bars Girl Secrets and Tips Orchard Tower is not only for guys Shopping malls in Singapore Orchard Road Orchard Singapore Sex is on sale in Singapore's Orchard Towers Peyton Place Orchard Tower Welcome to Singapore YourSingapore Visit Singapore Tourist & Travel Guide Official Singapore Tourism Things to do in Singapore Singapore Capitals in Asia Chinese-speaking countries and territories City-states, Commonwealth republics English-speaking countries and territories, Former British colonies Island countries Malay-speaking countries and territories Member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Member states of the Commonwealth of Nations Member states of the United Nations Populated coastal places Population Republics Southeast Asian countries States and territories established in 1965 Tamil-speaking countries and territories World population Sport/Highlight/Everytime travel breaking news daily news travel news highlight news Parks in Singapore Visitor attractions in Singapore Visionary environments Orchard Towers Singapore orchard towers massage orchard towers bars orchard hotel singapore orchard towers singapore nightlife Prostitution Singapore Virtual Tourist Singapore and Hongkong Comparing Orchard Towers Girls and Bars Girl Secrets and Tips Orchard Tower is not only for guys Shopping malls in Singapore Orchard Road Orchard Singapore Sex is on sale in Singapore's Orchard Towers Peyton Place Orchard Tower Welcome to Singapore YourSingapore Visit Singapore Tourist & Travel Guide Official Singapore Tourism Things to do in Singapore Singapore Capitals in Asia Chinese-speaking countries and territories City-states, Commonwealth republics English-speaking countries and territories, Former British colonies Island countries Malay-speaking countries and territories Member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Member states of the Commonwealth of Nations Member states of the United Nations Populated coastal places Population Republics Southeast Asian countries States and territories established in 1965 Tamil-speaking countries and territories World population Sport/Highlight/Everytime travel breaking news daily news travel news highlight news Parks in Singapore Visitor attractions in Singapore Visionary environments
LADY LONGBOARDING AT SENTOSA SINGAPORE Singapore ( officially the Republic of Singapore, is a sovereign city-state and island country in Southeast Asia. It lies off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula and is 137 kilometres (85 mi) north of the equator. The country's territory consists of the diamond-shaped main island, commonly referred to as Singapore Island in English and Pulau Ujong in Malay, and more than 60 significantly smaller islets.[8] Singapore is separated from Peninsular Malaysia by the Straits of Johor to the north, and from Indonesia's Riau Islands by the Singapore Strait to the south. The country is highly urbanised, and little of the original vegetation remains. The country's territory has consistently expanded through land reclamation. The islands were settled in the second century AD and subsequently belonged to a series of local empires. Modern Singapore was founded in 1819 by Sir Stamford Raffles as a trading post of the East India Company with permission from the Johor Sultanate. The British obtained sovereignty over the island in 1824, and Singapore became one of the British Straits Settlements in 1826. Occupied by the Japanese during World War II, Singapore became independent from the United Kingdom in 1963 and united with other former British territories to form Malaysia, from which it was expelled two years later through a unanimous act of parliament. Since then, Singapore has developed rapidly, earning recognition as one of the Four Asian Tigers. More info: Pacquiao: Rin Nakai : Usain Bolt: Blue Lagoon: Michael Jordan: Lionel Messi Interview: Orchard Towers, Singapore, orchard towers massage, orchard towers bars, orchard hotel singapore, orchard towers singapore nightlife, Prostitution, Singapore, Virtual Tourist, Singapore and Hongkong Comparing , Orchard Towers Girls and Bars ,Girl Secrets and Tips, Orchard Tower is not only for guys, Shopping malls in Singapore, Orchard Road, Orchard, Singapore, Sex is on sale in Singapore's Orchard Towers Peyton Place Orchard Tower, Welcome to Singapore, YourSingapore, Visit Singapore , Tourist & Travel Guide,Official Singapore Tourism, Things to do in Singapore, Singapore Capitals in Asia, Chinese-speaking countries and territories, City-states, Commonwealth republics, English-speaking countries and territories, Former British colonies, Island countries, Malay-speaking countries and territories, Member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Member states of the Commonwealth of Nations, Member states of the United Nations, Populated coastal places, Population Republics, Southeast Asian countries, States and territories established in 1965, Tamil-speaking countries and territories, World population, Sport/Highlight/Everytime,
Setelah Kedatangan kawan2 dari Riau memberikan apresiasi kepada masyarakat Makassar. Mudah2an memberikan motivasi kepada generasi muda Sul_Sel untuk berkarya
Art Class Show : Riau Penampilan dari kelas : 7A Menampilkan seni : Tari Lancang Kuning, Lagu Soleram Parent's Day 2014 dengan tema Karnaval Nusantara Sabtu, 27 Desember 2014 di Gedung Kesenian Rumentangsiang
Produksi: Sanggar Balairung Art Production.
This dance came from Riau Island. This dance illustrates the coming of several men from Bugis and welcomed by the girls from Riau.
Originated from Riau Islands. Performed by Yossi, Qamilah, Pinkan, Retno, Berlianie, Nia, Impi, Raymond, Satria, Rifi, Gerry, Pandu, Ridwan, Nicky, and Falah...
KUTEK JARUM ENAMEL ART 1000 murah riau 144rb hub 085227455550, Jual KUTEK JARUM ENAMEL ART 1000 murah riau | Harga KUTEK JARUM ENAMEL ART 1000 murah riau | Agen KUTEK JARUM ENAMEL ART 1000 murah riau | Grosir KUTEK JARUM ENAMEL ART 1000 murah riau | Reseller KUTEK JARUM ENAMEL ART 1000 murah riau | Distributor KUTEK JARUM ENAMEL ART 1000 murah riau. kutek jarum murah cara memakai kutek jarum enamel 2 in 1sangat mudah..anak kecilpun pasti bisa ko. cara pakai kutek jarum 2 in 1 enamel tinggal di coret-coret sesuai kreatifitas anda. Hiasi kukumu dan kembangkan kreasimu dengan Kutek Jarum enamel 2 in 1 art 1000 ,cara mudah untuk menghiasi kukumu seperti yang kamu suka, cocok untuk kamu yang suka nail art. kami jual kutek jarum dengan harga kutek jarum grosir enamel atau per 24 buah kutek murah hanya ditempat kami kutek jarum enamel mereknya. Harga :Rp 6.000,- / item (kutek jarum enamel art 1000 Rp 144.000 isi 24pcs) Minimum Order:24 buah Weight:25 gr kutek jarum grosir siap kirim ke seluruh wilayah tanah air dengan Dukungan JNE kutek jarum 2in1 produk boming para ABG da anak anak KUTEK JARUM ENAMEL ART 1000 1 BOX ISI 24 PCS WARNA BERBEDA KEMASAN 2IN1 (KUAS DAN BENTUK SEPERTI JARUM) TERDIRI DARI KUAS LINER YANG BERFUNGSI SEBAGAI PAINTING/MELUKIS GARIS DAN PEN BERBENTUK JARUM UNTUK MEMBUAT DOTTING/TITIK MERANGKAI TULISAN. kutek jarum grosir termurah enamel 2in1 Kutek Jarum Enamel Murah 2 in 1 Grosirkutek retak kutek murah kutek jarum murah kutek jarum grosir kutek jarum enamel kutek jarum 2in1 jual kutek jarum harga kutek jarum cara pakai kutek jarum cara memakai kutek jarum KUTEK JARUM 2in1 ENAMEL Kutek Jarum Enamel Murah 2 in 1 Grosirkutek retak kutek murah kutek jarum murah kutek jarum grosir kutek jarum enamel kutek jarum 2in1 jual kutek jarum harga kutek jarum cara pakai kutek jarum cara memakai kutek jarum kutek jarum murah enamel Kutek Jarum Enamel Murah 2 in 1 Grosirkutek retak kutek murah kutek jarum murah kutek jarum grosir kutek jarum enamel kutek jarum 2in1 jual kutek jarum harga kutek jarum cara pakai kutek jarum cara memakai kutek jarum TIDAK BISA PILIH WARNA (kutek jrum art 1000 jakarta bandung surabaya semarang yogyakarta riau) Pemesanan Kutek Jarum Enamel Murah 2 in 1 Grosir Hubungi Kami Di 085647628150 085227455550 085799968786 082319139606
Cetak undangan nikah, khitanan, walimatul 'ursy dan cetakan lainnya. Melayani customer yang ada di Pekanbaru, Batam, Tanjung Pinang, Bintan, Singkep, Anambas, Natuna, Padang, Jambi, Bengkulu. Online services available at
coreografer Awie penata musik Hamid Allattas, Koko Bass produksi Sanggar seni kledang. tpi
Riau Art Cinema ©2014
cultural observer action in Riau Indonesian culture should be developed to to other countries
Film Pendek karya Hendri Kudet dari Creative Art Community ( yang bekerjasa...
Event name : Festival Nasional Musik Tradisi Anak-Anak 2014 Place : Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta, Indonesia Date/time : 18 Mei - 22 Mei 2014 [SINOPSIS] Kesenian Borea Musik Borea adalah sebuah garapan musik tradisi yang telah dipengaruhi oleh budaya Portugis, Borea merupakan gabungan musik gerak lakonan lagu dan tari. Kesenian borea telah berkembang di Kepulauan Riau berkisar pada tahun 1954 di Pulau Penyengat, Kesenian Borea menceritakan tentang kehidupan sehari-hari yang lebih di kedepankan adalah musik dan tari. Borea lebih mengutamakan sebuah sajian lelucon yang selalu menghibur setiap penonton dengan musik gerak tari serta lakonan kecil Borea dikemas menjadi sebuah garapan baru yang dinamis. __________________________________________________________________________ [SYNOPSIS] Borea Art Borea music is a tradition that has been influenced by Portuguese culture , Borea is a combination of music and dance movement. Borea art has evolved in the Riau islands since 1954 at ‘Penyengat’ Island . Borea Art tells the story of daily life that prioritizing in music and dance. Borea prefers a joke dish which always entertain audiences with music, dance, and small lakonan Borea whose packed into a dynamic one. This event was held by Kementerian Pendidikan & Kebudayaan RI Photo & Video by Multi Arta Mayida Event Organizer (MAM_EO) Contact: for more photos, simply click :;=3 for more videos, simply click : Faebook : Multi Arta Mayida EO Twitter : @MAM_EO Instagram : @MAM_EO Website : Blog :
FULL Highlight : TimNas U19 vs Pra PON Riau 4-0 Timnas U-19 berhasil menang atas Pra PON Riau dengan skor telak 4-0 dalam laga Tour Nusantara di Stadion Utam...
Watch our first video : Sebuah video yang memperkenalkan berbagai landmark di kampus perjuangan Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) sebagai pembuka kegiatan roadshow ITS di Provinsi Riau pada Januari 2015 mendatang. Follow us on, Twitter : @IRITS_BtR : @IRITS_BtR Click Subscribe for more videos.
Special Video Report by Department Behind The Scene ( Film Heaven Island ) Comercilframe Revo , Contact US ! Now ! 0852 6485 5155 Film Heaven Island Director...
MD/ Arr. Rino Deza Pati.
acara seni dan budaya Saung Angklung Udjo at yogya riau Juction departement store Bandung
Ini adalah lagu soleram yg di nyanyikan oleh hang faisal dan hang ilut juga bang toni, bersama akustik Arpan (Arif dan opan), pada puncak acara Hari lahir KS...
Special performance from a world performer, Rino Dezapaty + Riau Rhythm. Only at 6th class Akademi Berbagi Pekanbaru! Music Director / Arr : Rino Dezapaty (@... Why PEKANBARU is being labelled as SUMATRA's Economically Progressive City? Pekanbaru always achieved 7...
stone crusher pt bina riau jaya, Links: ▻ More details ▻: (Hot!!!) Zenith is quite experienced in construction, mil...
Pada tahun 2012, DPD PATRIA Kepulauan Riau melaksanakan Workshop Public Speaking dengan mengundang nara sumber Pak Ponijian Liaw. Maka kembali lagi tahun ini...
to see more video here : please no haters. This is not my copyright just backup and sharing. I beg permission accident, ... Why PEKANBARU is being labelled as SUMATRA's Economically Progressive City? Pekanbaru always achieved 7...
บ่องตง - คาวบอย (Cover Audio )by Thor aka Riau (Sayan Production House) This clip was for entertainment and not for any business please give us a comment for...
Perjalanan Sepulang Bekerja dari Areal Lokasi Kopar.
to see more video here : please no haters. This is not my copyright just backup and sharing. I beg permission accident, ...
Cafe Racer Honda CB100 (1981) Pekanbaru Riau Indonesia, avim from Tomorrow Industrial Part 2
Saya Team HSE Lapangan Departemen PG&T; Chevron Pacifik Indonesia SLN, Duri-Bangko-Balam, Riau bekerja dilokasi Ladang Minyak #Petani.
Album Riau International College Angkatan 2012/2013 karya IT Business
Pupuk tablet Gramalet adalah pupuk spesifik bagi tanaman sawit dan kelompok tanaman palma lainnya ( dhi. tanaman hias palm, pinang dan kelapa dalam) yang dir...
Ratusan pelajar setingkat SLTA berprestasi di Provinsi Riau, belum lama ini, menerima bantuan beasiswa dari Darmasiswa Chevron Riau atau DCR. Para pelajar pe...
Update Berita TyoJB Via: - Web: - Twitter: - Facebook: Kritik & Masukan Atau Pengen Kenalan :) Dapat Disampaikan Via: - BBM: 751982ED - Email: TOP 10 Video Terpopuler Bulan Feb 2014: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Menyuguhkan Update Berita Video Terbaru: Jokowi, Basuki TP (Ahok), Seputar Ibukota Jakarta Serta Pemprov DKI.
Profil Kota Pekanbaru - Provinsi Riau Why PEKANBARU is being labelled as SUMATRA's Economically Progres...
Cafe Racer Honda CB100 (1981) Pekanbaru Riau Indonesia, avim from Tomorrow Industrial.
fenomena keajaiban alam.
Magnetic Mau Dibawa Kemana~♡Magnetic Band Official Video(♥͡з♥͡) Website Support: Band Panggung Berkualitas Dari Tanjung Pinang tanjungpinang tanjungpinang news tanjungpinang map tanjungpinang kepulauan riau tanjungpinang travel guide hotel laguna tanjungpinang peta tanjungpinang tanjungpinang pos hari ini tanjungpinang pos online tanjung pinang tanjung pinang nightlife letak tanjung pinang tanjung pinang shopping tanjung pinang map tanjung pinang package tanjung pinang kelong tanjung pinang travel guide tanjung pinang ferry kepri kepri online kepri terkini kepri today kepri dalam angka haluan kepri lpse kepri kepri expeditions polda kepri band tanjungpinang band tanjung pinang bandara tanjung pinang letak tanjung pinang tanjung pinang ferry tanjung pinang nightlife tanjung pinang shopping tanjung pinang package wisata tanjung pinang tanjung pinang resort band kepri music tanjungpinang music tanjung pinang letak tanjung pinang tanjung pinang ferry tanjung pinang nightlife tanjung pinang shopping tanjung pinang package wisata tanjung pinang tanjung pinang resort bandara tanjung pinang musik tanjung pinang letak tanjung pinang tanjung pinang ferry tanjung pinang nightlife tanjung pinang shopping tanjung pinang package wisata tanjung pinang tanjung pinang resort bandara tanjung pinang musik tanjungpinang musik kepri alat musik tradisional kepri lagu kepri alat musik kepulauan riau alat musik tradisional provinsi riau alat musik tradisional lampung alat musik tradisional bangka belitung alat musik dari kepulauan riau alat musik daerah kepulauan riau music kepri bono ribet sahabat ribet magnetic indonesia magnetic band indonesia
Escape to Nirwana Gardens and you will be pleasantly spoilt for choice. Nirwana Gardens serves up a heady concoction of five different holiday experiences on the north-western coast of Bintan Island. Spanning 330 hectares of lush tropical land and powder-soft beaches, Nirwana Gardens is a truly complete resort destination for you, your family, loved ones and friends. Nirwana Gardens at Bintan Resorts is a truly complete resort destination for you, your family, loved ones and friends. Even getting there is easy – via a 55 minute ride on fast speed catamaran from the Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal in Singapore, followed by coach transfer from the ferry terminal to the resort grounds. Give yourself a treat today and have a taste of heavenly bliss at Nirwana Gardens. Route from Jakarta: Via Batam by boat or Kepulauan Riau by car. See more photos: --- Produced by Andhika Zulkarnaen Video by Erlangga Primaputra Edited by Emir Al Kautsar This Journey supported by Nirwana Gardens and --- Nirwana Gardens Jalan Panglima Pantar, Lagoi 29155 Bintan Resorts, Indonesia
Subscribe Netmediatama Official Youtube Channel: dan subscribe untuk info berita terbaru di channel: Twitter : Facebook : Saksikan info berita ter-update di: NET 5 : pukul 5.00 - 6.00 WIB Indonesia Morning Show : pukul 6.00 - 9.00 WIB NET 10 (Senin-Jumat) : pukul 10.00 - 11.00 WIB NET 12 : pukul 12.00 - 13.00 WIB NET 17 : pukul 17.00 - 17.30 WIB NET 24 : pukul 24.00 - 01.00 WIB
Magnetic Band Ten Mimi~♡Magnetic Band Official Video(♥͡з♥͡) Website Support: Band Panggung Berkualitas Dari Tanjung Pinang magnetic indonesia tanjungpinang tanjungpinang news tanjungpinang map tanjungpinang kepulauan riau tanjungpinang travel guide hotel laguna tanjungpinang peta tanjungpinang tanjungpinang pos hari ini tanjungpinang pos online tanjung pinang tanjung pinang nightlife letak tanjung pinang tanjung pinang shopping tanjung pinang map tanjung pinang package tanjung pinang kelong tanjung pinang travel guide tanjung pinang ferry kepri kepri online kepri terkini kepri today kepri dalam angka haluan kepri lpse kepri kepri expeditions polda kepri band tanjungpinang band tanjung pinang bandara tanjung pinang letak tanjung pinang tanjung pinang ferry tanjung pinang nightlife tanjung pinang shopping tanjung pinang package wisata tanjung pinang tanjung pinang resort band kepri music tanjungpinang music tanjung pinang letak tanjung pinang tanjung pinang ferry tanjung pinang nightlife tanjung pinang shopping tanjung pinang package wisata tanjung pinang tanjung pinang resort bandara tanjung pinang musik tanjung pinang letak tanjung pinang tanjung pinang ferry tanjung pinang nightlife tanjung pinang shopping tanjung pinang package wisata tanjung pinang tanjung pinang resort bandara tanjung pinang musik tanjungpinang musik kepri alat musik tradisional kepri lagu kepri alat musik kepulauan riau alat musik tradisional provinsi riau alat musik tradisional lampung alat musik tradisional bangka belitung alat musik dari kepulauan riau alat musik daerah kepulauan riau music kepri bono ribet sahabat ribet magnetic band indonesia
Setelah Sea Games XXVI 2011 Indonesia akan menggelar hajatan akbar di Provinsi Riau (Pekanbaru & 11 Kabupaten/kota) pada tahun 2012 dan tahun 2013. Video ini...
Jalan-jalan di Bazar malam MTQ Tembilahan Riau 2014
Candi Muara Takus adalah sebuah candi Buddha dan merupakan situs candi tertua di Sumatera. Berbeda dengan candi Jawa yang dibuat dari batu andesit pegunungan...
Hujan namun kita tetap berjalan menyusuri Riau, Bandung. Dari factory outlet ke factory outlet yang lain. Senang bisa menikmati sore bersamamu. Semoga bisa berjalan bersama di tempat yg lebih jauh dan berbeda dengan keseruan yang berbeda pula. Thank you my best Rizka Desy Astari.. :*
Desa Wisata Buluh Cina kaya akan keindahan alamnya seperti hamparan Sungai Kampar sebagai lokasi pacu sampan, Tujuh Danau, dan Hutan Lindung yang sangat kaya...
Bintan Breathtaking Journey Let's Visit to Bintan Video created by Melayudotcomstudio.
Danilla - Junko Furuta Arr by Lafa Pratomo Lyric by Danilla Song by Lafa Pratomo dan Danilla
Tenun Songket Siak Riau Indonesia
"Dedicated to the people who died in the sea on the way to freedom" Ini adalah kalimat yang tertera pada prasasti di pintu masuk lokasi pekuburan Ngha Trhang...
Feature on Riau TV, Indonesia ● SUBSCRIBE: ● FACEBOOK: ● OFFICIAL WEBSITE:
Singapore Movie Documentary - Travel Guide 2014 HD Republic of Singapore, is a sovereign city-state and island country in Southeast Asia. It lies off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula and is 137 kilometres (85 mi) north of the equator. Made up of the lozenge-shaped main island (widely known as Singapore Island but also as Pulau Ujong, its native Malay name) and over 60 much smaller islets,[8] it is separated from Peninsular Malaysia by the Straits of Johor to its north and from Indonesia's Riau Islands by the Singapore Strait to its south. The country is highly urbanised, with very little primary rainforest remaining. Its territory has consistently expanded through land reclamation ✔ If you Enjoyed this Video: Like & Share! ✔ Don't Forget to SUBSCRIBE to Our Channel! Singapore Movie Documentary - Travel Guide 2014 HD: Singapore, Singapore Movie, Singapore Documentary, Singapore Travel, Singapore Travel Guide, Singapore Travel Guide 2014, Singapore Nature, Singapore Culture, Singapore Travel Documentary, Singapore 2014, Singapore Movie 2014, Singapore Documentary 2014,
A travel guide for visiting Singapore. Highlights include: Colonial District, Merlion, China Town, Little India, Kampong Glam, Orchard Rd, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore Zoo, and Changi Airport. Like this video? Check out my other Singapore travel guides. Sentosa Island: Gardens by the Bay: Singapore Cable Car: Singapore Hawker Centre Food: Follow me on: Facebook: Twitter: ChrisRaney Google+:
... Bases 16 Air Squadron Udara in Pekanbaru, Riau, ejected from the aircraft as the accident occurred.
Antara News 2015-04-16... good relationship with the US," Riau Islands Police General Intelligence Sub-directorate head Adj.
Topix 2015-04-15... sector in Riau Province without any political interest in order to achieve national food security.
Indonesian Business Daily 2015-04-15The group admitted to have killed at least six elephants in Riau and neighboring Jambi provinces.
Yahoo Daily News 2015-04-14... Bank of Southeast Sulawesi, Yogyakarta Special Region Development Bank, and Bank Riau -Riau Islands.
noodls 2015-04-14Batam Municipal Government in Riau Islands is exploring the possibility to actualize Smart City ...
Indonesian Business Daily 2015-04-13Mario Stevan Ambarita, 21, survived a nearly two-hour flight at high altitude from Pekanbaru, Riau's ...
Big News Network 2015-04-10Batam, Riau Islands (ANTARA News) - Indonesian and US navies aircraft conducted a joint maritime air ...
Big News Network 2015-04-10... flight at high altitude from Pekanbaru, Riau's provincial capital, to the national capital, Jakarta.
Big News Network 2015-04-10... Riau’s provincial capital, to the national capital, Jakarta, the Associated Press reported.
The Inquisitr 2015-04-09Mario Stevan Ambarita, 21, survived a nearly two-hour flight at high altitude from Pekanbaru, Riau's ...
Yahoo Daily News 2015-04-09The post Riau Airport to Install CCTV Cameras After Stowaway Incident, Investigation Launched ...
Jakarta Globe 2015-04-08... Jakarta-bound Flight 177 just before it took off from Riau province, reports said yesterday.
South China Morning Post 2015-04-08Riau (Jawi: رياو ; Chinese: 廖内; pinyin: liàonèi) is a province of Indonesia, located in the center of Sumatra along the Strait of Malacca. Originally the province included the Riau Islands, a large group of small islands located east of Sumatra Island and south of Singapore, before they were split off as a separate province in July 2004. The biggest islands in the archipelago are Batam and Bintan Island. The provincial capital of Riau Province and its largest city is Pekanbaru. Other major cities include Dumai, Selat Panjang, Bagansiapiapi, Bengkalis, Bangkinang, Rengat and Siak Sri Indrapura.
Riau is currently one of the richest provinces in Indonesia and is rich with natural resources, particularly petroleum, natural gas, rubber, palm oil and fiber plantations. However extensive logging has led to a massive decline in forest cover from 78% in 1982 to only 33% in 2005.
Since the 1970s, much of Indonesia has experienced declining population growth rates. Riau has been a significant exception, with increasing rates every decade since 1970 to a 4.35 percent annual rise for the 1990s. The provincial population is 5,543,031 (as at the 2010 census).
Time is not a friend of mine*
It forces me to wait.
For symbols of reality
Inscriptions of my faith
I can't have a laughter now
But you may (?) choke.
That must be inside your day
Uncertain day I spoke.
Walk with me, my children
Walk into the sea.
I can give no reason
For you to follow me.
I come with thou conscience
And I don't have a name.
Those crazy little voices
Talk to me and say ...
Bring me the rage ... the rage. (2x)
Made you slip on why the rage
Is it too dark to see?
The mental bars of fearful thoughts
And darkened sanity.
Keep in mind that knotted heart
For feelings can be (?).
With all hope you demonstrate
As opposed to watch you sink.
Bring me the ...
Night has come to the world you live in,
There ain't nowhere to go.
Suicide is the way you give in,
The way you let us know.
Second thoughts at your own reflection.
Your doubt and blinded sight.
Where has the love for yourself run off to?
Perhaps it's gone for good.
There should have been much more than anger.
Standing where you once stood.
Second thoughts at your own reflection.
Your doubt and blinded sight.
Ooh, yesterday's rain is tomorrow's sun.
Yesterday I felt alive.
The sound of doom, the smell of pain,
Another soul completes it's task.
Noone but God can stop the rain,
Noone but you could ask.
Second thoughts at your own reflection.
Your doubt and blinded sight.
Yesterday's rain is tomorrow's sun.
Yesterday I felt alive.
Yesterday's rain is tomorrow's sun.
Yesterday I feel the rain.
Second thoughts at your own reflection.
Your doubt and blinded sight.
Yesterday's rain is tomorrow's sun.
Yesterday I felt alive.
Yesterday's rain is tomorrow's sun.
Yesterday I feel the rain.
Yesterday's rain is tomorrow's sun.
Yesterday I felt alive.
Yesterday's rain is tomorrow's sun.
You opened up a door and showed a distant light,
Delightful eyes that hold the world in grey and white,
Romantic arms designed to empty out my heart,
Creative joy, dynamic love right from the start.
I believe in a world that can take you high.
I believe in a thought that can touch the sky.
I believe in peace and harmony.
I believe that you belong to me.
Collective mind, I underestimate the sun,
In everything and everywhere and everyone.
Semantic goals, I disregard the simple truth.
I trade my fear, I trade my hurt in for my youth.
I believe in a world that can take you high.
I believe in a thought that can touch the sky.
I believe in peace and harmony.
I believe that you belong to me.
If only I could hold you every day,
I could undertake a larger mission.
I know that "You and I" is hard to say,
But broken pieces can be whole again.
Whole again.
I believe in a world that can take you high.
I believe in a thought that can touch the sky.
I believe in peace and harmony.
I believe that you belong to me.
I believe in a world that can take you high.
I believe in a thought that can touch the sky.
I believe in peace and harmony.
I believe that you belong to me.
I believe in a world that can take you high.
I believe in a thought that can touch the sky.
I believe in peace and harmony.
Fallen, broken. Simply dissolved into an incomplete thought. An empty shell, cracked, and disfigured. With no remorse, I have been blinded by the darkness. With no disdain, I have received my punishment. And with no haste, I await them.
My eyes don't see the obvious
There's way too far to go
Forget about the rest of me
There's nothing left to know
I see fallen angels
When I try to go to sleep
And they're always watching
I see fallen angels
As I'm walking in the streets
Silently preparing
For what they'll do to me
You see, I'm kinda paranoid
My luck, it seems to have run out
So I will point the finger now
Beyond the shadow of a doubt
I see fallen angels
When I try to go to sleep
And they're always watching
I see fallen angels
As I'm walking in the streets
Silently preparing
For what they'll do to me
I see fallen angels
When I try to go to sleep
And they're always watching
I see fallen angels
As I'm walking in the streets
Silently preparing
I see fallen angels
I see fallen angels
When I try to go to sleep
(I see fallen angels)
I see fallen angels
As I'm walking in the streets
(I see fallen angels)
Silently preparing
I play our game
You teach me how to say
I try to start the fire
That burns the family tree
Bring the shame
Its even when youre crying
and bleeding when its cut
I'm running out of excuses now
I try to hide from what you're giving
Cold advice never seems to end
Training days that I was living
Magic makes for a boring lie
Golden shit and a red bowtie
Bleeding hearts disregard the sun
And what's begun I don't know why
I lost everything today
I got beaten so I ran away
I lost everything today
I can't find my way to yesterday
Graveyard shifts to sleepless nights
Comatose but I'm still kickin'
Hungry headed data pig
God's remorse the paces quicken
Fundamental decadence
Simplified the masses wonder
Faulty streams of conciousness
The sea of crap that we live under
I lost everything today
Out of time and it is not worth trying
I lost everything today
Lost it all and I feel like dying
Simplistic monolithic hyperactive Neolithic condescending neverending disregarded fantasy creative systematic tempermental horizontal disassemble instrumental polyester family divided Aramaic humanistic esoteric superfragile undermining comprehension sanity fundamental urination sanitation fornication vindicated medicated unrelated can't you see
I lost everything today
I got beaten so I ran away
I lost everything today
I can't find my way to yesterday
I lost everything today
Out of time and it is not worth trying
I lost everything today
Killer Ra
Do you think I'm a fool?
A footstool, a dead weight, let's get one thing straight
while you fornicate I show you respect
I Get wrecked Catch your lies in my redirect
It's so sad that you tryin to deny it
If you won't tell the truth then I'll pry it
You had sex and I wasn't invited
I'd like to know how this was decided.
It's alright; it's ok
I don't care if you cheat on me today
I'm broken; disgusted
I'd still love you if you weren't so busted!
So now you still call.
Stand to fall you carry on about how I meant nothing but you gotta get real,
how I feel for you is black, you pull your knife outta my back
Damn girl you gonna cheat on me feed on me and try to act sweet on me
you're so dumb I can see right through you you couldn't pay me to do you
I hope that when you're fifty and your eyes ain't so nifty
you think back about what you done,
you think long and hard about playing me dirty acting flirty getting some
I know you with another man now well two can play that game
Her name is Betty. We've been goin steady
And by the way she hates you already
What's that
who you lookin at
whatcha looking at
who you looking at now? (x6)
Could it be that it didn't happen?
Could it be that I wasn't there?
I could swear that my eyes are open
But there's nothing at which to stare
I remember the people dying
Staring blankly into the sky
Unaffected and undistracted
Redirected to pass them by
Cold as steel underneath my broken skin
I'm bleeding
Forced to feel
Devastation murder genocide
My reflection sometimes reminds me
In their image was I born?
Technically, I'm enhanced they tell me
From their minds my existence torn
They don't know all the hate I'm feeling
They don't see how it breeds inside
I'm afraid of the walls around me
I'm afraid but I cannot hide
Cold as steel underneath my broken skin
I'm bleeding
Forced to feel
Devastation murder genocide
There's a reason that I met you
It's to show me how to die
Simplify my wrong connection
Disconnect me where I lie
There is conflict all around us
There is conflict in my soul
Put an end to what's beginning
To make me want to play my role
Cold as steel underneath my broken skin
I'm bleeding
Forced to feel
While I live through programmed suicide
In violation of a thought a long long time ago
Impressive reasons fill the caverns of my mind
No celebration for the people that I didn't know
Connected even though there's nothing left to find
There's more than I can see and there's a deeper part of me
Won't you be my inspiration help me end my desperation now
Tell me what it is I'm meant to do
I've fallen to my knees
I've shed away my tears
And lost my destiny
I sit beneath the sun
My hands held to the sky
I cannot ask a question
But still I wonder why
Poetic justice never seems to make the world feel right
Chaotic voices in the darkness call your name
You turn away from me whenever I remind you
Of the day the sun saw through the lies exposing all the pain
There's more than I can see and there's a deeper part of me
Won't you be my inspiration help me end my desperation now
Tell me what it is I'm meant to do
I've fallen to my knees
I've shed away my tears
And lost my destiny
I sit beneath the sun
My hands held to the sky
I cannot ask a question
But still I wonder why
There's so much pain
There's so much war
There's so much hurt
I can't take no more
Won't you come and take me to another day
Take me far away
Tell me what it is I'm meant to do
I've fallen to my knees
I've shed away my tears
And lost my destiny
I sit beneath the sun
My hands held to the sky
I cannot ask a question
And When you think its over
Is when it starts again
No one seems to understand
How to make this torture end
and with your hands committed
And the pain is real
You should know its not your fault
Its not in your mind
Its not in your head
Its not in the words that your family said
Its not in your mind
Its not in your head
Its not in your thoughts as you lie there... in bed
And so you close your eyes now
Imagine living free
You remember how it was
How it was supposed to be
No one seems to love you
No one seems to care
You enact a morbid wish
To see if someone is there
Its not in your mind
Its not in your head
Its not in the words that your family said
Its not in your mind
Its not in your head
Its not in your thoughts as you lie there... in bed
When time is in your pocket
And you've got no where to go
Let the moment take you higher
Light a fire in the snow
Maybe love was all you wanted
Maybe pain was all you found
Your wings will never save you
With your feet chained to the Ground
Chorus: 2x
Its not in your mind
Its not in your head
Its not in the words that your family said
Its not in your mind
Its not in your head
I've seen all good people turn their heads each day
so satisfied I'm on my way.
I've seen all good people turn their heads each day
so satisfied I'm on my way.
Take a straight and stronger course to the corner of your life.
Make the white queen run so fast she hasn't got time to make you wise.
'Cause it's time, is time in time with your time and its news it captured
For the queen to use.
Move me on to any black square,
Use me any time you want,
Just remember that the goal
Is for us all to capture all we want.
Yea, yea, yea.
Don't surround yourself with yourself,
Move on back two squares,
Send an instant comment to me,
Initial it with loving care
Don't surround
'Cause it's time, it's time in time with your time and its news is captured
For the queen to use.
Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit didda.
Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit Don't surround
Didda. Yourself with yourself.
Don't surround yourself with yourself, Don't surround yourself.
Move on back two squares,
Send an instant comment to me, Send an instant
Initial it with loving care Comment to me. Don't surround Yourself.
'Cause it's time, it's time in time with your time and its news is captured
For the queen to use.
Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit didda.
Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit didda.
Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit didda.
Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit didda.
I'm going crazy,
Gonna lose my shit if I don't check myself.
I keep my head down,
One day we'll seem alive,
Hold onto life and make this go away.
Somebody has to make me understand,
Why I'm here to stay.
Too many people've died, or lost their mind.
It happens every day.
Hold onto everything I've every known,
And I might be
Talked to my friends and
No one even know who the Hell is held.
I see my brothers broken down,
But still know what they have to do.
One day we'll seem alive,
Hold onto life and make this go away.
Somebody has to make me understand,
Why I'm here to stay.
Too many people've died, or lost their mind.
It happens every day.
Hold onto everything I've every known,
And I might be
One day we'll seem alive,
Hold onto life and make this go away.
Somebody has to make me understand,
Why I'm here to stay.
Too many people've died, or lost their mind.
It happens every day.
Hold onto everything I've every known,
Whatever I can do for you
I can be more than me for you
and when I try to reach for you
easily went to far
Only me
what you get is what you see
stop trying to pretend that im trying to make truth from fantasy
cause it's obvious that you don't understand what it takes to make an idiot like me into a man
I really love you
I really need you
I really really wanna hold you next me
I wanna cut you
I wanna bleed you
im never happy and I know that your to blame
I gotta hold you
I gotta kiss you
it doesn't make it any easier for me
I never told you i never miss you but i say it everyday
After all it was you
thats the only explanation
in your broken train of thoughts
you had it all so figured out
but you wrong all along
its just faulty information
and you'll never get the chance
the opportunity to live your life with
Honesty is lined with all you got
everytime i hate myself I try so fucking hard to stop
but I dont care at all
I dont care a single bit
nothing ever really stings to bad when your always full of shit
I really love you
I really need you
I really really wanna hold you next me
I wanna cut you
I wanna bleed you
im never happy and I know that your to blame
I gotta hold you
I gotta kiss you
it doesn't make it any easier for me
I never told you I never miss you but I say it everyday
After all it was you
thats the only explanation
in your broken train of thoughts
you had it all so figured out
but you wrong all along
its just faulty information
and you'll never get the chance
the opportunity to live your life with love
I didnt wanna be the bad guy
living in a bad lie
making everything get worse
I shouldn't have to make you want it
even though I got it
makes me wanna be with you
your better off and you know it
you may never know it
but I just can't let go
I know it wasn't worth the trouble
but fuckin buy me some
I only get one chance at this
I really love you
I really need you
I really really wanna hold you next me
I wanna cut you
I wanna bleed you
im never happy and I know that your to blame
i gotta hold you
I gotta kiss you
it doesn't make it any easier for me
I never told you i never miss you but i say it everyday
After all it was you
thats the only explanation
in your broken train of thoughts
you had it all so figured out
but you wrong all along
its just faulty information
and you'll never get the chance
the opportunity to live your life with love
and thats the only explanation
its just faulty information
"I really wanna put you guys album on my label. I totally understand where you're coming from and I would never do anything to hurt your careers. We're gonna spend big money on you guys... big money."
It wasn't meant to be
This thing with you and me
It took a year to figure out how much you lied to me
I never understood
How much you've gone insane
You must have told yourself a thousand time I am to blame
With every single thought, with every single word
I disassemble every piece of crap from you I heard
It couldn't hit me at a better time than this
You're at the top of my wanted list
You waste of space
I'll never ever let you live this down
Everyone knows
How worthless your intentions are to me
"I don't understand what happened... I mean I personally deposited the money into your account. It's in there... uhh.. can you check it again? I mean, it might take a minute or two to post."
It isn't funny but
I think I have to laugh
That little piece of hope I had inside you tore in half
It isn't broken but
You couldn't fix it now
You couldn't tell the truth if superman would show you how
I'm f--king angry now, but you don't mean enough
Tomorrows yesterday will turn your memory into dust
I like the way that sounds
I like the way it feels
To take away from those who steal
You waste of space
I'll never ever let you live this down
Everyone knows
How worthless your intentions are
You waste of space
I'll never ever let you live this down
Everyone knows
How worthless your intentions are to me
I broke down, fell asleep against my sorrow
No more reasons left to try
You walked in with a reason to rekindle
I thought I could touch the sky
And then you lied (And then you lied)
Oh yes you lied
Why, Why did you lie?
"Hey guys... it's uh, me... Um, it looks like, uh... our investors are backing out. I know we already put your record out but, but anyway uh, I guess this is it."
It wasn't meant to be
This thing with you and me
It took a year to figure out how much you lied to me
It couldn't hit me at a better time than this
You're at the top of my wanted list
You waste of space
I'll never ever let you live this down
Everyone knows
How worthless your intentions are
You waste of space
I'll never ever let you live this down
Everyone knows
How worthless your intentions are
You waste of space
You waste of space
you waste of space
I can't believe I've fallen down to my knees.
You've got me begging me,"Please,
There has to be another way."
My broken chest, it hurts, it won't let me breathe.
I'm staring down at my wrists,
You know I have to insist
That you talk to me.
Why won't you talk to me?
When did I want to be lonely?
When did I want to be cold?
I can't believe that it's over,
The beating of my broken-hearted soul.
I can't believe that I am down in this hole,
Always payin' the toll
For having found my way to you.
It doesn't matter that I pushed you away
When you wanted to stay.
I have to find away to make you
Talk to me.
Why won't you talk to me?
When did I want to be lonely?
When did I want to be cold?
I can't believe that it's over,
The beating of my broken-hearted soul.
When did I want to be lonely?
When did I want to be cold?
I can't believe that it's over,
This feeling in my broken-hearted soul
Please don't go.
I can't live without you.
I f~in' love you!
You're everything to me,
Can't you see?
Don't you dare walk away!
This cannot be the end!
You're my savior, my lover, my muse, my best friend!
I won't smile again.
I won't ever be loved.
You can't do this to me!
If you can hear what I'm sayin', please talk to me.
You never talk to me!
When did I want to be lonely?
When did I want to be cold?
I can't believe that it's over,
The beating of my broken-hearted soul.
When did I want to be lonely?
When did I want to be cold?
I can't believe that it's over,
As I lie awake at night
And think of how I used to dream
I remember how it felt
When I used to feel like me
The world can never understand
Perfection in a broken man
You know me inside-out:
What makes me tick; what I'm about
You know me inside-out:
My bleeding heart; my world of doubt
What I'm about...
Did you ever think you saw
From the corner of your eye
Something said but then it's gone
Like a shadow passing by
My heart beats with a killer's rage
The vision of a future range
You know me inside-out:
What makes me tick; what I'm about
You know me inside-out:
My perfect life; my world of doubt
You know me; you make me
Destroy me; create me
Perfect me; degrade me
Won't somebody save me?
You know me inside-out
What makes me tick; what I'm about
You know me inside-out
My beating heart; my world of doubt
What I'm about...
It sounds like a whisper
It seems like a dream
It breaks and it falls
It tears at the seam
Suppose that it happens
Suppose that it's real
Supposing you're right
Suppose it won't heal forever
And I will get old and tired
And nothing will get to me
No one will want to have me
Longing to be set free
If only the sun would take me
If only the wind was on my side
If only the sun would take me
If only the wind was on my side
I wish I could see you
I'm stuck in a fog
I wish I had patience
A virtue says God
I wish I had wishes
A gold magic charm
I'd wish for more time
I'd wish to go far away
And I will get old and tired
And nothing will get to me
No one will want to have me
Longing to be set free
If only the sun would take me
If only the wind was on my side
If only the sun would take me
If only the wind was on my side
I can hear voices calling
And I can feel weight upon my mind
You'll hold my hand in your hand
And after I'm gone you'll still have
Time to figure out the things
The things that left me empty inside
If only the sun would take me
If only the wind was on my side
If only the sun would take me
If only the wind was on my side, yeah
If only the wind was on my side
I can't get you out of my head
You said things that should never be said
Everything I know
Doesn't matter cause I might as well be dumb
Everything I do
Couldn't help me
Cause nothing in this world will stop me
You took me over the moment you walked in the room
I lose my mind every time I see you coming
Should I give in this time although I don't know how
You got me going now
You got me going now
Why didn't I just walk away
You and I we should never play
Everything I know
Doesn't matter cause I might as well be dumb
Everything I do
Couldn't help me
Cause nothing in this world will stop me
You took me over the moment you walked in the room
I lose my mind every time I see you coming
Should I give in this time although I don't know how
You got me going now
You got me going now
I'm gonna take you all the way
Electrify the life you're leading
I'm gonna take you all the way
And make you one with me
You took me over the moment you walked in the room
I lose my mind every time I see you coming
Should I give in this time although I don't know how
You got me going now
You got me going now
I painted a picture of a day gone past
An ancient scripture, a house of glass
People looking through the window
Never knowing what they'd find
When they couldn't see me
I locked the door, left them behind
The sky will tell me
I'm not the only one
And the sky will tell me
I must believe the sun
I shut my eyes to not go blind
Things I can't see, I see in my mind
Oh, now the passing clouds of rain
Have surely passed us by
Poor is the man
That believes his own lie
And the sky will tell me
I'm not the only one
And the sky will tell me
I must believe the sun
And the sky will tell me
Long may you run
And the sky will tell me
I must believe the sun
If I was wrong
Judge me by name
I simplify
One and the same
(And the sky will tell me)
And the sky will tell me
(I'm not the only one)
I'm not the only one
(And the sky will tell me)
And the sky will tell me
(I must believe the sun)
I must believe the sun
(And the sky will tell me)
And the sky will tell me
(Long may you run)
Long may you run
(And the sky will tell me)
And the sky will tell me
(I must believe)
I must believe the sun
Daddy, where did all the people go?
Mommy, you won't tell me what you know
Evil smiles while they lie to you
Careless secrets glorified untrue
I can't push it all away
Every minute every day
We have to find the time
to make these people do the things the say
Sorry, I look past the truth alone
Maybe, with my fists I throw a stone
Shallow, graves fill up without regret
Broken, promises we all forget
I can't push it all away
Every minute every day
We have to find the time
to make these people do the things the say
I can't push it all away
Every minute every day
We have to find the time
to make these people do the things the say
It falls out of my brain
The visions of my brothers dying in the sand
It always seems the same
The basest instinct convalesces
In what is the worst of man
We can make it right
We can make them see us in the light
We can make it right
We can make them see us in the light
We can make it right
We can make them see us in the light
We can make it right
We can make them see us in the light
We can make it right
We can make them see us in the light
We can make it right
We can make them see us in the light
We can make it right
We can make them see us in the light
We can make it right
We can make them see us in the light
We can make it right
We can make them see us in the light
We can make it right
We can make them see us in the light
We can make it right
We can make them see us in the light
We can make it right
We can make them see us in the light
We can make it right
We can make them see us in the light
We can make it right
We can make them see us in the light
(I can't push it all away)
We can make it right
Dear John, I'm sorry I can't do this anymore
You're not the man I fell in love with
And I have to move on with my life, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye cool
You were the one who'd never leave
Beautiful eyes, you seemed so free
Touching your face I felt complete
Holding your hand my heart would weep
So everything that came out of your mouth was full of lies
You looked me right dead in the eyes
You'd call your girlfriends and tell them that I abused your trust
You did your best to demonize
You were the one who'd never leave
Beautiful eyes, you seemed so free
Touching your face I felt complete
Holding your hand my heart would weep
You were the one who raped my soul
Beautiful lies, you stole my hope
Touching your ass, I scratch the skin
Holding your neck, I tie the rope
(Pulling it tight)
You were the one who'd never leave
Beautiful eyes, you seemed so free
Touching your face I felt complete
Holding your hand my heart would weep
You were the one, the one for me
Now that you're gone it's hard to see
So much of me has gone away
There's no need to stay another day
But someone's got to pay
But someone's got to pay
But someone's got to pay
But someone's got to pay
But someone's got to pay
But someone's got to pay
But someone's got to pay
I see faces in the sky
Of sad forgotten souls.
Low-down, decaying joy,
No hope to keep me whole.
No breeze to comfort me,
No love to save my mood.
Sunlight present to me,
Unbranded solitude.
How many times can I ignore
The devil standing at my door.
How many times can I forgive
I want to die but still I live.
Too many thoughts demanding,
What's a man to do.
Too many pains of old
Call out the pains of new.
I squeeze my head so hard
To force the demons out.
Dark angels laugh at me
And all that I'm about.
How many times can I ignore
The devil standing at my door.
How many times can I forgive
I want to die but still I live.
I can't go on.
I hate myself.
I can't let go
Of what I am.
A poison mind corrupts
The fabric of my soul.
I rip apart the script
But still I play the role.
How many times can I ignore
The devil standing at my door.
How many times can I forgive
I want to die but still I live.
How many times can I ignore
The devil standing at my door.
How many times can I forgive
I want to die but still I live.
I can't go on.
I hate myself.
I can't let go
Of what I am.
I can't go on.
I hate myself.
I can't let go
I'm doing all I can... to separate your hate from me
It always seems to be the way you look at me...
That gives it all away
No one around you cares, about you or your sacred ways
They only see a sacred fist, they only see a bomb today
I believe in a world that can take you high
In a place where patience can prevail
I believe in a thought that can set you free
And the seeds of hatred always fail
In your mind you can't forget what evil has been done to you
It leaves in what you say or do and dictates your reality
But your soul is clean, disinfected by your innocence
And while it makes no sense, you pursue a slave's insanity
I believe in a world that can take you high
In a sky where sunshine breaks the clouds
I believe in a thought that can set you free
In a mind that hears it's heartbeat
But you won't let go... because you're always right
And you won't say no, so you die tonight
I believe in a world that can take you high
In a place where patience can prevail
I believe in a thought that can set you free
And the seeds of hatred always fail
I believe in a world that can take you high
In a sky where sunshine breaks the clouds
I believe in a thought that can set you free
In a mind that hears it's heartbeat
Loud.... (so loud)
When time is in your pocket,
And you got nowhere to go,
let the moment take you right now,
Light your fire in the snow,
Maybe love was all you wanted,
Your wings would never save you,
It's always been the way that it has been
Falling through a hole inside myself
I can't remember hardly anything
But I remember holding your hand
In winter colors all but fade away
The sun seems more ashamed to take the sky
You used to keep me warm within your purity
But now I am lost in an empty space, oh
Healing a broken soul, this lie that I'm forced to live in
Taken now that you've been ripped from me
My memory is a fog too thick to see
I must have sold your thoughts to stop the pain
And while it always rains inside of me
My love for you will never ever let you die, oh
Healing this broken soul, this lie that I'm forced to live in
Taken now that you've been ripped from me
Can't you see
Can't you see
I'm not me
I can't let go, your softness haunts me
Without your touch I wrinkle like a flower burned
If there's a God I promise Him anything He asks of me
So I could hold you in my arms forever
Healing this broken soul, this lie that I'm forced to live in
Taken now that you've been ripped from me, oh
Healing this broken soul, this lie that I'm forced to live in
Yea I ca- I can see you.
You look great.
You think. maybe. you and I could go out sometime?
That would be goo- that would be great.
You're so, so beautiful.
Can you see me?
The scene of a crime,
An outline in chalk,
Like burgundy wine,
There's blood where i walk.
The rain hits the ground,
I feel myself ill,
Eyes staring down,
I keep my mind still.
I won't go away,
I won't ever go,
You can't make me leave against my will,
I know where you live,
I know what you want,
Why won't you accept that you need me?
I'm in the backdoor,
I keep out of sight,
Walk soft on the floor,
Don't turn on the lights.
They know what I've done,
But still don't know how,
Perhaps i should run,
Just end this right now.
Despite my better reasoning I continue
To obsess about this strange beautiful woman
Who would walk her dog each morning outside the
Window of my street level apartment.
Each day as she passed I wondered
Whether she could see me hiding behind my curtains
And asked me to take a walk with her and her pet.
For one whole year i wondered if we could be together.
But now i know that she would've hated me,
If only she could...
I won't go away,
I won't ever go,
you can't make me leave against my will,
I know where you live,
I know what you want,
why won't you accept that you need me?
You need me,
You need me.
I won't go away,
I won't ever go,
You can't make me leave against my will,
I know where you live,
I know what you want,
Why won't you accept that you need me?
I won't go away, [I won't go away]
I won't ever go, [I won't ever go]
You can't make me leave against my will,
I know where you live, [I know where you live]
I know what you want, [I know what you want,]
Why won't you accept that you need me?
You need me, yea
And as the sun goes down, I cry myself to sleep
I watch the bugs crawling
Across my skin
Now that you are gone
I can let things crumble
And though it seems
As this was meant to be
It's so hard to see
And all I do is stumble
The candles burn
But it's still too dark
I have given up
So it's not worth trying
I'll face the truth
When I think I can
Try to understand
What i love denying
I'm only
Falling through the cracks
I'm only
Losing my will to live
I'm only
Broken and beaten down
I'm only
I'm only
I've got to go
This place is poison now
Now that you are gone
And your ghost ignores me
I beg and plead with eternity
But this fantasy
I see abhors me
Visions come during later nightes
Angels devils pray are my weakened vision
And out of reach
Theres a time made light
That could set things right
If I could change positions
If only the sun
Could spare me this pain
I would open up the doors
And let him in
And look into his eyes
Hes burned away our lives
Take you from my heart and from my side
I have the chain.
This relative of the last one.
Settin off rules.
No time to shake down.
Don't need but a moment to blast one.
This is how we roll.
So full of soul,
That the founding fathers be delivered.
No chemistry is inside of me.
Opponents, they start to shiver while...
I have seen the state of being
In which the world will change it's own.
I have failed to teach the children
That the fear will gets in over.
And I have heard the god of prophets
Coming out of my TV.
And I refuse to let you down
And inbetween while stealing me.
Calling, calling all nations.
You've got to push the, push the invasion.
So when you kick it up, you kick it up, you kick it up,
As a rocking foundation, as a rocking foundation.
My mind is always on the run,
Too and fro, in oblivion.
Simplify the urban family, yeah,
Fights the war again, social insanity.
Calling, calling all nations.
You've got to push the, push the invasion.
So when you kick it up, you kick it up, you kick it up,
As a rocking foundation, as a rocking foundation.
Calling, calling all nations.
You've got to push the, push the invasion.
So when you lock it down, you lock it down, you lock it down,
As a rocking foundation.
Your life is only one tick of...
And you have got the golden cage.
Push it out the street, to the sewer,
Enemies will grow, few to fewer.
Steadfast we call on all nations,
Dance as we rock on all stations.
Feel it in your bones, shake it down,
Rise above it all, drop your frown.
Fall onto your knees, hands go high up,
Smokey add fuel, to the fire.
Calling, calling all nations.
You've got to push the, push the invasion.
So when you kick it up, you kick it up, you kick it up,
As a rocking foundation. (As a rocking foundation.)
Calling, calling all nations.
You've got to push the, push the invasion.
So when you lock it down, you lock it down, you lock it down,
As a rocking foundation. (As a rocking foundation.)
Calling, calling all nations.
You've got to push the, push the invasion.
So when you kick it up, you kick it up, you kick it up,
As a rocking foundation. (As a rocking foundation.)
Calling, calling all nations.
You've got to push the, push the invasion.
So when you lock it down, you lock it down, you lock it down,
Under the boarded tree
I saw you next to me
Closing your eyes and looking in
Clouds in the sky today
Thoughts as we drift away
Free from our wounds and from our sin
Islands of lust turn around and bring your feet to the ground
For the sun shines within you and it burns when you stand all alone
Outside the temple gates something eternal waits
Endless, a soul that's misunderstood
Soldiers in time will fall down from the highest wall
Clinging for life, do what you could
Careless and bold do I find myself I seem so blind, so blind, so...
I can't dream of yesterday
And everything I see remembers who you were
The day that you were gone from me
And I can't find the words to say
Shouldn't it be easier than this
So much easier than this for me
Under the falling rain
I carry a broken chain
Poisoned and fighting for myself
Simple and mesmerized, my anger is exercised
Slowly my heart has turned to cold
Careless and bold do I find myself I seem so blind, so blind, so blind
I can't dream of yesterday
And everything I see remembers who you were
The day that you were gone from me
And I can't find the words to say
Shouldn't it be easier than this
So much easier than this for me
I can't say no...
I can't give in...
I can't let go of what I'm in...
I don't know how it might be now...
but it won't be all that you are from me
I can't believe in me...
I can't dream of yesterday
And everything I see remembers who you were
The day that you were gone from me
And I can't find the words to say
Shouldn't it be easier than this
My eyes are closed
Within my mind I still can feel your skin
Those memories seem so faint so thin
You don't believe
You close the door and never took the time
You never once could let me in
All the time
All the pain
Torn apart too far to see my way
I can't live without you mine
Say you will
Say you will
Shine on me for one more day
Say you will
Just say you will
Love what you betray
It's all a lie
We shouldn't be ashamed to live out loud
To suffocate in doubt
You have to set me free
It's you I can't escape the things you did to me
It's all that I can see
All the time
All the pain
Torn apart too far to see my way
I can't live without you mine
Say you will
Say you will
Shine on me for one more day
Say you will
Just say you will
Love what you betray
Just say you will
Say you will
Shine on me for one more day
Say you will
Just say you will
Say you will
Is it me
Is it me
Am I not what you expected me to be
Did I fall
Lose it all
Did you think I'd let you do that to me
You can try
You can cry
But it won't erase what has happened to me
I can't live
I can't give
I can't say I will I will I will
Simply dissolved
Into an incomplete thought
An empty shell
Cracked and disfigured
With no remorse
I have been blinded by the darkness
With no distain
I have received my punishment
And with no haste
(kill me with a beat )
Some people seem to think they always know what's best for you
Their little minds try to create a world to keep you still
The bolt is thrown, the cage is locked
You saw this, don't you lie
At first you cry and then you hate those people stole your will...
Do as you are told and maybe then they'll let you out
You might be dead and cold, you might be full of doubt
Don't try to escape cuz you don't have nowhere to go
If nothing is your fate... there's no scenario
No nothing
Do you call my name
Do you stain my brain
My eyes are blurry and I can't see you anymore
Do you call my name
Do you breed my pain
My heart is bloody and I can't take it anymore
So you just sit there, stuck, afraid to risk reality
Afraid to cause yourself more pain, to face insanity
But nothing ventured, nothing gained
You see... your fear's your cage
You beg for help but you're alone, stuck in a helpless rage
Do as you are told and maybe then they'll let you out
You might be dead and cold, you might be full of doubt
Don't try to escape cuz you don't have nowhere to go
If nothing is your fate... there's no scenario
(it's me.... I see, please... let me out I'm petrified)
Do as you are told and maybe then they'll let you out
You might be dead and cold, you might be full of doubt
Don't try to escape cuz you don't have nowhere to go
If nothing is your fate... there's no scenario
Do you call my name
Do you stain my brain
My eyes are blurry and I can't see you anymore
Do you call my name
Do you breed my pain
You think I notice that you're standing there right next to me?
Am I supposed to bow my head and thank you gratefully?
You break my heart and turn around to get what still remains
I sold my soul and bought my fear, my inner pain
Without a clue I trust, I follow you with my eyes blind
And what I cannot see I need I cannot leave behind
With all those eyes on me, their hunger is insanity
I can see you standing there
Do you wanna be free, do you wanna be me?
I don't wanna be the only one
To see my name wrote up on the sun
I don't wanna be the only one
To watch it fall into the sea
I don't wanna have to play the game
To sell my soul, betray my name
I don't wanna be the only one
To watch it fall into the sea
So you just sit there, stuck, afraid to risk reality
Those words are mine and you can find them deep inside of me
You walk away, somehow dismayed at what you may have done
The lies, the dreams, the broken promises, the only one
I can't remember whose idea it was to make this real
Divided equally, my feelings I still cannot feel
And there you are, you're all alone inside your fantasy
I can see you standing there
Do you wanna be free, do you wanna be me?
I don't wanna be the only one
To see my name wrote up on the sun
I don't wanna be the only one
To watch it fall into the sea
I don't wanna have to play the game
To sell my soul, betray my name
I don't wanna be the only one
To watch it fall into the sea
And when the light is gone and it's just you and me
Will you allow us to be who we're supposed to be, yeah
Or will time erode our thoughts, our will, eternity
I don't wanna be the only one
To see my name wrote up on the sun
I don't wanna be the only one
To watch it fall into the sea
I don't wanna have to play the game
To sell my soul, betray my name
I don't wanna be the only one
To watch it fall into the sea
I don't wanna be the only one (don't wanna be the, don't wanna be the)
I don't wanna be the only one (don't wanna be the only one)
I don't wanna be the only one (to defy)
I don't wanna be the only one
(Divided into pieces of the sun)
I can tell by the color of the sky
You and I somewhere divided into pieces of the sun
I fall into the moment understanding why
I try so hard to hold it but I let it fly, let it fly away
And only the future seems clear to me right now
A foreign objective to be at peace with
On and on
I can't believe the echoes of the falling rain
Time walks away
No matter what we do we can't erase the walls around the poet's dream
Shiny, broken thoughts that sit alone have lost their way
Handouts all around distort the charity
Waterfalls suspend the air and birds fly in reverse
Nature misinterprets who she's meant to be, and all in one day
And only the future seems clear to me right now
A foreign objective to be at peace with
On and on
I can't believe the echoes of the falling rain
Time walks away
No matter what we do we can't erase the walls around the poet's dream
A stolen misconception can't correct what I have seen
To you, to me, it's all a lie, and so I intervene
Without the world's forgiveness I cannot be brought to life
Forever in the winter I see summer in the distance, summer in the whispers of the night
On and on
I can't believe the echoes of the falling rain
Time walks away
No matter what we do we can't erase the walls around the poet's dream
On and on
I can't believe the echoes of the falling rain
Time walks away
Inside a second you can hear a flower growing in the wind
But does it reach you when there's darkness all around
How many days will this go on
How many thoughts can I obsess
Why do we come apart
And watch it all go down
Take me away I can't deny it
And all that I want is to touch the sky
Show me the way a simple mind
And no one can say it can't be done
I see it shining on the sun
A road that leads beyond this place
A way to push aside the walls that block our path
If time can truly be a lie
There's nothing left but you and I
Denying everything and shattering the glass
Take me away I can't deny it
And all that I want is to touch the sky
Show me the way a simple mind
And no one can say it can't be done
Out of mind out of time
All alone stuck at home
Can't decide Full of pride
I want it all
Left to be only me
Far away everyday
Sanity Vanity
I want it all
Symbolize separation
Let me be set me free
Take me away I can't deny it
And all that I want is to touch the sky
Show me the way a simple mind
And no one can say it can't be done
They twist and turn in me
They rip and burn in me
But a poet dies when he wants to live,
Chooses to be free
I couldn't be in worse condition
I couldn't find a harder time
You wouldn't want to see me
Falling out and in and out of mind
We can only be
What everybody else expected
Everybody else rejected (in me)
And you know that I can't say
A word against what I protected
Everybody else corrected in me
The thoughts inside your head
Erase the words you said
And the emptiest color will color in your soul tonight
I remember all the moments
I remember every game
From the air I see your loneliness
You carry on despite your fear
Inside a box you keep your sanity
And it will never seem clear to me
Over the hills the light it flows it shows the angels laughing
Where is the love that we're supposed to find
Lost in a maze of games so very dark and overwhelming
Lost in these thoughts that seem to rule my mind
A simple spell cast is broken through
The force of life decides to bend
You lay below the sacred stormy sky's
And you will write the end for me
Over the hills the light it flows it shows the angels laughing
Where is the love that we're supposed to find
Lost in a maze of games so very dark and overwhelming
Lost in these thoughts that seem to rule my mind
Door close and I will be denied
A dagger thrust into my chest
You claim yourself to the victory
But it is I who will rest in peace
Over the hills the light it flows it shows the angels laughing
Where is the love that we're supposed to find
Lost in a maze of games so very dark and overwhelming
Lost in these thoughts that seem to rule my mind
Over the hills the light it flows it shows the angels laughing
But where is the love that we're supposed to find
Lost in a maze of games so very dark and overwhelming
A war against time, destined to lose
I'll just sit and watch TV
A magical force, hypnotic drool
I'll take in all that I can see
I'm seeing chains, now hold me down
The recline of modern man
Neatly displayed and bundled lies
An hour glass and I'm the sand
Generator, decimator
Universal, devastator
A cyber involved diversity
So straighten up and go on line
Sexual drive intensity
The darkest pit that you can find
I'm holding this key to be erased
Put your life into a disk
Strainful powers, social disgrace
Wages war with little risk
Generator, decimator
Universal, devastator
Substitution, evolution
Electronic, absolution
Oh, my head is always lost
And always changing mind
What's wrong just feels so right
I think I'm going blind
Generator, decimator
Universal, devastator
Substitution, evolution
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Lonely all the world I see there's a ripple in your mind
Far beyond the grass I grasp the first thing that I find
Numbers march across the sky in a prisonary home
Ghosts have turned their backs to me, I'm finally alone
Can you hear me?
(Where do you stand)
Are you there?
(Try to take my hand)
Do you fear me?
(Have you forgotten how to love)
My heart is undertaken, undertaken
Forests filled with life rejoice a momentary joy
Single minded heavies hover playing with their toys
Tiny insignificant apparitions made divine
Toss aside their virtues turning water into wine
Can you hear me?
(Where do you stand)
Are you there?
(Try to take my hand)
Do you fear me?
(Have you forgotten how to love)
My heart is undertaken
Can you hear me?
(Where do you run)
Are you there?
(Why must you live as one)
Do you fear me?
(Your soul cannot be gone)
My heart is undertaken
The severing of a journey
Embodied by a woven mystic seam
While reality departs
At the exception of a dream
Can you hear me?
(Where do you stand)
Are you there?
(Try to take my hand)
Do you fear me?
(Have you forgotten how to love)
My heart is undertaken
Can you hear me?
(Where do you run)
Are you there?
(Why must you live as one)
Do you fear me?
(Your soul cannot be gone)
My heart is under
Can you hear me?
Are you there?
Do you fear me?
My heart is undertaken
The sun disappeared right before my eyes
My heart turned and walked away
I gave you the keys to an open door
And you threw them right back at me
Once again I'm alone with a pain in my chest
So sad, so sad, so alone
The clouds start to gather, here comes the rain
You meant more than you could know
I can't say I miss you
You're always around
I can't say I love you
'Cause you'll cut me down
I'm wounded and hurt
And that's my fault
But I made my decision
With my back to the wall
And I gotta move on from here
I've done all that I can do
Yeah, I gotta move on from here
I've been swimming upstream for you
As time passes by, I can't explain
It's hard to be next to you
Is it my face or is it everything
That you're not attracted to?
I'm so lost and confused when I look at you
Your eyes, your lips, so soft
And then when you see me, I turn away
'Cause I know that I turn you off
I can't say I miss you
You're always around
I can't say I love you
'Cause you'll cut me down
I'm wounded and hurt
And that's my fault
But I made my decision
With my back to the wall
And I gotta move on from here
I've done all that I can do
Yeah, I gotta move on from here
I've been swimming upstream for you
I've been swimming upstream for you
I've been swimming upstream for you
Yeah, I've been swimming upstream for you
And now I close the door
Melding a resurrection
Living through every war
I underscore the pain
Windows of fantasy
shadows of expectations
drowning in agony
I set this body free
It always happens right before it's over
You light the sky up like a supernova
I believe the writings on the wall
I don't regret at all
I never played the game
Part of me will always see the sun
as if it just begun
to be the only one
who knew what I became
Walking the way I see
gateways in all directions
magical empathy
the wind it knocks me down
lost in a neutron star
ready to break a cycle
it never heals, it's gone
the moment tears in me
It always happens right before it's over
You light the sky up like a supernova
I believe the writings on the wall
I don't regret at all
I never played the game
Part of me will always see the sun
as if it just begun
to be the only one
who knew what I became
(Spoken) The ticking moments beats against me like broken waves in a desert
Lolling envy cascades beneath a yellow sky dying slowly in a casket of infinite density
Aiming too high the arrow misses and makes its mark on a setting sun
Reaching up, there is no one but the echoes of potential that rattle and bang against what could have been
Having regret, we find the ego wanting more, needing more
The frozen walls melting into the childish night
The time has come to open our eyes and be blinded by the sun.
It always happens right before it's over
You light the sky up like a supernova
I believe the writings on the wall
I don't regret at all
I never played the game
Part of me will always see the sun
as if it just begun
to be the only one
Thank you God
For this great opportunity
To share with You exactly how I feel
I'm not well
And I think that I should tell You
That I think I got the raw end of the deal
Don't get me wrong
'Cause it's not like I blame You
But sometimes things get crazy on their own
I'm ashamed
Of the way I point my finger
'Cause deep down I have reaped what I have sown
Life is hard
But so is everything
Give my regards to a man who cares
If I succeed
I will save my fellow man
And if I fail I'll just stand and stare
Such is life, Lord
And I know that you're aware
That You're a drug to me
A drug within my fear
But, I love You
A junkie to Your silence
A wise man who's words, I'll never hear
What to do
I feel as if I'm floating
Not aware or in control of what I am
God bless me
Take me out of this existence
End my role as the sacrificial lamb
Life is hard
But so is everything
Give my regards to a man who cares
If I succeed
I will save my fellow man
And if I fail I'll just stand and stare
I'll just stand and stare
Life is hard
But so is everything
Give my regards to a man who cares
If I succeed
I will save my fellow man
And if I fail I'll just stand and stare
Life is hard
But so is everything
Give my regards to a man who cares
If I succeed
I will save my fellow man
And if I fail I'll just stand and stare
I'm still afraid of ghosts that can see me
They know my thoughts, they read my mind
Beside myself I judge my condition
I close my eyes but can't go blind
I'm feeling all the heat, all the chaos
It's gotten underneath my skin
So far to go to reach absolution
My sanity, my soul runs thin
Why don't you care?
Don't, don't you dare
Rectifier, how's the world supposed to be?
Rectifier, take my hand and rescue me
I fell in love, I made that decision
On broken hearts I cut myself
Despite the pain I maintain my position
And leave goodwill up on the shelf
But now I'm stuck a chain with no linkage
A vagrant lover prisoner
Suspicious goals distort good intentions
Aggressive action batterer
Why don't you care?
Don't, don't you dare
Rectifier, how's the world supposed to be?
Rectifier, take my hand and rescue me
Rectifier, how's the world supposed to be?
Rectifier, take my hand and set me free
Why don't you care?
Don't, don't you dare
Rectifier, how's the world supposed to be?
Rectifier, take my hand and rescue me
Rectifier, how's the world supposed to be?
Rectifier, take my hand and set me free
Maybe I'm not your favorite
It's too bad you're not mine
Someone once tried to tell me
To leave this all behind
You and I are forever
I cut your name in me
I'm gonna bleed us together
In crimson harmony
And I will taste your mind
Fill it full with empty feelings
Disobey the signs
Drag you out and then throw you away
Can you see me coming?
I'll be coming home today
I ring your bell there's no answer
Changed the locks on me
I called your mom and she told me
That you're afraid of me
But I won't be disregarded
I won't be turned away
I'll finish up what you started
You're gonna pay today
And I will taste your mind
Fill it full with empty feelings
Disobey the signs
Drag you out and then throw you away
Can you see me coming?
I'll be coming home today
Can you see me coming?
I'll be coming home today
I'm on my way
My world is dead without you
I'm all alone
No more lying and no more fighting
But violence is so inviting
No more hatred, no more sex
My body aches and my muscles flex
And I will taste your mind
Fill it full with empty feelings
Disobey the signs
Drag you out and then throw you away
Can you see me coming?
I'll be coming home today
Can you see me coming?
Standing fixed
Coelest into an organic truth
Pregnant with life
Smooth and untouched
With purity I receive the light
With love I share my reward
If you and I were meant to be
You wouldn't test my sanity
Corrective lenses in my brain
Twist my thoughts so I can see
It's all about who's wrong or right
To see who's words have got more bite
1,000 ways to kill the light
Frustration taking over
Too many pictures all at once
Too many shadows in the rain
And I see a crack up in the sun
Calling out your name
It's everything
Everything you wanted
But if what we had got lost along the way
It's everything
Everything you needed
And I'm reaching out
For all the things we lost along the way
Should I turn and walk away
When other paths may lie ahead
Too many feelings in my heart
Try to search for what you said
I try to be in tune with you
I try to symbolize your dreams
You wouldn't let me take you there
Frustration taking over
Too many pictures all at once
Too many shadows in the rain
And I see a crack up in the sun
Calling out your name
It's everything
Everything you wanted
But if what we had got lost along the way
It's everything
Everything you needed
And I'm reaching out
For all the things we lost along the way
Too many pictures all at once
Too many shadows in the rain
And I see a crack up in the sun
Someone calling out your name
I can't believe in everything
I can't foresee where I begin
And there's nothing left to understand
And so I just give in
It's everything
Everything you wanted
But it's what we had
Got lost along the way
It's everything
Everything you needed
And I'm reaching out
For all the things we lost along the way
It’s everything
Everything you wanted
But it's what we had
Got lost along the way
It's everything
Everything you needed
And I'm reaching out
I feel like I'm old
I feel like an invalid
I feel like I'm sick
In a casket so close the lid
I feel like I'm done
I feel like it's over now
I feel but I'm numb
Curtain falls while I take a bow, and now
Substance races through my veins
Angels try to soothe my pain
High sensitivity
Wake up with my head still aching
High sensitivity
I'm drugged from all the pills I'm taking
I don't know my name, I don't know if I can make it
I don't feel the same, my brain is dead and I cannot wake it
I don't wanna run, I don't have a place to run to
I don't see the sun, I don't understand what I must do
Substance races through my veins
Angels try to soothe my pain
High sensitivity
I wake up with my head still aching
High sensitivity
I'm drugged from all the pills I'm taking
High sensitivity
I laugh, my self respect is flaking
High sensitivity
I hate all the mistakes I'm making
My money's running out, my shoes are wearing thin
Each day I break my back to end where I begin
A razor full of blood is dragged across the sky
But I don't think I really want to die
High sensitivity
I wake up with my head still aching
High sensitivity
I'm drugged from all the pills I'm taking
High sensitivity
I laugh my self respect is flaking
High sensitivity
It's on my face
It's in my feelings
The scars that carry
On your name
You fold your arms
You don't believe me
You don't like to think
You cause me pain
Yet here I am
Your worst creation
A soulless reckless
Don't turn away
You can't ignore it
It's what you wanted
All the while
You've taken this far enough
You think but you're not so tough
You've taken this far enough
From me
I'm getting bored
With isolation
I'm getting sick
Of all your crap
You stare me down
But you don't see me
You do the crime
I take the wrap
If someone saw this
They'd say it's crazy
If someone saw this
They'd probably lose their mind
So, now I'm done
You can't evade me
There's someone else
I need to find
You've taken this far enough
You think but you're not so tough
You've taken this far enough
You've taken this far enough
I'm so sick of all your stuff
You've taken this far enough
From me
You're stuck in a fantasy
But my heart knows what's real
There's nothing left to say
Maybe I wasn't meant to be
The pure boy for reality
Look around and close your eyes
You're big now and since in disguise
You've taken this far enough
You think but you're not so tough
You've taken this far enough
You've taken this far enough
I'm so sick of all your stuff
You've taken this far enough
You've taken this far enough
Though i tried before to tell her
Of the feelings i have for her
In my heart
Everytime that i come near her
I just lose my nerve
As i've done from the start
Every little thing she does is magic
Every little thing she does just turns me on
Even when my life before was tragic
Now i know my love with her goes on
Do I have to tell the story
Of the thousand rainy days
Since we've first met
Its a big enough umbrella
But its always me that ends up getting wet
Every little thing she does is magic
Every little thing she does just turns me on
Even when my life before was tragic
Now i know my love with her goes on
I resolve to call her up a thousand times a day
And ask her if she'll marry me in some old fashioned way
But my silent fears have gripped me
Long before I reach the phone
Long before my tongue has tripped me
Must I always be alone?
Every little thing she does is magic
Everything she do just turns me on
Even though my life before was tragic
(kill me with a beat )
Some people seem to think they always know what's best for you
Their little minds try to create a world to keep you still
The bolt is thrown, the cage is locked
You saw this, don't you lie
At first you cry and then you hate those people stole your will...
Do as you are told and maybe then they'll let you out
You might be dead and cold, you might be full of doubt
Don't try to escape cuz you don't have nowhere to go
If nothing is your fate... there's no scenario
No nothing
Do you call my name
Do you stain my brain
My eyes are blurry and I can't see you anymore
Do you call my name
Do you breed my pain
My heart is bloody and I can't take it anymore
So you just sit there, stuck, afraid to risk reality
Afraid to cause yourself more pain, to face insanity
But nothing ventured, nothing gained
You see... your fear's your cage
You beg for help but you're alone, stuck in a helpless rage
Do as you are told and maybe then they'll let you out
You might be dead and cold, you might be full of doubt
Don't try to escape cuz you don't have nowhere to go
If nothing is your fate... there's no scenario
(it's me.... I see, please... let me out I'm petrified)
Do as you are told and maybe then they'll let you out
You might be dead and cold, you might be full of doubt
Don't try to escape cuz you don't have nowhere to go
If nothing is your fate... there's no scenario
Do you call my name
Do you stain my brain
My eyes are blurry and I can't see you anymore
Do you call my name
Do you breed my pain