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Top 3 Video Hebatnya Bencana Tsunami Di Aceh - Indonesian Tsunami
Dakwah Aceh Terbaru Tgk Mulyadi 2015{Asal Usul Nanggro Makkah}
[Full] Mata Najwa 24 Desember 2014 - Dari Aceh Pesan Untuk Negeri
Lucu! Kesal Dihukum Cambuk, Penjudi Ini Melawan Algojo (Hukum Syariah Aceh) 2014
Travel Series Indonesia - Jalan-Jalan Men 2013 Eps 3 - Aceh
Penemuan Batu Giok Aceh Terbesar Seberat 20 Ton (Batu Mulia Indonesia) 2015
Kisah Nyata Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) vs Polisi RI
Ekespedisi Mencari Batu Mulia di Aceh Jaya
Mata Najwa - Dari Aceh, Pesan Untuk Negeriku | 24 Des 2014
Tsunami Aceh Complete 1 of 6: Gempa Hebat Terekam Kamera
Warga Temukan Batu Giok 20 Ton di Aceh Jadi Rebutan
Fakta Runtuhnya Gedung WTC dan Fakta Bahwa Tsunami Aceh Adalah di Bom iaFhSiInXaM
Top 3 Video Hebatnya Bencana Tsunami Di Aceh - Indonesian Tsunami Tsunami aceh terjadi pada tanggal 26 desember 2004, merupakan salah satu bencana alam paling besar dalam sejarah Indonesia dan dunia.
Dakwah Aceh Terbaru Tgk Mulyadi 2015{Asal Usul Nanggro Makkah}Dakwah Aceh Terbaru Tgk Mulyadi 2015{Asal Usul Nanggro Makkah}Dakwah Aceh Terbaru Tgk Mulyadi 2015{Asal Usul Nanggro Makkah}
Mata Najwa 24 Desember 2014 - Dari Aceh Pesan Untuk Negeri Mata Najwa 24 Desember 2014 Mata Najwa 24 Desember 2014 Mata Najwa 24 Desember 2014 Mata Najwa 24 Desember 2014 Mata Najwa 24 Desember 2014 Mata Najwa 24 Desember 2014 Mata Najwa 24 Desember 2014 Mata Najwa 24 Desember 2014 Mata Najwa 24 Desember 2014 Mata Najwa 24 Desember 2014 Mata Najwa 24 Desember 2014 Mata Najwa 24 Desember 2014 Mata Najwa Dari Aceh Pesan Untuk Negeri Mata Najwa Dari Aceh Pesan Untuk Negeri Mata Najwa Dari Aceh Pesan Untuk Negeri Mata Najwa Dari Aceh Pesan Untuk Negeri Mata Najwa Dari Aceh Pesan Untuk Negeri Mata Najwa Dari Aceh Pesan Untuk Negeri Mata Najwa Dari Aceh Pesan Untuk Negeri Mata Najwa Dari Aceh Pesan Untuk Negeri Mata Najwa Dari Aceh Pesan Untuk Negeri Mata Najwa Dari Aceh Pesan Untuk Negeri
Lucu! Kesal Dihukum Cambuk, Penjudi Ini Melawan Algojo (Hukum Syariah Aceh) 2014 Lucu! Kesal Dihukum Cambuk, Penjudi Ini Melawan Algojo (Hukum Syariah Aceh) 2014 Video Lucu Hukum Cambuk di Aceh Video Lucu Hukum Cambuk di Aceh Video Lucu Hukum Cambuk di Aceh Video Eksekusi Hukum cambuk di Aceh Video Eksekusi Hukum cambuk di Aceh Video Eksekusi Hukum cambuk di Aceh
Ternyata Jebraw awalnya ngaco dan salah paham, dia akhirnya sampai di Aceh dan melanjutkan perjalanannya untuk mencari harta karun yang ada di tempat ini. Ke...
_____________________________ _ENJOY THE MUSIC_ ALL LAGU ☆KLASIK ACEH☆ CLICK LINK INI;=PL5bgBLj3Jgs_G7OVjxlcAHr6iwb77d5IW ALL LAGU ☆MAIMOEN R☆ CLICK LINK INI;=PL5bgBLj3Jgs-MHd5wo2taggQQAEN4-cfz ALL LAGU ☆SYEH YOULDY PRIMA☆ CLICK LINK INI;=PL5bgBLj3Jgs9QUm8vwAtYVixxnHMea596 ALL LAGU ☆DOLES MARSAEL☆ CLICK LINK INI;=PL5bgBLj3Jgs8JoCcXWvReFwLvXk2n7jIY FULL LAGU ACEH CLICK LINK INI;=PL5bgBLj3Jgs9vSgdbyh63TRHJaFWM6s9O __________________________________________ ADD MY FACEBOOK Wen Bengi : JOIN FansPage Takengon :
Penemuan Batu Giok Aceh Terbesar Seberat 20 Ton (Batu Mulia Indonesia) Penemuan Batu Terbesar Giok Aceh Seberat 20 Ton (Batu Mulia Indonesia) Penemuan Batu Giok Aceh Terbesar Seberat 20 Ton (Batu Mulia Indonesia) Penemuan Batu Giok Aceh Terbesar Seberat 20 Ton (Batu Mulia Indonesia) Giok Aceh Giok Aceh Batu Mulia Batu Mulia Batu Akik Giok Aceh Batu Akik Giok Aceh Batu Akik Asli Klawing Batu Akik Asli Klawing Giok Klawing Giok Klawing
Kisah Nyata Pemberontak Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) baku tembak dengan Polisi Republik Indonesia
SERAMBIONTV, CALANG - Giok, Cempaka dan berbagai jenis batu mulia asal Aceh, kini tak hanya menjadi buah bibir, tapi juga menghiasi hampir di setiap jemari warga, tak terkecuali pejabat sekalipun. Aceh yang sempat terkenal dengan Konflik, Syariah, Gempa dan Tsunami kini kembali menunjukkan eksistensinya lewat batu mulia. Giok Aceh misalnya, kini menjadi buruan masyarakat dari berbagai daerah. Dan, tak terbatas pada jenis giok saja, salah satu batu mulia yang paling diincar adalah batu jenis Cempaka Merah. Video yang direkam Muhammad Anshar ini, menunjukkan kepada Syedara Lon, bagaiaman aktivitas pencarian batu Cempaka yang dilakukan secara tradisional, di pedalaman Kecamatan Pangan, Aceh Jaya. Liputan ini setidaknya menggambarkan tentang bagaimana batu yang diambil dari lumpur, kemudian menjadi hiasan indah di jemari masyarakat. Syedara Lon, Selamat menyaksikan.(RZ)
Mata Najwa - Dari ACeh, Pesan Untuk Negeriku Bintang Tamu Mata Najwa kali ini: - Susi Pudjiastuti - Dahlan Iskan - Faisal Basri - Tompi
Nirwanfiles "Central Dokumentasi Edukasi" Video dokumtasi Tsunami Aceh bagian 1 : menampilkan suasana dan kegiatan orang Aceh beberapa saat sebelum tsunami. ...
Warga Temukan Batu Giok 20 Ton di Aceh Jadi Rebutan Warga Temukan Batu Giok 20 Ton di Aceh Jadi Rebutan Warga Temukan Batu Giok 20 Ton di Aceh Jadi Rebutan Seorang pencari batu alam asal Desa Pante Ara Kec. Betong, Kab. Nagan Raya menemukan batu giok Aceh (lumut Aceh) di hutang lindung. Tak tanggung-tanggung beratnya diperkirakan mencapai dua puluh ton, batu giok raksasa itu kini menjadi rebutan warga sekitar. Batu giok ini tidak dapati diambil atau dimilik oleh warga karena batu giok raksasa ini dilarang oleh pemerintah Aceh – Dua kelompok masyarakat di Gampong Krueng Isep, Kecamatan Beutong, Kabupaten Nagan Raya, Aceh, terlibat bentrokan massal selama dua hari dipicu perebutan batu giok seberat 20 ton. Bentrokan yang melibatkan penggunaan senjata tajam itu akhirnya bisa diatasi setelah polisi dibantu personel TNI turun tangan. Di mana untuk membawa bongkahan batu seberat Rp10 Kg ke bawah keluar daerah harus ada izin Dinas Pertambangan dan Energi (Distamben). Sementara untuk batu seberat 10 Kg ke atas, harus ada surat izin dari Bupati Nagan Raya. Awalnya kedua kelompok warga itu hanya adu argumentasi. Tapi karena warga pendatang tetap ngotot akan membawa batu itu, bentrokan pun tak terhindarkan. Selama dua hari, Rabu-Kamis (11-12/2/2015), bentrokan itu berlangsung. Lokasi penemuan batu sekira 15 Km dari jalan lintas Jeuram-Takengon. Aksi saling pukul pun terjadi. Tak hanya menggunakan benda tumpul, kedua kelompok juga menggunakan senjata tajam. Aksi saling kejar pun terjadi, hingga jauh masuk ke dalam hutan. Untungnya ada warga setempat yang melapor kepada polisi, sehingga bisa dengan cepat diatasi sebelum jatuh korban nyawa. Giok Aceh,Batu Mulia,Penemuan,Batu Akik,Giok Klawing,Aceh (Indonesian Province),Batu Giok Aceh,BatuGiokAceh,Batu Giok,Aceh,Warga,Penambang,Bentrok,Bentrokan,,cumicumi,silet,Silet Februari 2015,Artis,selebritis,aktris,aktor,entertainer,Narji Cagur,Willy Dozan,Apoy Wali,Cut Meyriska,Barang Berharga,giok,Giok Raksasa,Bongkahan Giok,Harga Giok,Harta karun,News,Berita Indonesia Hari Ini,Jokowi,Jadwal Jokowi,Pembunuhan Paling Sadis,Ahok,Jadwal,Becak News,Tukang Becak Channel,Tawuran Pelajar,Pembunuhan Sadis,Kecelakan Paling Parah,JOKOWI AHOK,JOKOWI Marah,AHOK Marah,Susi Pudjiastuti,WoW ! Ditemukan Batu Giok 20 Ton Di Aceh,batu alam jenis giok Aceh,sekitar 20 ton,Timbulkan Konflik,Heboh Penemuan Batu Giok 20 Ton di Aceh,batu giok aceh,batu giok asli,batu giok aceh termahal,batu giok nagan raya,batu giok solar,batu giok china,batu giok hijau,batu giok merah,batu giok solar aceh,batu giok putih,Jade,batu akik,batu giok,kalimaya,Berita Terkini,Berita Aktual,Berita Indonesia,Berita Daerah,Berita Dunia,Informasi Olah Raga,Informasi Otomotif,Informasi Kriminal,Informasi Hukum,Bisnis,Makanan,Kesehatan,Info Keuangan,Sains \u0026 Tekhnologi,Informasi Gaya Hidup,Informasi Ekonomi,Informasi Artis,Informasi Entertainment,Video Lucu,Video Unik,Video Heboh,Detik Detik Menegangkan,Fenomena Alam,Ditemukan Batu Giok 20 Ton di Aceh,Batu Alam,Cincin,Batu,Permata,Giok,Ton,Malaysia,Indonesia,Melayu,Greece,Missing,You,Iphone,Beritasatu,Berita terbaru,Batu giok,Batu akik,Batu bacan,Batu cincin,Kolektor,watch?v=,Berita terpopuler,SBY,Artis terkini,Trendy,ngetrend,Berita Politik,Bugil,Memek,Berita Ngetrend,Terpopuler,Jonan,Menteri Susi,+a\u0026filters=today\u0026page=1,Joko Widodo (Politician),Prabowo Subianto (Politician),jade,Gemstone (Rock Type),Lumut Aceh,20 ton,batu,seberat,2 ton,ditemukan,warga,di nagan raya,aceh,fokus terkini,trending topik,newsmaker,sari berita,up date berita,sorotan kasus,jerat hukum,tangkap tangan,primetime news,kabar terkini,kontroversi,elit politik,suara rakyat,anggota dewan,sidang dewan,batu permata,akik,berburu akik,batu milyarder,batu giok raksasa,giok aceh,polisi,tni,JOKOWI,KPK,airasia,isis,qz8501,heboh,geger,gempar,giok raksasa,demam giok,Meunasah Teungoh,batu alam,emas,permata,berlian,twitwar,duel,bali nine,bali,hukum mati,Jakarta,ahok,istana,sumatera,padang,medan,pekanbaru,jambi,bengkulu,palembang,lampung,banten,jawa barat,bogor,bandung,solo,surabaya,Aceh Jaya Regency (Indonesian Regency),Banda Aceh (Indonesian City),Tourism (Interest),Diamond (Material),Gold (Chemical Element),serambi indonesia,Mining (Industry),Sarah sechan,sule,ini talkshow,bukan sekedar wayang,opera van java,Indonesian lawak club,raisa,one direction,noah,lesti,d`academy,Berita Jokowi,la academia,idol junior,Portal Berita,rising star,tari,tari rising star,house dangdut,goyang koplo,goyang pantat,One Direction,Linkin Park,video Lucu,funies Video,La`Academia,Indonesian Idol,Nikita Mirzani,tulus,adera,Fathin Shidqia,Geboy Mujair,cita citata,aliando,Aliando Syarief,prili,
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Film Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQFilm Komedi Aceh Terbaru 2014 (ZAHRA)Full HQ
Semoga memberi manfaat kepada kita semua. Amiin.
peristiwa perang di aceh pada masa lalu yang membuat masyarakat aceh trauma sejak di berlakukan dom( darurat operasi militer)
Video Amatir Kecelakaan Rush vs Pickup di Aceh Timur Video Amatir Kecelakaan Rush vs Pickup Informasi lengkap mengenai Video ini silahkan kunjungi : 1. 2. Sumbe Video : Channel ( Muhammad Diki) Reupload by Atjeh Cyber Videos
Batu giok aceh merupakan batu terindah di dunia dalam kurun waktu 20 tahun ke depan akan terus dicari sehingga harganya masih tetap tinggi,giok Aceh mempunyai ciri khas, jika dipegang terasa dingin, berbeda dengan batu mulia dari Garut dan batu bacan yang tidak dingin tapi memiliki kelebihan warna yang indah. Harga batu mulia tersebut bervariasi mulai dari Rp500 ribu hingga jutaan rupiah per kilogram dalam bentuk barang mentah atau batu yang belum digosok.
Banda Aceh islamic tourism with natural beauty. It's time to visit Banda Aceh, feel the harmony discover the extraordinary. Explore the different through fri...
The highlights of Banda Aceh Sumatra Indonesia. The Grand Mosque in the centre of town, the Museum Tsunami Aceh, PLTD Tsunami memorial, Monument To the World for thanks to all the countries who help Aceh after the Tsunami in 2004.
Video made for the Banda Aceh tourism board that promoted the area.This video was sent to Jakarta for a tourism operator expo.
Eco Guerrilla Treks - A new chapter in Aceh's tourism Life after the Aceh peace agreement can be tough for many former GAM combatants who struggle to adjust ...
Katagori : Peringatan Tsunami Kabupaten/Kota : Kota Banda Aceh Alamat Lokasi : Gampong/Desa Punge Blang Cut. Kota Banda Aceh Cara Menuju Lokasi : Dikarenakan letaknya hanya 2 km dari pusat Kota, maka kendaraan umum seperti taxi atau becak motor dapat menuju kesana
Katagori : Peringatan Tsunami Kabupaten/ Kota : Kota Banda Aceh Alamat Lokasi : Gampong Lampulo, Kec. Kuta Alam. Kota Banda Aceh Cara Menuju Lokasi : Bisa menggunakan kendaraan umum seperti becak motor ataupun taxi
On Boxing Day 2004 a tsunami devastated Indonesia's Aceh province, wiping out 140,000 homes and killing 170,000 people. Ten years on, the FT’s Ben Bland finds tourists returning to learn about its impact and how it ended a 30-year separatist conflict. Read the global perspective on world events Click here for more FT World videos For more video content from the Financial Times, visit Subscribe to the Financial Times on YouTube; Twitter Facebook
Kabupaten/Kota : Kota Banda Aceh Alamat Lokasi : Dipusat Ibu Kota Banda Aceh, Jln. Masjid Raya Baiturrahman, Kota Banda ACeh Cara Menuju Lokasi : Karena lokasi ditengah Kota Banda Aceh, anda dapat menjangkau tempat ini dengan banyak kendaraan yang tersedia, seperti becak motor dan labi-labi
Katagori : Peringatan Tsunami Kabupaten/Kota : Banda Aceh Alamat Lokasi: Lapangan Blang Padang Kota Banda Aceh Cara Menuju Lokasi : Lokasi ini hanya sekitar 1 KM dari pusat Kota Banda Aceh, pada gambar-gambar ini kelihatan dikejauhan puncak Menara Masjid Raya Baiturrahman. Untuk mencapai lokasi ini banyak kendaraan umum melintasi daerah tersebut
Katagori : Peringatan Tsunami Kabupaten/Kota : Kota Banda Aceh Alamat Lokasi : Ulee Lheue, Kecamatan Meuraxa, Kota Banda Aceh Cara Menuju Lokasi : Dapat ditempuh dengan berbagai jenis kendaraan, jarak tempuh sekitar 20 menit karena lokasi ini tidak jauh dari pusat Kota
Katagori : Peringatan Tsunami Kabupaten Kota : Kota Banda Aceh Alamat Lokasi : Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda, Gampong Ulee Lheu, Kec. Meuraxa. Kota Banda Aceh Cara Menuju Lokasi : Dapat ditempuh dengan kendaraan umumseperti angkutan kota yg sering disebut labi-labi, juga ada becak dan taxi selain kendaraan pribadi, jaraknya sekitar 5 KM dari pusat kota.
9 years on, 'tsunami tourism' has sprung up, with several sites around Banda Aceh preserved as memorials and open to visitors. The most striking among them is "PTLD Apung 1" - a huge electricity generator ship that was washed 5 kilometers inland by the force of the wave. The 2,600 ton vessel is still exactly where it landed that day, right in the middle of a village. The tsunami ship has attracted thousands of visitors since it opened as a tourist site in April 2013. Our reporters take you on a visit around. Read and watch more now:
Tsunami Escape Buiding adalah salah satu pusat evakuasi bagi masyarakat sekitar yang tinggal disepanjang garis pantai bila sewaktu2 bahaya tsunami datang. Dari Puncak gedung ini kita bisa melihat Kota Banda Aceh, Pantai Ulee Lheu, Pulau Sabang
Former combatants of the now disolved Free Aceh Movement (aka GAM) are now working as jungle trek tour guides since june 2007. They know every trail in the a...
Best Aceh tourism, Aceh tourism, best food walking pursuit
A group of tourists by Aceh Explorer joined on a trip to Pulau Batee, an uninhabitated island, approx. 45 minutes by boat from the harbor of UleeLheu. Approx. 1 hour or even 1 hour and a half by boat from Ulee Lheu or Lambadeuek (Ujung Pancu) there are a number of small islands (some of them uninhabited that have beautiful beaches. Activities include, swimming and fishing. Upon request we also offer camping overnight on the beach. Special Note: Since we respect our guests privacy we did not include footage of our guests swimming in the sea and sunbathing on the beach.
Peumulia Bule - Agam Inong Banda Aceh Deadline for vote is on March 22, 2014 at 9 pm. "Peumulia Jame Adat Geutanyoe" (Glorifying Guest Are Our Indigenous) is a great culture in Aceh and we hope, we could keep it forever. Please watch this video and give thumbs up ("Like"). This video is our entry into Agam Inong Banda Aceh "Tourism Ambassador" video contest. Agam Inong Banda Aceh Theme is "Everyone is Tourism Ambassador" Follow on Twitter We chose Aceh Tsunami Museum because it was one of the top destinations for tourist to come to Banda Aceh. We recorded this video in Banda Aceh, Indonesia and especially in Aceh Tsunami Museum. I thank everyone who willingly stood before my camera to be part of this video. Shot on Nikon D5100 and belongs to Muyassir Kahar. Follow on Twitter FilmMaker Crews : Furqan Maudhudy | Tourism Candidate for Agam Banda Aceh. Follow Furqan on Twitter Cut Sannas Saskia | Tourism Candidate for Inong Banda Aceh. Follow Sannas on Twitter Rinaldy Hasbi | Cameramen. Jovid | Tajikistan. Tourist. Ahmad | Turkey. Tourist. Editting : With the little touch of Magisto and Fatih Bilingual School's Lab. Computer. Thank you for watching this video and we hope you like it. Share and Comment "We are tourism ambassador from (City, Country)"
when i see ms.rini teach mr.nick.i'm very xuper like it.because acehnese people instruct singapore people.:D
Begitu Indahnya Wisata Aceh Untuk Dikunjungi "Come on holiday to Aceh" Aceh Tourism official promotional video Kenikmatan dan kesuksesan Perjalanan sebuah tour hanya dapat diperoleh jika anda mengaturnya dengan benar, sebuah perencanaan tour yang matang dan wisata yang indah untuk dikenang membutuhkan persiapan dan pengalaman dalam pengelolaannya. Percayakan wisata dan tour anda kepada kami, kami akan memberikan pelayanan yang baik. email :
A short story journey to beautiful land, Aceh Jaya. One of district in Aceh growing up after devastating tsunami in 2004 ago. Please visit these place.
this is all i taken some it. Photograper:muhammad haiqal maulana called:raj.
Watch the inspiring story of an Acehnese resident who lost almost everything to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. With the help of NGOs, she was able to rebuild her bakery and today enjoys an average of $2,000 in sales every day. Kisah inspiratif seorang korban tsunami Aceh yang berhasil bangkit dari nol dan sekarang sudah menjadi pengusaha roti dengan omset Rp 25 juta per hari. Baca cerita selengkapnya disini:
investPenang and the Aceh Invesment Promotion Board has signed an MOU to reaffirm Penang-Aceh business tie. Dato' Lee Kah Choon representing investPenang whi...
INFORMATIKA KOMPUTER 68 LP3I BANDA ACEH at HUT LP3I Business College Banda Aceh ke 25 — di RUMAH Entrepreneur LP3I Banda Aceh
Acara TITA Business & Family Gathering 2015 yang selanjutnya akan di laksanakan di Aceh.
More than 100,000 people were jobless after the tsunami in Aceh. Along with reviving traditional livelihoods, rehabilitation and reconstruction have led to new business opportunities for many.
Munial Sport Group (MSG) is a Sport Agency, Marketing, Entertainment Company that is base in Jakarta. We manage some World Class and National athlete,marketing consultant in many national sporting and entertainment event in Indonesia. The company represents and works with many others in realm world top athletes like in soccer, boxing, basketball, tennis, pool, etc. We are a leading company in sport marketing in Indonesia, with several business units such as: 1. Sport and Talent Management : We have formed a collaboration before with top international and national athletes such as Cristiano Ronaldo, Fernando Torres, Jose Antonio Reyes, Cesc Fabregas, Bambang Pamungkas, Denny Sumargo, Taufik Hidayat,etc. 2. Event Management : The commercial consultant for Manchester United Tour to Jakarta (2009), Reguler Golf Amateur Event di Indonesia, Football Fever MSG Immigrant, etc. 3. Sport Academy : (Golf Academy , Badminton Academy , Football Academy , etc) 4. Sport Travel : (watching English Premier League, Spanish La Liga, etc)
24 years in business .. precious stones I have never seen as beautiful jade stone Aceh ... " Jade stone Aceh is the most beautiful in the world within the next 20 years will continue to look for so the price is still high, says businessman precious stone precious stone in the center Rawabening, Jakarta, AB Hamdi. "Over 24 years in business gems I have never seen as beautiful jade stone Aceh," said Hamdi, the Coffee Gayo dialogue and Jade Aceh, Jakarta, on Wednesday. Dialogue is a series of exhibitions and jade coffee Gayo Aceh at the Senayan Didong Nusantara Building V 2 in the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, which runs until Saturday (6/9). Hamdi said, jade Aceh has a characteristic, if they are so cold, in contrast with precious stones from Garut and Bacan stone cold but that does not have the advantages of beautiful colors. Precious stones like jade from Aceh Aceh and Aceh moss rock or indocrase current starts to peep and became the target and the price is also quite high. One of the areas producing jade (nephrite jade), which is in the district of Nagan Raya and the River Moss, Central Aceh, Gayo Lues and. The price of the precious stones ranging from 500 thousand to millions of dollars per kilogram in the form of raw materials or rock that has not been scrubbed. He said that during the next 20 years jade Aceh will continue to look for so the price is still high. "For rock fans better buy now because prices are still cheap because jade Aceh will continue to boom and sought after especially by the Chinese to be made sculptures and can cost up to hundreds of millions of dollars," he said. According to him, since long precious stones from Indonesia had to be excellent but less exposed so that it is not known even use names from other countries such as Taiwan stone.
Melihat Aceh lebih dekat "Ayo berlibur ke Aceh" Video promosi dinas Pariwisata Aceh
LIKE Facebook Kami : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Berita 26 Maret 2015 - VIDEO SIAPA Ganggu ACEH - Angin Puting Beliung - Waspada Bakso CELENG - ISIS Bupati Aceh Utara H Muhammad Thaib menghimbau masyarakat Aceh Utara untuk selalu menjaga perdamaian Aceh yang sudah terbina selama ini. Hal tersebut disampikan Muhammad Thaib yang kerap disapa Cek Mad, terkait kasus tewasnya Sertu Indra Irawan dan Serda Hendrianto yang merupakan intel Kodim 0103 Aceh Utara di Dusun Batee Pila, Gampong Alue Papeun, Kecamatan Nisam Antara, Aceh Utara. “Kami menghimbau kepada seluruh komponen masyarakat Aceh Utara untuk tetap berperan aktif dalam menjaga keamanan dan ketertiban di lingkungan masing-masing, sehingga suasana kondusif terpelihara dengan baik, ini kepentingan kita semua” kata Cek Mad, saat ditemui, Rabu (25/3/2015) di Aceh Utara. Perdamaian yang sedang berlangsung ini kata Muhammad Thaib, harus dipertahankan dan dirawat dengan baik, jangan ada kelompok-kelompok yang meganggu perdamaian di Aceh. “Bila ada orang yang mencurigakan masuk ke gampong, masyarakat harus berani melapor ke pihak kepolisian, ini tujuan untuk kenyamanan kita bersama,” ungkapnya. Dijelaskan, puluhan tahun Aceh dilanda konflik bersenjata, masyarakat hidup dalam suasana penderitaan panjang dan berakhir dengan penandatanganan perdamaian antara GAM dengan Pemerintah RI di Helsinki, Finlandia tahun 2005 lalu. Muhammad Thaib mengingatkan, semua pihak untuk bersama-sama mempertahankan situasi keamanan yang damai dan kondusif guna membangun Aceh kedepan yang lebih baik dan bermartabat. jokowi capres,jokowi 2015,berita terbaru,Joko Widodo (Politician) mata najwa, berita ,kick andy,berita terbaru hari ini, liputan6 beritasatu,berita Indonesia,debat tv one, ahok ,metro tv.Joko Widodo,berita terkini,berita tv one,berita hari ini,berita jokowi, jokowi capres 2015,jokowi apec, jokowi,pemprov DKI,jokowi ahok,jokowi jk, berita ahok, berita ahok terbaru, Banjir Jakarta 2015, Banjir Jakarta Hari Ini air asia hilang, air asia dari surabaya ke singapura, pesawat air asia, air asia qz8501, EXCLUSIF - Evakuasi Korban Pesawat AirAsia QZ 8501 [LIVE],Air Asia menghilang, QZ 8501, Air Asia, Jenazah Air Asia, BASARNAS, Jenazah Korban Air Asia Ditemukan TNI AL Di Selat Karimata, korban air asia ditemukan, air asia, air asia missing, air asia hilang, air asia surabaya singapura, airasia hilang kontak,airasia, kalimantan, regional, Berita, Berita Riau, pencarian Hari Ketiga, Keempat, Kelima, Keenam, Ketujuh, Air Asia, .:: Jangan Lupa di "SUBSCRIBE" Ya :) ::. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artis, Indonesia, Kabar Berita, Terbaru, Selebritis, olah raga, dunia, ekonomi, politik, masalah, International News, World Video, Breaking News, Updates, World Stories, TV Online, World Business, Global Trends, Headlines, Global News Reports, World News Today, Asia, America, Afrika, Europe, The Daily Beast, Analysis & Debate, Aceh: Pesawat Kepresidenan RI Boeing Business Jet 2 melakukan uji terbang perdana ke Bandara Sultan Iskandar Muda, Aceh Besar, Aceh, Rabu (1...
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In Aceh Province on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, Sharia police break up a game of dominos. Despite the players' protests that they are not gambling, the...
PM Tony Abbott Dikecam di Twitter, Facebook dan Path. Kecaman terhadap pernyataan Perdana Menteri Australia Tony Abbott ternyata bukan hanya datang dari Indonesia. Dari Negeri Kanguru, kecaman juga dialamatkan pada sang perdana menteri. Kecaman di jejaring sosial seperti Twitter, Facebook, Path, dan media sosial lainnya banyak dialamatkan pada Abbott yang mengaitkan permintaan pengampunan 2 warga negara Australia agar lolos dari hukuman mati yang dihubungkan dengan bantuan kemanusiaan saat tsunami Aceh. Dengan tagar #koinforaustralia, kecaman bukan hanya datang dari warga negara Indonesia tetapi juga dari Australia. Seperti dari akun @sircaptainterminal yang meminta agar gerakan koin untuk Australia dihentikan disertai komentar menggelitik agar sang perdana menteri dikirim saja ke Indonesia. Selanjutnya dalam akun @volvoofdoom meminta agar rakyat Indonesia tidak membenci Australia hanya karena pemimpinnya yang tidak bijaksana. Lalu ada akun @akfru yang menyatakan juga membenci Abbott dan akan melengserkannya begitu mendapat kesempatan. Sementara itu, seorang pengguna Twitter lain bernama Jessica Gallagher mengaku malu atas pernyataan pemimpin Australia tersebut. Pernyataan Abbott sendiri adalah untuk menyelamatkan 2 warganya, Myuran dan Andrew Chan yang merupakan anggota sindikat Bali Nine dari hukuman mati. Tetapi bila menilik kembali kasusnya, boleh jadi hal ini sebenarnya justru menguntungkan Australia, karena heroin seberat 8,2 kilogram yang akan diselundupkan dari Bali menuju Australia urung dilakukan. Sumber: ========== Panglima TNI: Jangan Coba-coba Ganggu Eksekusi Mati. Sejumlah manuver dilancarkan pemerintah Australia dan Brasil sebagai protes atas keputusan eksekusi mati warganya oleh Indonesia. Sekjen PBB Ban Ki Moon bahkan turut berkomentar meminta Indonesia menghentikan rangkaian eksekusi mati terhadap para pengedar narkoba itu. Namun Indonesia teguh ingin memberantas peredaran barang haram itu. Pengamanan hukuman mati pun sudah dijamin oleh Panglima TNI Jenderal TNI Moeldoko. Moeldoko bahkan menegaskan, tidak boleh ada pihak yang menghalangi jalannya eksekusi mati. "Jangan coba mengganggu jalannya eksekusi dengan cara apa pun, dengan konteks militer kita sudah siap," ujar Moeldoko usai pertemuan dengan GP Anshor di Mabes TNI, Cilangkap, Jakarta, Senin (23/5/2015). Moeldoko mengakui, berbagai cara diplomatis yang dilakukan Australia dan Brasil merupakan ranah politik. Tapi dilihat dari sisi keamanan negara, TNI tetap harus menyiapkan diri menjaga kedaulatan bangsa. "Dalam konteks politik, not my business. Tapi hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan kedaulatan jangan main-main dengan saya," ucap Moeldoko. TNI, kata dia, sudah mengantisipasi berbagai kemungkinan adanya gangguan keamanan selama proses eksekusi berlangsung. Karena itu, Moeldoko mengingatkan jangan ada yang coba mengganggu jalannya eksekusi dengan cara apa pun. "Jangan coba-coba ada skenario yang ganggu jalannya eksekusi," pungkas sang jenderal. Sumber: ======== Mayoritas Warga Australia Dukung Eksekusi Hukuman Mati. Satu survei khusus Morgan Poll melalui pesan singkat (SMS) menunjukkan, 52 persen warga Australia setuju terpidana mati penyelundupan narkoba di negara lain harus dieksekusi, sementara 48 persen lainnya mengatakan tidak setuju. Menurut hasil survei yang dilansir laman Roy Morgan Research, Kamis, survei SMS Morgan Poll ini melibatkan 2.123 warga Australia dalam rentang waktu 23 hingga 27 Januari 2015. Selengkapnya: ========== #CoinForAustralia #KoinUntukAustralia
Berita Terbaru Hari Ini 24 Februari 2015 - VIDEO Warga Aceh Gelar AKSI Gali Kubur BALI NINE Eksekusi Mati Puluhan korban tsunami di Aceh Barat menggelar aksi protes terhadap pernyataan PM Australia, Tony Abbott yang mengungkit-ungkit bantuan tsunami dengan pengampunan hukuman mati. Mereka menggali kuburan untuk dua warga Australia yang divonis hukuman mati karena tersandung kasus narkoba di Denpasar, Bali. Dua liang kubur ini digali korban tsunami di Pantai Pasir Putih, Desa Ujong Kalak, Kecamatan Johan Pahlawan, Aceh Barat. Warga juga membawa sejumlah poster berisi tulisan kritik terhadap Tony Abbott. Kuburan itu digali berdampingan oleh masyarakat. Aksi tersebut sebagai bentuk sindiran terhadap PM Australia yang dinilai telah menyakiti korban tsunami Aceh. Dalam pernyataannya, Abbott kembali mengungkit-ungkit bantuan Australia saat tsunami Aceh dengan pengampunan hukuman mati terhadap dua warganya. Seorang warga yang ikut aksi ini, Edi Candra, mengatakan, dua kuburan ini digali untuk dua warga Australia yang akan dieksekusi mati karena tersandung kasus narkoba. Keduanya adalah Myuran Sukumaran dan Andrew Chan, yang merupakan anggota sindikat "Bali Nine". "Aksi ini sebagai bentuk balas budi kita terhadap warga Australia," kata Andrew Chan, Minggu (22/2/2015). Selain menggali kuburan, korban tsunami di Aceh Barat juga akan menggalang batu giok untuk mencicil kembali bantuan Australia yang diberikan kepada Aceh. Mereka juga mengaku siap mengembalikan bantuan Australia jika diminta kembali. "PM Australia seharusnya tidak mengungkit-ungkit bantuan tsunami dengan permohonan pengampuan hukuman mati. Tidak ada hubungan bantuan tsunami dengan hukuman mati," jelasnya. jokowi capres,jokowi 2015,berita terbaru,Joko Widodo (Politician) mata najwa, berita ,kick andy,berita terbaru hari ini, liputan6 beritasatu,berita Indonesia,debat tv one, ahok ,metro tv.Joko Widodo,berita terkini,berita tv one,berita hari ini,berita jokowi, jokowi capres 2015,jokowi apec, jokowi,pemprov DKI,jokowi ahok,jokowi jk, berita ahok, berita ahok terbaru, Banjir Jakarta 2015, Banjir Jakarta Hari Ini air asia hilang, air asia dari surabaya ke singapura, pesawat air asia, air asia qz8501, EXCLUSIF - Evakuasi Korban Pesawat AirAsia QZ 8501 [LIVE],Air Asia menghilang, QZ 8501, Air Asia, Jenazah Air Asia, BASARNAS, Jenazah Korban Air Asia Ditemukan TNI AL Di Selat Karimata, korban air asia ditemukan, air asia, air asia missing, air asia hilang, air asia surabaya singapura, airasia hilang kontak,airasia, kalimantan, regional, Berita, Berita Riau, pencarian Hari Ketiga, Keempat, Kelima, Keenam, Ketujuh, Air Asia, EXCLUSIF Evakuasi Korban Pesawat AirAsia QZ 8501, Jenasah Korban AirAsia Ditemukan, Mayat Korban AirAsia Ditemukan, Jenasah Korban AirAsia Dievakuasi, evakuasi, Indonesia AirAsia (Airline), PESAWAT AIR ASIA, AIR ASIA, AIR ASIA DITEMUKAN, DITEMUKAN, KETEMU, QZ 8501 KETEMU, PENEMUAN PESAWAT AIRASIA 2014, air asia ditemukan, airasia, air asia hilang, air asia flight missing, airasia qz 8501, airasia found, airasia 8501, air asia flight, air asia flight found, air asia crash .:: Jangan Lupa di "SUBSCRIBE" Ya :) ::. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artis, Indonesia, Kabar Berita, Terbaru, Selebritis, olah raga, dunia, ekonomi, politik, masalah, International News, World Video, Breaking News, Updates, World Stories, TV Online, World Business, Global Trends, Headlines, Global News Reports, World News Today, Asia, America, Afrika, Europe, The Daily Beast, Analysis & Debate
Konsep tugu 0 KM Indonesia - Sabang - Aceh Tugu yang dibangun oleh BPKS bekerjasama dengan Pemko Sabang ini akan menghabiskan anggarana senilai Rp. 20 miliar lebih. Situs tugu nol kilometer selama ini memang menjadi salahsatu tujuan wajib wisatawan ke sabang dengan mendapatkan sertifikat tentunya wisawatan yang berkunjung ke sabang tidak akan melewati moment berharga untuk membawa pulang sertifikat nol kilometer. Konsep tugu 0 KM Indonesia - Sabang - Aceh Konsep tugu Nol KM Indonesia - Sabang - Aceh - Indonesia Konsep tugu Nol KM Indonesia - Sabang - Aceh - Indonesia Konsep tugu Nol KM Indonesia - Sabang - Aceh - Indonesia Konsep tugu Nol KM Indonesia - Sabang - Aceh - Indonesia Konsep tugu Nol KM Indonesia - Sabang - Aceh - Indonesia Konsep tugu Nol KM Indonesia - Sabang - Aceh - Indonesia Konsep tugu Nol KM Indonesia - Sabang - Aceh - IndonesiaKonsep tugu Nol KM Indonesia - Sabang - Aceh - Indonesia Konsep tugu Nol KM Indonesia - Sabang - Aceh - Indonesia
Jakarta - Presiden Joko Widodo baru saja tiba di Jakarta dari kunjungan kerja di Nangroe Aceh Darussalam. Begitu tiba, malam ini juga Jokowi gelar rapat di Istana Negara. Pesawat kepresidenan Boeing Business Jet (BBJ) Indonesia 1 yang membawa Jokowi dan rombongan tiba di Bandara Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta Timur, sekitar pukul 19.10 WIB, Selasa (10/3/2015). Begitu tiba, Jokowi langsung ke Istana Negara, Jakarta Pusat. "Malam ini, pertemuan biasa kalau malam-malam kita, umum. Ya banyak yang berkaitan dengan ekonomi, yang berkaitan bukan ekonomi juga ada," ujar Jokowi. Jokowi tak merinci soal pertemuan itu. Namun, berdasarkan informasi yang dihimpun, Jokowi akan rapat bersama Menteri Perekonomian Sofjan Djalil, Menteri Keuangan Bambang Brodjonegoro, Dirjen Pajak dan Deputi Senior Bank Indonesia (BI). Beberapa pejabat tersebut diketahui suda tiba di Istana Negara sejak pukul 19.00 WIB. I created this video with the YouTube Slideshow Creator (
Loen Menyanyi Merupakan lagu daerah Aceh yang mengisahkan tentang seorang penyanyi yang bertujuan untuk menghibur pendengarnya. :-) Business or Pleasure (Comedy) Chappie The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 2 (Drama) Friday the 13th Sequel (Sequel) Cinderella (Adventure) In the Heart of the Sea (Drama) Insurgent (Sequel) Get Hard (Comedy) The Penguins of Madagascar (Family)
#CoinForAustralia #KoinUntukAustralia PM Tony Abbott Dikecam di Twitter, Facebook dan Path. Kecaman terhadap pernyataan Perdana Menteri Australia Tony Abbott ternyata bukan hanya datang dari Indonesia. Dari Negeri Kanguru, kecaman juga dialamatkan pada sang perdana menteri. Kecaman di jejaring sosial seperti Twitter, Facebook, Path, dan media sosial lainnya banyak dialamatkan pada Abbott yang mengaitkan permintaan pengampunan 2 warga negara Australia agar lolos dari hukuman mati yang dihubungkan dengan bantuan kemanusiaan saat tsunami Aceh. Dengan tagar #koinforaustralia, kecaman bukan hanya datang dari warga negara Indonesia tetapi juga dari Australia. Seperti dari akun @sircaptainterminal yang meminta agar gerakan koin untuk Australia dihentikan disertai komentar menggelitik agar sang perdana menteri dikirim saja ke Indonesia. Selanjutnya dalam akun @volvoofdoom meminta agar rakyat Indonesia tidak membenci Australia hanya karena pemimpinnya yang tidak bijaksana. Lalu ada akun @akfru yang menyatakan juga membenci Abbott dan akan melengserkannya begitu mendapat kesempatan. Sementara itu, seorang pengguna Twitter lain bernama Jessica Gallagher mengaku malu atas pernyataan pemimpin Australia tersebut. Pernyataan Abbott sendiri adalah untuk menyelamatkan 2 warganya, Myuran dan Andrew Chan yang merupakan anggota sindikat Bali Nine dari hukuman mati. Tetapi bila menilik kembali kasusnya, boleh jadi hal ini sebenarnya justru menguntungkan Australia, karena heroin seberat 8,2 kilogram yang akan diselundupkan dari Bali menuju Australia urung dilakukan. Sumber: ========== Panglima TNI: Jangan Coba-coba Ganggu Eksekusi Mati. Sejumlah manuver dilancarkan pemerintah Australia dan Brasil sebagai protes atas keputusan eksekusi mati warganya oleh Indonesia. Sekjen PBB Ban Ki Moon bahkan turut berkomentar meminta Indonesia menghentikan rangkaian eksekusi mati terhadap para pengedar narkoba itu. Namun Indonesia teguh ingin memberantas peredaran barang haram itu. Pengamanan hukuman mati pun sudah dijamin oleh Panglima TNI Jenderal TNI Moeldoko. Moeldoko bahkan menegaskan, tidak boleh ada pihak yang menghalangi jalannya eksekusi mati. "Jangan coba mengganggu jalannya eksekusi dengan cara apa pun, dengan konteks militer kita sudah siap," ujar Moeldoko usai pertemuan dengan GP Anshor di Mabes TNI, Cilangkap, Jakarta, Senin (23/5/2015). Moeldoko mengakui, berbagai cara diplomatis yang dilakukan Australia dan Brasil merupakan ranah politik. Tapi dilihat dari sisi keamanan negara, TNI tetap harus menyiapkan diri menjaga kedaulatan bangsa. "Dalam konteks politik, not my business. Tapi hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan kedaulatan jangan main-main dengan saya," ucap Moeldoko. TNI, kata dia, sudah mengantisipasi berbagai kemungkinan adanya gangguan keamanan selama proses eksekusi berlangsung. Karena itu, Moeldoko mengingatkan jangan ada yang coba mengganggu jalannya eksekusi dengan cara apa pun. "Jangan coba-coba ada skenario yang ganggu jalannya eksekusi," pungkas sang jenderal. Sumber: ========= Warga Aceh Terus Kumpulkan Koin untuk Australia di Halaman Masjid. Warga Aceh masih geram atas pernyataan Perdana Menteri Australia Tony Abbott yang mengungkit soal bantuan A$ 1 miliar saat tsunami 2004 lalu. Aksi pengumpulan koin untuk Australia juga masih berlangsung. Aksi sindiran untuk pemerintah Australia ini digelar di halaman Masjid Raya Baiturrahman, Banda Aceh, oleh Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa (KAMMI) Aceh. "Tidak sebanding tindakan tulus warga Australia membantu Aceh yang dibandingkan untuk menyelamatkan gerbong narkoba," ujar Koordinator Aksi, Martunis, di Banda Aceh, Aceh, Senin (23/2/2015). Dia menilai, pernyataan Abbott tersebut merupakan komunikasi politik yang sangat buruk. Yang bahkan melukai hati masyarakat Aceh. Karena itu, dia mendesak pemerintah untuk mengeksekusi mati para terpidana narkoba. "KAMMI mendesak Presiden Jokowi untuk tetap mempertahankan marwah bangsa dengan tetap mengeksekusi mati gerbong narkoba Bali Nine," ujar Martinus. Ketua KAMMI Aceh Darlis Aziz mengaku yakin masyarakat Aceh akan mampu mengembalikan bantuan Negeri Kanguru tersebut dengan terus menggalang koin untuk Australia. "Masyarakat Aceh sangat antusias mengembalikan bantuan Australia, dengan berbagai kegiatan sosial, karena bantuan tsunami tidak sebanding untuk membebaskan gerbong narkoba yang sudah merusak ribuan jiwa masyarakat Indonesia," tandas Darlis Aziz. Sumber:
In this new let's play, we set out on a journey to form the nation of Malaya by starting as Aceh, expanding outward from the island nowadays known as Sumatra Twitter: G+: E-mail: If you want, you can like this video, subscribe to the channel, even share the video or the channel itself! I would really appreciate it, because more viewers means more and even better content for you all! "Copyright © 2013 Paradox Interactive AB."
PM Tony Abbott Dikecam di Twitter, Facebook dan Path. Kecaman terhadap pernyataan Perdana Menteri Australia Tony Abbott ternyata bukan hanya datang dari Indonesia. Dari Negeri Kanguru, kecaman juga dialamatkan pada sang perdana menteri. Kecaman di jejaring sosial seperti Twitter, Facebook, Path, dan media sosial lainnya banyak dialamatkan pada Abbott yang mengaitkan permintaan pengampunan 2 warga negara Australia agar lolos dari hukuman mati yang dihubungkan dengan bantuan kemanusiaan saat tsunami Aceh. Dengan tagar #koinforaustralia, kecaman bukan hanya datang dari warga negara Indonesia tetapi juga dari Australia. Seperti dari akun @sircaptainterminal yang meminta agar gerakan koin untuk Australia dihentikan disertai komentar menggelitik agar sang perdana menteri dikirim saja ke Indonesia. Selanjutnya dalam akun @volvoofdoom meminta agar rakyat Indonesia tidak membenci Australia hanya karena pemimpinnya yang tidak bijaksana. Lalu ada akun @akfru yang menyatakan juga membenci Abbott dan akan melengserkannya begitu mendapat kesempatan. Sementara itu, seorang pengguna Twitter lain bernama Jessica Gallagher mengaku malu atas pernyataan pemimpin Australia tersebut. Pernyataan Abbott sendiri adalah untuk menyelamatkan 2 warganya, Myuran dan Andrew Chan yang merupakan anggota sindikat Bali Nine dari hukuman mati. Tetapi bila menilik kembali kasusnya, boleh jadi hal ini sebenarnya justru menguntungkan Australia, karena heroin seberat 8,2 kilogram yang akan diselundupkan dari Bali menuju Australia urung dilakukan. Sumber: ========== Panglima TNI: Jangan Coba-coba Ganggu Eksekusi Mati. Sejumlah manuver dilancarkan pemerintah Australia dan Brasil sebagai protes atas keputusan eksekusi mati warganya oleh Indonesia. Sekjen PBB Ban Ki Moon bahkan turut berkomentar meminta Indonesia menghentikan rangkaian eksekusi mati terhadap para pengedar narkoba itu. Namun Indonesia teguh ingin memberantas peredaran barang haram itu. Pengamanan hukuman mati pun sudah dijamin oleh Panglima TNI Jenderal TNI Moeldoko. Moeldoko bahkan menegaskan, tidak boleh ada pihak yang menghalangi jalannya eksekusi mati. "Jangan coba mengganggu jalannya eksekusi dengan cara apa pun, dengan konteks militer kita sudah siap," ujar Moeldoko usai pertemuan dengan GP Anshor di Mabes TNI, Cilangkap, Jakarta, Senin (23/5/2015). Moeldoko mengakui, berbagai cara diplomatis yang dilakukan Australia dan Brasil merupakan ranah politik. Tapi dilihat dari sisi keamanan negara, TNI tetap harus menyiapkan diri menjaga kedaulatan bangsa. "Dalam konteks politik, not my business. Tapi hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan kedaulatan jangan main-main dengan saya," ucap Moeldoko. TNI, kata dia, sudah mengantisipasi berbagai kemungkinan adanya gangguan keamanan selama proses eksekusi berlangsung. Karena itu, Moeldoko mengingatkan jangan ada yang coba mengganggu jalannya eksekusi dengan cara apa pun. "Jangan coba-coba ada skenario yang ganggu jalannya eksekusi," pungkas sang jenderal. Sumber:
to see more video here : please no haters. This is not my copyright just backup and sharing. I beg permission accident, ...
Qnet Aceh
Grand Nanggroe Hotel Aceh Grand Nanggroe Hotel is perfectly located for both business and leisure guests in Aceh. The property features a wide range of facilities to make your stay a pleasant experience. Facilities like car park, airport transfer, restaurant, Wi-Fi in public areas, 24hr room service are readily available for
The Aceh War, also known as the Dutch War or the Infidel War (1873-1914), was an armed military conflict between the Sultanate of Aceh and the Netherlands wh...
Lagu Aceh Rafly Asai Nanggroe
A demonstration in solidarity with the Aceh punks, held opposite the Indonesian Embassy in London on 20 December 2011. For more information, visit: https://w...
caleg hanura dian rahmat syahputra alias dj vitra punya misi khusus untuk kemajuan banda aceh. misi-nya tidak muluk-muluk dan tidak munafik. yaitu anak muda banda aceh maju dengan musik, cinta dan pesta. nikmati masa muda dengan asik dan tidak mengganggu yang lain. syariat islam siap dilawan, asal mendapat dukungan menuju parlemen banda aceh. wajib kita dukung niyh bro...!
Outbound Training Bank Aceh di Hotel Padede di Sabang Banda Aceh bersama untuk info lebih lanjut kunjungi kami di http://goo...
Kasus sapi aceh yang terbakar didalam kandang karena kelalaian peternak, sapi yang diikat dekat dengan (pengasapan dalam kandang) sehingga sapi terjebak dalam perapian. Pengobatan dengan gusanex dan obat penguat otot dilakukan oleh paramedis UPT puskeswan blang mangat kota lhokseumawe.
Liga Primer Indonesia : Manado United9 vs Aceh United 13/02/2011 Stadion Klabat Manado.
gamabar dari atas bentuk aceh.
Facebook: Brett Waste D.I.Y. Biafran Punk Alias Random Generator Punk Anti-Culture Blog Post: ...
The number of people affected by natural disasters continues to increase. Examples of natural disasters include floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and t...
Banda Aceh 5 - 14 Maret 2011
a UNICEF supported video series made in collaboration and about Acehnese children who survived the 04 tsunami.
Untuk memperebutkan juara ke - III Stui FC di paksa harus bermain imbang 2-2 oleh Keuramat FC, Sehingga pertandingan harus ditentukan melalui Adu Penalty, Yo...
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This dance is originated from Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, the girls version of the famous "Saman Dance". Performed by Yossi, Pinkan, Avrila, Mira, Ecca, Impi, ...
Meet the performers of "Tari Aceh! Music and Dance from Northern Sumatra." Their dances, inherited from their ancestors, are stunning in their synchronicity and include rhythmic body percussion and the singing of both Islamic liturgical and folk texts, accompanied by percussion. The dancers are between the ages of 14 and 24, and study at Syiah Kuala University, located in Banda Aceh, the capital of the Aceh province on the western Indonesian island of Sumatra. Leadership Support for this program is made possible by a grant from the Association of Performing Arts Presenters: Building Bridges: Campus and Community Engagement Grants Program, a component of the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and the Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art, the Expeditions Program of the New England Foundation for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts. This program is part of Muslim Women's Voices at Wesleyan. Film by Maho Ishiguro, Ph.D. Candidate at Wesleyan University.
"Kesenian Gayo", sort of Saman Dance from Aceh province, Northern Sumatra, Indonesia, performed at UNESCO Paris, 10 june 2010.
This dance illustrates the spirit of togetherness and mutual cooperation performed cheerfully, dinamycally and attractively. It can be accompanied only by so...
Penampilan Suara Akademia bersama Prodigy Conservatory of Music membawakan lagu 'You Raise Me Up' yang dipopulerkan oleh Josh Groban
Lestarikan budaya gayo
[English] This is one of popular traditional art from Aceh (a province in Indonesia) that almost disappears these days. This art was performed by Yun Casalon...
[English] This is one of popular traditional art from Aceh (a province in Indonesia) that almost disappears these days. This art was performed by Yun Casalon...
[English] This is one of popular traditional art from Aceh (a province in Indonesia) that almost disappears these days. This art was performed by Yun Casalon...
[English] This is one of popular traditional art from Aceh (a province in Indonesia) that almost disappears these days. This art was performed by Yun Casalon...
Learn about the performance of "Tari Aceh! Music and Dance from Northern Sumatra." These dances, passed down through generations, are stunning in their synchronicity and include rhythmic body percussion and the singing of both Islamic liturgical and folk texts, accompanied by percussion. The dancers are between the ages of 14 and 24, and study at Syiah Kuala University, located in Banda Aceh, the capital of the Aceh province on the western Indonesian island of Sumatra. Leadership Support for this program is made possible by a grant from the Association of Performing Arts Presenters: Building Bridges: Campus and Community Engagement Grants Program, a component of the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and the Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art, the Expeditions Program of the New England Foundation for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts. This program is part of Muslim Women's Voices at Wesleyan. Film by Maho Ishiguro, Ph.D. Candidate at Wesleyan University.
Need Some? Visit Aceh Aerial Footage | Aceh Landscape | Aceh Landmark | Aceh Time Lapse | Aceh Heritage | Aceh Industry | Aceh Forest | Aceh Environmental | Banda Aceh | Aceh Mosque | Aceh Art | Aceh Festival | Banda Aceh Festival | Aceh Wedding
Sebuah dance yang tak karuan di acara Pelantikan OSMUQ.
===== Notes ===== The Hikayat storytelling is a traditional art form in Aceh often used to entertain and convey messages to the public. This performance is by renowned Hikayat artist, Muda Balia, of Southeast Aceh. His performance was accompanied by traditional flutes - by himself and another flutist Teguh Karya - as well as framed with poetry-recital by poet/author Zubaidah Djohar. The event was held on Saturday, 27 December 2014, at the Kapal Apung Monument, Banda Aceh, as part of the Children Photography Exhibition by victims of the 2004 tsunami in Thailand and Aceh to mark the 10th anniversary of the Indian Ocean Tsunami disaster, held by Aceh-based non-profit organisations, the Children’s Media Centre and The Geutanyoe Foundation, in partnership with the InSIGHT Out! project. For More Information Please Contact: Children's Media Centre Yayasan Geutanyoe InSIGHT OUT! ======= Catatan ======= Seni tutur Hikayat adalah sebuah bentuk seni tradisional di Aceh yang sering digunakan untuk menghibur dan menyampaikan pesan kepada publik. Penampilan ini adalah dengan dari seniman Hikayat terkenal, Muda Balia, dari Aceh Tenggara. Penampilannya didampingi oleh seruling tradisional - oleh dirinya sendiri dan bersama pemain suling lain Teguh Karya - serta dibingkai dengan pembacaan puisi oleh penyair/penulis Zubaidah Djohar. Acara ini diselenggarakan pada Sabtu, 27 Desember 2014, di Monumen Kapal Apung, Banda Aceh, sebagai bagian dari Pameran Fotografi oleh Anak-anak korban tsunami 2004 di Thailand dan Aceh untuk Peringatan ke-10 Tsunami Samudera Hindia yang diselenggarakan organisasi nirlaba di Aceh, the Children’s Media Centre dan Yayasan Geutanyoe yang bersama dengan proyek InSIGHT Out! Untuk Informasi Lebih Lanjut SIlahkan Menghubungi: Children's Media Centre Yayasan Geutanyoe InSIGHT OUT!
Di Channel Ragam Budaya Indonesia ini terdapat video dari berbagai sumber yang dirangkum menjadi satu untuk tujuan pengetahuan dan pembelajaran Rakyat Indonesia. ------------ SUBCRIBE/BERLANGGANAN VIDEO KEBUDAYAAN TERBARU DENGAN KLIK BERLANGGANAN ------------ Selamat menikati video yang tersaji di chanel Ragam Budaya Indonesia. Segera di update soal : Budaya Lokal, Pencak Silat, Perguruan Pendekar, Kultur, Rumah adat, Tarian Daerah, Tarian Suku, Daftar lagu daerah Indonesia, Musik di Indonesia, Seni Gambar, Seni Patung, Pakaian Adat, Seni Suara Sinden Talibun Dikili, Seni Sastra Indonesia, Makanan Khas Daerah Indonesia, seni budaya indonesia, contoh budaya indonesia, sistem sosial budaya indonesia, budaya indonesia ppt, budaya indonesia dimata dunia, budaya indonesia yang unik, budaya indonesia adalah, budaya indonesia yang diakui dunia, dll..
Di Channel Ragam Budaya Indonesia ini terdapat video dari berbagai sumber yang dirangkum menjadi satu untuk tujuan pengetahuan dan pembelajaran Rakyat Indonesia. ------------ SUBCRIBE/BERLANGGANAN VIDEO KEBUDAYAAN TERBARU DENGAN KLIK BERLANGGANAN ------------ Selamat menikati video yang tersaji di chanel Ragam Budaya Indonesia. Segera di update soal : Budaya Lokal, Pencak Silat, Perguruan Pendekar, Kultur, Rumah adat, Tarian Daerah, Tarian Suku, Daftar lagu daerah Indonesia, Musik di Indonesia, Seni Gambar, Seni Patung, Pakaian Adat, Seni Suara Sinden Talibun Dikili, Seni Sastra Indonesia, Makanan Khas Daerah Indonesia, seni budaya indonesia, contoh budaya indonesia, sistem sosial budaya indonesia, budaya indonesia ppt, budaya indonesia dimata dunia, budaya indonesia yang unik, budaya indonesia adalah, budaya indonesia yang diakui dunia, dll..
This video entitled " Art Nandong , spirit Fishermen Simeulue " presented by Nest Multimedia Community ( uploaded by Davi Abdullah ) . Nandong is art that is usually played by two or more persons with ditingkah / interspersed blow drum beating she interrupted between stanzas rhyme ( which is sung is an expression of one's feelings ) or often called the art of speech which has been inherited from ancestors in the Eastern District of Simeulue , Simeulue , Aceh Province . And the types of rhyme that was delivered was there with regard to the love / romance , fate / paruntungan and dynamics of life. Art Nandong can also be used as a media in conveying messages to the public morale . The equipment used for Nandong arts in general , consists of the extension ( drums ) , violin , and sangkadu ( flute ) . While the types of rhymes in keseninan Nandong consists of Husky Fortunately , Husky Husky Love and Overseas .Aceh
Rapa'i is one of the percussion art of Aceh. Rapa'i divided to some kind of game, one Rapai head. Rapai Geleng developed by an anonymous South Aceh. The game...
Kopi Arabika, Emas di Aceh Tengah Dataran Tinggi Gayo di Kota Takengon, Aceh Tengah, merupakan daerah penghasil kopi terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Kalau bicara ...
Putroe Phang Art Music
Putroe phang Art music
Saman Dance from Aceh at Sidney University Australia . Appearances Almuslim University in order goodwill visit art to Australia.
Saman Dance from Aceh at Festival of the Winds, Bondi Beach, Sidney, Australia. Appearances Almuslim University in order goodwill visit art to Australia.
Jajanan Kuliner di kota banda aceh, REX, Peunayong, Nangro Aceh Darussalam, Karir muda art, karir muda Collection, kang riehanz, Cah bagus, Jual Mesin Bordir komputer, Mesin bordir Google,081314662661, Mesin Bordir yahoo, Mesin bordir Facebook, Mesin bordir twitter, Mesin bordir youtube, Mesin bordir Modzila, Mesin bordir opera mini, Mesin bordir blackberry, 081314662661, Mesin bordir android, Mesin bordir Samsung, Mesin Bordir Oppo smartphone, Pelatihan Sofware wilcom, design bordir komputer, Mesin bordir telkomsel, Simpati, As, Mesin bordir indosat, Im3, Mentari,Matrix, Mesin bordir Exelcom, XL,Axis, Mesin bordir Smart Frend, Mesin Bordir lenovo, Mesin bordir banda aceh, 081314662661, Mesin bordir kota medan, Mesin bordir Padang, Mesin bordir pekanbaru, Mesin bordir Batam, Mesin bordir jambi, Mesin bordir palembang, Mesin bordir bengkulu, Mesin bordir lampung, selatan, metro, Mesin bordir pangkal pinang, Mesin bordir belitung, Mesin bordir bengkalis, Mesin bordir nias, 081314662661, Mesin bordir sumatera selatan, Mesin bordir sumatera barat, Mesin bordir kepri, Natuna, 081314662661, Mesin bordir pontianak, Mesin bordir sintang, Mesin bordir kalimantan barat, Mesin bordir banjarmasin, banjar baru,sekumpul, 081314662661, Mesin bordir kalimantan selatan, Mesin bordir palangkaraya, sampit, Mesin bordir kalimantan tengah, Mesin bordir balikpapan, Mesin bordir samarinda, 081314662661, Mesin bordir kutai timur, bontang, Mesin bordir kutai kartanegara, Mesin bordir berau, Mesin bordir kalimantan timur, Mesin bordir tarakan, 081314662661, Mesin bordir kalimantan utara, Mesin bordir Makassar, 081314662661, Mesin Bordir Takalar, Selayar, Mesin bordir pare pare, Mesin bordir palopo, Mesin bordir bone,081314662661, Mesin bordir sidrap, Mesin bordir Tana toraja, Mesin bordir pinrang, Mesin bordir malili, Mesin bordir soppeng,081314662661, Mesin bordir sulawesi selatan, Mesin bodir sulbar, sulawesi barat, Mesin bordir polewali mandar, polman, Mesin bordir majene, Mesin bordir mamuju,081314662661, Mesin bordir mamuju tengah, Mesin bordir Kota palu, sulawesi tengah, Mesin bordir poso, Mesin bordir morowali, 081314662661, Mesin bordir ampana, Mesin bordir toli toli, Mesin bordir luwuk banggai, Mesin bordir gorontalo, 081314662661, Mesin bordir manado, Mesin bordir sulawesi utara, Mesin bordir bitung, 081314662661, Mesin bordir kolaka, mesin bordir bau bau, mesin bordir buton, mesin bordir wakatobi, mesin bordir kendari, Mesin bordir sulawesi tenggara, 081314662661, Mesin bordir ternate, mesin bordir halmahera, mesin bordir ambon, mesin bordir denpasar bali, mesin bordir kuta bali, mesin bordir gilimanuk, Mesin bordir surabaya, 081314662661, Mesin bordir kota malang, Mesin bordir mojokerto, Mesin bordir banyuwangi, Mesin bordir madura, Mesin bordir pasuruan, Mesin bordir madiun, Mesin bordir ponorogo, Mesin bordir lumajang, Mesin bordir tuban, Mesin bordir jawa timur, 081314662661,
Museum tsunami aceh dibuat untuk mengenang tsunami aceh, dibawa di museum tersebut terdapat lorong yang tingginya 22 meter yang menyerupai tinggi gelombang tsunami, serta di temboknya terdapat ukiran nama - nama korban kedasyatan tsunami aceh. semoga tsunami dan bencana lainya tidak terjadi kembali di indonesia.
Roasting Sumatran coffee. Remote mountain village and more short clips of the last days of the trip.
This event was held on October 9th, 2014 in New York City at The TimesCenter in Manhattan. Our Founder and CEO Nick Gray was the lunchtime speaker. See the post on the Skift website, including a write-up, at
Asia Travel Guide and Travel Information Tsunami in Phuket Aquarium.
The International Humanity Foundation holds rural out-reach classes in small towns on the outskirts of Banda Aceh. Many of the children in these areas cannot...
Photomatix Pro 4.2 (HDR editing) Adobe Lightroom 5 (finishing) Adobe Photoshop CS5 (cloning)
For more Information visit :
Sumatra is an island in western Indonesia, westernmost of the Sunda Islands. It is the sixth largest island in the world with a population of more than 50 million. Its biggest city is Medan with a population of 2 million. Settler colonies were arriving in Sumatra in 500 BC and several significant kingdoms flourished there. Marco Polo visited the island in 1292. The powerful Aceh Sultanate ruled from this time into the 20th century. Sumatra came under the control of the Dutch East Indies and became a major producer of pepper, rubber, and oil. In the early and mid-twentieth century, Sumatran academics and leaders were important figures in Indonesia's independence movements before full independence was gained in 1945. On 26 December 2004, the western coast and islands of Sumatra, particularly Aceh province, were struck by a tsunami following Indian Ocean earthquake. More than 170,000 Indonesians were killed, primarily in Aceh. Other recent major earthquakes struck Sumatra in 2005 and 2010. Sumatra supports a wide range of vegetation types which are home to a rich variety of species, including 17 endemic genera of plants. The island is home to 201 mammal species and 580 bird species. The island has lost half of its natural forest cover since 1985, and many of the remaining species are endangered. The Sumatran Tiger, Sumatran Rhino, and Sumatran Orangutan are all Critically Endangered, indicating that the highest level of threat to their survival. Sumatra is not very densely populated, about 96 people per km2—more than 45 million people in total. The people represent many different ethnic groups, speaking 52 different languages. Most of these groups, however, share many similar traditions and the different tongues are closely related. QUESTIONS? We would like to hear from you! If you have any comments or questions about this destination or just need some general travel advice, feel free to leave a comment below! ABOUT VideoVoyage.TV is a travel channel specializing in informative videos about various travel destinations around the world. We are publishing a short video every day starting with places around Southeast Asia, but planning to extend our coverage to Europe and the Caribbean in the upcoming months. SUBSCRIBE CONNECT Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: Google+:
A speech by Dr Maulana, during the Germany Education Exhibition in Banda Aceh, conducted by German Alumnae Association (PAJ) in Aceh, Indonesia, on 17 Sept 2014.
In response to the devastating tsunami which struck Asia on December 26, 2004, Seacology established a Tsunami Relief Fund to directly aid four communities i...
Kisah sukses Pak Ali dalam memanfaatkan biogas untuk mendukung usaha keluarganya. -- 2014, YKU bersama dengan USAID melalui program ICED, di area Banda Aceh dan Kabupaten Aceh Besar, membangun 20 reaktor biogas skala kecil dari kotoran sapi, 2 reaktor dari limbah industri tahu, dan 1 reaktor dari limbah tinja manusia. Video ini mendokumentasikan salah satu reaktor yang sukses berkontribusi mendukung usaha sebuah keluarga kecil sederhana di Desa Kayee Lheu. Semangat Energi Terbarukan!
Kapolda Aceh Irjen Pol Aditiyawarman memimpin pemusnahan ladang ganda di kawasan Aceh Besar.
Perjalanan Wisata ke Pulau Nias, Provinsi Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Traveling to Nias Island, Province North Sumatera, Indonesia. Many beautiful beach for s...
Perjalanan Wisata ke Pulau Nias, Provinsi Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Traveling to Nias Island, Province North Sumatera, Indonesia. Many beautiful beach for s...
A documentary film on Muzium Telekom Kuala Lumpur. sabd measured drawing 2014
... East Timor and Afghanistan and was one of the first responders in Banda Aceh after the 2004 tsunami.
Topix 2015-04-10... Ujung Kulon, WWF-Indonesia is now active in 28 field projects in 17 provinces, from Aceh to Papua.
noodls 2015-04-10Settlers inspect a forest clearing in Serbajadi in East Aceh district in Aceh province located near ...
Mashable 2015-04-09... installations funded by the grant-three each in the Indonesian provinces of North Sumatra and Aceh.
noodls 2015-04-08The sale of Block A Aceh in Indonesia was completed in 2015 and the adjustment will therefore be ...
noodls 2015-04-07As noted by The Conversation's Don K Marut, roughly 40 percent of the aid to Aceh and Nias islands ...
Al Jazeera 2015-04-07For example in Muzaferabad and Aceh (Indonesia) the tragic examples, in which basic scientific ...
Kashmir Observer 2015-04-07"We also develop Malahayati Port in Banda Aceh, Belawan, Dumai, and Batam ... Sumatera 1 Banda Aceh 1 2 ...
Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative 2015-04-03The following are the excerpts: ... e ... • Chief of Water Resources Rehabilitation Working Group in Post-Tsunami Aceh, 2004 - 2005.
Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative 2015-04-03... Aceh, the Mentawai island tsunami in 2010 and most recently, the Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.
noodls 2015-04-02... humanitarian support to Banda Aceh, Indonesia, following a tsunami which killed over 200,000 people.
noodls 2015-04-02(Source: ... A new era began there." ... We will reach out to Myanmar and Aceh because, it is our historical responsibility ... cankaya.
noodls 2015-03-30Kerim Friedman: ... University protests around the world: ... Academia’s 1 Percent. Jacob Remes:" ... Kitabet: ... -1945 From Anatolia to Aceh:
Minds 2015-03-29Coordinates: 5°32′51.8″N 95°18′54.3″E / 5.547722°N 95.315083°E / 5.547722; 95.315083
The Aceh Tsunami Museum, located in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, is a museum designed as a symbolic reminder of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami disaster, as well as an educational center and an emergency disaster shelter in case the area is ever hit by a tsunami again.
The Aceh Tsunami Museum was designed by Indonesian architect Ridwan Kamil. The museum is a 2,500 m2 four-story structure; its long curving walls covered in geometric reliefs. Inside, visitors enter through a dark, narrow corridor between two high walls of water — meant to recreate the noise and panic of the tsunami itself. The museum walls are adorned with images of people performing the Saman dance, a symbolic gesture dedicated to the strength, discipline and religious beliefs of the Acehnese people. From above, the roof resembles a tidal wave. The ground floor is modelled on the kind of traditional raised Acehnese houses that were best equipped to survive the tsunami.
The Free Aceh Movement (Indonesian: Gerakan Aceh Merdeka or simply GAM), also known as the Aceh Sumatra National Liberation Front (ASNLF), was a separatist group seeking independence for the Aceh region of Sumatra from Indonesia. GAM fought against Indonesian government forces in the Aceh Insurgency from 1976 to 2005, costing over 15,000 lives. The organisation surrendered its separatist intentions and dissolved its armed wing following 2005 peace agreement with the Indonesian Government. The Indonesian government called the group the Aceh Security Disturbance Movement.
The conflict in Aceh stems from several major areas, historical mistreatment, control over Islamic law, the fair distribution of Aceh's natural resource wealth and the increase of the Javanese population within Aceh.
During the era of Dutch colonisation in the 1800s, Aceh was the centre of resistance against Dutch colonial rule. The Acehnese resisted Dutch forces and they were one of the last Indonesian people to succumb to colonial rule and only after a brutal 30 year campaign, the Aceh War of 1873-1903. When the Netherlands transferred sovereignty of their colonial territory, administration of Aceh was handed over to Indonesia and GAM claims that this was done without consultation with Acehnese authorities.Daud Bereueh mounted an armed rebellion that ended with Aceh being granted special status by President Sukarno. This special status gave Aceh control on religion, custom law and education.
Aceh (/ˈɑːtʃeɪ/; [ʔaˈtɕɛh]) is a special region (Indonesian: daerah istimewa) of Indonesia, located on the northern tip of the island of Sumatra. Its first full name, Aceh Darussalam (1511–1959) then, Daerah Istimewa Aceh (1959–2001), Nanggroë Aceh Darussalam (2001–2009) and Aceh (2009–Present). Past spellings of its name include Acheh, Atjeh and Achin. The Aceh province has the highest proportion of Muslims in the country with regional levels of Sharia law.
It is thought to have been in Aceh where Islam was first established in Southeast Asia. In the early seventeenth century the Sultanate of Aceh was the most wealthy, powerful and cultivated state in the Malacca Straits region. Aceh has a history of political independence and fierce resistance to control by outsiders, including the former Dutch colonists and the Indonesian government. Aceh has substantial natural resources, including oil and natural gas—some estimates put Aceh gas reserves as being the largest in the world. Relative to most of Indonesia, it is a religiously conservative area.
Just let me great 2x
Don't be good my...
Be great
After that government cheese
We eating steak
After the projects
Now we on estates
I from the bottom
I know y'all can relate
... up the world 2x
[Verse 1: Jay-Z]
Me and destiny got a date
Martin had a dream
Hov gotta team
My chain already heavy
Don't let me get a ring
Parades down Flatbush
Confetti on my fur
Turn right on Red Hook
... heavy on the curve
See most of my... died early twenties or late teens
I'm just trying to come from under the thumb of this regime
1% of a billion is more then... even seen
Still they wanna act like it's an everyday thing
... up this world 2x
[Verse 2: Jay-Z]
High Yellow sky dweller and the rose gold
Legend of the summer in the Rose Bowl
Came thru Pasadena in the low low
Just to show respect to the...
Feel like a stranger in my own land
Got me feeling like Brody in Homeland
I just want my shot to show my genius
Standing on the top hold my...
America tried to emasculate the greats
Murder Malcolm
Gave Cassius the shakes
Wait, tell them rumble young man rumble
Try to dum your lights tell you be humble
You know I'm gon shine like a trillion watts
You know a... trill as Michael Jackson socks
Send a light to Compton and the hundred blocks
Basking on top
... up this world 2x
[Verse 3: Jay-Z]
Sipping D'USSE boy this ain't your daddy yak
He in a Cadillac
Me I'm in the Maybach
This ain't grey sweat suits and white tube socks
This is black leather pants and a pair of stance
Socks is my synopsis is clear
Got... feeling like Oxford
I swear, Teacher teacher
I trying to unteach ya
All the... they taught y'all
They got you all in the bleachers
When you front row at the Knicks game
Those the Spike Lees
You front row every where you in the H.O.V.s
Jordan 1s and dungarees
And that's just the half of my warpath
Make a million another million let my... make a million
Till we all check a billion
... it's just the way I'm feeling
We have yet to see a ceiling
We just top what we top
Cause the bars don't struggle
And the struggle don't stop
I just want a Picasso, in my casa
No, my castle
I'm a hassa, no I'm a asshole
I'm never satisfied, can't knock my hustle
I wanna Rothko, no I wanna brothel
No, I want a wife that fuck me like a prostitute
Let's make love on a million, in a dirty hotel
With the fan on the ceiling, all for the love of drug dealing
Marble Floors, gold Ceilings
Oh what a feeling, fuck it I want a billion
Jeff Koons balloons, I just wanna blow up
Condos in my condos, I wanna row of
Christie's with my missy, live at the MoMA
Bacons and turkey bacons, smell the aroma
Oh what a feeling
Picasso Baby, Ca Picasso baby
Ca ca Picasso Baby, Ca ca Picasso baby
Oh what a feeling
Picasso Baby, Ca Picasso baby
Ca ca Picasso Baby, Ca ca Picasso baby
It ain't hard to tell
I'm the new Jean Michel
Surrounded by Warhols
My whole team ball
Twin Bugattis outside the Art Basel
I just wanna live life colossal
Leonardo Da Vinci flows
Riccardo Tisci Givenchy clothes
See me throning at the Met
Vogueing on these niggas
Champagne on my breath, Yes
House like the Louvre or the Tate Modern
Because I be going ape at the auction
Oh what a feeling
Aw fuck it I want a trillion
Sleeping every night next to Mona Lisa
The modern day version
Yellow Basquiat in my kitchen corner
Go ahead lean on that shit Blue
You own it
Oh what a feeling
Picasso Baby, Ca Picasso baby
Ca ca Picasso Baby, Ca ca Picasso baby
Oh what a feeling
Picasso Baby, Ca Picasso baby
Ca ca Picasso Baby, Ca ca Picasso baby
"Et là je t'ai tout donné, montré, rien à cacher, tu es là Ivy, comme le nombre d'or.
Jay, comment tu dis nombre d'or?"
"The golden number."
I never stuck my cock in the fox's box but
Damned if I ain't open Pandora's box
They try to slander your man
On CNN and Fox
My Mirandas don't stand a chance, with cops
Even my old fans like old man just stop
I could if I would but I can't
I'm hot, and you blow
I'm still the man to watch, Hublot
On my left hand or not
Soon I step out the booth
The cameras pops niggas is cool with it
Till the canons pop
Now my hand on the Bible
On the stand got your man in a jam, again
Got my hands in cuff
I'm like god damn enough
I put down the cans and they ran amok
My hairpin pierce skin, ruptures spleens
Cracks ribs, go through cribs, and other things
No sympathy for the king, huh?
Niggas even talk about your baby crazy
Eventually the pendulum swings
Don't forget America this how you made me
Come through with the 'Ye mask on
Spray everything like SAMO
I won't scratch the Lambo
What's it gon take
For me to go
For you to see
Blessings, blessings yeah
[Hook: Frank Ocean]
I see
Elephant tusk on the boar of a sailing lady
Docked on the Ivory Coast
Mercedes in a row winding down the road
I hope my black skin don't dirt this white tuxedo
Before the Basquait show and if so
Well... it
Because this water drown my family
This water mixed my blood, this water tells my story
This water knows it all
Go ahead and spill some champagne
In the water
Go ahead and watch the sun blaze
On the waves
Of the ocean
[Verse 1: Jay-Z]
...boy still smelling like...
White boat, white robe
Can he be more cleaner
The oil spill that BP ain't clean up
I'm anti Santa Maria
Only Christopher we acknowledge
Is Wallace, I don't even like Washingtons in my pocket
Black card go hard when I'm shopping
Boat dock in front of Hermes picking cotton
Sink and fleeces
Lay on my...
Oh my... I hope y'all don't get sea sick
See me in... you never saw
If it wasn't for these pictures
They wouldn't see me at all
Aww whole world in awe
I crash through glass ceilings
I break through closed doors
I'm on the ocean
I'm in heaven
Ocean 11
[Hook: Frank Ocean]
[Verse 2: Jay-Z]
Me and Ty Ty is like Pablo and Popeye
Winding dirt roads on mopeds spilling opus
Welcome to the magnum opus
The Magna Carta
The best-selling author Decoded
On the holiday playing Strange Fruit
If I'mma make it to a billi I can't take the same route
Now that's the sound of the border
Now that's the sound of a baller
...Hovi my back against the rope, the black Maybach
I'm back inside the boat
Shepard Fairey they finally gave me some hope
Can't believe they got a... to vote
Democrat, nope
I sold...
In trouble water I had to learn how to float
On the ocean
I'm in heaven
Ocean 11
Have you ever?
Have you ever?
Have you ever?
Have you ever been to heaven?
Have you ever seen the gates?
Have you bowed unto your highness?
And do you know how heaven taste?
Knock me down
Arm, leg, leg, arm, head, this is God body
Knowledge, wisdom, freedom, understanding, we just want our equality
Food, clothing, shelter, help a nigga find some peace
Happiness for a gangsta, ain't no love in these streets
Conspiracy theorist screaming Illuminati
They can't believe this much skill is in the human body
He's 6'2, how the fuck he fit in a new Bugatti?
Aw fuck it you got me
Question religion, question it all
Question existence until them questions are solved
Meanwhile this heretic I be out in Marrakesh
Morocco smoking hashish with my fellowship
Y'all dwell on devil shit, I'm in a Diablo
Yellow shit, color of Jell-O shit
Hello bitch, it's me again
Fresh in my Easter clothes feeling like Jesus and
Have you ever been to heaven?
Have you ever seen the gates?
Have you bowed unto your highness?
And do you know how heaven taste?
Knock me down
Have you ever been to heaven?
Have you ever seen the gates?
Have you bowed unto your highness?
And do you know how heaven taste?
Knock me down
That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Getting ghost in the Ghost
Can you see me? Can you see me?
Have mercy on a Judas, angel wings on a 'ghini
I'm secular, tell the hecklers seckle down
Y'all religion creates division
Like my Maybach partition, and
God is my chauffeur
Boy they love Hova
From the south side of Chi
To Brooklyn where I growed up
I confess, God in the flesh
Live among the serpents
Turn arenas into churches
I'm like Michael, recycle, these are not 16's
These are s from the Bible
Tell that preacher he's a preacher
I'm a motherfucking prophet, smoke a tree of knowledge
Drink from a gold chalice, you gotta love it
I arrive at the pearly gates, I had luggage
Meaning I had baggage
Niggas asking me questions, I don't answer to these busters
Only God could judge us, motherfuckers, uh
Have you ever been to heaven?
Have you ever seen the gates?
Have you bowed unto your highness?
And do you know how heaven taste?
Heaven or Hell
The cards we been dealt
Are the cards that we play
Play, play
Die for what you believe,
Only one god recedes
When the shots spray
Spray, spray
Knock me down
Have you ever been to heaven?
Have you ever seen the gates?
Have you bowed unto your highness?
And do you know how heaven taste?
They can't keep a good man down
Always keep a smile when they want me to frowns
Keep the vibes and they stood my grounds
They will never ever take my crown
Who Jah bless I say no man curse
Things gettin' better when they thought it would be worse
Here comes the officers askin' for a search
They found no weapon just only a draw of herbs
One, two
One, two
You in the presence of a king
Scratch that, you in the presence of a God
Put in the belly of the beast
I escaped, a nigga never had a job
Scott Boras, you over baby
Robinson Cano, you coming with me
These niggas like rotary phones
It's a new day, hit up KD
Niggas always try to knock a nigga down
Knock me to my knees about a million times
Uncle said I'll never sell a million records
I sold a million records like a million times
These niggas shouldn't let me in
I ball so hard on ESPN
See my name come across on CNN
'Bout 6 minutes, you gonna see it again
'Bout 6 minutes, you gonna see me again
Shit on me
These niggas tried to shit on me
I was left for dead
They tried to wipe me out of they history
Shit on me
These niggas tried to shit on me
I was left for dead
They tried to wipe me out of they history
Fear is your only God
Get y'all to fear me is my only job (hehe)
Bulletproof glass, glass roof like the Pope
Bulletproof love, niggas down since the yolk
Bitch asked if I was God
Fuck I'm supposed to say no?
You already seen me turn a man to a G.O.A.T.
You already know what I could do with the coke
Dropped it in the water, made it disappear
I made it reappear, I had that bitch on a rope
I make my roof get ghost
Bottom grill, I make my tooth get gold
All the shit I did, I wasn't supposed to live
Hallelujah Hov
Wasn't for the 'caine wouldn't be able
Wasn't for the bread, probably be dead
Best friends become ya enemies
Niggas' knives are double-edged
Shit on me
These niggas tried to shit on me
I was left for dead
They tried to wipe me out of they history
Shit on me
These niggas tried to shit on me
I was left for dead
My motherfucker is a billionaire motherfucker!
You heard that shit
I said my motherfucker is a billionaire
Let's work
D boy drug dealer look
From the coca leafs to the farmers
To the polo fleece to the bombers
R.I.P. to Gianni
Now we on our way
D boy drug dealer look
Bally shoes, Gucci sneakers
Unlaced Adidas
Top of the world like pyramids in Giza
Fila sweats, 88 I rocked a mock neck
Carried a nine in my projects
Bucket hat EPMD cassettes
Now I'm smoking loud in Ibiza
Mix the D'USSE with the reefer
My whole life is leisure
Gangsta lean like the Pisa
Eiffel Tower, Hermes towel
The Feds is perched like an owl
Real niggas all feel the hook
Let's work
D boy drug dealer look
From the coca leafs to the farmers
To the polo fleece to the bombers
R.I.P. to Gianni
Now we on our way
D boy drug dealer look
What you know about going out, head west
Maybach, 3 TV's all up in the headrest
Mase niggas at Madison Square Garden
20 million sold and we still catching charges
Rope chains, Rakim and Eric B
Bought my sidekicks Suzuki Jeeps and Cherokees
Hoop earrings, coupes with the rear cameras
Put that bitch in a cherry M3
I'm not your average dope dealer
Silver Toyotas four runners and four wheelers
Me and Teflon Q45 infinite
Windows tinted, white girl all in it
Britney, bitch
MCM seats buck 50 stitch
Versace plates got the Basquiat
Collab from Versace's place
Cuban link 5 kilo
Your life is illegal when your chain can get the RICO
Real niggas all feel the hook
Let's work
D boy drug dealer look
From the coca leafs to the farmers
To the polo fleece to the bombers
R.I.P. to Gianni
Now we on our way
D boy drug dealer look
자기 신발 끝내주는데
자기 돈 좀 많나봐
자기 스타일 진짜 멋있다
Only nigga to rewrite history without a pen
No I.D. on the track let the story begin...
begin... begin
This is anti-autotune, death of the ringtone
This ain't for Itunes, this ain't for sing-alongs
This is Sinatra at the opera, bring a blonde
Preferably with a fat ass who can sing a song
Wrong, this ain't politically correct
This might offend my political connects
My raps don't have melodies
This shit make niggas wanna go 'n commit felonies
Ah, get your chain tooken
I may do it myself, I'm so Brooklyn
I know we facin' a recession
But the music yall makin' gon' make it the great depression
Ah, or your lack of aggression
Pull your skirt back down, grow a set men
Ah, ah. nigga this shit violent
This is death of autotune, ah moment of silence
la da da da... hey hey hey goodbye
Only nigga to rewrite history without a pen
No I.D. on the track let the story begin...
begin... begin
Holdup, this ain't a number 1 record
This is practically assault with a deadly weapon
I made this just for Flex an Mister Cee,
I want niggas to feel threatened
Stop your blood clot crying
The kid the dog everybody dying
No lyin', your niggas' jeans too tight
Your colors too bright, your voice too light
I might wear black four years straight,
I might bring back Versace shades,
This ain't for Z100
Ye told me to kill yall to keep it 100
This is for Hot 9-7
The shit for clue for Khaled, for we the best n'
Nigga this shit violent
This is death of autotune, moment of silence...
la da da da... hey hey hey goodbye
Only nigga to rewrite history without a pen
No I.D. on the track let the story begin...
begin... begin
Holdup, this shit need a verse from Jeezy... ay!
I might send this to the mixtape Weezy
Get somebody from BMF to talk on this
Give this to a Blood, let a Crip walk on it
Get me Pharrel to style on this
I just don't need nobody to smile on this
Yall niggas singin' too much,
Get back to rap you T-Pain'n too much
Ah, I'm a multi-millionaire
So how is it I'm still the hardest nigga here?
I don't be in the project hallway
Talkin' bout how I be in the project all day
That sounds stupid to me,
If you a gangsta, this is how you prove it to me
Nigga, just get violent
This is death of autotune, moment of silence
la da da da... hey hey hey goodbye
Only rapper to rewrite history without a pen
No I.D. on the track let the story begin...
Clap for a nigga with his rapping ass
Blow a stack for your niggas with your trapping ass
Clap for a nigga with his rapping ass
Blow a stack for your niggas with your trapping ass
Tom Ford, Tom Ford, Tom Ford
Coming up, coming down
Riding clean fix your hair in my Crown
Bad bitch, H town
Keep it trill, y'all know y'all can't fuck around
Paris where we been, pard' my Parisian
It's Hov time in no time, it's fuck all y'all season
Piss Bordeaux and Burgundies, flush out a Riesling
When Hov's out, them hoes out, y'all put y'all weaves in
Clap for a nigga with his rapping ass
Blow a stack for your niggas with your trapping ass
Spent all my euros on tuxes and weird clothes
I party with weirdoes, yeah Hov, yeah Hov
I don't pop molly, I rock Tom Ford
International bring back the Concorde
Numbers don't lie, check the scoreboard
Tom Ford, Tom Ford, Tom Ford
Hands down got the best flow, sound I'm so special
Sound boy burial, this my Wayne Perry flow
Y'all know nothing about Wayne Perry though
District of Columbia, guns on y'all Tumblrs
Fuck hashtags and retweets, nigga
140 characters in these streets, nigga
Pardon my laughing, y'all only flagging on beats, nigga
Pardon my laughing, I happen to think you sweet
I don't pop molly, I rock Tom Ford
International bring back the Concorde
Numbers don't lie, check the scoreboard
Tom Ford, Tom Ford, Tom Ford, Tom Ford
Oh, man, homie
So throwed
Coming up, coming down
Riding clean fix your hair in my Crown
Bad bitch, H town
Keep it trill, y'all know y'all can't fuck around
Coming up, coming down
Riding clean fix your hair in my Crown
Bad bitch, H town
Keep it trill, y'all know y'all can't fuck around
Hold up
Blessings, blessings, yeah
I see
Elephant tusk on the boar of a boar of a sailing lady
Docked on the Ivory Coast
Mercedes in a row
Winding down the road
I hope my black skin don’t dirt this white tuxedo
Before the Basquiat show
And if so, and if so, f*ck it, f*ck it
Because this water drown my family
This water mixed my blood
This water tells my story
This water knows it all
Go ahead and spill some champagne
In the water
Go ahead and watch the sun blaze
On the waves of the ocean
… boy still smelling like …
White boat, white robe
Can he be more cleaner?
The oil spill that BP ain’t clean up
I’m anti Santa Maria
Only Christopher we acknowledge
Is Wallace?
I don’t even like Washingtons in my pocket
Black card go hard when I’m shopping
Boat dock in front of Hermes picking cotton
Sink and fleeces
Lay on my …
Oh my …
I hope y’all don’t get sea sick
See me in … you never saw
If it wasn’t for these pictures
They wouldn’t see me at all
Aww the whole world in awe
I crash through glass ceilings
I break through closed doors
I’m on the ocean
I’m in heaven
Ocean 11
Me and Ty Ty is like Pablo and Popeye
Winding dirt roads on mopeds and spilling opus
Welcome to the magnum opus
The Magna Carta
The best selling author decoded
Oh the holiday playing strange fruit
If I’m a make it to a billi, I can’t take the same route
Now that’s the sound of a baller
… Hovi my back against the rope, the Black Maybach
I’m back inside the boat
Shepard Fairey they finally gave me some hope
Can’t believe they got a … to vote
Democrat? Nope.
I sold…
In trouble water I had to learn how to float
On the ocean
I’m in heaven
Ladies and gentlemen
Let this shit knock
[Verse 1]
I done turned Havana to Atlanta
Guayabera shirts and bandanas
Every time you think they got me I switch the planna
Bulletproof this, radio scanners
Ballin' 'til they ban us
You gettin' too much bread, they tryna' jam you
Boy from the hood but got White House clearance
Sorry y'all, I don't agree with y'all appearance
Politicians never did shit for me
Except lie to me, distort history
Wanna give me jail time and a fine
Fine, let me commit a real crime
I might buy a kilo for Chief Keef
Out of spite, I just might flood these streets
Hear the freedom in my speech
Got an onion from Universal, read it and weep
Would've bought the Nets to Brooklyn for free
Except I made millions off it, you fuckin' dweeb
I still own the building, I'm still keeping my seat
Y'all buy that bullshit, you'd better keep your receipt
Obama said chill, you gonna get me impeached
But you don't need this shit anyway
Chill with me on the beach
[Hook - Swizz Beatz]
Y'all gon' learn today
[Verse 2]
Ya'll almost want to start a revolution
You know whenever I'm threatened, I start shooting, bark
Catch a body, head to Houston
I'm in Cuba, I love Cubans
This communist talk is so confusing
When it's from China, the very mic that I'm using
Idiot wind, the Bob Dylan of rap music
You're an idiot baby, you should become a student
Oh, you gonna learn today
Where the fuck have you been
The world's under new management
The new role model, fuck this Zoolander shit
Hey sucka nigga
Wherever you are
I thought about you, fool
While I was driving my car
I wonder if you fools
Realize how far
You are
You're no where in my rear mirror
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Your last shit ain't better
Than my first shit
Your best shit
Ain't better than my worst shit
The truth in my s
Your metaphors
About what your net worth is
Shout out to old Jews and old rules
New blacks with new stacks
I already been the king
Retro act, I'm just bringing it back
Like Jordan Packs
New money, they looking down on me
Blue bloods they trying to clown on me
You can turn up your nose high society
Never gone turn down the homie
Knock knock I'm at your neighbor house
Straight cash I bought ya neighbor out
You should come to the housewarming
Come and see what your new neighbor 'bout
Yellow Lambo in the driveway
A buck 35 on the highway
Frank Sinatra on my Sonos
Loud as fuck I did it my way
A million sold before the album dropped
White Lexus before I had a deal
Ask Bun B about me
This ain't no snap back, a nigga's been trill
By the way, fuck your math
You ain't gotta count it my nigga I can add
1 million, 2 million, 3 million, 20 million
Oh, I'm so good at math
Might crash ya Internet
And I ain't even into that
When I was talking Instagram
Last thing you wanted was your picture snapped
Feds still lurking
They see I'm still putting work in
Cause somewhere in America
Miley Cyrus is still twerkin'
Twerk, twerk, twerk, twerk
Twerk, Miley, Miley, twerk
Twerk, Miley, Miley, Miley, twerk
Twerk, yeah, ugh-huh
Twerk, Miley, Miley, Miley
Ahuh Ahuh (Yea Rihanna)
Ahuh Ahuh (Good girl gone bad)
Ahuh Ahuh (Take three... Action)
Ahuh Ahuh
No clouds in my storms
Let it rain, I hydroplane in the bank
Coming down with the Dow Jones
When the clouds come we gone, we Rocafella
She fly higher than weather
And G5's are better, You know me
An anticipation, for precipitation. Stacked chips for the rainy day
Jay, Rain Man is back with little Ms. Sunshine
Rihanna where you at?
You have my heart
And we'll never be worlds apart
May be in magazines
But you'll still be my star
Baby cause in the dark
You can't see shiny cars
And that's when you need me there
With you I'll always share
When there's sunshine, we'll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be a friend
Took an oath I'ma stick it out till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh)
These fancy things, will never come in between
You're part of my entity, here for Infinity
When the war has took it's part
When the world has dealt it's cards
If the hand is hard, together we'll mend your heart
When there's sunshine, we'll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be a friend
Took an oath I'ma stick it out till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh)
You can run into my arms
It's okay don't be alarmed
Come into me
There's no distance in between our love
So go on and let the rain pour
I'll be all you need and more
When there's sunshine, we'll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be a friend
Took an oath I'ma stick it out till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh)
It's raining
Ooh baby it's raining
Baby come into me
Come into me
It's raining
Little over a year ago I was in bondage
And now I'm back out here reaping the blessings
And getting the benefits that go along with it
Everything that's out here for kings like us
The reason why we like this this jewelry and this diamonds and stuff
They don't understand is because we really from Africa
And that's where all this stuff come from
And we originated from kings, you know what I'm saying
So don't look down on the youngsters
Because they wanna have shiny things
It's in our genes, know what I'm saying
We just don't all know our history so...
Fuck with me, you know I got it
Fuck with me, you know I got it
Sexy bitch I hope she 'bout it
Come fuck with me, you know I got it
Fuck with me, you know I got it
Fuck with me, you know I got it
Sexy bitch I hope she 'bout it
Come fuck with me, you know I got it
I just landed in Europe, nigga
Shopping bags, I'm a tourist, nigga
Money talk I speak fluent, nigga
Reeboks on, I just do it, nigga
Look at me, I'm pure nigga
I bet the hoes on my tour, nigga
I don't bop, I do the money dance
My bitch whip cost a hundred grand
Red vert, you see me slide
Sexy bitch I hope she 'bout it
Sexy bitch I know she 'bout it
Fuck with me, you know I got it
Fuck with me, you know I got it
Fuck with me, you know I got it
Sexy bitch I hope she 'bout it
Come fuck with me, you know I got it
Fuck with me, you know I got it
Fuck with me, you know I got it
Sexy bitch I hope she 'bout it
Come fuck with me, you know I got it
Hov just landed in Rome, nigga
All hail, Caesar's home, niggas
Cent'anni, ciao bella
Come money dance with the good fellas
Hov keep gettin' that dinero, got it
Even if a nigga gotta Robert, get it?
Black Jack in a casino
A nigga got unlimited credit
A nigga got a lot of vendettas
But we the Black mob, we gonna set it
Peel off in a Lamborghini Countach
200 in the dash we gonna rev it (skirt)
Lucky Luciano is what they call me, paesano
A 100 keys at the piano plays across the Verrazano
El Padrino, in the villa in Venice sipping vino
Not bad for a mulignano, y'all know like we know, I got it
Fuck with me, you know I got it
Fuck with me, you know I got it
Sexy bitch I hope she 'bout it
Come fuck with me, you know I got it
Fuck with me, you know I got it
Fuck with me, you know I got it
Sexy bitch I hope she 'bout it
Come fuck with me, you know I got it
I'm riding big coming down that beach
Geechy niggas with satin sheets
Bad bitch, she a masterpiece
I'm America's worst nightmare
I'm young, black, and holding my nuts like, yeah
While ya'll was at the pub, havin' a light beer
I was at the club, havin' a fight there
Ya'll can go home, husband and wife there
My momma at work tryin' to buy me the right gear
Nine years old uncle lost his life here
I grew up thinkin' life ain't fair
How can I get a real job, China white right there
Right in front of my sight like here, yeah
There's ya ticket out the ghetto take flight right here
Tell on me you go bye-bye here, damn
There's a different set of rules we abide by here
You need a gun, niggas might drive by here
Ya'll havin' fun, racin' all ya hot-rods there
Downloadin' all our music on ya iPods there
I'm Chuck-D, standin' in the crosshairs here
Ya'll straight, chicks got horse hair here
Ya'll ain't gotta be in fear of ya'll bosses there
You lose your job, your pop rich, ya'll don't care
So I don't care, ya'll acting like ya'll don't hear
All the screams from the ghetto
Or the teens ducking metal here
So they steam like a kettle here
Trying to take they mind to a whole different level here
Yeah, we real close to devil here
Got to be a better way somebody call a reverend here
Yeah, have mercy really be in heaven here
Somebody tell God that we got a couple of questions here
My little cousin never got to see his seventh year
You're firstI'm last
You're thirstI'm asked to justify
Killing our last heaven beast
Don't hunt the whale
In beautyVision
Do we Offer much
lf we reason with destiny, gonna lose our touch
Don't kill the whale
Rejoice They sing
They worship their own space
In a moment of love, they will die for their grace
Don't kill the whale
lf time will allow
We will judge all who came
In the wake of our new age to stand for the f rail
Look at the sad goodbyes
Everyday's a killing time
Sun coming up outside
No men are born this time
Saturday's child stays home
Nothing to say so long
Well, well, well
Another day
Well, well, well
Another day
Grocery store, ten bucks
Just making change for plastic cherries
Up in a tree, jaybird
Laughing at me, no word
Everyone looks, you can't see
We can't be ignored easily
Well, well, well
Another day
Well, well, well
Another day
Soft within the wayward things
Like ecstasy
The sound of trees
Most anything
What a baby sees
Beautiful face, alright
Many a place, out of sight
Old woman there with red shoes
One million balloons, all used
Drive over hills, forget your fear
Getting it out of second gear
Well, well, well
Another day
Well, well, well
Another day
Well, well, well
Another day
Well, well, well
Run down a street where the glass shows
That summer has gone
Age, in the doorways
Resenting the pace of the dawn
All of them standing in line
All of them waiting for time
From time, the great healer
The Machine Messiah is born
Cables that carry the life
To the cities we build
Threads that link diamonds of life
To the satanic mills
Aah, to see in every way
That we feel it every
Day and know that
Maybe we'll change
Offered the chance
To finally unlearn our lessons
And alter our stance
Friends make their way
Into systems of chance
(Friends make their way of escape)
(Into systems of chance)
Escape to freedom, I need to be there
Waiting and watching, the tables are turning
I'm waiting and watching
I need to be there
I care to see them walk away
And to be there when they say
They will return
Machine, Machine Messiah
The mindless search for a higher
Controller, take me to the fire
And hold me, show me the strength
Of your singular eye
History dictating symptoms
Of ruling romance
Claws at the shores of the water
Upon which we dance
All of us standing in line
All of us waiting for time
To feel it all the way
And to be there when they
Say they know that
Maybe we'll change
Offered the chance
To finally unlearn our lessons
And alter our stance
Machine, Machine Messiah
Take me into the fire
Hold me, Machine Messiah
And show me the strength
(Jon Anderson/Chris Squire)
On the silent wings of freedom
Where I ofer myself midst the balancing of the sun
On the winds of celestial seasons
That would carry me on, midst the balance of being one
On the dream of our love eternal
That will eventually bring our living once more with you
Where we are coming from
Or where we go
We only know e come with sound
Where we are coming from
Or where we go
We only know we go around and around
On the back of your forty-second screamdown
Do you choose to be lost midst the challenge of being one
On the flight of regardless feelings
As you hurtle to fear midst the challenge of everyone
On the darkest night so painful
Do you hunger for love midst the torture of being one
On the passing light of easing
Have you seen you inside midst the being of everyone
To the common goal of freedom
Where we offer ourselves midst the balancing of the sun
Where we are coming froom
Or where we go
We only know we come with sound
Where we are coming from
Or where we go
We only know we go around and around
Eric Wincentsen
Glendale Community College,
Glendale, Arizona
"Why can I do this? Because we got the bombs. Two words: Nuclear f#$king
-Dennis Leary, "Asshole"
(Jon Anderson)
Long distance runaround
Long time waiting to feel the sound
I still remember the dream there
I still remember the time you said goodbye
Did we really tell lies
Letting in the sunshine
Did we really count to one hundrer
Cold summer listening
Hot colour melting the anger to stone
I still remember the dream there
I still remember the time you said goodbye
Did we really tell lies
Did we really count to one hundred
I once knew a sweet young girl;
Her body was her world of love,
Her laughter was as happiness is.
Of all the times I treasure this.
And on a day we will remember,
On a clear day we will love forever.
I once knew a sweet young dream,
That if life itself were all we had
And who are we to ask for more;
Let's not decide, let's be sure.
And on a day we will remember,
On a clear day we'll all be together,
Have you heard before
Hit it out, don't look back
Rock is the medium of our generation
Stand for every right
Kick it out, hear you shout
For the right of all of creation
We've heard before
But we just don't seem to move
The pressure's on
Is there lack of concentration?
Power defy our needs
Lift us up, show us now
Show us how amid the rack of confusion
Drive in thoughts of high
Satisfy in a plan
Set it out for all to understand it
We've heard before
But we just don't seem to move
The pressure's on
Is there lack of concentration? We are
Lost and wondering, maybe, how it is
Seems to me, it's as simple as this
No matter, where you go, you're going to find
You won't see me in front
But you can't leave me behind
Power at first to the needs
Of each others days
Simple to lose in the void sounds
Of anarchy's calling ways
All unaccounted for
In the craziness of power
In the craziness
Release all, release all
Or abandon your hope for your brother
Release all, release all
Or abandon your hope for your sister
Release, release, enough controllers
Show some signs of appreciated loyalties
Release, release, enough controllers
Show some signs of appreciated loyalties
You're gonna, gonna
Gonna, gonna get it right
Straight jacket, freedom's march
Is it all, far beyond
Our reason of understanding
Campaign everything
Anti-right, anti-left
Anticipate the love of creation
Stand for every right
Kick it out, hear you shout
Further the right, further the right
Further the right, of all of creation
Power at first to the needs
Of each others days
Simple to lose in the void sounds
Of anarchy's calling ways
All unaccounted for
In the craziness of power
In the craziness
Release all, release all
Or abandon your hope for your brother
Release all, release all
Or abandon your hope for your sister
Release, release, release
Release, release, release
Release, release, release
(Jon Anderson)
Rejoice forward out this feeling
Ten true summers long
We go round and round and round and round
Until we pick it up again
Time flies, on and on it goes
Thru the setting sun
Carry round and round and round and round
Until it comes to carry you home
Rejoice forward out this feeling
The white eagle soars
He goes round and round and round
Until the early winds of change
Dawn's new light conquering timeless ease
Spread the harvest breeze
Let our hour of passion
Gently hold our heads on high with you
Gently hold our heads on high
Contained in everything I do
There's a love, I feel for you
Proclaimed in everything I write
You're the light
Burning, brightly
Onward through the night
Onward through the night
Onward through the night of my life
Displayed in all the things I see
There's a love you show to me
Portrayed in all the things you say
You're the day
Leading the way
Onward through the night
Onward through the night
Onward through the night of my life
Onward through the night
Onward through the night
Memories, how they fade so fast
Look back, that is no escape
Tied down, now you see too late.
Lovers, they will never wait.
I am a camera
Take heart, I could never let you go
And you, always let the feeling show
Love us all, how you never broke your heart
You lose them
If you feel the feeling start.
I am a camera, camera, cameraAnd you, may find time will blind you
This to just remind you
All is meant to be.
Here, by the waterside
There, where the lens is wide
You and me
By the sea
Taken in tranquility.
Taken, taken so easily
To pass into glass reality
Transform, to transfer, to energy.
Taken, taken, so easily
To pass into glass reality
Transformer, transferring energy.
Am I waking to this magic
Am I seeing, all is human
Human after all
I wanna be inside your heart
Are you ready?
I wanna love forever
Are you thinking?
I wanna be inside your heart
What I'm thinking?
I wanna know, you're with me
Highways, starways, many ways
To be open tonight
High time, look inside your life
I am waiting
I am waiting, are you ready?
I am waiting, can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
I happened in the water
The heaven will fall
The break in the water
The secret birth
Said she loves me, I believe her
Waited lifetimes
Say this to you
I wanna be inside your heart
Are you ready?
I wanna love forever
Are you thinking?
I wanna be inside your heart
What I'm thinking?
I wanna know, you're with me
Highways, starways, many ways
To be open tonight
High time, look inside your life
I am waiting
Say, you need me, I'm yours
Say, you need me, just because
(It's our freedom)
It's our freedom, hear me now
We are made to be here now
We'll be waiting for the word
As the healing of the world
Make me promises, to be true
All my life my world is you
I am waiting, are you ready?
Are you ready?
I am waiting, can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
Standing here on sacred ground
Some days it's a mad world let it be
Words of promise fill the air, empty voices
How long have we waited?
And every time I hold your hand
You bring to me this promised land
I live for you, this promised land
Take me there and back again
Some days it's a sad world let it be
What's the point of looking for this power divine?
It's already in my changes
And every time I hear your voice
I realize I have a choice
To live again, I deserve this choice
To live again
Our heaven will be now
You are the song from the book of time
To realize what is yours is mine
We are meant to be
All because our love has always been
You are the center of my day
You are my guide in every way
We are meant to be
All because our love has always been there
Giving me the light
Yes it's been there
Giving me the light
Second nature sings to me
Some days it's a dark world let it be
I define my right to be
I can follow those who've lost their vision
And every time I hold your hand
You redesign my promised land
I live for you, this promised land
I live for you
You are the song from the book of time
To realize what is yours is mine
We are meant to be
All because our love has always been
You are the center of my day
You are my guide in every way
We are meant to be
All because our love has always been there
Giving me the light (Giving me the light)
Yes it's been there, giving me the light
You are the song from the book of time
To realize what is yours is mine
We are meant to be
All because our love has always been
You are the center of my day
You are my guide in every way
We are meant to be
All because our love has always been there
Giving me the light
Yes it's been there giving me the light
Give love each day
Give love each day
Give love each day
Give love each day
Give love each day
Give love each day
Give love each day
Give love each day
Give love each day
Give love each day
Give love each day
I'll be the round about, the words will make you out 'n' out
I spend the day your way
Call it morning, driving through the sound
And in and out the valley
The music dance and sing, they make the children really ring
I spend the day your way
Call it morning, driving through the sound
And in and out the valley
In and around the lake, mountains come out of the sky
And they stand there
One mile over, we'll be there and we'll see you
Ten true summers we'll be there and laughing too
Twenty four before, my love, you'll see, I'll be there with you
I will remember you
Your silhouette will charge the view of distance atmosphere
Call it morning, driving through the sound
And even in the valley
In and around the lake, mountains come out of the sky
And they stand there
One mile over, we'll be there and we'll see you
Ten true summers we'll be there and laughing too
Twenty four before, my love, you'll see, I'll be there with you
Along the drifting cloud, the eagle searching down on the land
Catching the swirling wind, the sailor sees the rim of the land
The eagle's dancing wings create as weather spins out of hand
Go closer, hold the land, feel partly no more than grains of sand
We stand to lose all time, a thousand answers by in our hand
Next to your deeper fears we stand surrounded by a million years
I'll be the roundabout, the words will make you out 'n' out
I'll be the roundabout, the words will make you out 'n' out
In and around the lake, mountains come out of the sky, they stand there
Twenty four before, my love and I'll be there
I'll be the roundabout, the words will make you out 'n' out
I spend the day your way
Call it morning, driving through the sound
And in and out the valley
In and around the lake, mountains come out of the sky
And they stand there
One mile over, we'll be there and we'll see you
Ten true summers we'll be there and laughing too
Faster moment spent spread tales of change within the sound
Counting form through rhythm electric freedom
Moves to counter-balance stars expound our conscience
All to know and see
The look in your eyes
Passing time will reach as nature relays to set the scene
New encounters spark a true fruition
Guiding lines we touch them
Our bodies balance out the waves
As we accelerate our days
To the look in your eyes
>From the moment I reached out to hold
I felt a sound
And what touches our soul slowly moves as touch rebounds
and to know that tempo will continue lost in trance of dances
As rhythm takes another turn
As is my want I only reach
To look in your eyes...
Where will you be when you're not here.
How many lives in this earth time.
You are my soul and this you are.
Two sould intertwined,
That's what we are.
We can, we walk, hand in hand,
All the life,
Be the one, everything to me;
You, I am dreaming.
We have lived and known before,
I feel it.
Where will you lie.
When will I know when you are gone.
Where I be, and I will miss you.
We are this love in this life,
Two sould intertwined like once before.
See this meeting, hand in hand,
Every life,
Be the one, everything to me;
You are my feeling.
No need to fear this love of life,
We are the truth of every earth life.
No need to fear this life at all,
We are the sun and everlasting life.
Where will you be hearing this song.
How many lives in this earth time.
You are my soul and this you are.
You are my soul and this you are.
Where will you lie
We go sailing down the calming streams
Drifting endlessly by the bridge
To be over
We will see
To be over
Do not suffer through the game of chance that: plays
Always doors to lock away your dreams
Think it over
Time will heal your fear
Think it over
Balance the thoughts that release within you
Childlike soul dreamer one journey
One to seek and see in every light do open
True pathways away
Carrying closer go gently
Holding doors will open everyway
You wander true pathways away
After all your soul will still surrender
After all don't doubt your part
Be ready to be loved
Eric Wincentsen
Glendale Community College,
Glendale, Arizona
"Why can I do this? Because we got the bombs. Two words: Nuclear f#$king
-Dennis Leary, "Asshole"
(From Relayer: the Gates of Delirium)
Soon oh soon the light
Pass within and soothe the endless night
And wait here for you
Our reason to be here
Soon oh soon the time
All we move to gain will reach and calm
Our heart is open
Our reason to be here
Long ago, set into rhyme
Soon oh soon the light
Ours to shape for all time, ours the right
The sun will lead us
Our reason to be here
The sun will lead us
Our reason to be here
(instrumental)Never underestimate the powerNever underestimate the power
Surely I could tell when I sleep tonight
A dream will call and raise it's head in majesty
Dividing all my energy to the meeting of your love
Where from, whence it came
Like a singer searching for a song
I try to reach where you belong
As I will be the song for you
I will be your servant child
No, oh no, I cannot be deceived
No, oh no, there's something
That I feel there's something that I feel inside
Surely I could tell
If you ask me, Lord
To board the train
My life, my love would be the same
As I will be the one for you
In the meeting of your love
Why is there you when there are few people around making me feel good?
Why is there me when air is free, some I can see better than I should?
There's only us simply because thinking of us makes us both happy.
I think of you ev'ry way, yesterday and today.
I think of things that we do, all the way, ev'ry day.
Stand in the sea, sing songs for me, sing happily, making me feel good.
Watching your eyes, feeling your sighs, saying goodbyes better than I could.
There's only us simply because thinking of us makes us both happy.
I think of you ev'ry way, yesterday and today.
I see a man in a white car
Move like a ghost on the skyline
Take all your dreams
And you throw them away
(Jon Anderson)
Tell the moon dog, tell the March Hare
Tell the moon dog, tell the March Hare
Tell the moon dog, tell the March Hare
Tell the moon dog, tell the March Hare
He is here
He is here
He is here
He is here
Tell who don't tell the marcher
Tell who don't tell the marcher
Tell who don't tell the maracher
Tell who don't tell the marcher
We have heaven
We have heaven
We have heaven
We have heaven
i Sound
(Anderson / Howe / Wakeman / Bruford)
ii Second Attention
(Anderson / Howe / Wakeman / Bruford)
Be gone you ever piercing
Power Play machine
Cutting our musical solidarity
For those who would break the windows
Of our true reflections
And perceptions of the world
'For I am out of thee with a vengeance'
Do not play me
You will never hear this
You will never hear this
Only feel it
For too long I have danced
To your destiny
No longer fill my head
With empty dreams
Of reality and gold
Your reality
For I am away this side away to the second attention
I can never ever play it or sing it
For it can never be shouted down
Or played every stronger
As I feel this never ending
Pattern of nature
I don't believe in Devils
I don't believe in Demons
I only believe in you
iii Soul Warrior
(Anderson / Howe / Wakeman / Bruford)
(Chris Squire)
Schindleria praematurus
Schindleria praematurus
Schindleria praematurus
Schindleria praematurus
SHRUTIS: The Revealing Science of God can be seen as an ever-opening flower
in which simple truths emerge examining the complexities and magic of the past
and how we should not forget the song that has been left to us to hear. The
knowledge of God is a search, constant and clear.
Dawn of light lying between a silence and sold sources,
Cahsed amid fusions of wonder, in moments hardly seen forgotten
Coloured in pastures of chance dancing leaves cast spells of challenge,
Amused but real in thought, we fled from the sea whole.
Dawn of thought transfered through moments of days undersearching earth
Revealing corridors of time provoking memories, disjointed but with
Craving penetrations offer links with the self instructor's sharp
and tender love as we took to the air, a picture of distance.
Dawn of our power we amuse redescending as fast as misused
Expression, as only to teach love as to reveal passion chasing
Late into corners, and we danced from the ocean.
Dawn of love sent within us colours of awakening among the many
Won't to follow, only tunes of a different age, as the links span
Our endless caresses for the freedom of life everlasting.
Talk tothe sunlight caller
Soft summer mover distance mine
Called out a tune but I never saw the face
Heard but not replaced
I ventured to talk, but I never lost my place
Cast out a spell rendered for the light of day
Lost in lights array
I ventured to see, as the sound began to play
What happened to this song we once knew so well
Signed promise for moments caught within the spell
I must have waited all my life for this
Moment moment
The future poised with the splendour just begun
The light we were as one
And crowded through the curtains of liquid into sun
And for a moment when our world had filled the skies
Magic turned our eyes
To feast on the treasure set for our strange device
What happened to wonders we once knew so well
Did we forget what happened surely we can tell
We must have waited all our lives for this
Moment moment moment
Star light movements in seasons
Release forward
Tallest rainbow
Sun shower seasons
Life flower reasons
They move fast, they tell me,
But I just can't believe that I can feel it
There's someone, to tell you,
amidthe challenge we look around in unison with you
Getting over overhanging trees
Let them rape the forest
Thoughts would send our fusion
Clearly to be home
Getting over wars we do not mean
Or so it seems so clearly
Sheltered with our passion
Clearly to be home
They move fast, they tell me,
But I just can't believe they really mean to
There's someone, to tell you,
And I just can't believe our song will leave you
Skyline teacher
Warland seeker
Send out poison
Cast iron leader
And through the rhythm of moving slowly
Sent through the rhythm work out the story
Move over glory to sons of old fighters past.
Young Christians see it from the beginning
Old people feel it that's what they're saying
Move over glory to sons of old fighters past.
The move fast, they tell me,
But I just can't believe they really mean to
There's someone, to tell you,
A course towards a universal season
Getting over overhanging trees let them
Rape the forest, they might stand and leave them
Clearly to be home
Getting over wars we do not mean
We charm the movement suffers
Call out all our memories
Clearly to be home
We've moved fast
We need love
A part we offer is our only freedom
What happened to this song we once knew so well
Signed promise for moments caught within the spell
We must have waited all our lives for this
Moment moment
Past present movers moments we'll process the future, but only
To touch him we know, send flowered rainbows
That chased flowers of dark and lights of songs
To you, show all we feel for and know of, cast round,
Youth is the truth accepting that reasons will relive
And breathe hope and chase and love
For you and you and you
That talk is just a worry and a worry in a man
That life is just a worrying and getting in a mess
That deal is just awakening, his spirit to be giving him
The pleasure of the giving things within
This day is of a meeting of the manner to be borne
In the street where we live there's a place called desire.
There's a stone-cold intrusion of mad man's fire,
But he leaves when the lust and desire released,
And you're left with an empty room in peace.
Saving my heart for you - You do what you want to do
There's a place in my heart for you - This time I'm watching you
Till the blood in my veins run dry - I'll be there to testify
There's a place in my heart for you...
I've been lost in the maze of emotional confound.
I believe that you knew our faith was secure;
How you kept-up your smile with a cool disposition,
How you stuck in the fire with a new sense of reason.
You tell me to take it easy, but it's not my style.
You saw me around the corner; it'll pass you by.
I wanna hold you closer to connect my fortunes.
I wannt take you higher, take it out like we did before.
I awoke this morning
love laid me down by a river.
Drifting I turned on upstream
Bound for my forgiver.
In the giving of my eyes to see your face.
Sound did silence me
leaving no trace.
I beg to leave, to hear your wonderous stories.
Beg to hear your wonderous stories.
He spoke of lands not far
or lands they were in his mind.
Of fusion captured high
where reason captured his time.
In no time at all he took me to the gate.
In haste I quickly checked the time.
if I was late I had to leave to hear your wonderous stories.
Had to hear your wonderous stories.
Hearing your wonderous stories.
Hearing your wonderous stories.
It is no lie I can see deeply into the future.
Imagine everything
You're close
and were you there to stand
so cautiously at first and then so high.
As he spoke my spirit climbed into the sky.
I bid it to return
to hear your wonderous stories.
Return to hear your wonderous stories.
(Brahms/arr. by Rick Wakeman)